Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

"No, unfortunately not." She replied crisply. Gra'tia stared at him, and it was probably a good thing he couldn't see under her helmet. She was looking at him intensely, as though trying very hard not to jump him right then and there.

"I've been dosed with an unknown drug and may need your help," The woman tried to say it in a business-like manner, but it was clear her tone was tense. Her hands that were currently hanging at her sides twitched.
"Drugs? What drugs?" I began to say with a confused look on my face. When did we get drugs? "Okay. Okay. There's a decontamination kit in the infirmary, and we can try to get whatever it is off of you." Troubling standing up that one hand gripped the chair and the other slapped the face of the console. Lifted myself up and stood. Weak at first. The feeling began to come back in.

Carefully my eyes looked over her. A full sized, tight body suit was something else. Then I noticed her hands twitching. No time for oogling. She may be in danger. I started to walk past her towards the cockpit door. "Come with me, and I can take care of it," with a little concern in my voice.

A drug? Did a drug get on board? How? The security alarms weren't tripped. Maybe she had it before? Too many variables for me to understand. If I can get to the decon-kit I might be able to get a sample to test it.
As he walked away, she watched his every move. The way his shoulders tensed, his expression, the long strides of his legs... his ass. His ass was nice. She stalked after him, fighting the feelings that were bubbling to the surface. God, she really just wanted to tie him to a pipe, rip off his clothes and ride him until she was slathered in cum. That wasn't something she should do though. Her mind struggled as she went back and forth between her reasonable thoughts and the powerful urges that threatened to overcome her.

By the time they reached their destination, her breathing had picked up and her hands were visibly shaking. "It's on my hands," she said through clenched teeth. The hands in question wanted nothing more than to touch every inch of him.
The door to the infirmary opened. Stepped to the side and looked over the array of labeled containers on the walls. Without looking back I said to her, "Hop on the chair. I'll grab the decon-kit," before muttering to myself which one was which.

This was bad. Not desperate. Finding the drawer and pulling it out, the kit had gloves and a sample collector, sanitation spray and wipes and some other items necssary for this. I didn't think it would require an entire shower if it's just on her hands.

Be cool. Be cool. Take a breath and let it out. Don't let her see your hands shaking. I was still shaking. Not from what was happening. My body seemed to be in a different time period and was trying to catch up to the current period.
Being under the influence of whatever it was, she knew that she wasn't fit for a fight should it arise. As such, she knew that it wouldn't be good if they were both infected by the substance in the polish. She couldn't take much more of this... regardless of her previous sentiments. Gra'tia swiftly moved forward and snatched the sanitary wipes up, ignoring any protests he might make in favor of thoroughly wiping down her hands. Once that was done, she threw the wipes on a counter and looked at her hands for a moment. They were still shaking and she knew that it was too late to prevent the symptoms.

Her gaze lifted to him and she said in what was almost a growl, "You... are in danger."
The decon-kit fell to the floor and my hand reached for my blaster pistol on my hip. Her outburst not only caught me off guard, but her threat convinced me that it was not an idle one. What should I do? She was shaking and I was by myself. Slowly backing towards the infirmary door. I didn't want to shoot her. Partly because I liked her. Also, if I shoot her then I don't get my fee.

If I was in danger I could just back up and shut the infirmary door and lock her inside until either this ran its course, or I can find a way of dealing with this problem. "Okay. Okay. Gra'tia...let's just take a breath. Take it easy," holding out my left hand towards her as I backed away. Fingertips touching the cold steel of my pistol.
It was far too hot, she could no longer bear it. The woman reached up and literally ripped her body suit down the front, tugging and pulling on it until the fabric gave way under her strength. When it was open enough, she shrugged off the arms and shoved down the legging part of it, kicking it off impatiently. All that was left were the bandages that bound her chest and pair of soaked black underwear. Well, that and her helmet.

Her body was pleasant to look at, a mixture of softness and strength. There were scars in several places, including the spot on her stomach she had shown him earlier.

"Redar..." she panted. "I can't take it anymore..." There was clear desire in her voice, the lust thick in her tone. Gra'tia started moving toward him, though she moved slowly as though she was fighting the urge to advance.
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"Whoa! Whoa! WHOA! What are you doing?!" I exclaimed as the fabric ripped. Most of her body exposed to me and that night flashed in my mind. This is what she looked like when pleasuring herself? Have to say that I was impressed. Those scars on her body didn't detract from her natural beauty. It appears the Mandalorian woman took care of herself. Far better than those whores back on the planet.

Standing in front of me almost fully naked and growling at me like a hungry predator. I was both horny and concerned, and I didn't know which one to be. Still backing up a little closer to the door. My heart was thumping hard and crawling into my throat. My mind told me to run. My cock was firming and telling me to stay. My hand was touching my blaster pistol and the other was reaching back for the control panel for the door.
One of her hands lifted to rub up her neck sensually before slipping slightly under her helmet. It almost looked as though she was about to take it off when there was a sharp "plink!"

It would appear that Gra'tia's armor still had some tricks up its sleeve, or its helmet in this case. Using her targeting system in her visor, she had locked onto his hand and fired a small marble at it. The marble certainly wasn't enough to injure him badly, but it would definitely smart and leave a nasty bruise later. That being said, it had the desired effect of distracting him.

It was at that moment that she pounced. She was fast. The speed at which she flew forward and knocked him over was almost inhuman, though she made sure he didn't bump his head on the way down. Her next order of business was pinning his wrists to the floor so he couldn't reach for his gun again. She knew this was wrong, that she shouldn't be doing this, but at this point she was beyond morals.

"Where... do you think you're going?" her sultry voice came from her helmet. "I'm not done with you. Not by a long shot."
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I had enough time to say, "ACK!" when something slapped my hand. Then I was nose to nose, or nose to visor, with Gra'tia and she pinned my hands with with own and then pinned my legs as well. "What is wrong with you, Gra'tia? Just what do you think you're doing?"

Wish I could look at her face and have it tell me if this is genuine, or if her mental faculties finally snapped. Gritting my teeth I kept trying to pull away. I just couldn't get any leverage because she had me pinned down at the right spots. The only thing I could freely was my head.

An idea, what if I headbutted her in the helmet? A tempting idea. The only idea. Then I thought against it. That stuff, she said, is made from Beskar. If I do that then I'll break my face against it and she would emerge from this undamaged. If I can't escape and I can't fight then the only thing I could do is try to reason with her. The way she was acting, it didn't sound like that was going to work either.

"Gra'tia, just what is going on? Why are you..eerrrrr....doing this?" trying to speak slowly and plainly for her to understand me.
She really wished she could kiss those confused lips of his, but taking off her helmet was not in the cards even in her altered state. From where she was positioned on top of him, she was able to bend down and press her hips against his, grinding very gently against his crotch. Oh? So he was already a bit hard. Excellent.

"I'm doing this... because whatever was in that polish I used has made me ravenous, and I think you're the only one who can scratch my itch." The Mandalorian licked her lips under her helmet, knowing that she was approaching the point of no return.
I was very alarmed and very turned on. Ravenous? An itch? Oh, no. This is bad. This is really bad. Now she was grinding onto me. That was the universal sign of 'Fuck me!' Now I know what was going through her mind back at the hotel. It was her fantasy coming true.

Part of me liked this idea, except I didn't like that she may break my entire body doing so. I liked my body the way it was. I liked her body the way it was, too. Shows you what my mindset was.

I was completely at Gra'tia's mercy. Feeling so powerless and inside my own ship! One of my clients has turned against me, or has finally snapped. Either way, my dick was proving to have a mind of its own. While the Mandalorian was grinding onto my pelvis, my member slowly slid down the inner thigh. Despite everything that was going on, that fat thing wanted only one thing, that thing being the helmet wearing animal pinning me down.

There was only one way out of this situation, wasn't there? Either fucker her or die? I get the feeling that, if I try to refuse to her she'll fuck me to the death. What a way to go.
His hands were gently but firmly pulled up and in so that they met over his head. As she did so, she leaned forward until her cool helmet was pressed against the side of his face. "Redar..." she purred. "I've never been intimate with anyone before, but I think that might change shortly. Mmm... If I didn't have to keep my helmet on, I would taste every part of you from your lips to the tips of your fingers." While she had been speaking, her hands had been deftly moving. His wrists were now tightly bound together from a scrape of her bodysuit. He would find that it was much more difficult to rip than she made it look, especially when it was coiled the way it was. The tightness wasn't enough to cut off his circulation, but there was no room for him slip out of them either.

With that done, she drew back and continued to hold down his wrists with one hand. Now she had a free hand though- all the better to unbind herself. She reached up and pulled at a specific part of her bandaging, the long strip of cloth starting to be unwound from her chest. As the last bit of bandage fluttered to the floor, Gra'tia now had her large DD tits exposed to him. She was a lot larger than she appeared in her armor.
Teeth clenched tightly. Her words had the tone of seductive with an underlining threat of harm. I was now bound by her and at her mercy. She was crazed. Kinda hot but I didn't know if she wanted to fuck me or end me, or fuck me and then end me.

Carefully my eyes tried to follow her. Looking into her visor to see if that was the real Gra'tia or some sort of ghoul that replaced her when I wasn't looking. "What is coming over you, Gra'tia?" wincing as she adjusted herself on me. Bound and unable to move I was pretty much at Gra'tia's mercy as her fingers undid her bindings.

"What the..." eyes enlarged to their fullest staring at her mammories as they flopped out of her bindings. What kind of magic is this? In response my member was at its hardest and throbbing inside my trousers. Started to get second thoughts. Should I just accept it and fuck her, maybe she will come to her senses, or be the sacrifice? I didn't have either choice available to me. I mean, this was something I thought about, I didn't think it would happen like this? I was use to whores who wanted me because I had the credits. Now this one wanted me and I was to be her first?
She looked down at him for a moment, enjoying the wide-eyed look of lustful bewilderment. "I don't know, but I can't stand it." A hand slid down her belly and right into her underwear. Her head tipped back for a moment and she sighed with pleasure. A moment later, her hand came back out coated in her fluids. It was brought to his lips and she rubbed them against his mouth like some kind of erotic chapstick.

"You have such fuckable eyes, you know that?" she growled in a sultry tone.
I tried twisting my head to avoid her fingertips. Try as I might I couldn't and she painted my lips and I was forced to taste her. It was a rich sweet flavor. I didn't like I was being forced to eat it that I tried to spit it out. Didn't work. So much of it was wiped over my lips that it flowed down my cheeks and chin.

Her compliment that made me freeze. 'Fuckable eyes'? What does that mean? I've heard whores compliment virtually everything else about me, never my eyes. They didn't want romance. They wanted the credits in my pocket. Now I got this Mandalorian chick with an enormous rack pinning me down, fingering herself, forcing me to taste her, refusing to take off her helmet, likes my eyes?

There was only one way out of this situation, wasn't there? I would have to let this Mandalorian fuck me. What if I didn't please her properly? My cock was itching to try by continuing to throb against my inner leg.

"Uh...thanks?" furrowing an eyebrow at Gra'tia.
He was given a slight nod and a chuckle, "I'm sure you've heard that from your whores, but it's true." She reached under them and to his belt, deftly undoing it and pulling it from the loops in his pants. This meant that his holster came with it, and she gently slid it away so that it was far out of either of their reach. Now that the blaster was taken care of, she figured it was time to get the show on the road. After all, her pussy was aching almost painfully for him.

Her hand went down his cheek affectionately before sliding down his neck and further. Dragging gently down his chest and stomach until it reached his pants. They were undone swiftly, and they soon found the object of her desire: his cock. It was so hard... she shivered. His cock was hard for her. He couldn't see her face, but that didn't matter. He liked women with large tits, and she was definitely one of those.

She started to stroke him sensually, her helmet cocked to the side slightly. "You're quite large, Redar. I'm not sure if you'll fit, but I'm still going to try."
That was obvious I was ready. My cock was aching to get some action. All that was seperating her and it was a thin layer of fabric. If she did let it loose it would spring and stand up for her. For someone who claims to have never had a lover before, Gra'tia was certainly pressing all the right buttons. Watching others have all of the fun and she's off to the sides taking notes.

"Okay, Gra'tia, listen...I know you can hear me..." I whispered in a vain attempt to get through to her, appeal to her senses after telling me she couldn't control herself. "If you can just reach over to that decon-kit we might be able to fix this whole thing, and we can just put it all behind us.

My cock, on the other hand, was jumping up and down inside my pants. Demanding to be let out. As if saying, "I say no to that idea! Let me out of here!"

My lips curled back and let out a hiss. I didn't want to be doing this. Felt wrong and she must be under the control of something. I can't fight free. There was no other real choice in the matter but to accept it for what it is, and take the ride. Letting out a long sigh to relax the muscles some more. Perhaps if I just roll with it I can fuck some sense back into that bucket of her's.
His words did reach her, and for a moment she struggled with herself. Her hand had stopped moving on his shaft and she looked to the side. What was she doing? She could barely think rationally anymore. It was like being extremely drunk. All she knew was that her body was experiencing an arousal that was painful to leave unquenched. Even taking the time to decontaminate herself seemed too long to stave off her desperate need for intimacy. A pang of guilt went through her before it was drowned in the tide of her arousal.

"Just pretend I'm a prostitute. Close your eyes and imagine that I'm the brunette from when we first met..." Gra'tia pulled her underwear to the side and revealed a trimmed pussy with a patch of white hair. She groaned with need as she started to rub her wet pussy against his shaft. So this was what a cock felt like? It was veiny and hard, but it was also hot and nice. The head of his cock was guided to her entrance and she started to slowly sink down on it. At one point she hissed slightly, having felt a twinge and a pinch of pain. She was wet enough though that he slid in fairly easily.
What was happening? I kept asking myself that. This didn't feel real. Then I was inside her. Now it was not only real, it was tight. Lifting up my head to look down at what was happening, my eyes widened slightly. Was that...was her hair down there white? Never seen white hair down there. Her words rolled through my ears, just pretend.

Okay. Okay. Just close my eyes and go with the flow of it. If I cooperate then this won't be as painful as it already was. When she put me inside her and sat, the walls of her insides wrapped tightly around my members. Oh! That was the feeling of someone never been with a man before. At her age and never had sex? What's this Galaxy coming to.

Gritting my teeth and tensing up until she reached the base of the shaft, and I looked once more to see that she took me all the way in. Oh, wow! Not only tight but she was working her magic on me from the insides of her body that I could feel her walls pulsing. Is that a Mandalorian trait or am I just imaginging things?

A deep breath and eyes lightly closed and rolling back.
For a moment she didn't think she could move. He felt so big and she felt just a bit tender. Still, she was too horny to back down now, so she started to rise and fall slowly on his pole. The pain quickly turned into pleasure, as if felt like he was rubbing against every part of per pussy inside. Never had she known such a sensation as this. How had she survived before knowing the thickness of a fat cock? Or maybe it felt good because it was the handsome smuggler's? She wasn't sure, but she certainly wasn't going to stop.

"Oh..." she moaned softly, "that feels... that feels good." Her hand slipped under his shirt as she leaned forward and continued her sensual movements on his cock. Oh how she wished she could use her mouth, but her hands were all she had, and only one of those since she had to continue to pin his wrists with the other. Of course, she could let go, but there was no telling what he would do if she did. Even tied together he could punch her in the face and get enough leverage to kick her off. She would be on him before he could take another step, but she still wanted to avoid it if possible.
Lips pinched tightly together. Eyes clamped closed. I wanted to scream. Wouldn't do me any good. Pushing herself onto my rod until the sack touched her ass send a hot jolt through my body. An experience I normally did not get with the dockside whores. When she lifted her body the walls around the firm member would slacken to let it slide revealing a rich coating of juices. The same flavor that was on my lips. Dried up by now but the flavor was still there. Coming back down a shiver rolled up my body and forced the air from my lungs like loud sighs.

Just roll with it. Make it quick. Don't resist or she may hurt you. I probably wouldn't be able to hurt her unless I get to my blaster. Her big breasts pressed against my chest when she came down again. "Grrrrrrr" grunting through my teeth. A good feeling Felt great to me to, in a somewhat morbid way. Her first time taking dick. Heart pumping and blood coarsing through my veins. Those things I couldn't control, no matter how hard I tried.
Gra'tia continued to fuck herself at his expense, eyes-closed as she was enraptured by the feeling of his cock. At one point she thought she felt him shudder but it could have just been her imagination. Hopefully it felt good for him too. It had to, didn't it?

The growl he let out seemed to beg to differ, and once again she felt a pang of guilt go through her. If only she hadn't polished her armor with some shady polish from some shady planet. Then she wouldn't have to hump him until the effects wore off. A surge of pleasure purged the guilt and once more she was simply in a delirious state of arousal.

"You can cum inside when it's time- you don't need to hold back. I'll take it all. I always keep emergency contraceptives in my pack... just in case." The woman moaned, thinking about what it would be like to take his load in her cunt. Would it be hot? Would there be a lot of it? What sort of face would he make?
Grunting and heaving with my chest with her big breasts pressing against me. How I wanted to grab and squeeze them. Temptation and lust began to overtake me. What was coming over me? I shouldn't be liking this. The more she pressed herself onto me, the more I felt that I should. Was whatever coming over her also affecting me?

Again my teeth sank into my lower lips. Stifling a grunt when she pulled up, revealing a juice lathered cock sliding out from her cavity. Going down again with her walls wrapping tightly around me. "RRRRR" hissing through my teeth and clamping my eyes shut. Head buzzing. Something was wrong with me. "RRRR, AAAHHH!" panting hard for breath. Out of a knee jerk reaction wiped my lips with the tip of the tongue. "Why..." I gasped. That's all I could get out.

The word just came out of my mouth. Why was this happening? What if, though, what if I tell her what she wanted to hear and she can release my hands. Probably can't break free from her grip on, as she clearly dominated over me. This could be a little better for the both of us if i could get my hands free. Maybe that way I can play with her titties that slapped me in the face with her movements.
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"Why do I keep contraceptives when I don't engage in sexual activities?" she panted questioningly, assuming he was referring to her previous statements. "Because there are any number of things that can happen to a woman who travels alone." One of those things was currently happening, though in a twisted turn of fate it was happening to Redar.

She wished she could take a video of him licking his lips like that... it was downright erotic. Gra'tia started to roll her hips faster on top of him, pushing her ass back on his swollen cock to get him as deep as she could each time. It was almost as though she could feel him in her stomach the way it pushed against her slick walls. Lowering herself slightly, she smushed her breasts into his face and whined, "Redar... you like breasts, right? Do you like mine?" There was a hint of insecurity in her tone, as though she wanted to be assured that he found her chest attractive.
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