The New Teacher (closed to OttawaGuy50's)


Literotica Guru
May 26, 2017
Gwendolyn Johnson was a popular teacher at the Beverly Hills Senior high. All of 22 with a new degree in teaching. She was a bit of a prep so her students really liked her. She came to school as any other day,however this one was different. The principal called her in and said she was needed to fill in at the rough South Central H.S for the next year. She protested but being one of the newer teachers she didn't have much choice. She went to bed and dreaded the next morning at her "New School".
She wanted to still look professional but at 22 she liked to be fashionable and show off her 5'9 120# frame and small but firm and perky 34B chest as she liked embracing her feminine girly girl side.. She selected a baby blue blouse, w/a light material black skirt about 3" above the knees,nude pantyhose and 3" strappy baby blue heels. She left her shoulder length blonde hair down as she entered the halls for her 1st day.
All the female students gave her dirty looks and the male ones gave her perverted lustful looks
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After living through the giggles from the girls in the hall, Gwen got up the nerve and asked one of the boys, a tough looking but handsome kid, where the Principal's office was. She knew it was a mistake, but it was out of her mouth before she could stop it.

"Why, have you been a bad girl?" said the boy, smirking. This was met with ooohs and aaahs from his posse of friends.

"Very funny," Gwen said, blushing crimson she was sure.

"You must be a new student," the boy said. "I ain't never seen you 'round here."

"I'm a... teacher," she said, hesitantly.

Loud 'whoas' and 'hoots' ensued. Girls' jaws dropped.

"Turn left at the end of the hall. Can't miss it," the boy finally disclosed, covering every inch of her body with his eyes.

"Thank you," she said.

Gwen, Miss Johnson, clutched her messenger bag to her chest and strode down the hall, still blushing, she was sure.
Miss Johnsons big blueish green eyes scanned the beat up walls and dented lockers as her heels clicked on the concrete floors.
Nothing like the high end upscale Beverly Hills Senior high from wherevshe came from. She pretended to be looking at papers to avoid eye contact as she had heard many rough runors on the reputation of this school. However Gwendolyn Johnson was eager and naieve thinking she could easily change the culture. She made it to an office giving her name to an eldery woman who hit a button saying "sir new meat... i mean new teacher from Beverly Hills Senior high is here ".
A gruff voice shoited back over PA system of the principal's office "Johnson my office now" as she was directed to a set of double doors about 20 feet from the desk. Miss Gwendolyn Johnson was nervous as Beverly Hills Senior high was laid back and she was unsure what the principal would be like. The petite blonde teacher hit the double doors and slowly opened them and went in showing confidence but deep down scared and nervous.
"Are you Johnson?" said the gruff senior (he had to be 70+) from behind a very messy desk.

"Yes sir," Gwen squeaked.

He just stared at her.

"Fuck. They get younger every year," he said, mostly to himself.

"You're teaching Grade 9 English. Robert Hudson is your TA. First time I can recall a TA being older than the teacher but, whatever. Room 212. Class starts in 30 minutes."

"But..." she started.

"Your TA is in the class. He has the learning plan. Go!" he barked.

Miss Johnson scurried upstairs to the classroom. There was a 30something man in there writing on the board. "They still use boards?" she thought.

"Are you Mr. Hudson?" she asked.

"Bob, please," he replied with a smile.
"Im. Mi....Miss Jo...Johnson or Gwendolyn sir.. your my TA im told. Nice to meet you" the bubbly Beverly Hills blonde teacher said with a warm smile trying to be friendly off the bat. Yet with a bit of nerves from the newness and nature of the environment she walked into.
"You like it here? Like the "old-school " boards Mr Hud.. I mean Bob" Gwendolyn said trying an ice breaker joke. Bob seemed fixated on Miss Johnsons pleated skirt a few inches above the knees which bounced with each step to her toned nylon clad legs as her heels echoed on the older hardwood floors since just the two of them were currently present. "Any tiips for a new teacher around here " Miss Johnson asked Bob with an eager yet naive inquiring nature.
"Miss Johnson," Bob replied. "Gwendolyn. Gwen?

"Gwen yes," she agreed.

"The pleasure is mine, Gwen," he said, bowing slightly. "Ummm, you don't look much older than some of the seniors here," he added.

"I will have my Masters Ed. by the end of this school year," she said, defensively.

"Oh don't take that personally," he explained. "Just be prepared for some, shall we say, less than gentlemanly remarks from some of the older boys here," he added, taking an exceptionally slow, long head-to-toe look at her.

"Oh I already experienced that on the way to the Principal's office," she said.

Bob nodded. "I see."

"So, this is not Beverly Hills. Kids here are mostly from low income families, and as sexy as you look right now, it will not help you standing in front of the classroom."

She tried not to smile, or blush, and failed miserably at least one of those. "He thinks I'm sexy!" she thought.
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Miss Johnson in her naive nature said "like what kind of remarks?"
Mr Hudson mentioned questions like "can we see your underwear" or breast size or favorite position?" Gwendolyn blushed at the nature of those questions as the boys of Beverly Hills Senior high would never ask those questions of a teacher.
"They ask such things to a teacher here" Miss Johnson said blushing at the mere thought of those questions. Stone faced, Mr Hudson just nodded yes as he also said her choice of a semi short pleated skirt was a bold choice and elaborated on her attire for class.
As he did she looked at him still thinking "he thinks im sexy?" In her head as she looked around the room at the chalk bosrds Nd antiquated look of the roon as her eyes kept going from Mr Hudson then to different items in classroom just trying to get a sense of her surroundings.
"I'm normal," he said, sensing her deer-in-the-headlights gaze. "You look like you're ready to run for the exits. Although you wouldn't get very far in those sexy shoes," he added, smiling.

Miss Johnson blushed.

"Look, it's not as scary as it sounds. 90% of the kids are awesome, but there are few jackasses'" Bob continued. "You will spot them fairly quickly and learn how to deal with them and - I will be right beside you all the time."

That made Gwen feel much more comfortable. Also, she felt an odd sensation 'down there' at the idea of him being beside her all the time. Funny.

"Where's the ladies room?" she asked.

"I'll walk you," Bob said. "I will fill you in on the lesson plan along the way."
As the pair walked a few lingering students made lewd remarks about Miss Johnson, most not knowing she was a new teacher. Suddenly Miss Johnson squealed a bit and needed a quick side step to avoid a student flying by on a skateboard from attempting to flip her short pleated skirt up.
The young blonde teacher gave a sigh of relief because she was pantiless under her pantyhose as she secretly liked the feeling of the nylon material on her bald pussy lips.
"So Mr Huds... I mean Bob, you saud something about filling me in on the lesson plan? Would love to hear now, im quite eager to help these students learn. All the while scanning the beat up halls with her big blueish green eyes still fearful of the rumors and reputation this school had around the halls of the upscale schools such as Beverly Hills Senior high school did.
"Smooth move there girl," Bob said, at her escaping the skateboarder.

"Practice," she replied. "Is it friggin' hot in here?" she asked.

"Yeah... late September and it's still summer. This is an old buidling so, A/C is not at its peak performance," he replied.

"So, lesson plan," Bob explained. "They are freshmen so we are reading Lord of the Flies. We just finished the chapter where they crash land and Ralph and Piggy found the conch. Today we are going to have the studnets explore what they would do if stranded."

"That's it?" Miss Johnson asked.

"Yep, times three. Third period, after lunch is a "spare". We have some quizzes to mark."

"Cool," she said.

"Here's the ladies room," Bob said.

Gwen disappeared through the door without a sound.

She stepped into a stall, hiked her skirt up to her waist and pushed her pantyhose down.

"Oh that's much cooler," she thought out loud as the air surrounded her bare thighs and ass. Then to herself, "Can I take them off for the day?"
Miss Johnson thought for a moment because she was pantiless under the pantyhose, liking the feeling of the nylon on her bald pussy but it WAS much cooler. So she made it quick putting the nylons in her purse, fixing her heels and heading back out to where Mr Hudson was

Now the naive blonde teacher had to avoid wind gusts for the remainder of the day. Aa she exited no Mr Hudson? "Where did he go? How am i supposed to find my way back on day 1??" Miss Johnson headed in the direction she was sure her room was.
The halls were filling up students, the dirty-look girls, who were now whispering to each other; and of course, the hormone-racing boys. Gwen took one wrong turn but she quickly corrected herself and found her way back to the classroom. Bob was waiting outside.

"Good girl!" he said.

"Damn that phrase," she thought when tingles hit her groin.

"I'm a big girl," she replied.

"Especially with those heels on," he said, winking.

She tried not to smirk. She really did try. She failed.

"So, you are the teacher here and I am the lowly TA," he said. "Do you want to take the reins from the start?"

"Hmmm," she pondered. "I think maybe you kick it off introducing me, and I can lead off with questions about the book."

"Sounds like a plan," he said, smiling. "We have ten mins. Have a seat," he added, pointing to the desk at the front of the room.

She sat down, or at least she tried to. The chair had wheels and her ass, small as it was, hit the front edge of the seat and sent it backwards against the wall. Her ass then continued downward, landing firmly on the floor. She fell backwards, her skirt never had a chance at staying in place, and her legs splayed, giving Bob a glorious view of her naked and bald pussy.
Miss Johnson grunted slightly from the impact but was ok, other than pride. Her face scarlet red from embarrassment of the mis step having no idea she just flashed Mr Hudson. Miss Johnson stood up and straightened her clothing and dusted herself off a bit with a nervous chuckle trying to laugh off the fall which probably made her really seem like a fish out of water here, far from her normal surroundings of Beverly Hills Senior high.
"Mr Hudson? Is thisca big class? Any problem students?" The young naieve blonde teacher so full of excitement and questions.
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Bob started to reply but flashes of Gwen's pussy kept getting in the way.

"This class is <pussy> 20 kids, which is <pussy> about average. However, attendance is not <pussy> a big thing with these kids, we might get a dozen a day.<pussy> The juniors are pretty good so far, <pussy> it's the seniors that are the most trouble, turning 18 and hormones raging."

Gwen thought for a moment that her last boyfriend was 18, and that was just last year. It never occurred to her that she may end up teaching students she could technically date. That thought causes a mild tingle between her legs.

"All right," Bob continued,"They should be <pussy> filing in shortly. The desk is yours, I will introduce you and today's plan, and then I'll be witting at the back during class. <pussy> Does that work?"

"Sure," Gwen said, snapping out of a little fantasy.
The students began to fill in. Most loudly talked or listened to music, paying no attention to the petite blonde teacher trying to greet them with a friendly bubbly tone.
Miss Johnson shook most of it off as they just got to get used to her. She looked up at Mr. Hudson to see if she was doing a good job not realizing he was undressing her with his eyes. Miss Johnson tried to get the class' attention but they kept talking and carrying on. Did Mr Hudson have a way that the naive blonde Beverly Hills high teacher could capture their attention?
"Good morning!" Mr. Johnson bellowed.

His deep, resonating voice filled the room. It also startled Gwen, sending vibrations through her.

The kids promptly quieted and sat down at their desks.

"Hey gang," Bob continued. "This is Miss Johnson. <pussy> She is your new English teacher."

The girls in the class looked surprised, but the pre-hormonal freshman boys looked, well, dumbfounded. Bob remembered those days, being 15 years old and not knowing what to do if a beautiful woman was nearby; being tongue-tied and have your heart racing; and of course, the new but wonderful feeling between your legs. He was experiencing that last feeling right now.

"Hello class," Gwen said.

A murmur of 'hi's was returned.

"Mr. Hudson tells me you are reading Lord of the Flies. Who wants to share their thoughts on the first two chapters?"

"It was weird," one boy in the back said.

This was met with a round of giggles.

"Why?" asked Miss Johnson.

"A bunch of twelve year old boys walking around naked?" he explained. "Weird."

The giggles turned to laughter.

"Well," said Miss Johnson "They are stranded, and needed to swim to clean off at least..."
Miss Johnson looked to Mr Hudson to see if her answers were insightful and helpful to the class. He joked about maybe she could be more of a "visual" aid to help class understand better. The blonde teacher blushed a bit at his potential innuendo but quickly tried to refocus her thoughts back to the book.
"Does anyone else have any thoughts on the book any observations would help ". Again her mind raced did Mr Hudson make a sexual innuendo in her direction or was it just first day jitters making her hear things?
The discussion on the book completed and, then repeated itself in the next period. Gwen and Bob ate lunch together in the teachers' lounge where Gwen was introduced to a few others. Several of the male teachers gave Bob thee "wow wow wow!" sign when Gwen had her back turned to them. Bob just chuckled quietly, and then thinking back to the falling-off-the-chair episode <pussy>, he agreed.

"Now we have to grade some papers," he said to Gwen.

"Oh. Where?" she asked.

"Back at my place?" Bob thought, he hoped not out loud. "Classroom?" he asked.

"Can we go outside?" she asked. "It's hot in here.

"Sure!" he replied. "There are some picnic tables off in the corner of the school yard."

"That'd be great," Gwen added.

Bob grabbed his leather back containing the papers. "Follow me," he said.

Once at the tables, Miss Johnson made and attempt to get both legs under the table. She had sat her ass on the bench and lifted one knee, exposing herself to Bob again, but when she lifted that other leg, all hell broke loose. She slipped off the bench but didn't actually fall as her one leg was kinda stuck. Her other leg flailed to find solid ground but couldn't. Bob watch it all unfold, seemingly in slow motion, which allowed him an extended view of her pick treasure.

Miss Johnson knew she was exposed yet couldn't do a thing about it. Her skirt was up at her waist, her naked ass not quite touching the ground.

"Do you need help?" Bob asked.

"That depends," she replied, "on how long you want to enjoy the view."

Bob took a few moments, maybe more than a few, to examine the situation.

"I could fix your skirt," he offered.

Gwen flushed, not in embarrassment but in arousal. "He is going to put his hands under my skirt," she thought. "And I want him too!" Thinking back, she realized he probably saw her naked pussy when she fell off the chair, and thought perhaps that was the signs of detraction she noticed in class. And the thinly veiled sexual innuendos, they made sense now too. "I turned on my TA in the first hour working together!"

"Please do, but take your time," she said, boldly.