TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!


Allah's Favorite
Apr 12, 2004
And why not? Pussies have found the gods all to be annoying since before the dawn of time, and so the gods return the favor. Seems the gods win, as usual. Also known as, how did we kill yet another thread???

Since Miss Management will be along to trash the old thread soon, we make this new one, because we can.

I'm mailing this one in via c&p from the last first post because fuck you, that's why.

It seems that we've worn out yet another Perfectly Good Blurt Thread by filling it with pictures of tits, cars, trucks, firearms, more tits, asses, and cat memes. Sometimes. It really is possible to have too many cat memes. On some planet out there . . . .

From the first version: Look!!!! Another blurt thread!!! Like it, or trash it, or whatever. Caring what you do is for pussies.

And the second: The Semi-Consolidated Leakage Thread, round two. It seems we didn't sneak the old one past management. Piffle!!! As before, it's a blurt thread, just not one of the ones that the "cool kids" use. Social acceptance is relative, it seems. Like it, or trash it, or whatever. Caring what you do is for pussies. Pictures of hawt wenches, hawt cars, and random roadkill - suit yourself. Management's rules apply.

And the fourth: Allah damn right. Okay, we have like 6 posts left on the old thread, so here's this one ahready, so we don't get ambushed when the Nazi minions report it . . . because they can. Cars, sarcasm, ramblings, weasels, asses-n-tits, Harleys, guns - lots of guns - and ammo, too -

So one should have Teh Point by now. Blurt, whatever, but our usual topics are . . . diff'runt, maybe. Because caring is still for pussies.

And we all know how intensely that Jesus hates a pussy. Allah, too, it seems.

So if you don't have the point by now, then Death really is too good for you.

Also, please refrain from posting images greater than 1100 pixels and change in width so as not to blow up the screen, because that shit gets old and it makes stuff harder to read, and Allah knows people visit this thread for the articles.

Pinche chingao!!!

And there you have it - more Intrawebz bandwidth-eating dreck and other sources of amusement. Are we not entertained???

I seldom talk to or on my phone, anyone who knows me texts.
Computers fill my days more than I like, adding Siri or Alexa or anything else like that would just irritate me more.
There is leftover KFC here if anyone wants some, it actually wasn't bad but the guys seemed to stick to the fries without gravy :)
And coffee, we need lots more coffee.

Yeah, it's not exactly about revenue with the moral busybodies...

For the blurty squirts, this would have been the new title.

There are other ways of doing business. Bidness, too.

It was a chilly ride in but decent after I got away from the fog. Short a few weasels, and the ones here are whinging already. There may be beatings.

I've been to the Pantheon several times. While I can't speak as to it's pussy preference, I can say that there's a ristorante a block away that served ole Johnny the best meal he's ever had.

Mushroom lasagna.
The PM is trying to quit the dip. He's not having much success. That may have to do with his not really wanting to, but that's for him to decide. It's a joy not having to mind someone else's bidness.

Or to give a fuck about what they think.

Short a couple of weasels. Got some others failing to follow through. WTF is that so fucking hard?

Must be more difficult than it looks . . . .

Got wheels in the morning. Gonna have this Jabba talk. Them boys are startin' back up at the coast next week, and I'd be in a position to come in and get to suck hind tit. With those fools.

Anyway, home. Think we plowed through the rest of the leftovers. Made some sauteed squash to go with it, and that kicked ass, too.

It's just been a lot like work to get some of this shit done these last few days. Work and one personal task. It's all going to work out, as soon as I find people who will get their asses in motion and make things happen. Unlike MM and yesterday's sewer malfunction.

No matter, shit will get done. Allah will see to it.



Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! Slept the night through. Must have been tired.

Damned boots are still wet from Sunday's ride. Not soaking, but too damp to use. And I probably should re-oil them when they do dry finally.

Looks to be a bit warmer this morning, and a bit warmer than I recall their saying it would be. No complaints.

Now, if I could just get the helper to clean my bike on company time . . . .



Good morning all.

Spent too much time reading last night and got up an hour later than usual.
At least I slept a while. Insomnia is a bitch.

Almost rolled the little mower twice yesterday and got stuck in the wet clay three times.
I need to call the John Deere dealership and light a fire under their asses
to get off their asses and get the mowing deck rebuilt...

I don’t own a mower and have yet to find a landscaper to take care of the yard.

I should probably get on that!
There are times when I regret pushing the forest back so much.

Out of eight acres, I am mowing at least three of them.

I also discovered the hard way that I need to get out and
trim some trees back. I received a lot of new scratch marks.
Or goats. The large poodles have been "mowing" the house yard.

The kitten is picking on the old cat again. Silly girl! Likely the house cats will have a tough morning. She's on a roll.

The landlady already paid the body shop so we can get her car picked up pretty much any time. Thursday night after work, most likely. Hope it's to suit her.

Off to get ready for the weasel infestation . . . .


I think I’ve got about 2 acres cleared with actual lawn, then the apron on the driveway and various paths through the trees that will need some upkeep.

I’m going to get some crushed limestone for some of the trails but eventually I’ll need to get the rest mowed!
Mowing is a continual pain in the rain forest.

At least it gives me a chance to scope out the most recent fallen trees
for the gathering up of firewood if needed.
Most of the wooded areas are too dark for a lot to grow, the prior owners did a pretty good job at controlling the brush on a lot of the property so that’s a big help and really brings down the fire risk.

I’ve still got entirely too much to do.
The poison ivy thrives and a lot of things with thorns,
but yeah, deep in the forest very little grows with
the exception of daffodils, which is a bit baffling,
but then again, their most active period is
before the trees sprout new leaves.
Yeah, that's what it is although ours are mainly oak.
They press themselves into clay under their own weight.

I curse that clay...
I was watching the C-Span and Liz Cheney was on there. I thought, "Johnny, she's a fine looking older woman." Then I googled her and discovered she's younger than I am!!!

When did I get old?