*'Sanctuary' for Us *

Isis was strangely relaxed around him she never spoke with anyone about her past especially not Watson with anyone but Helen but this Henry she... she felt strangely comfortable around him. Smiling she nodded...

That was part of it but just my willingness to travel and help them with other abnormals and all of that but yes I have been involved like that with a human...

She bit her lip unsure if it would bother him a fellow HEP that she had been with a human.

Henry saw some concern at her expressing her past. "DOn't worry. i know some HEP's feel really shading on human interaction in that regard, but as I've found, interacting with humans isn't all that bad. "He was about to cough but noticed her eyes and became more relaxed. "i'm very open to the idea of humans and HEP's but that is just me. I do know others are a lot more...conservative on the subject."
He realized his hand was on her leg gently petting it for some reason while he talked to her. He didn't stop it he just said "It's ok to explore the world right?"
No better way to learn.

She smiled to him reaching her hand to his as she sat there.

A least the only way to understand their world... scent tends to explain our world to us...

She watched his eyes... that charming little bit of scruff and endearing smile.
OOC: I'm waiting for a Will post before I continue with Helen so it keeps the flow.
Melaven stirred in the ground as the blood seeped into the dust that her staking had caused outside the grounds of Hampton Court. Taken and executed as a vampire by Thomas Wolsey’s entourage she had slept for nearly five centuries. Now two vehicles had crashed in Surrey’s M3 and had been bounced onto the safety area. Warm living blood had touched the vampire’s essence for the first time and she felt life bombard through her as her essence woke from death. Her first moments of consciousness in half a century were subjected to confusion and a certain amount of fear.

How long it took for her to regain full awareness she had no idea yet part of her essence, her soul sought what all vampires need, a body. Projecting her astral force into the ethers she needed something of substance to merge her very self with. Days, weeks, months, maybe years passed before it happened! Living atoms were dispersed from the creature that used to be known as Ashley Magnus and they in turn interacted with the essence of Melaven. Body, soul, spirit their two very beings became as one as the charged particles brought the new creation slowly down to earth.

Global warming had had its effect on the atmosphere of earth. Bolts of vicious lightning shot through every electron and proton of the new being forming a vampire body charged with ionised particles. The new being which looked the living image of Ashley needed human blood to survive and vampire essence to be truly immortal. Only one person could save her, change her and bring her true fruition and that was Ashley’s mother Helen.

The new Ashley set out to find her and use her for her own survival.
Hidden Isle:

OOC: Dedalus is a sea serpent also known as a water dragon. He can speak but tends to get distracted.

"Fine. I will wait for you down by the shore." Xervriel said.

With that she turned and walked out into the sunshine. As shoon as she was out of the building she kicked of the ground with a powerful flex of her hind legs. In midair she opened her wings and rose into the air with a smooth stroke. She glided over the island coming to the stop at the mouth of a large cave. She whistled and complex tune into the cave. She stepped back as a gust of sea air uttered from the cave entrance. With a mightly rumble a large abnormal resembling a giant eel covered in thick scales slid from the cave, its webbed feet dripping water.

"Good to see you Dedaleus. I need a favor..." Xevriel said smiling at the old sea dragon.

Aaah... Is that you Xevriel. Its been a while since you've come to see me. I remember the last time
you came to see me. You were so...
he said as he sighed and drifted off into thought. Her dark eyes drooped low. Xevriel snapped a few times and he seemed to focus on her again. "How do you feel about ferrying a few humans?" she asked.

Dedaleus considered the request. It took a few seconds before he replied, "If I'm being asked and not told to I may. But, if any of them get on my bad side I may have to let them drown." he warned with his dry sense of humor.


"Will, how's it going?" asked Magnus hurriedly as she found Will looking characteristically both overwhelmed and yet in control at the same time.

He shrugged, "Good as can be expected, considering." he said.

She nodded taking in the situation. It looked as if the worst cases were already being cared for and the children had already been rounded up and were headed to the coast with a group of women, possibly their mothers, at the guidance of one of the men who'd been in the tavern to hear the meeting between herself and Xevriel. Helen found herself grateful to be surrounded by some competent individuals during all of this turmoil. "We're going to get as many humans and Letholette out of here as possible. Xevriel has given permission to let us use the aid of her water-dragon friend to help with transport to Scotland proper. We need to move quickly to get every able bodied person to help load the triage victims, children and their parents first. We've got to avoid the worst if this abnormal-on-abnormal attacking while we still can. We can always return later to set up peace talks between survivors but for now, safety first."

She patted him on the back, her hand lingered a moment too long and she stood, eye contact held, hoping he would understand that she wished she could address more with him now but now was hardly the time...A small, awkward smile meant just for him seemed to help him relax and she nodded once more before heading out to get word from Xevriel on the potential evacuation host and begin setting that up.
(ooc- for the sake of all i wil be posting henry and will together from now on.)


He saw Magnus walk into the triage in true Magnus fashion. Taking stock of the situation, calmly, not panicking. He loved it. He listened to her as she spoke of the triage and what things were to be done. He was about to move when her hand landed on his back. He stayed put letting the hand enjoy the feeling of his back. She smiled right at him and he gave her a nice beaming smile letting her know he relaxed a little now that she was here. As she left he started feeling a renewed sense of confidence and took charge of the triage a little more aggressive than normal. He started making sure everyone knew the importance of moving everyone out as soon as possible and if they didn’t they would last. All the able bodies rallied behind will and started moving the wounded to the coast. It took several trips, but, when they were on the last trip, Will went to check on Helen and find out about the water dragon and let her know about the wounded status.


He started smelling a large scent that was sooo powerful he couldn’t help but get immediately aroused and then began emitting his own powerful pheromone in response. He started sniffing gently and then gently holding her hand watching her watch him. Smelling her….
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Isis almost seemed to purr for a moment. There was a sensual seduction to her every movement as she held his hand she studied his eyes his scent... she had not felt anything for anyone in so long... not since she and Watson had to part ways.

Why have you... fallen so quiet... Henry? is something wrong?
Hidden Isle:

It was several hours later when they were setting the last group of people onto the back of Dedaleus and Helen Magnus realized that it was close to nightfall. As Will clambered on with the last group he put out a hand for her to join them and she hesitated, looking back at Xevriel, "Are you sure you'll be alright with this?" she asked the other woman. "Will you contact us when you're ready to talk some more?" she asked, feeling uneasy, like she was leaving a job only half done.
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Will sat on the creature and was reaching out to Helen….watching her wonder if Xevriel will keep her word. They were loaded with the wounded and ready.

She started to purr and her movements got more vibrant.
“No, nothing’s wrong. “ He leaned forward instinctively, something primal in him moving his mind was not able to help his movements as his head moved closer to hers. His breathing and pulse were heightened as he realized he started to change into his werewolf form, but very very slowly and almost controlled and it began from his feet and gently moved it’s way upwards and for some reason paused at his waist. So there he was naked in werewolf form waist down and peering into her eyes not blinking an muscle.
Young Kieran Warr looked across the bar at the young lady who had been giving him the eye all night. He knew her type and normally he would not have given her even a second look but somehow he felt compelled to go over and offer her a drink.

Warr had been warned as had all his teammates about the type of girls who frequented the clubs used by Premier League footballers and although he was only twenty he had obeyed the rules laid down by his manager. Warr’s team, Carston Albion had just defeated their South London Rivals Shermall Athletic to go back to the top of the Premier League and Warr had scored the winning goal with seconds left on the clock.

Suddenly Warr looked again for the young lady but she had disappeared. Normally that would not have mattered but something in his heart sank. He had to find this girl, he had to have her. Going outside the club he saw the young blonde standing just outside the entrance “I wondered how long it would be before you came looking for me” She said as she leaned back against the wall moving her legs so the top of her dark stockings showed at the apex of her slit dress. “I heard about you scoring today and wondered if you wanted to score again.”

Almost hypnotised the young mixed race footballer called a taxi from the waiting rank, placed his arms round the girl and lead her into the back seat before instructing the driver to take them to his hotel room. “I don’t even know your name” he said to the girl but instead of answering she just claimed his mouth in a lustful kiss as she guided his hands to her swelling breast.
Back in the hotel room they almost ripped each other’s clothes off as they sank onto the bed. The sex was amazing as they both relieved their lusts and exchanged vibrant living body fluids. “I still don’t know your name” Warr said breathlessly after climaxing for the third time deep inside the girl who cried with lust at each spurt of his seed.

“It doesn’t matter now” she said as she lined up her mouth to Warr’s jugular “you can just call me the ‘black widow’. Fang like canine teeth sprang from the top of her mouth and she sank them deep into her victim’s neck. Warr didn’t stand a chance as his blood was drained from his body leaving just a pale lifeless shell.

Within minutes the young woman was back in the hotel foyer arranging a taxi to take her back into the centre of London. The following morning the headlines read “FOOTBALL SUPERSTAR FOUND DEAD IN HOTEL ROOM”. The sub headline said “Hunt for mysterious blonde” and underneath was a blurred image taken from a CCTV camera of Ashley getting into a taxi.

Ashley’s hunt for Helen continued.
Outside of my RP character: You were going to tell me where I am and if I need to amend. Meanwhile how about this:

Inside my RP character

The big guy looked at the newspaper reports and shook his head. Somewhere in his memory the blurred image reminded him of Ashley, yet he knew it couldn't be her, she was atomised, dispersed into every corner of the ethers. Nothing could bring her back to life.

And yet, and yet ... he knew deep down something terrible had happened and somewhere the past was going to come back with a vengence.

Outsidse my RP character. Hope this is ok. If not please let me know and I'll amend. I'm still learning this stuff and need help.
Isis had not noticed the shift with her eyes but his scent had become more primal as she leaned a little closer as well. Her eyes feline eyes seemed to shimmer as she smiled softly. The faintest trace of sleek down soft feline fur began to form slowly over her form as she was but a breath away from him her hand still in his as the medical bay faded from her mind.

Something in her mind found this strange but it was drowned out by the long ignored need to be near other beings.

I... am glad... nothing is... wrong?

Big guy could come in with the tea... anyone could wander in and she would not know.

Kate deciding not to try to get past Magnus seeming very protective blocks on Isis file and went back to researching the Calisar Hounds.

A screen full of information and a desk full of files from various encounters by Sanctuaries world wide. Their "domain" seemed to consist of any place with forested mountains with a rare pack seeming to prefer flatlands bordering mountains... Females more docile but more toxic in their bite when injured or sick. Males tending the young for the first 2 years to tech them to fight then mom stepping in for a year before they are turned loose to create other packs or remain "home" till they find another pack. Minor level intelligence... More abnormal friendly than human friendly. Rubbing her temples she tossed a pen down on the desk and sat back with a sigh.
Departing from the Hidden Island was a breathtaking experience. Helen held on tightly to the dragon's back as he lifted off above the surface of the water, taking flight in a way unlike any experience Helen Magnus had ever had, and that was saying something! She'd piloted crafts, land, air and sea, as well as been a passenger on every model of plane and helecoptor known to mankind, and some vehicles only known beneath the surface of the planet, yet nothing could have ever prepared her for the majesty of a ride on a sea dragon's back.

She looked over to Will who hand placed a hand protectively around her waist as Dedalaus rose with the contour of a wind surge and she smiled his way, feeling giddy like a child at an amusement park. Or was it the rush of the air around them? Or was it the heady sensation of a blossoming potential for romance in the near future? Maybe she was just light headed from a day of not eating and so much activity shocking her system. Regardles, she felt very pleased with the smooth, lovely journey to Scotland via dragon. This was, by far, her new favourite mode of transportation.

Will helped her down when they'd landed safely and then the two of them aided the last of the refugees from the island down to land where representatives from her Scotland Sanctuary were waiting to help where necessary. She briefed Dr. Laura Stewart of the situation and was pleased to see the young woman take over from there. Normally, Helen was a control freak about details especially in situations such as this where she felt so much was left undone. But, at the moment all she could concentrate on was getting back to a sense of normalcy first, calming down her nerves, and perhaps finally having a bite to eat and a decent cup of tea.
Will almost lost it as the sea dragon leapt into the air. He put his arm around Helen to hold onto her so he wouldn’t fall off. It flew through the air towards Scotland and he started to relax and began to enjoy it. When he landed, he attempted his bit of chivalry at helping down Helen the best he could. Will saw Helen hand off control, which almost never happened and saw her relax briefly. He approached her and mentioned “Hey it looks like everyone is being cared for but you and I. why don’t we go grab some “earl gray” he said in his best British accent, “and relax for a moment?”

Suddenly his heart began racing and he stepped back and his full body became a werewolf and he changed. He could control himself at least and changed back as soon as he could. But he hung his head as the moment was broken.
“Isis, I’m really sorry, I can’t fully control my change into it like you seem to be able to. And when I’m in situations where people tend to lose themselves, it’s tough to maintain my control. Sorry for ruining the moment….”His voice trailed off as he stared into the floor and felt slightly ashamed.
Not realizing when he changed his shirt had ripped off and now he was completely naked in front of her.
Isis ripped any lingering equipment from her and stood up off the bed lifting his face to look into his eyes as she allowed him to see her shift to the same form he could. Then back to her human form.

Henry you did not ruin anything. Learning to control the shift takes time and is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact I love being able to return to a truer primal form...

She was feline and acted on instinct leaning close to his face as they were before and nipped at him softly smiling as she did.

We do however need to find clothing before Kate or anyone else walks in here.

She laughed a little standing there naked as well.
Helen had been about to protest but Will waggled his bushy eyebrows in that way he thought would appear very Scottish, or British, or whatever he was trying to do (badly) to lighten the mood and she chuckled at his lack of UK cultural understanding...except the comment about tea had been spot on, so it had worked.

He offered her an arm and they met up with officials who were assigning rooms to find quite soon that, other than the two reserved for them personally, the Scottish Sanctuary was all filled up and were actually beginning to book rooms at a nearby Inn for human Island refugees.
Helen and Will turned to a representative who handed her and him keys for the last two Sanctuary rooms left, 99 and 100.

They were about to enter the lift to the residential area when Will was stopped in his tracks by the sight of a half Letholette, half human family, the human husband was worried about having no place for them at the Sanctuary to sleep and not being able to bring his wife and children into town without their eyes giving them away as something other than the human population was aware of or used to. Helen stopped and tried to help work the situation out. She was about to hand over her room key when Will stopped her hand in mid-motion, shaking his head and she looked to him in confusion wondering why he'd stop her act of charity.
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He laughed as they were both naked and quickly ran around and grabbed some patient smocks. It wasn’t much but it covered them up. He offered her one and he threw his on quickly before anyone showed up.


Seeing Helen offer her key he wouldn’t have it. He simply reached into his pocket and gave the family his key and gave a firm nod. Expressing his desire to help them out. “Don’t worry about me, Dr. Magnus and I will worry about it. You’ve got a family to take care of.”
He looked at Helen when the family was settled and said “I guess we’re going to use your room then? Don’t worry. I’ll take the floor you take the bed.” He began as they entered the room assigned for her.
"I was just about to suggest the same thing, but in the opposite fashion, your room, I mean." said Helen as they headed up to find it.

They took the lift to the level where people were settling into rooms or resting in hallways as they discussed the possibilities of nearby hotels and inns. She whispered to Will as he followed close by her, "Listen, we don't have to be adolescent about the whole sleeping thing. Why don't you join me in the bed. We're too tired to worry about impropriety right now anyway." suggested Helen, unlocking the door and stepping inside, letting him in with her.

The bed was a generous queen size and she indicated to him that the floor was polished wood with a sweep of her hand, "See? I wouldn't want you to have to sleep on that uncomfortable floor."

She sat on the edge of the bed and removed her waterlogged, then dried and nearly shrunken boots, sighing when she could actually move her sore toes again. She was pleased to see the room had an en suite bathroom and as Will contemplated the situation to himself she wasted no time in grabbing a towel and heading for the bathroom calling behind herself, "I'm going to nip in the shower for a bit before bed, all I can smell is sea creatures and sweat." she complained before shutting the bathroom door and letting the hot water steam up the bathroom as she let the shower heat up and removed her clothes. She stepped in gingerly and avoided a scald while reaching a long arm out to add the cold water to the shower spray for a perfectly warm temperature, sighing as the water hit her bare skin, deliciously soothing and invigorating all at once.
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Wrapping the smock around her she smiled to him again pausing his nervous hurrying about as she reached a hand to his cheek.


She wanted to see his eyes to look into them and hopefully help calm him just a little.

I can help you... If you like.



Abnormal or not with the fact that Isis said the hound was sick or wounded she is surprised that she survived it. She might not be so surprised if she could find out anything on Isis but Magnus had those files locked down more securely than Fort Knox. Sighing she opted to go get something to eat and see if anyone else wanted anything... she was thinking ordering pizzas or maybe trying that Hibachi place that just reopened. Before shutting the computer down she shot a message off to Declan to see if he had any information on Calisar Hounds not in the Sanctuary net yet and to call her cell if he did.

She stood after shutting down and headed out to wander the Sanctuary to find Big guy and the others.
Big Guy smiled grimly as he saw Kate arriving. After the usual greetings he was desperate to confide in her. Holding a newspaper in his hand he sighed.

"I've got a real bad feeling about this" he said solemnly "tell me I'm wrong?" Opening the paper he pointed at the latest photograph lifted from the CCTV, a far better and more enhanced print than the early copy "Who does this look like?" He shook his head "What do we do? What are going to do? Mistress Helen has enough problems without this."

Again he shook his head "But it can't be. We all know what happened to Ashley. There's no way it could be her. ... Or ... Or could it?"
Big Guy smiled grimly as he saw Kate arriving. After the usual greetings he was desperate to confide in her. Holding a newspaper in his hand he sighed.

"I've got a real bad feeling about this" he said solemnly "tell me I'm wrong?" Opening the paper he pointed at the latest photograph lifted from the CCTV, a far better and more enhanced print than the early copy "Who does this look like?" He shook his head "What do we do? What are going to do? Mistress Helen has enough problems without this."

Again he shook his head "But it can't be. We all know what happened to Ashley. There's no way it could be her. ... Or ... Or could it?"

Kate looked at the picture... thats the girl that Magnus told me about... Ashley... wait... that can't be...

She raised a brow studying the picuture

Big guy seriously what the heck is going on... Isis who's file has more protection than Fort Knox... Calisar hounds and now this Ashley look alike... What the hell... Not to mention whatever took Magnus and Will to Scotland... is it just me or do you get the feeling something BIG is going down...

She looked exasperated which for Kate meant she was about to get reckless and go off on her own to figure out at least one part of this and she has already said she knows someone with a Calisar hound as a pet. She was antsy and Big guy was distracted so she decided she would deal with this Calisar thing on her own.

I have ordered the usual load of pizzas for everyone adding in 3 more but... I think I am going to take a break and go for a walk or a drive... something. If Declan calls in tell him to call my cell? Thanks big Guy.

Leaning up she kissed his cheek like she usually did... she and big guy had become quick friends since her arrival here even though at first he had his doubts about her motives. She got the pizzas and once she delivery guy left she left sanctuary to take care of at least one issue.

Leaving the others a note.
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Scotland Sanctuary:

Helen was finishing up her shower and drying off when she realized she had no clean clothes to put on afterward. What was the point of a clean body with filthy clothes on over it? And, her travel bag had been lost in the plane crash. So, awkwardly, she padded out to the room, wrapped in the hotel towel and smiled with polite shyness at Will, glad to see he was still dressed. "Uh, Will...could you do me a favor and ask someone from this Sanctuary if there's anything in a women's medium, or size conversions...American 8, UK 10, Europe 38...I could borrow to wear tonight and a change of clothes for tomorrow? Anything would be fine."