TSCLT 8.0: Jesus Hates A Pussy


Allah's Favorite
Apr 12, 2004
It seems that we've worn out yet another Perfectly Good Blurt Thread by filling it with pictures of tits, cars, trucks, firearms, more tits, asses, and cat memes. Sometimes. It really is possible to have too many cat memes. On some planet out there . . . .

From the last one:

Here we are at incarnation Seven of this delightful blurty thread.

From the first version: Look!!!! Another blurt thread!!! Like it, or trash it, or whatever. Caring what you do is for pussies.

And the second: The Semi-Consolidated Leakage Thread, round two. It seems we didn't sneak the old one past management. Piffle!!! As before, it's a blurt thread, just not one of the ones that the "cool kids" use. Social acceptance is relative, it seems. Like it, or trash it, or whatever. Caring what you do is for pussies. Pictures of hawt wenches, hawt cars, and random roadkill - suit yourself. Management's rules apply.

And the fourth: Allah damn right. Okay, we have like 6 posts left on the old thread, so here's this one ahready, so we don't get ambushed when the Nazi minions report it . . . because they can. Cars, sarcasm, ramblings, weasels, asses-n-tits, Harleys, guns - lots of guns - and ammo, too -

So one should have Teh Point by now. Blurt, whatever, but our usual topics are . . . diff'runt, maybe. Because caring is still for pussies.

And we all know how intensely that Jesus hates a pussy . . . .

So if you don't have the point by now, then Death really is too good for you.

Also, please refrain from posting images greater than 1100 pixels and change in width so as not to blow up the screen, because that shit gets old and it makes stuff harder to read, and Allah knows people visit this thread for the articles. :rolleyes:

Pinche chingao!!!



First post and you're already stretching the screen...

This is not a good omen.
A harbinger of things
to come.
That post had 200 pixels to spare.

Some people will complain when they get to Islamic Heaven, Allah's Paradise for Tr000 Beleeevers.

Oh wait, they won't be going . . . .


I see it's been a busy morning, building a new thread and stuff. buncha busy people in here
I see it's been a busy morning, building a new thread and stuff. buncha busy people in here

Yup, it has been busy. Got laundry started, had a great one pot brunch, have the short ribs smoking for dinner, did dishes, and cleaned the kitchen.
Went out and did a little shopping. The only major purchase was a bushel of this years Hatch crop. Got it roasted and now marinating in the kitchen before I put it up. I bought two bushels last year and still have a half left over so I figure I'm good until next year. Chile withdrawal is the WORST.