*'Sanctuary' for Us *

Xevriel watched everything quietly from under her half lowered lids, her expression carefully neutral. The injured were slowly being brought in to the makeshift triage center. She calculated this as a balence of power in her favor. This, Magnus woman, would undoubtably do everything in her power to keep her from destroying the people that had survived. Leaning back in her chair Xevriel prepared to tell her story.

Long ago, before humankind ever discovered this place, we lived here. The Taivimir, my people settled this island in hope of finding peace and recluse. The song of a taivimir can control many rare breeds of abnormals, and we ensured that the dangerous and rare abnormals remained peaceful. When I grew old enough to travel, almost decades ago... The Sanctuary discovered this island. The taivimir hid away deep in the woods but still they new that the Sanctuary had brought in people to...watch...us. The head of the taivimir met with these new gaurdians, the Letholotte. It was agreed that as long as we remained in the woods and continued to control the abnormals here we would be left alone~

Xev trailed off fora moment her tail lashing swiftly. She gave the woman a studying glance, reading the interest in her face. She leaned forward folding her finger together.

Then almost 5 years ago it began. The Letholotte began to enter the woods. They sat traps, they waited, and they began hunting the abnormals. What had been one of the largest populations of rare abnormals soon dwindled down to nothing more than scattered remnants of a population. But it got even worse... They hunted us next. Hunted down every last Taivimir. I was the only on left.

She opened her eyes turning the pure golden intensity of her eyes. Leaning back she regarded the woman coldly. "It is a Taivimir's duty to protect the abnormals here at any cost." she said, "What I want is not up for negotiation. I have spared the woman and children..."

Xevriel stood and turned to the window looking atthe smoldering cinders of what had been the village, remembering the bloody burning mess that had been what was left of her home. "Every non-abnormal and Letholette will leave this island...or be killed." she said and turned back to Magnus, "No one will be spared."
Kate decided to research this Calisar hound and see what they were up against if there were more or a problem arising from the one that Isis killed.

Henry can you keep an eye on here I am going to go research what she went up against and see what we will need if more show up.
"Sure thing." He watched Kate leave and became very aware that it was just him and Isis. He wasn't sure why but he found something very compelling about her that was attractive. He shook his head out of it.
"So Isis, what were you doing before the hunt of the Calisar?" Trying to distract her and reduce her anxiety.
She looked to him head tilted slightly he seemed nervous or distracted for a moment... why though?

I was guarding the wildlands keeping as they call us... the Abnormals safe and calm.

What of the other 5 are they at other Sanctuaries?

She bit her lip as she asked. Deciding that she would speak of Watson to no one but Helen so that would have to wait.
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Helen nodded her head and looked to the Letholette representative, "And, now...how do you explain the massacre of her people and of the abnormals you were sent here to protect?"

When the Letholette representative sitting to her right spoke it was with barely restrained malice. "I am Kivor Saan, the grandson of Kivor Wenden, the weakling who signed the treaties with you humans so many years ago. It was when my grandmother, Kivor Alasa, was raped by a minotaur and nearly killed in the process, left with an unwanted bastardized, abnormal abnormal that my grandfather went berzerk and killed the motherfucker and his whole tribe...but other abnormals tried to protect his family, tried to make excuses for the crime. So, he took his problem to the Letholette council. He showed my grandmother's disfigured face and swollen belly. Once the baby was born it was obvious he was a freak even to abnormals. The product of an unholy union. He was raised in isolation, away from my father and uncles. But, they were raised with the tale, and the hatred. I guess it was through years of fighting back and forth, clan against clan...eventually it led to an all out war with everyone not Letholette or Human. Anyone who supports the evil Minotaur or the monster created through his evil act can go straight to hell!"

Magnus was aghast. "Truly, you can't mean that? I mean...genocide? I know what happened to your grandmother was wrong, awful, really...but it doesn't justify genocide or abandoning the peacful post we left your people in. You can't see that?"
Xevriel could barely contain the inhuman snarl of rage that bubbled from the back of her throat. "You will be quite lucky if I dont seperate you head from the rest of you." she growled and stalked towards the male. Her claws dug into the wooden floor. Her eyes narrowed into thin slits. "You come to our home and destroy breeds abnormals that the world may never see again, to eradicat nearly every living Taivimir...because of a Minotaur!"

Her voice came out in a low growl and suddenly broke of. She whistled, a soft quick 3 notes in a soft rise and fall. As if from nowhere scorpion abnormals about the size of pigeons appeared in a large drove. They moved across the floor, a chorus of snapping claws and rustling feet. Xev whistled once and they stopped surrounding the man. "We are not the Minotaurs. They are ugly and brutish. We were our own peaceful intellegent race. But now...its to late for us to define ourselves...to define abnormals as diffrent by species." Xev said softly, "If your going to kill someone... Kill the right ones."

With that she whistled again and the scorpians covered him in a stingin biting mass.
Helen couldn't respond fast enough. She stood quickly as the scorpion beings entered the building but she wasn't exactly in a position to do anything except plead with Xevriel for leniency and further discussion...Her voice was a useless tool at this moment, it all happened too fast. She was outnumbered and had no weapon to defend herself with but it seemed no one was attacking her, the Letholette, Kivor Saan wasn't as lucky. Helen turned, to Xeviel, compassion filling her eyes as she spoke clearly, "That's enough! No more killing, please! Give those who are not involved in the terrible genocide your people have suffered a chance or you become the same as your eradicators. Can I please have time to evacuate the area of anyone who would like to leave?"
Xevriel didnt seem to be paying much attention to Magnus, her eyes locked on the scorpions watching as they devoured what was left of the mans body. She recognized Magus requst and seemed to think for a moment. She gave another whistle, identical to the one she had used to summon the scorpions and they backed off exiting the room. All that remained on the floor was a pile of clean white bones.

"Do it quickly then. If you need a way ti get them off the island im sure the dedalus can be persuaded to carry them." she said absently. Her mind driftked of elsewhere and she pressed a hand to her stomach. She closed her eyes and seemed to be thinking before she returned to her cold demeanor. "Do it quickly."
One more thought occurred to Magnus before heading out to catch up with Will and those in the Triage Unit who'd need evacuation along with the women and children. She stopped at the doorway, "What of that half-Letholette, half-Minotaur he'd described? Is that man still alive? Where can I find him? I'd like to see if he would want to come along as well."
"You must mean Draxil..." Xevriel said softly. "If you wabt to find him, I'll have to take you. He works in the Boneyard. You'd never make it alone, the abnormals would kill you."

Xevriel dreaded a trip to the Boneyard, the burial ground for all the islands abnormals. It had grown exponentially in the last few years. Visiting it always brought up old memories. But Drexil was her fellow abnormal and she was in no place to refuse him his freedom. "We will go when you are ready."
Helen nodded, "Yes, thank you. I'll check on my colleague, Dr. Zimmerman and tell him of the evacuation. Perhaps someone can help him to get people out, Dedalus...And, then I'd like to meet this Draxil. He deserves a chance to choose as well."
OOC: Needed-

Dedalus (ask Asa what that would be)
Draxil (half minotaur, half Letholette *rainbow irised, some emit a pheremone that can mess with the emotional stability and balance of others when in their direct presence)
Henry Foss
John Druitt
Nikola Tesla
James Watson (maybe)
Nessie (Lochness Monster)
OOC: Archangel1978 has Henry I think hun he had been typig for him and who are they asking me about? Do you mean Declan from the England Sanctuary that Kate seemed to hit it off with?
OOC: Dedalus is a sea serpent also known as a water dragon. He can speak but tends to get distracted.

"Fine. I will wait for you down by the shore." Xervriel said.

With that she turned and walked out into the sunshine. As shoon as she was out of the building she kicked of the ground with a powerful flex of her hind legs. In midair she opened her wings and rose into the air with a smooth stroke. She glided over the island coming to the stop at the mouth of a large cave. She whistled and complex tune into the cave. She stepped back as a gust of sea air uttered from the cave entrance. With a mightly rumble a large abnormal resembling a giant eel covered in thick scales slid from the cave, its webbed feet dripping water.

"Good to see you Dedaleus. I need a favor..." Xevriel said smiling at the old sea dragon.

Aaah... Is that you Xevriel. Its been a while since you've come to see me. I remember the last time
you came to see me. You were so...
he said as he sighed and drifted off into thought. Her dark eyes drooped low. Xevriel snapped a few times and he seemed to focus on her again. "How do you feel about ferrying a few humans?" she asked.
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OOC Okay she meant you for talking to about Dedalus... LOOOONG couple of days was a little confused.

Kate began digging around in the archives for the Calisar Hound and found that while there were little "packs" World wide their primary home was the forgotten woodlands of England with a lesser paths into Scotland and Wales, France and Germany. Normally dwelling in packs though rogues are not uncommon. If they become wounded or sick the rest of the pack will violently run them off for the safety of the pack. They are semi intelligent and dangerously adaptive. When in a female led pack they are docile and keep far from humans and most other abnormals holding what seems to be a fairly mutually beneficial arrangement with their avian neighbors in England and the Americas.

Kate continued to read over the info on the toxins they carry as well as combative techniques that have failed to work in subduing one.

After researching that and knowing they had to keep an eye out she then got curious and typed in Isis name and description as a warning message and password demand popped up on the screen. Grumbling she muttered to her self...

Well now once our guest is out of the woods with that toxin and sleeping peacefully may have to see if Henry would mind getting us past that pesky little password problem.

Isis tilted her head to him as she looked at him.
When she asked henry about the other members location he said quietly
"Helen Magnus and Will are off in Scotland on assignment, they'll be back. They're checking into something. Right now, we're all three here to help you with this creature. If there is anything you want to say to Helen, as you've been asking for her, it will have to wait. I"m really sorry. How do you feel? The poison looks to be out of your system. Here, I'm going to remove these from you so just hold still for a moment."
Henry gently and with more care then usual to a patient. Each needle he removed and the I.V. that was filtering the blood was removed. She squirmed gently as he did it. But she remained lying down.
"You better rest as we wait for big guy to get back with some famous Magnus brew. It's some special tea she makes for everyone after they're in medlab. It perks them right up. Also, you saw Big Guy wanting you to rest. And take it from me, when he says rest, you rest. I was going through a rough time once changing back from one of my first werewolf changes and i was in shock and he took care of me. He's really nice that way." Not sure why he just spouted all that about his history but he figured a fellow HEP would understand.

First transformations can be rough but Big Guy knows I don't really listen all that well especially when it comes to dealing with other abnormals that have become like the one I just dealt with. It was alone so whatever pack it was from removed it from their ranks... it was acting sick... but more agile than I have ever seen n its kind.

She gestures towards the bandages.

A LOT more agile.

She smiled softly

Since I am gathering you will be backing up Big Guy on my resting for now tell me about yourself Henry.

Henry got all flustered suddenly at the idea of talking about himself and started fumbling his words. "Who me? Well nothing much to tell. I've been working here under the boss for a long time. She found me when I was a kid. I then really got into computers and have been the resident tech guy so to speak." He faked a cough and ran his hands through his hair awkwardly. "Where is the Big Guy with that tea? Ummmm....Let's see what else. Me, um, well I also help design weapons for the Sanctuary and maintain our grid...Yea." He finshed with an air of professionalism like he was being interviewed for a job. He couldn't relax around her for some reason.
She smiled...

Relax Henry its okay you don't have to be so nervous lets change it around. Any questions for me?
Henry sighed at her gesture to relax. He smiled gently as he felt the genuine concern. Questions for her he thought. Hmm.
"I've heard Helen mention dealings with Abnormals like you before, but I've never met one in all this time. She kept them private. Your cat kind I mean Isis. Why is that? On numerous occasions i've searched the database looking for other shapeshifters and you're name has come up but I can't access the file. "
He smiled. "well I can, but that involves breaking the boss's trust. And that's a rule that doesn't get broken here. If the file is meant to be protected there's a reason.
So how do you know Helen and Big Guy?" He watched her figure suddenly. Not knowing why. He started eyeing her whole figure. The dips in her hips, the shape of her ears, the way her hair fell on her shoulder...
Isis sat up a little with a growl. That is because for the most part there are so few of us left... Our "homeland" is in a fairly tortured place and even some of my own kind finding out I am still around might be bad.

As for how I met Helen... I met her through her father Gregory... When she was one of five. A few years after she began this Sanctuary I came here for a short time when I had to leave... a situation.
Henry gasped at the mere mention of the five.
And revealing Isis true age.
"I had no idea. No wonder you're file is locked up. What ...situation?"
He asked carefully knowing it was a delicate subject.
My kind are long lived... I wonder if the person who claimed cats had nine lives knew one of my kind.

She laughed then hearing his next question she sighed.

There were those of my kind who did not like my familiarity with humans that were not from our homeland... Some even my involvement with humans at all and my desire to travel far form our homeland for those humans.

Upon hearing the word "involvement" with humans. Henry couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.
"Ahem when you say involvment, do you mean ah er, INVOLVMENT?' And gently winked at her with a small smile.