Meet the Moores(closed for Mav Unlimited)


Really Experienced
Oct 21, 2019
Daralis Moore was bored. There was no other way to put it. With the last kid out living her own life, she found herself increasingly dissatisfied with how settled she and her husband, Caiden, had become. How settled she had become really, because he’d always been a mild mannered guy. Analytical and practical almost to a fault, it was why she fell in love with him in the first place. He complimented her whimsy with rationale and together they built a life that was balanced and whole.

Their children had both grown into well rounded adults. Darren, the eldest, had married his childhood sweetheart only two years ago. Sure, he barely graduated college but he found a place for himself in gaming. His first project was to be launched in a few months and Daralis didn’t miss an opportunity to remind her husband of all the times he’d told the boy that his video game habit was a waste of time. Their youngest, Aiden, was her father’s child. Methodical and pragmatic from the time she was in diapers, the girl had her entire life plan mapped out by the time she was 12. She graduated high school a year early to study environmental studies at an in-state university so she could continue her volunteer work with a local nonprofit. Under Aiden’s tutelage, the entire Moore family had gone green before it became a trend.

They were equally proud of both children, no matter how different their lifepaths and proud of themselves for sticking together through hard times. When you get pregnant midway through your junior year by a boy you barely know, there’s bound to be trouble. She hadn’t even nailed down her major before the morning sickness set in and if not for her roommate convincing her otherwise she may not have told Caiden at all. Having a baby wasn’t exactly in her life plan but Caiden convinced her that he would be there through it all, whether she wanted a relationship or not. They decided together to keep their little surprise from their parents until they had some semblance of a plan for how to support themselves. Caiden was certain he’d be disowned by his ultraconservative parents, while Daralis wasn’t too worried about her parents’ disappointment. As far as she was concerned she’d been doing that for years, now wasn’t any different. They found a shitty studio apartment on a worse side of town and moved in just after their spring semester. She lost count of how many jobs Caiden worked that summer but he was always there when she needed him. By the time they were ready to tell their parents, Daralis found herself thoroughly in love with the mild mannered computer engineering student but kept it to herself, not wanting to force him into anything more than a healthy co-parenting situation. It was all working out pretty well until they invited their parents to brunch to share the big news. Daralis was already well into her third trimester by then, so there was no hiding it behind big sweatshirts. Their mothers almost came to blows after Mrs. Moore implied that Daralis was only after their families money.

“Look, this baby is coming whether you two bitches like it or not,” she declared, slamming both hands down on the tabletop, face full of tears. “Whether you believe it or not Karen I love your son and I honestly can’t understand how you two assholes raised such a kind and decent man with the way you’ve been talking to me. I’m pregnant with your grandchild and I’ll be damned if I let any of you near him until you can prove you can love it as much as we do already.”

Five shocked faces looked back at her but only one smiled. It was then Daralis realized what she’d said and Caiden, bless his heart, asked her if she was serious. They walked out of that diner hand in hand and had been inseparable ever since.

If you asked Daralis when she was 20 years old and 7 months pregnant with Darren what she thought her life would be, she could not have imagined their modern craftsman home in the suburbs. The darkroom Caiden built for her in the backyard behind their inground pool. The finished basement that had once been the kids playroom, then their hangout spot, that was slowly becoming a man cave. It was all so picture perfect, down to the white picket fence and two car garage.

Too perfect, Daralis was slowly discovering. She found herself travelling more and more, while Caiden spent longer hours at work or in his home office. They’d been floating the idea of early retirement before the kids were gone but now she wasn’t entirely sure. How could they commit to spending every waking moment together when it seemed the only thing they had in common were their children? She hadn’t been contemplating divorce but feared that would be the likely conclusion when the distraction of their careers was removed.

“We need a change of scenery,” announced via text after a few glasses of wine. Caiden was spending another late night at the office and Daralis was home alone, deep in an internet rabbit hole that started with some nonsensical article that listed five ways to maintain a happy marriage. When he didn’t respond, she finished her bottle of wine and went to bed with very little hope for their future.
Caiden Moore typed frantically on the keyboard as he drafted an email to his superiors, trying to extinguish another fire that was caused by one of his subordinates. When you have employees who are overworked and underpaid, mistakes are bound to happen. But the bozos sitting at the top never understood that. He had cut the boy some slack this time and taken the blame himself. It was his job as their boss. He didn’t do real engineering work anymore. He missed that. Most of his day was spent writing emails. But after a certain point in life, you need to make tough choices. This had been one of them. And it sucked! Except the money was good. He had worked hard for all the promotions over the years. And Daralis had supported him at every step of the way. Whether he was a clueless graduate student, an out of work engineer, or the middle aged dad that he was today. She stood unwaveringly beside him whenever he needed her, sacrificing her own interests at times. She never got a chance to even pick a major for herself while in college. Later, on his insistence, she had worked hard and studied photography, balancing her passion with being a young mother while he completed his degree. He was extremely proud of everything she had achieved in order to become a famous photographer. Although she corrected him each time he bragged about her to his friends or relatives that she was only quasi-famous in certain circles. He would counter her with the fact that she was still famous by name alone, something that he couldn't say about himself.

Caiden had first laid eyes on Daralis during their junior year. He had been studying at the library when someone swearing continuously in the next isle had annoyed him enough that he had decided to confront the person. She had turned out to be this hazel-green-eyed beauty with sandy blonde hair who had been wrestling with some dumb physics problem for over an hour. He had helped her solve it in less than five minutes. She had then snatched a piece of paper from his hand, much to his horror and read aloud the words written on it. It was some nerdy poem about quantum theory that he had composed. The next thing he knew, they were making out in the back of the library. It was also the first time he had ever smoked weed. Daralis was to blame for it. And Caiden had loved every smoking second of the experience. If his parents had ever found out about it, he could only imagine their terrified reactions. He still remembered the day Daralis had convinced him to get his first tattoo. He wasn't sure if he had gotten it for her, or as an act of defiance towards his parents. A quiet rebellion of sorts. Maybe both. His mother hadn't spoken to him for a month after that.

Daralis was nothing like any other girl he had ever met. Her wild, carefree nature drew him towards her. And she was gorgeous as fuck. But as he got to know her better, he realized that she was sweet, thoughtful, funny, and a very kind soul. He couldn’t have asked for anything more in a partner. He couldn’t have asked for a better life for himself and his family. They couldn't be prouder of their two wonderful kids. They had both worked tirelessly of course to achieve the fabulous life that they were living. Somewhere along the way though, they had lost something. The connection that once was. The passion that they had ignited within one another during their younger days had disappeared. Their lives had been consumed first by parenting, then with their careers. They still loved and respected each other. There was no infidelity. But even though they still slept in the same bed, they hardly ever went to bed together or woke up at the same time, either due to their schedules, or from just being tired all the time. The daily routine had just gotten...well, fucking boring.

It was almost half past eleven when Caiden noticed his wife's text message. The message was over an hour old. He had not paid attention to his phone while he had been busy working. He was getting a bit tired of these late nights.

We need a change of scenery

Caiden repeated the words Daralis had texted him, murmuring to himself. If she meant what he thought she did, he knew she was absolutely right. They did need a change. He was quite sure she would be in bed by now. There was no point in responding. He'd rather wrap up, head home and get some sleep. They would talk about it in the morning.

As he drove home, he thought about what she had said. Maybe they just needed to take a break from the daily grind. A vacation or something. He would discuss it with her first thing after waking up. He was too tired to think about it at the moment.

It was past midnight when he entered their bedroom, noticing the empty bottle of wine on the bedside table, and a wife who was fast asleep on her side of the bed. They definitely needed to talk. He thought it would be unwise to wake her up at this hour. She was probably tired as well. They weren't twenty anymore, where he could have woken her up and they'd have had sex all night long, or go out partying till they couldn't stand straight, followed by him preparing breakfast for her as the sun appeared over the horizon. Well, he could still do that. Maybe he could do it tomorrow. The breakfast part at least. Once he had set the alarm, it took him only a few minutes to fall into a deep sleep after he slid under the covers next to Daralis.


The alarm went off earlier than Caiden would have liked. It was Saturday morning and he had planned not to enter the damn office again at least until Monday. If it hadn't been for the text he had received last night, he would have not woken up until noon. She was still asleep, cuddled up next to him with her arm draped over his body. He felt her stir a bit as he slipped out from under the blanket, lifting her arm and freeing himself and his own arm as gently as possible from underneath her body.

Downstairs in the kitchen, he grabbed some utensils and all the ingredients he needed to cook. At least whatever he remembered. He then began preparing breakfast. It seemed like ages. He couldn't remember the last time he had put on an apron.
Daralis wasn’t surprised to wake up in an empty bed. That was a normal occurrence in the Moore household with Caiden working a steady 9-to-5 while she spent the bulk of their marriage freelancing. Even when she was a regular contributor at various fashion and travel magazines she didn’t keep regular office hours. While the kids were small she made an effort to wake up to see them off for school but Caiden mostly handled the get up and go parts of parenting while she handled after-school activities. It was a balance that worked for them but now that the kids were gone, she had hoped that he might find some time to be lazy in bed with her, especially on the weekends. Saturday mornings used to be their time but now that he was a big wig, Daralis found herself mostly alone these days.

Today didn’t seem any different, even after the text she’d sent the night before. With her own calendar empty for the next week or so, Daralis resigned herself to spend a day alone. Maybe take a bubble bath, binge watch some nonsensical show, anything to keep herself from feeling sad about the state of her marriage. She had never been a wallower, and she refused to feed into the trope of the dissatisfied wife crying into buckets of ice cream. That was last night, today was a new day.

It wasn’t until she got out of bed that she noticed his keys on the dresser, his phone still charging on the nightstand. Alone in bed, but in the house. Then there was coffee in the air as she brushed her teeth and a small smile came to her lips. Maybe he hadn’t ignored her text, but one Saturday morning breakfast wouldn’t change the course of their relationship. There needed to be more, perhaps this was his first step. Though things may have gotten away from him at times, Caiden had never been the oblivious husband. She donned her robe and slippers, mother’s day gifts from the kids some years ago, and ran her fingers through her wild mane of graying sandy blonde curls in an attempt to get them to lay a little closer to her head. Giving up with a shrug after a few strokes, Daralis shuffled down to the kitchen, all the while shuffling through a list of appropriate responses to his presence. She could be angry that he didn’t respond to her message but that didn’t seem right since his presence alone meant he’d read it. She could have been snide, which was her default when faced with any unpleasant situation but that didn’t seem right either. She settled on honesty and allowed her lips to spread into a wide grin as she rounded the corner and moved into the kitchen.

“Well this is a pleasant surprise,” she said as she came up behind him at the stove. Slipping her arms around his waist, she came up onto her tiptoes to kiss the back of his neck and give him a little squeeze. “I didn’t expect to see you until at least this afternoon,” she added as she slipped around him to grab to mugs and poured two cups of coffee. Both with a little sugar and his with a splash of cream. Leaving his on the counter beside the stove, Daralis hopped up on the island behind him to enjoy her own. “Nice to know you still read my texts.”
He sensed her arrival just before the oil sizzled around the eggs in the hot pan. Caiden would have turned around immediately except he didn’t want to burn this next item he was preparing. He dropped the broken shells into a bin on one side, then smiled and glanced at her favorite dish on the other side which he had just set aside, hot off the flames. He had thought of carrying the breakfast for her in bed in case she didn’t wake up. But he realized how sadly out of touch he was when it came to cooking anything. He had to look up a few recipes and tips online. That took a good thirty minutes before he decided to call Aiden and ask her the recipe she had used for their last Thanksgiving breakfast that Daralis couldn’t stop talking about. His girl had been surprised by the call so early on a weekend, although she was pleased to hear he was doing something different for a change on a Saturday morning besides work. Father and daughter reminisced about the days when he used to prepare breakfast, and sometimes lunch as well for the kids before shipping them off to school in the morning. It was only with practice and experience that he had gotten better at it. The kids wouldn't even touch the food he prepared during his very early days of learning how to cook. He wouldn't have eaten it either if he was in their place.

Caiden felt her soft lips and warm breath against his neck. He turned his head to one side and smiled, closing his eyes for a moment before focusing on the pan.

"Good morning."

After a few minutes, Caiden switched off the burners and turned around to face his wife sitting up on the counter and calmly placed the plate on her left. Then he stuck a fork in the french toast, cut a triangular slice, held it up to her mouth just as she took a sip of caffeine. The thick syrup flowed over the piece of bread and dripped onto his finger as he flashed her a wide smile.

"Here...try this. Tell me how it tastes.”

His eyes were focused on her face, trying to gauge the mood from her expressions. She looked just as beautiful as she did when he first met her, if not more. He would respond to her words later. He hadn’t known what to expect when she would confront him. He had seen all the various sides of Daralis over the course of their marriage. At least he thought he had. Some were truly heart warming, others were downright frightening, especially when she was really mad or upset about something, or someone. This was neither of those however. It was somewhere in between. He would have to deal with it with honesty and patience. The slight sarcasm in her last sentence didn’t escape him. She wasn’t wrong though. The truth was that they needed to talk. It was as simple as that. He didn’t have all the answers. But whatever change Daralis was thinking about, it was absolutely required. And soon. He could smell disaster if things continued the way they were. For now, he was just trying to take it one tiny step at a time.
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She scowled playfully at his offered bite. Caiden knew full well she loved his french toast, no matter if it was their daughter’s recipe. Daralis took the bite and let her tongue glide over the dollop of syrup on his finger before bringing the coffee mug back to her lips. “It’s aight,” she muttered into the cup before taking a quick sip, then setting it down to take up the plate. “I’m supposed to be mad at you,” she said, taking the fork from his hand to dig in on her own. “And this is all real sweet but it doesn’t make up for the fact that you ignored me last night...and a ton of other nights. This is not what we said our life would be when the kids were gone.”

They’d both made promises, spent many a night musing about being empty nesters when they were still young enough to enjoy it. Their own parents were well into their fifties and sixties by the time they were alone again, with grandkids and health problems that prevented them from doing anything other than senior bus trips. They were barely 45 and, sure they’d both put on a few pounds over the years, were the portrait of health. Caiden still had all his hair and the salt and pepper that had developed around his temples only made him more appealing as far a Daralis was concerned. And she still caught him checking her out, so attraction was not the issue.

“I don’t mind waking up alone but you know I hate not having you here at night,” she admitted with a frown, unwilling to dance around the topic any longer. As Caiden seemed intent to do. “This was supposed to be our time, remember? When the kids were small we used to dream about the day when we could walk around naked, drinking wine out of the bottle...when we could just pick up and disappear for a weekend without worrying about a sitter or which grandparents’ turn it was to watch them. We had plans Cai...and I know it’s not about love or anything like’s just...I miss you. I miss us and I don’t want to be one of those couples who gets divorced because they have nothing left in common now that the kids are gone. We used to have fun together didn’t we? I just want that back...just a little bit. Is that too much to ask?”

Daralis didn’t notice right away, but there were tears in her eyes by the time she finished talking and she did nothing to hide them. He needed to see for himself just how much his absence was affecting her, their relationship. How much she needed him.
The mischievous, but angry look on her face was endearing as she licked the syrup from his finger and let him know just how much she liked the taste. He grinned when she set the coffee mug aside to take the fork from his hand and started devouring the french toast. It didn't matter who's recipe it was. It always brought a smile to his face when she was happy. Satisfied. Pleased with him. The satisfaction didn't last long however. He had known it all along. How long could he keep denying the fact that they needed to deal with the matter at hand? Talk about it. Do something about it. Food was not going to rescue their marriage.

Caiden had been listening intently thus far and observing her closely as she spoke while drinking the coffee she had poured for him. He knew the waterworks would come eventually even before she would realize it. Daralis was not one to cry a river, but she was still a warm blooded female with a wild heart that had been ignored. Ignored for a long time. Ignored by the husband she loved dearly. And who loved her just as much. He made sure his fingers were not sticky or salty from all the cooking when she would need them, so he turned around for a few seconds, and quickly washed his hands before leaning back against the counter as he turned to face her again, drying his hands with a towel and taking a sip from his mug. And when she finally stopped talking, there it was. The one thing he liked about her was she hid nothing from him. Especially when it came to her feelings. He wished he had the same guts sometimes when it came to talking about emotions, and how he really felt instead of just dancing around the problems. He put the mug down.

"No. It is not too much to ask. Not too much by any means."

He ran his fingers along the edge of her slightly graying but thick curls, moving them aside, then cupped her face with his palms and gently brushed away the tears from her eyes using his thumbs.

"Please don't cry. You know I can't watch you like this."

Caiden wrapped his arms around her and leaned in, hugging her close, slipping in and standing between her slightly parted knees, parting them further. He then pulled back and took both her hands into his and smiled softly. Taking a deep breath, he continued.

"You're right. I have been thinking about this too recently. I hate having to be in the office on weekends. At nights. I hate not being able to spend time with you. Either when you are away, travelling or I am drowned in work, which is mostly the case these days...I know. I miss you too. God we did have so much fun back in the day."

Her words brought back a flood of memories as Caiden smiled a bit sadly before regaining his composure and gently squeezed her hands within his.

"And We are NOT going to get divorced."

He had a serious look on his face as he stared at her. He might have accepted that there was a chance they could talk about a divorce if they didn't love each other. If either them were lying and cheating. He was not going to lose the love of his life just because they couldn't figure out how to rekindle the lost magic. They would figure it out. His look turned into a soft smile as she listened.

"Just thought I would let you know how I feel about that. I love you, Daralis. I don't want to lose you. And I am willing to do anything..." he paused before continuing, "...anything to save our marriage. To keep you happy. To keep US...happy. To bring the fun back into our lives. If that means working less, I'll do it. If it means flipping my boss off sometimes and paying attention to my wife, fuck yes I'll do it."

He gently brought both of her hands to his lips and kissed the knuckles softly, one at a time.

"Would you like me to strip naked and dance for you? There's a bottle of wine in the fridge...Ok ok...jokes about a vacation? Let's...disappear...somewhere. Unless you have a better idea?"
v“You can show me that sexy dad bod all you want but keep that terrible dancing to yourself,” she said, giggling away the last of her tears as she leaned in to press her lips gently against his. Her hands slipped from his only to wrap around his middle as she locked her ankles around the back of his knees. “And you’ll never flip off your boss...passive aggressive muttering, maybe a strongly worded memo, but flipping him off. That’s not your style babe,” she said with a smirk as her hands made their way up the back of his t-shirt. “I do like the sound of disappearing...I know it’s a huge cliche at our age but we’ve never done a cruise without the kids. Hell we’ve never been away more than a few days without those freeloaders,” she added with a chuckle as her fingers grazed along his back.

Daralis pressed her face against his chest, breathing in his scent as her mind meandered towards some semblance of an idea. She had to come up with something fast some work crisis stole his attention.

“Would you really take time from work,” she asked, her chin in his chest looking up at him with a best attempt at puppy dog eyes. “I can clear my schedule in an afternoon, you don’t have it so easy. You’re always grumbling about how that place would fall apart without you. Could you really be away for more than a week or two...three,” she added with a smirking shrug, one eyebrow raised. “No phone, no email. Just me, you, sun and sand. Umbrella drinks and ubers all the way. Could you really do that for me...for us?”

She knew he could do it. She saw his pay stubs, Caiden had at least three months worth of PTO in the bank, not too mention all sick days and personal leave available. With the house mostly paid for and their healthy nest egg, he could have taken half a year off without them dipping into their savings. Six months was probably too much but there was a middle ground.

“My calendar’s empty for the next week or so,” she said with a grin as her fingertips slipped into the waistband of his pajama pants. “What do you say about working from home a couple of days here and there until we plan something really good? How do you think that idiot boss of yours would feel about a four day work week?

“But until then, why don’t you clean up this mess while I get the bath ready...maybe bring that wine with you,” she said, the last whispered against his neck. ips grazing along the tender flesh behind his ears. “I know it’s early but I figure we got nothing else going on..”
He would have been offended slightly by her remark if his dancing skills were not actually terrible. Her comment about his middle aged physique, which she still found desirable made him grin. She had aged well herself. Very shapely, but fit for a mother of two grown adults. He leaned in to her gentle embrace, as their noses brushed, pulling back from the kiss and stroking her cheek affectionately, brushing the curls aside.

”Yeah... you’re right,” he said with a resigned look, wishing it WAS his style at times. “I could probably never do something like that” he continued with a chuckle.

She was right about the kids too. Even though they were empty nesters, he missed both Darren and Aiden a lot. They both did. Being such a close knit family for so long, this life was new for them. They had never been the ones to just drop their kids with the grandparents and go out to enjoy a long vacation. Whether it was the Florida keys, or a trip to Europe. Although they sometimes wished they had. Maybe now was the time to finally enjoy their time together like Daralis said. Just the two of them on a beach somewhere, sipping martinis and bathing in the sun.

“I don’t care about cliches, honey. And I know you don’t either. So I say let’s do it!”

He knew he had enough vacation days saved up that they could go on a world tour and not worry about expenses for a while. The trouble was he would have to convince his boss that the place would still be run just as smoothly as if he were present. He looked down at that sweet innocent face staring up at him.

”For you? Yes.”

He smiled, planted a kiss on her forehead, and then wrapped his arms around her more tightly, placing his chin on her head, pulling her closer against his chest.

Over the course of past couple of years after his last promotion, Caiden had put people and systems in place in a way that would either automate most of the processes or make sure there was enough backup and knowledge available within the team where he could take a few weeks off and his boss wouldn’t care. Maybe it was time to test his plan out, which he had been afraid to do until now. He would still need a week or two to set the wheels in motion. But it was feasible. He pulled himself back to face her as her fingers fidgeted with his waistband.

“I know I always complain about how things are at work. I believe I can make it work. Yes, my boss would need to be persuaded. But the team can survive without me. And hey if they don’t, I’ll just come back and fix whatever is...broken. I’m sure everyone except my boss would love the idea of a four day work week. But I think one or two days of just me working from home shouldn’t be a problem for now. But we better plan something soon. I’ll talk to him first thing Monday. I have a plan.”

He winked at her. Her whisper made his lips curl into a smile and her touch made him shiver as those sexy lips brushed against his neck, a soft moan escaping his mouth. She knew exactly where and how to touch him.

”Yes Ma’am.” He stepped back and gave her a mock salute as she told him what she wanted in no uncertain terms.
“Good boy,” she said playfully, with a hard slap to his ass before hopping off the counter and heading off to their master bathroom.

They had big plans for the extra deep jacuzzi bathtub when they had it installed shortly after purchasing the house. After nearly 20 years, they’d been in it together only a handful of times and she doubted Caiden had ever indulged himself alone. Daralis had of course, for simple soaks and elaborate bubble baths with a waterproof toy or two in tow. This morning’s bath would be no different.

She lost her robe and pajamas before heading into the bathroom with her basket of various bathtime goodies. Bath oils and bubble baths of various scents, bath bombs and epsom salts, accumulated over the years from gift baskets and Mother’s days. There were a few personalized jars of concoctions created by their daughter as well. She selected the lavender and rose scented bath oil and poured a healthy amount into the filling bathtub before digging her special box out of the nightstand.

Her pot habit was far from a secret but she tended to enjoy it alone. Though he didn’t judge her, Caiden had become a bit of a square the higher he climbed the corporate ladder so she kept her habit in the dark room or when he worked late. “Not today,” she muttered as she refilled her vape pen and set it down on the shelf beside the bathtub. The last thing Daralis grabbed was the waterproof tablet she used while on assignment in the tropics so they could browse possible vacation locals...and other things. This too she set on the side of the tub before ditching her cotton sports bra and panties. She started to wait for him in the bathroom but caught a glimpse of herself in their mirrored closet doors and smiled.

“Not bad for 46,” she said of her vaguely toned self. Sure her stomach wasn’t exactly flat and her D-cups weren’t nearly as perky as they used to be, she could still turn a few heads every now and again. She’d stopped waxing at some point in recent years but Caiden didn’t seem to notice, if he had he never mentioned it so she assumed he didn’t mind her neatly trimmed bush. She would have said the same of her stretch marks and c-section scars but Caiden had been known to kiss those on occasion so she never felt self-conscious. Daralis kicked off her slippers as she worked her hair into a messy bun and headed down to the kitchen to speed her husband along.

On her tiptoes, she crept down the stairs to stand at the archway that separated the kitchen from the family room and struck a sexy pose. With arms stretched above her head and her back arched, her middle aged pooch almost disappeared. When she cocked her hip out to one side, it was all but invisible. “Subtly” she cleared her throat and said, “I’m ready when you are.”
Good boy.

The two words rung in Caiden's ears long after Daralis had uttered them, her hand stinging over his bottom. They were like a switch that suddenly turned something on in his brain. That switch had been in the OFF position for years now. If it hadn't been the slap against his ass that had startled him and made him jump slightly as he turned around to clean up the mess, he might just have purred for her. Like a good boy. He turned around as she sauntered away, exiting the kitchen, watching her leave, a bit stunned, and aroused.

Gosh! How long had it been since she had called him that? And how long had it been since she had done anything to his ass other than either just touching it or squeezing it? Caiden realized how vanilla and mundane their sex life, or lack thereof, had become since they had gotten busy raising kids and loving their jobs more than each other. They weren't always like this.

She had told him that she would get the bath ready. How many times had he actually taken advantage of the custom built jacuzzi in his own home? He knew Daralis enjoyed it more often that he did, but he had it designed for both of them. Not just one of them being alone, sitting in the water, waiting for the other person to arrive. Which never happened anyway. Well, tonight would be different. There would be a bubble bath. There would be wine. And they would have fun. And it would involve both husband and wife.

Caiden didn't realize she would be waiting for him upstairs as he got lost in thoughts from almost twenty years ago when they were much younger, as he idly started clearing everything up. The idea of him being late jolted him back to reality as he took off his apron and grabbed the wine bottle from the refrigerator. He needed to find something they could drink from. He walked into the adjacent room where they had a temporary wine storage and picked up two glasses.

He heard her voice as he walked excitedly towards the kitchen from the other end and stopped in his tracks as he tried to take in the beautiful sight before him. His excitement just went into turbo mode. The olive-skinned goddess standing in the archway before him could not have looked more gorgeously divine. Help me! Caiden was lucky he still had a firm grasp on the two wine glasses in one hand and the wine bottle in the other, inspite of all the blood that had just drained from his brain and weakened his knees.

His eyes immediately focused on his wife's ample bosom before they leisurely carressed along her well rounded hips and her thick thighs. He adored those sexy thighs! He especially liked when his head was buried between them. And his lips were kissing her right where there was a nicely trimmed bush. But his head was all over the place right now, seeing his naked wife standing in a provocative pose before him, letting him know she was ready. What more could a husband want? When his eyes finally settled on her face as he walked towards her slowly, hypnotized by her beauty, conveying the lust for what was exposed before him. He handed his wife the bottle and glasses, his green eyes fixed on hers and spoke, his lips curling, slowly, before widening into a grin.

"I am not sure why I keep praying for promotions and stuff at work, when I could just be here worshipping you all day long."

Caiden shifted to the right, suddenly slid his right arm around her back to grab her closer and bent down to thrust his other hand underneath, to the back of her legs, adjusting his arm and lifting her up in his arms as he stood straight back up again, turning slowly to face the stairs.

"I am ready. Let's go. Wherever you desire, my queen."
The squeal that erupted from Daralis when her feet left the ground was a sound she hadn’t made in years. She couldn’t remember the last time Caiden scooped her up, without so much as a grunt of exertion, but her reaction was the same. She giddily slipped her arms around his neck, lips spread in a wide grin as she lay her head on his shoulder.

“Your queen, huh? Perhaps you might be willing to invite me to my throne a little later,” she said with a giggle and ran her hand over his face to be sure he understood her clearly. “For now though, your queen requires a leisurely soak with her favorite subject.”

Daralis wasn’t nervous until Caiden mounted the stairs. Her grip tightened around his neck but she realized very quickly that, as chivalrous as it may have been, calamity could strike at any minute. And though they may have been of above average health, they’re bodies were still made up of middle aged bones that wouldn’t recover well from a fall. She’d taken her share of spills on the L-shaped half-pace stairs. The turn at the second landing was always tricky, but Caiden handled the curve with practiced graces and easily sidled into their bedroom then deposited her just inside the en suite.

“I’ll take that strip tease now if you’re still up for it,” she said with a smirk as she stepped into the bath. To further her point, Daralis popped open the wine and poured herself a glass before settling back against the jets. “I can put on some music if you like,” she teased, already scrolling through her Spotify for suitable playlists.
When Caiden picked her up in his arms, he wasn't sure he would be able to make it all the way upstairs safely. Hell he hadn't even thought it through after seeing her completely and deliciously naked in front of him. He just made sure he didn't bend his back too much when he lifted her.

He knew well what she was implying. The image of Daralis sitting on her throne made him moan inwardly and almost lose his balance as he paused and grinned at her before moving up the stairs. "You know it is a very willing throne. Always eager for you to ascend." He leaned into her touch slightly and pecked the edge of her palm with his lips. "Then, her subject will rise to the occasion." He was careful at, literally, every step of the way to their master bedroom, as she clinged onto him tightly. He couldn't afford any miscalculations. None whatsoever.

Caiden watched as Daralis walked towards the bath, his eyes devouring her heavenly derriere, trailing up her delicious curves, before they merged behind her tight, thick sandy blonde curls. When she slipped into the jacuzzi, he bowed before standing up straight and giving her a seductive grin. "I am very much up for it, your highness. Your wish is my command."

Caiden leisurely unbuttoned his shirt, his eyes on Daralis as her lovely body was submerged under water. He avoided any terrible moves, rather just moving his body slowly to her tune as she tapped on one of the items in her list on the tablet and the music reached his ears. As the shirt came off of both the arms, he swung it over the head before flinging it across the room, not caring where it landed. His dad bod was now almost on full display.

The pajamas were next. Caiden hooked his thumbs into the waistband and started tugging on the them, sliding them slowly down his thighs with a shimmy before he lifted one leg up in the air and tried to hop on the other, turning a full circle, whistling to the music, hoping he wouldn’t fall in embarrassment. After the first leg came off, he turned around once again and bent over all the way to remove the other leg and wiggled his bum at her a bit before standing upright quickly. He then slowly turned around, fully exposed to his darling wife.
There was a time when Daralis would have giggled at Caiden’s attempt to be sexy, when their once active sex life would allow her to see the humor in his effort. That time had passed it seemed. By the time his shirt fell away, Daralis was transfixed. Every shimmy brought a moan. Her bottom lip trapped between her teeth, her fingers made their way between her thighs to find quivering flesh. And when he dropped his pants, Daralis lean forward, hoping he might back himself to the edge of the bath so she might give him a proper spanking. She was almost said when he didn’t, despite her wolf whistle, but when he turned around her tongue came out to wet her lips.

“‘I’d offer you a round of applause but my hands are a bit busy,” she said with a sly grin, eyes locked on what used to be her favorite part of him. And she’d never been ashamed to admit it either. Even now, coming up on 30 years later. “I missed you,” she muttered as she leaned forward and reached out to take hold of his cock, gently urging him forward. “So much,” she said then planted a soft kiss to the tip. “We’ll have a nice long talk later I promise...right now me and the big guy’s got business,” she said with a smirk and shift her eyes up to meet her husband’s. “I don’t want you getting distracted and letting all those promises slip your mind.”

With that, Daralis lean back against the back of the tub and took up her tablet again. She let the music play as she pulled up her search engine and swiped in a few keywords. “Adults only vacations”
Caiden could smell the lovely fragrance of lavender and rose as he was drawn towards her slowly after shedding his clothes. He noticed the opened gift baskets containing various bath time items and knew Daralis had used them liberally. He couldn't recall the last time he had taken a bubble bath, or a massage, or just relaxed without thinking about work. His eyes had not missed the vape pen that was on the shelf next to the bathtub. He decided it was best not to bring that up. Not at the moment anyway. It was something he had indulged heavily in after meeting the love of his life in their junior year. What had happened to him that he eyed it with such disapproval now? Had he become so dull?

He squirmed inside as she refrained him from getting distracted. Such a beautiful distraction she was. The best kind. And he had to gather all his will power to obey his wife's wishes. He chuckled as she spoke with the not so little man before pecking him with a rain check. He then looked down and whispered.

"You see? Promises, promises. You make sure she keeps hers later on."

Caiden's eyes shifted from the floor towards his wife and he grinned wickedly as their eyes met, not missing anything she had to say.

"They're not slipping my mind this time, baby. I promise. Although I'm afraid I might slip if I'm not ...careful."

He climbed over the edge and slipped into the warm water slowly, sliding next to her, wondering what she was searching.

Adult only vacations

He leaned in close to her shoulder and inhaled the scent of her hair as the bubbles surrounded them and the music filled their ears.

"You smell so good..."

Before getting distracted once again, his eyes scanned the search results along with her as they looked at viable destinations.

"Where would you like to go? Maybe we can use those filters to narrow down the options? I like that third can you scroll up please..."
“We will not spend our vacation at a wilderness retreat...absolutely not,” Daralis said, ignoring Caiden’s request to go back. “We said sun and sand...beaches and drinks with umbrellas, not backpacks and tents. This looks promising though,” she said before clicking a link for a travel agency that specializes in “Excursions for the Adventurous Couples”. “I thought places like this died with the birth of the internet,” she mused as the page loaded. “Dionysian Escapes...sounds promising,” she said with a raised eyebrow and rest her head on Caiden’s chest.

The various excursions were divided into time frames from weekend getaways to monthslong journeys, and each was group under a title. “Refresh” seemed to be for short stays no longer than four days, Daralis skipped that section altogether, muttering something about that not being long enough. “Reconnect” came next with trips of a week or more, but still she moved on to the next section. “Rejuvenate seems like something for us...oh wait...what’s this about Reignite,” she said with a devious grin and shift her eyes up to meet Caiden’s. “That’s what we need right? This two-month pleasure cruise seems promising. Island hopping on a mega yacht in the south pacific, what could be better than that? Goodness and look at these suites,” she said excitedly as she slid into his lap. “There isn’t much time left to decide. Registration closes in two weeks,” she said as she spun around to straddle his thighs and slipped an arm around his neck as the other set the tablet on the shelf. She took up her vape pen and took a long hit, smiled as she let the smoke slowly out of her nose. “I want that one Cai and I’m willing to do just about anything to get it...I mean I’ll do anything for you anyway but this...we need this Cai,” she said as she began to rock her hip in his lap. “Just think about it. No kids to wonder about. No bosses to annoy you. A hot wife in tiny bikinis do...anything,” she said, moaning at the last as she reached down between them to take hold of his still hard cock. “Think of all the things you could do to me on those private beaches...and maybe the not so private decks. Remember all the fun we used to have when you worked at the library...when I used to surprise you in miniskirts with no panties on...blowjobs in the stacks. You’d be all red faced and angry but you couldn’t resist, could you? You never could...I want that Caiden back. Can I have him back...just for a little while?”
Caiden listened patiently as his wife browsed the various excursions and getaways on the small screen in her hands. His fingers stroked her hair affectionately as she rested her head on his chest. He agreed with her about no backpacks and tents. He wanted to do this for her. For them. And what she was suggesting made total sense. He had no idea what kind of options were even available. He had either wiped certain memories from his brain completely or it had been too long since they had planned something like this. But they were starting to come back very slowly, thanks to Daralis.

"Ok. Alright. Sun and sand. Beaches and drinks. Anything you want."

Caiden looked at her, with raised eyebrows and a smiled on his face, just happy to see that particular expression on her face as she read the word Reignite. She was so excited, like a naughty little child browsing her favorite toys who had suddenly found what she was looking for. He didn't want to spoil the moment, or the excitement by saying anything remotely negative. He had to admit he was getting excited as well. In more ways than one.

His gaze shifted from the tablet as it was set aside, to her body shifting in the water and then to her eyes as she moved into his lap. His eyes locked to hers as she took the pen and the smoke emerged right in front of his face, clearing, rather than clouding his memories. Those memories of their years together as young, carefree students, when Daralis had first blown smoke in his face at the library making him cough like an amateur while she giggled, and eventually gotten him addicted to it. She was right. That Caiden never could resist her. This Caiden wouldn't be able to resist either.

"You don't have to worry. I'll manage things at work like I promised so we can plan for this two month long island hopping cruise."

When she grabbed his hard cock under the water, he let out a soft moan and lust filled his eyes as he gazed at her. When she started rocking slowly, his arm splashed around her waist and pulled her closer, holding her there.

"I remember Dar. I'm beginning to realize slowly how much I've missed all that fun. How much I've missed...this," his other hand reached up to brush her hair away gently from the face. "Missed Us. Missed my hot wife. I couldn't resist her back then. And I can't resist her now."

Caiden leaned in, head tilted slightly, to press his mouth against her succulent lips, softly at first, then deepening the kiss while his hand cupped her cheek. He moaned into her mouth as her hand continued to control him under the water.
Daralis resisted the urge to remind him that she’d heard that song before...the I miss you/us song Caiden sang every once in a while. It usually came after they’d done something fun together, or more recently, after a fight. Complete with flowers and/or a shiny trinket, but the sentiment never went further than that.

‘This time will be different,’ she thought as he slipped his tongue into her mouth as she lean forward, lifting her hips to welcome him into her warmest embrace.

The moan that escaped her as she bottomed out in his lap was one of relief and longing, and she clung to him. Thighs hugged soft midsection as her arms snaked beneath his to dig fingertips into his back. For a while she didn’t move, simply enjoyed the fullness he provided.

And it wasn’t about his cock. Even before they were an item, when they were barely friends with benefits, he had been a stabilizing force, offering her security in her most vulnerable moments. Now that she’d settled down and outgrown her party girl persona, Daralis still found solace in his arms. “You’re the hurricane and he’s the calm before the storm,” her mother said, not long after they’d announced their engagement and Daralis didn’t dispute it. But that didn’t mean their relationship wouldn’t last, which was her mother’s point at the time. They complemented each other in a way that shouldn’t have made sense, but recently it seemed they’d lost that.

“I’m more than willing to drop by your office,” she muttered against his lips, unwilling to fully break the kiss. “I’m sure there’s a miniskirt in one of those crates in the attic,” she said breathily as she began to move her hips in slow circles in his lap. “Maybe a sun dress...I’d rock a trench coat and lingerie if I knew you still appreciated that sort of thing,” she added with a giggle as she lean in to give his ear lobe a nibble.

Daralis reached up to take hold of his hands in hers, only to bring them to ass, and smiled. “Hold on tight Daddy...this might get a little rough.”
Caiden moaned into her mouth as she enveloped him, her tongue playing with his, her fingers digging into his flesh, her heavenly body descending upon him calmly, but with intent. He knew it was just the beginning. And this was the calm before the storm. His promises, although with good intentions, had never resulted in bringing any happiness to Daralis in recent years. Even though she was quiet, he could sense it, as her sexy thighs pressed against his body and caused him to arch his back slightly. He was going to ride out the storm this time, no matter how rough it got. They would survive together. And not only survive, they would enjoy the ride. He wanted this just as much as his wife did. They needed this more than anything else right now. And it was more than just them having wild sex in a jacuzzi, although it was a fine beginning.

Her words registered as he throbbed inside her, his eyes conveying a need that only she could fulfill. The way she always had. Ever since they met. And although the image of Daralis in a mini-skirt or a sun dress was enough to send him on his way to an orgasm, and drain all the blood from his brain, he wouldn't have thought it was a good idea for her to pay any visits at his work place dressed like that. Well, if he was able to think at the moment. When her teeth grazed the sensitive skin of his ear, he squirmed, tilting his head with a soft moan.

"Drop by my office? Maybe. A trench coat? But, you'll have to promise not to take if off unless you're in my office. And you'd have to make sure the door is locked. Daddy could get into trouble, you know."

The idea of his gorgeous wife coming into his office and turning the heads of all the people he worked with gave him a surprising thrill. He growled softly and slowly thrust hips upwards, staying there, gazing up into her eyes, his fingers sliding over her smooth, wet skin and firmly gripping her ass as she guided his hands.
"Drop by my office? Maybe. A trench coat? But, you'll have to promise not to take if off unless you're in my office. And you'd have to make sure the door is locked. Daddy could get into trouble, you know."

“Good ole Caiden the Cautious,” Daralis muttered, her back arched slightly as her husband gripped her ass. “So righteous and pure until your first taste of chocolate,” she giggled rocked her hips against him, sending subtly waves along the surface of the bath. “You said almost the same the first time you finger banged me in the library...three days later you had me bent over your work study the middle of the day with your hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming. Balls deep inside me, you were still so pissed,” she said laughing as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “That was the first time you smacked my ass...first time you pulled my hair...I was hooked.”

It was also the first time they’d had unprotected sex, and probably when Darren came along but she’d always kept that part from Caiden for fear that he may blame himself for the unexpected pregnancy. Daralis only showed up that afternoon to convince him to skip his shift so they could head to their beach date a few hours early. She honestly didn’t think he’d have it in him to do more than touch her and she teased him relentlessly, even lifted her sun dress to show off her new brazillian cut bikini bottom. Imagine her surprise when Caiden yanked it down her thighs to shove his bare cock inside her.

The thought of their rough beginnings only fueled her lust for him and Drarlis began to bounce in truth. Water sloshed and splashed over the the edge of the bath and up into the window sill but she couldn’t have cared less. All that matter was the man beneath her, inside her, and making him feel just how much she wanted him.

Her walls clenched and quivered around his throbbing shaft as her head lulled. His name was on her lips as she worked herself up and down his length, edging herself ever closer to climax.
Daralis continued to show and tell Caiden clearly and directly how much she wanted him. Her actions and her words spoke plenty. She had always been quite the tease. It was one of the many qualities he found fascinating about her. Bouncing on his lap, she was trying to remind him what else he had forgotten. And how she had always been successful in stripping him of the conservative and virtuous behavior that he was so proud of. She did admire those qualities in him, knowing fully well how they were yin and yang, but when it came to pleasures of the flesh and the two of them, she was never reluctant to let him know how she felt. And he had never been hesitant to display his rage at her attempts to tantalize and draw him towards her, so very aroused and unable to resist her delicious ways. Fuck! She was doing it again. And it was proving to be quite delightful.

"And I was hooked ever since you first dragged me behind those bookshelves and blew smoke into my mouth. And then blew me. And then reminded me why I was hooked in the first place, every time you teased the fuck out of me. That, my darling, was the first time I smacked anybody's ass. Pulled anybody's hair." Caiden spoke between ragged breaths and passionate thrusts, gazing into her beautiful eyes. "That was the first time I was so erotically pissed off at anybody."

He was anything but pissed off at the moment though. Caiden's hands gripped the fullness of her buttocks, slipping, scratching, slapping and splashing as her body moved like a wave across the surface of the water, milking him slowly towards a long overdue climax. His fingers slid up along her back and dug into her flesh there before moving to her hips, his own matching her rhythm, piercing her from the bottom up while her ample breasts brushed against his chest. His eyes remained focused on her face as the droplets of water, combined with the sweat on their foreheads, and the hair wet from the splashes, sticking to her skin, made her look incredibly delectable to him at that very special moment.