TSCLT 4.0: Bitchy Malevolent Baby Ducks

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I think that's the ultimate goal and the useful tools, like Colin, don't realize that that is his girlfriend's endgame.

Meanwhile. it's 11º here. Practically balmy!

I went out and started up the Cougar and let it run for a bit. Tomorrow, it's supposed to get above freezing and, as long as I am still welcome here, not quoting the idiots is our rule #13; our version of Catch-22.

Okay, that will be its name then. I was going to call it Fred, but either way, no nattering nabobs of negativity then.

Yep, the cabinet doors spent the night open.

Now I have to race the corporate roomie for the hot water.

If I had got here first, we'd have a cat . . . .

No frozen pipes here this morning, still home sick today and have another here with me since sharing is part of life. Glad this waited until the busy season was over.

Club meets tonight and while I really want to go, we shall see what the day brings.

Rules are something you agree to do because there is a wisdom in them or a penalty you fear. Rule #13 makes sense but sometimes lashing out happens and I feel bad for my lapse. That's all about this mistake until the next lapse.
No one is judging you. Every once in a while I take a shot at one of these idiots in another thread even with the knowledge that they will try to get their "revenge" here. I think that, for the most part, they are oblivious to the concept of ignore.
If I felt judged I would crawl into my shell and watch Amazing Race, mostly I feel like I need some tea and maybe a croissant.
Well, I have judged you both and found you to be keepers.

Funny, I have few on Actual Ignore. I Visually Ignore a great many, but I can see their posts. Some are like stopped clocks. Stopped 24 hour clocks. They're right once a day.

But it's like the tree falling in the forest. If Wat doesn't see them actually make sense, then they're still wrong. It is the will of Allah . . . .

Speaking of which, it's off to play snow. I can hardly fucking wait. At least I brought sensible clothes.

Sensible is just not going to Denny's. I baked an apple pie yesterday. I have coffee. I'm doing all right, my future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.
No one is judging you. Every once in a while I take a shot at one of these idiots in another thread even with the knowledge that they will try to get their "revenge" here. I think that, for the most part, they are oblivious to the concept of ignore.

The proof is in the puddin'.
No one is judging you. Every once in a while I take a shot at one of these idiots in another thread even with the knowledge that they will try to get their "revenge" here. I think that, for the most part, they are oblivious to the concept of ignore.

Home. Grazing. No, I actually cooked a bit. Half down and half to go. Eating healthy. Tomorrow's movement will be positively symphonic. :eek:

The cold is coming back tonight. This place was dead this morning when I went to work. I passed three cars - that in 3 miles - that was it. Schools were closed and everything was opening late. The sun did a number on most of the pavement when it came out, but what's left will freeze back tonight.

Tomorrow may be worse than this morning. :(

I'm thinking the second of Beethoven's Ninth . . . .

Goatfuckistan. No, I don' wanna be there, either.

I gotta read some new stuff . . . .



Well, it will briefly get above freezing today and beginning tomorrow we will enjoy a warmup. I'm looking forward to that.
Happy Thursday!!!

That forecast sounds like our forecast.

What's silly is, it gets cold like that and I get used to it. Then it warms up a bit and it makes me uncomfortable. Go figure.

Road trip home tomorrow.

We finally got some cold out our way. It was 15 in the city yesterday AM and 11 out at the range. Maybe the coyotes will 'pelt up' after all.
I reckon so.

It's 7* out there right now.

I'm still surprised how this place shut the fuck down over a heavy dusting.

Then again, maybe that's better than their being out in it.

People who aren't used to snow will panic when they drive in it, better to shut things down than clean up wrecks.

Still below freezing here but no snow or rain expected and no one going anywhere, the whole house is sick. I'm past the worst of it so I will take care of the house gotta-dos and order out for food.

As for reading, I've been delving into my non-fiction books again and most people would be bored by my choices.
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