Sanctuary for Us - Out of Character Discussion

It got a little out of control there, at the end but, boy, I really miss the fun of writing and collaborating with so many talented writers and friends in the Sanctuary thread. Has anyone considered a reunion story, not relati g to this one but, kind of, picking up where the last episode of the show left off?
Might be cool will have to rewatch last episode but might be cool
Awesome, ASA, I've missed you! I'm glad you replied (check your in box for other project ideas as well)! Now, how do we get our other writing buddies out of the woodwork?
Archangel has left Lit permenantly so no go there as for the others you Lisa and I were about the only constant writers lol.

Saw the pm debating a character for it or if I could get into that type of mindset.

Had actually been thinking of a thread for Isis and Helen explaining sort of our own take on the forming of the core group originally lol
I don't know if I'll ever get to speak to or write with my sister again. She's impossible to contact anymore. But, I do feel like writing something.

As for 'If Earth...', at least take over Alex Rivers for a while...then we can begin and you can take time creating a tailor made character.
I will take a look at the character and will see what I can do and if ya interested will see if I can find the intro post I wrote for the origins idea for Helen Isis and the core set.