The Semi-Consolidated Leakage Thread again!!!

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Allah's Favorite
Apr 12, 2004
The Semi-Consolidated Leakage Thread, round two. It seems we didn't sneak the old one past management. Piffle!!!

As before, it's a blurt thread, just not one of the ones that the "cool kids" use. Social acceptance is relative, it seems.

Like it, or trash it, or whatever. Caring what you do is for pussies.

Pictures of hawt wenches, hawt cars, and random roadkill - suit yourself. Management's rules apply. Bitch.





Nobody liked the first thread, the first time.


Old-timer; MOPAR ain't PRIUS!

Get with da thymes...
To alleviate server load, we're slowly closing down any threads with over 5,000 posts. You are free to continue this topic as a new thread. Should you do so, please PM me with a link to both the old and new threads, and I will place a link in this post so that others who follow this thread will be able to find the new one.

As annoying as this may be, phasing out all or most of the active super-long/never-ending threads will increase the forum speed substantially. If you see a thread that's active with more than 5,000 posts, please feel free to PM me with the link.

Please note that these threads are not being removed - just closed to new posts.

Thank you for your patience and kind understanding! :rose:



Don't tell Wat that I reported him....
Yeah, I know there's no link.

If someone wants to message Her Majesty and let her know, fine and dandy.

But I cunt be arsed to do it myself.

Besides, I already know where the damned thing is . . . . ;)


Good Friday shouldn't have so much good in it.

I'm here to tramp it up some . . . .
Oh look, Honey, a hawt Mopar!!!


So, the year this song came out, I was engaged in a hawt flirtation with a fascinating redhead. We were both married. I was helping her to find them a house. We were riding around looking one afternoon, probably as much at each other as anything else, and this song came on the radio. We sang along . . . .

It seemed tres a propos at the time, you know.

The rain came back - 12 hours late.

Which is how the front porch got painted today, after all.



Happy Saturday!!!

Slept like crap, mostly. Up and down all night, including the 0300 phone call. But I haz Coffee!!!

Useless fact found overnight: Stuka Ace Hans-Ulrich Rudel was the most highly decorated German serviceman of the war. Rudel flew 2,530 combat missions claiming a total of 2,000 targets destroyed; including 800 vehicles, 519 tanks, 150 artillery pieces, 70 landing craft, nine aircraft, four armored trains, several bridges, a destroyer, two cruisers, and the Soviet battleship Marat.


and this fuel sensor is acting up...

you know what a pain in the ass it is to get to it? Gotta take the bed off, and *rolls eyes* get into the fuel tank, fun times

I hope that you have given each of these malfunctioning parts a good sound scolding.

If that doesn't work, put on some heavy boots and give them each a swift kick.

I'm diagnosing a misfire, and I may have to resort to looking at the shop manual for a touch of assistance.

Oh yes, I have given both a severe talking to, and put them both in the naughty corner so they can think about what they have done.

I fear that nothing corrective took place.

It's always worth a shot. I shame defective and otherwise worn out parts.

I'd put up with some crap out of this one:


Happy Sunday!!! Happy Easter, if that's your thing.

Mom called me yesterday to ask about some theological practice nonsense questions, and I had to dig through the Ancient History memory banks to dig up answers. Why do I even remember that stuff??? I have no idea . . . .

And yet, Google is still my BFF!!!

The blooming trees in the front yard should be looking pretty spectacular by the end of this week. The azaleas are getting ready to fire up. This is my favorite time of year, without question.



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