Opportunities (Closed for Hotpup)


Literotica Guru
Jun 5, 2018
Helen was heavy and self conscious, she had comfort ate at home and now welcomed the opportunity that her first job presented. She had a bright pleasant personality but low confidence and self esteem largely brought about by her father who ruled the roost at home. He had dominated and neither her nor her mother had dared challenge him. 'You need to work around him Helen' her mother Ruth had said to her and so she had.

A friend of her father's had done the deed. A nice quiet guy as far as Helen was concerned. Married with a couple of children, nice wife too. She had been thin though and that Helen was not. Her g cup breasts had provided the attraction and perhaps it was also the thrill of being first inside a young lady. It had all been civilised, when dad had been out, on her own bed, her bottom on her pillow and his large mature cock, covered with a condom pushed gently inside her long hairy slit. He had moved gently and taken his time. On that occasion it had all been about her, making it pleasant for her and that he had done. Pulling out when she had had enough and removing his condom to come all over her breasts. There were other times of course, after she had gone on the pill, times when he had come inside her. It was though getting heavy and she needed to get away, there was no future and she dreaded what would happen if he dad actually found out. He didn't. Her mum of course sort of guessed and made some little comments but Helen knew enough about her.

Yes Ruth, a friend of hers had rather let the cat out of the bag to Helen. How her dad worked away from home with his lorry quite a bit and how Ruth got to go out a good bit then. She only left the house in ordinary clothes but yes she had a wardrobe with the friend and yes they went for drinks together and yes men did show they liked her. She had a man that she saw from time to time and also earnt money on the side. She was saving up for the time when she would leave her husband Dennis. Helen of course didn't know all this, enough though and she let her know that much without prying. Mum had a plus sized body but with curves in all the right places. One of Helen's ambitions was to lose a few pounds and be like her mum. Was it in the genes? Just how much would she do l like her mum?

Thus Helen's family life was a bit of a mess and it was with relief that she settled into a new home. It was quite simple, it was a room in a shared house. Two guys, one young and one more mature and a girl similar to her own age. She had met them all, they seemed friendly and reasonable. Whilst she was nervous she was certainly excited. It was sort of an adventure and the next step on her young life. She already felt more confident and the cash that mum had given her when she left meant so much. Get yourself some new clothes' she had told her and that is what she was going to do. She looked forward to work and meeting people there, she was confident in her work abilities. She liked law and wanted to get on. She loved her mum and dad, in spite of everything, but she wanted to get on. She wanted to get home and show them what she had been able to achieve. She wanted her parents to be proud of her. She dreamt of a man, a home and two children, she dreamt of her own law business. It would take time but she was prepared to do what it took to get on. She would be patient and take her time but she was determined to get there.

This all seemed so far away when she attended the office of Crowther and Bush, lawyers, on her first day and waited at reception to meet her manager and be introduced to the team.
35 year old Robert “Bob” Bush has been working at Crowther and Bush ever since he graduated from law school, about 10 years. His great grandfather and his partner started the business. Several decades ago. While some day he will inherit a share of the firm for now he is a low level attorney but still makes very good money living in his own home in an upscale neighborhood. Family tradition is that each generation has to prove themselves just as any other lawyer who works for the firm must.
It is well known that some of the Crowthers and Bushs have washed up and have been sent packing to other firms or government law offices. This meant Bob got no special treatment from his fellow firm members. He kind of likes it that way. It makes it easier to fade into the woodwork.
He is an introvert, at least, until he gets to know you then he can let his wilder side show. His co-worker Cora with whom he gets together with a few times a year for some friends with benefits fun has told him over and over that he has nothing to be shy about. She tells him at 6’ 1” 195 pounds, deep blue eyes rich black hair and a long thick cock that she thinks he is hot as hell. But, it is not just his looks as he is smart, respectful, and funny. It was a shame to her that their personality difference did not allow for more of a relationship beyond the rare wild night in bed.
That morning he knows that three new folks will be starting so as is his custom he walks bythe conference room and sees the three of them with the human resources chief and one of the junior partners. Later they will be welcomed by his father and Mr. Crowther. The two men are not remarkable just your average looking dudes. The woman, however, catches his eye. She is a bit on the heavy side and has a serious demeanor. He thinks that she will need it as this place is demanding. Just then Cora walks and sees him staring at the woman, “Just your type isn’t she? Maybe you should ask her out?”
Bob doesn’t answer figuring that the woman is actually too serious for him. He doesn’t know that Cora is already plotting to fix him up with the woman and makes it her mission to find out about her. She will watch for her to go on break and corner her. For such a large office Bob can’t believe how many times he passes the new woman in the hall during the day. He notices every part of her thinking that she has a perfect body, nice big tits and a mammoth ass not to mention her legs, eyes and silky hair. He knows though that he will never have the courage to ask her out. One of the managers escorts the woman around to meet everyone. Bob is tongue tied and doesn’t say much. When she leaves his office he goes into a bathroom stall and rubs one out thinking of her. He imagines what she looks like nude and it doesn’t take long for him to shoot a massive glob of his spunk.
The first day Helen was all nerves. Everybody seemed quite friendly but she was guarded as she did not want to give too much away until she had got her bearings. Things would change when work and demands started, she would then know who to befriend and who to keep clear from. Right now she was going to be pleasant to everybody and keep her work face on.

Perhaps Cora could see this because it was her who suggested a short drink after work on their way home. She didn’t feel she would really refuse, not that she really wanted a drink, but she wanted to get off on the right foot with a girl who was willing to make an effort. ‘It’ll only be us two” said Cora. Helen beamed back “that’s great, thank you’

When out with Cora it was clear to Helen that the lady knew about the practice and the way things worked. She also let slip the fact that she was on good terms with the heir to the business, Bob and that she would get her an introduction. ‘He’s not like that at all” said Cora when Helen hinted at her concerns of a serious guy, having full knowledge of law, being well educated and looking for a trophy girlfriend. ‘Well OK Cora, but only an introduction, let me just meet and say hello to him and make up my own min’. Helen chose to be quite firm, she barely knew the lady and she didn’t want to appear a pawn. She wanted to give the impression that she had a bit about her if need be. ‘Word would get around’.

The little chat was pleasant with Helen giving a selected summary of her home life and how the job was a new start for her, an adventure. She mentioned that she did not currently have a boyfriend.

It was a little disappointing when Helen got home to find that the young guy and girl were out. ‘They’ll be gone for a bit I guess. Yes it’s a shame you missed them, nice for me though’ said Nigel the mature academic, a lecturer at the local college. They chatted a little bit before he announced ‘well I am off to watch some porn!’

There he was, putting it right up there, had he no shame! Helen didn’t know where to look, she blushed. He was obviously trying something on, maybe this was his sort of chat up line. She could have ignored it but decided to be game. Her drink of wine out with Cora, her new job and being away from home had given her confidence. She barely knew the guy but answered ‘can I come and watch too?’

‘Of course young lady, I would love you as my guest’ he answered.

Helen was actually rather amused as her walked into his room. She took in his surroundings as she made herself comfortable and he locked the door.

Helen had quite liked secretly watching porn back home and wasn’t intimidated. She watched with Nigel and sort of approved of his choice. Homemade, normal bodies but a good bit older then her. There was nice intimacy, nice kissing and fondling and what appeared to be genuine orgasm. Good cock too, nice big cock for her to fantasise about.

‘Go on, it’s ok, I know you want you’ she had told him and there it was. Standing nicely erect. She watched him and didn’t want to interfere although she couldn’t help herself feeling her bosom through her clothes a little bit. Her arm was across her chest and selectively squeezing. Then he seemed to stop looking so much at the screen and more towards her. In fact was he presenting his penis to her?. She gave a little chuckle and put her hand to it for a squeeze and then to rub the foreskin up and down. Yes she did it for him, as his hand went onto her knee and then pushed up her skirt to feel her thigh. She opened her thighs by a nice measure, so much that he could actually reach where her sweaty bits from each leg met. He wasn’t getting any further mind, not then anyway!

‘There we are’ she said as a shot, then another and another come out of the end of his penis and over her hand. She reached for a tissue and wiped it off.

‘That’s better isn’t it’ she told him.

It was not long before Helen left and went into her own room and locked the door. It had been quite a day and she had had enough excitement. She planned her change of clothing for tomorrow before closing her eyes and moving her hand between her thighs to bring into play the part of her body that Nigel had yet to conquer.
All the way home Bob thought about the new girl. He was so smitten by her looks that he was having trouble remembering her name. He was almost to his door when it struck him, it was Helen. The name somehow seemed to suit her.
Visions of Helen clouded his thoughts all the way through his simple dinner. He was about to put on some porn but decided his fantasy of Helen would be enough to get him off. In his mind he helped her out of her clothes loving her selection of bra and panties. He imagined tasting and caressing every part of her body before his cock found her pussy. He had just shot his first load when his phone rang.
“Hey Bobby, how about coming on over. It has been too long since we had a bit of fun. Besides, I have something to ask you and if you want to find out what it is you have to get your ass moving over here right now!” Cora spoke in her most sultry voice. After spending an hour or so with Helen she could see why Bob found her attractive. Her body type was almost identical to Cora’s and most women that Bob had somehow managed to hook up with in spite of being an introvert except in the courtroom.
Also of course, he wasn’t an introvert once he got the woman in bed which is exactly why she had reached out to him for a booty call. Bob did not think twice and raced over to Cora’s with only one thing on his mind forgetting all about what she was going to ask him.
She opened the door wearing a matching bra and panty set and thigh high nylons which meant she wanted to get right down to business. He followed the sexy sway of her ass all the way to the bedroom where she freed him of his clothes. They dove together onto the bed and wrestled around nibbling and caressing.
It wasn’t long before she wasn’t wearing her undergarments. Starting at her feet he kissed up her legs until he reached her pussy, devouring it. He rubbed his nose against her clit as his thumb sank into her ass hole. Cora ground her foot against his cock and balls then pleaded , “Fuck me now!”
Not one to disappoint he moved up and pounded her pussy like a jackhammer just the way she loved it. He pulled out just before his orgasm and used his last few strokes to fuck her between her tits covering them in his spunk.
While they recovered Cora told him, “You know that new girl, Helen, you’re going to eat lunch with her tomorrow at Luigi’s. Don’t be late.”
It took her several minutes to convince him to go but he finally relented. When he left she called Helen and told her the meeting was on. Luigi’s was a casual restaurant , not at all romantic but suitable for getting to know one another. Cora was proud of herself. As Bob really deserved to have more fun.

Ruth sighed as her husband, Dennis kissed her before leaving on another one of his trips. He hadn’t even pulled out of the drive when she called one of her suters, “Paul, he left again, so how about heading on over?” Paul saw Dennis leaving as he approached their home. He couldn’t have been happier as he had first had Helen and shortly after he began having sex with her mother. His wife knew all about his time with Ruth but he didn’t think she would appreciate knowing that he had taken Helen’s virginity. As he entered Ruth gave him a big sloppy kiss as he grabbed his favorit part of her body, her ass.
It was a contented Helen that woke the following morning. It was early but she knew she had a full day ahead of her with lunch meeting a partner's son, she expected that would be special but she wondered why she had been singled out for such attention. The two guys she had joined with all seemed very reasonable although so far she had had little so say to them. She had been put working to Linda who seemed to be a busy sort of lady, always with papers in front of her and so often on the phone. "I am what you call a working lawyer", Linda had told her. "I don't get any of the fancy stuff, I just deal with the work and earn the fees that keeps this business ticking over.' Yes Linda was pretty much down to earth and had plenty of basic work to give to Helen to keep her occupied. She seemed ideal to learn from.

Helen saw no wedding ring on Linda's finger but there were clearly a heavy pair of boobs inside her blouse and some thigh which her skirt seemed to grasp quite tightly. Linda looked to be in her late 40s/early 50s and didn't seem to care. From what Helen could glean Linda lived in an apartment with a pet cat. 'Do you want to come round for some food' she had asked. When Helen had nodded, blushed and said 'thank you' Linda had said 'great, I'd better get some food in and my toy boy out for the evening'.

'Oh I wouldn't want to disturb...' responded Helen

'Helen, don't believe all you hear, there's no toy boy, well not right now anyway' said Linda laughing. 'Now organise and copy these exhibits, there's an index on top' continued Linda as she passed over a large bundle of papers to Helen.

So it was sort of fun working with Linda and she was actually looking forward to another day with her

At breakfast Helen and Nigel were quietly respectful to each other, giving nice smiles and looking to be polite and helpful. They were in 'have a good day' speak.

At work Helen saw a different Linda. 'It's a new client so I need to show them a bit of boob and act a bit measured and sophisticated. I can be a good actress when I want to be!' Linda had told her. Yes she was much smarter, with more quality and a bit of a cleavage on show. Helen liked her and she seemed full of advice 'you need to tease them, encourage them, the guys here, it will help you get on. Don't get a reputation though or nobody will be want to be around you. If you are going to.... you know.. make sure you are discreet'

Wise words of experience perhaps from Linda. Well Helen did respond to tell her 'I have a lunch date with Bob, Bob Brush'

'Not a bad start, not a bad start at all, you'll come around to mine tonight and tell me all about it. And I'll not take no for an answer. Besides it will do Bob no harm to have to wait, if he wants to dinner date you that is. Tell him you're around at mine oh and that he's not invited. We'll be having girlie chats'

Linda laughed amused. She liked the company of Helen. 'Here Helen, have a read through this statement from the other side and let me know what you think about it?' Yes Linda was giving her quality work. 'Appraise yourself of the case first. It's a matrimonial so plenty of disharmony'

Helen didn't have time to get nervous, it was all work work work. She made sure that she was on time at Luigi's but it was a nervous Helen what rather timidly walked in the door and looked around, hoping to see the figure of Bob inside. She felt that she had to comply with Cora's wishes and keep in her good books but it seemed a bit wild. Going for lunch with a guy she didn't know at all. This is not what like it would have been at home, not at all. She was certainly moving out into the world.


Meanwhile back home, Helen's mum Ruth was kneeling up on the bed on all fours whilst Paul stood behind her massaging his penis. He liked to say hello this way. They worked together lifting up her skirt and pulling down her panties to her knees. He was only semi erect but there was enough there to penetrate her hairy motherly cunt. He fully hardened with his movements inside her body as her vagina gave him a decent grasp for a mature filly. He liked holding her hips and moving up and down her cunt. This is how they usually said hello. He liked to have a bit of sport with this woman, just 10 minutes and a couple of orgasms for her before they could sit and have a nice chat, a bit to eat and drink before the serious stuff began. Yes, he always found her pretty irresistible when they met, it was just a pity that she had such an appetite for cock that she would never be satisfied just with him. She could be dead kinky and impossible to refuse though, a drug that he was unable to give up.

Ruth enjoyed Paul, he was a guy with a bit of stamina and could be relied upon to give her satisfaction. So what if he was a bit demanding. At least it proved that she had still got in and could entertain. She had vision, she had got to work on him. She wanted a threesome and then to meet strangers with him in tow. They were her fantasies right now and he could make them come true. She discuss them with him as 'pillow talk'. That was her plan.
Rubbing his eyes Bob was having difficulty getting out of bed as he had not gotten much sleep as he tossed and turned all night thinking about the new employee at the law firm and his lunch date with her. This wasn’t quite a blind date but very damn close as they hadn’t said more than a couple of words to each other when they were introduced. He had found out late in the day yesterday that Helen was working with Linda his favorite titty fuck partner and in return he let her use her strap-on up his ass. Linda’s office was not very far from his so he figured he would get glances at Helen frequently.

He never seemed to know how to get things started when going out with someone for the first time. But, to his surprise most of the time he would land several more dates with them. Cora had arranged things so that they would meet at the restaurant to avoid the uncomfortable walk over. By 9: 45 his nerves were getting the best of him so he called his office assistant Shirley into his office.

She could tell by his expression what he needed so she closed and locked the door. As she removed her panties she bent over in front of him showing off her heart-shaped ass before sinking to her knees and freed his cock from his pants. Bob sniffed her panties as she gave him a withering blow job. As his orgasm hit he had to stuff the garment in his mouth so that nearby offices would not hear. It was clear

to everyone that this office was close to a perpetual orgy but very discrete and no one cared as they were the state’s most renowned law firm.

“Delicious as always, boss! Now my turn,” Shirley cooed climbing onto his desk and spreading her legs exposing her pretty blonde bush. Handing her the panties Bob made her cum until she gushed a river of honey all over his face. She used the panties to wipe her juices from his face before putting them back on and leaving. Bob was now able to concentrate the rest of the morning.

The waiter sat him at a cozy back corner table but in full view of the front door. Then he saw come in looking around looking even sexier than she had yesterday. He stood up and waved her over. He was determined not to screw this up as he definitely wanted to screw her. The talk was nervous between them but opened up slightly as they discussed the menu. They both ordered and Bob had the waiter bring them a nice bottle of wine. Bob made a simple toast, “Here is to new friends and getting to know each other better.”

Bob filled her in on all things about the firm, the fun things as he called them. He made sure to skirt the more sexual areas which he guessed she was already beginning to find out about. He couldn’t help but admire her body in particular her large breasts and hoped he wasn’t creeping her out when stealing prolonged glances at them. By the end of the meal they were laughing together aand at one point he put his hand on her knee for only a moment before quickly withdrawing it. Looking at his watch he knew they had to get back to work so he asked, “Helen, I was very nervous about today, but I had a wonderful time. Perhaps we can go on a real date in the next couple of nights. How about it?”

“Ruth, my wife wants to join us sometime soon. She thinks that you are hot. One of her fantasies is to fuck your ass with her strap-on while I fuck this hot little pussy,” he whispered as he laid Ruth back on the dining table after they ate with his cock at the entrance to her pussy.

While Ruth liked that idea she also made it clear that she wanted a threesome with another man and maybe experience several different men. Paul could not believe how hot to trot she was having always having thought of her coming from a straight laced family with her loving conservative husband, he now knew that he was wrong as she was a fireball.

Right there at Dennis’s place setting he rammed his cock deep into Ruth’s womb. Her legs were wrapped around him as they made the table groan and her boobs bounce. In a matter of minutes he filled her with a massive load of spunk. A minute later he zipped up and left so she could find other things to occupy her day.
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Helen had found Bob to be quite nice. He was obviously making an effort and she could see that he had interest in her body. If he wasn’t the son of the partner she would probably not want to go near him, at least not in a pre-arranged way until she had been with the firm for a few weeks. She did though realise this was likely a once in a lifetime offer and that her future in the business could be dependent on it. If she turned him down what truly would her future look like?

“OK then but I can’t tonight as I am seeing Linda after work but tomorrow would be fine. I don’t want to be out late though as I have work the next day. I’m very much learning and I need to have my wits about me all day Bob”

There was a bit of meaning in her last sentence. She didn’t want him to think that she was a pushover. That would only cast her in a bad light, which was the last thing she wanted and would ruin her intentions in the business.

“I’ve very much enjoyed myself too Bob. I was petrified being who you are and all that. I’ve found you to be quite normal and pleasant. Good looking in fact”. She blushed and looked away as she spoke. In a way it was a relief to get the meeting over and she was grateful that she had another chance to make an impression.

Later that evening as Helen relaxed with Linda at her home she explained how pleasant the lunch had been and that Bob had invited her out for dinner the following evening which she had accepted.

‘Bet he was looking at those tits of yours?’ suggested Linda

Helen didn’t really know where to look but she managed to nod, colour up and say a weak ‘yes’

Linda could see that she had gone a bit far perhaps so she added

‘Don’t worry, that’s just his way. It’s good really. Shows he really likes you. Now I think you want to encourage him a bit. Give me your phone.’

Helen looked puzzled. ‘Now undo’ said Linda as she gestured to her boobs. ‘Yeah just let him have a bit of a show. Get the young guy a bit excited. You never know what might come back’

‘Oh I see, this is how it’s done is it?’ asked Helen as they both laughed

‘Well it is with him, believe me, I know’ said Linda.

And so they did it, Linda took a few pics of Helen in her bra and Helen said she would think about what to do with them. She was certainly not going to send one off just like that at the behest of Linda. It was not her way.

‘Awwwww Helen you disappoint me, well how about letting them out and allowing me to get a naked view, just between friends. I’ll let you off with that. That’s fair surely?’ said Linda.

Helen just looked at Linda and could see a really defiant face which she didn’t want to challenge. She thought she had better so said ‘OK then’. This brought a swift smile to Linda’s face as Helen reached behind her back fumbling.

‘Hey, I’ll do it’ said Linda as she moved forward towards Helen and then she did.

‘Mmmmm they are nice aren’t they’ said Linda as she fondled what Helen had in the bosom

‘They don’t drop much, you’ve not got the middle age sag yet. You need to make the most of them’

The temptation then proved too much for Linda as her mouth went to the nipple and she sucked whilst her hand fondled the other nipple.

‘They taste good too’ she told Helen looking up towards Helen.

Helen didn’t really know how to respond. Here was her boss sucking her tit, what was she meant to do? Fortunately Linda got a grip of yourself and she left the breast before looking and laughing sweetly towards Helen. Helen laughed back too and said ‘I did rather like that Linda’

‘Yes I think we’re good Helen, really good but I think it best if we leave tonight now but there’s an invite to come around again, when you’re ready. I think perhaps it best you get the Bob date done and then we can have a little chat!’

Linda knew her place and didn’t want to be too much in Helen’s mind before her dinner event with the young guy. There was time enough for Helen and there was their work relationship to consider.

‘Next time you can have a little fondle of me’ said Linda to Helen although of course her ambitions were much greater than that.

The evening passed uneventfully after that and once she got back home she went to bed looking for an early night given what the following day held in store.
As Helen and Bob approached the office he turned to her, “Don’t worry about being out too late. I know that you are new and want to make a good impression. Believe me I understand, I still have to be on my toes after years. You see my older brother James was in line to be the principal partner when dad retired but he screwed up a couple of very important cases and now is working as a government lawyer making much less money and far less rewarding cases So, I’m experiencing trial by fire.”
While he was being honest about the pressure he was under he also knew that James would get his share of their parent’s estate when the time came. The fact was that for the right woman there would be no curfew if they were enjoying one another’s company. He asked her for her phone and handed her his phone so that they could enter each other’s numbers to make arrangements for their first real date.
As soon as he was settled back in his office he texted her, “I had a wonderful time at lunch and am looking very much forward to tomorrow evening!”
The rest of the workday sped by as he was engrossed in his work. That evening he was restless and needed some female companionship. He usually did not see women more than once or twice a week but something about Helen had stirred up all of his hormones.
First, he called Linda, forgetting that Helen had said that the two of them were getting together, wanting to see her tits drip with his cum but, of course she told him that she had a guest coming over. Next, he called Cora. As soon as she answered he could tell that she was pre-occupied moaning and breathing heavy so he hung up quickly.
He thought that the third time would be the charm, if not, it would be porn videos tonight as he wouldn’t humiliate himself any further. Thank goodness Shirly answered on the second ring, “I hope this call means what I think it does boss. I believe that we have some unfinished business from this morning. If so, you need to be here in ten minutes flat! Her juices were already flowing. ”
Bob did not answer her as he just hung up the phone and ran out the door. They had an understanding that there office fun would be very limited but when Shirley’s husband was with his mistress or out of town they would do whatever their imaginations conjured up but for some reason always at her place. As soon as he got in her door he pulled her in for a kiss while pulling off her t-shirt so that he could suck her tits. He felt like a cad as he wondered what Helen’s boobs would taste like as his tongue swirled around Shirley’s nipples. Breaking away from Bob Shirley grabbed him by the cock and pulled him to her bed. With their clothing quickly discarded she took him back into her mouth.
For the next thirty minutes their love making was fevered ending with a slow gentle fucking. Bob left satisfied and ready to be a gentleman on his date with Helen as he would be able to wait for whatever cues his date gave him. Shirly returned to the bedroom and opened the closet door asking her husband, “How was that? I hoped you loved it.”
All Bob could think of the next day was his date. Late in the morning he texted her, “How about we go to the comedy dinner show it starts at 6:00 and it’ll be over early enough that we can either stop somewhere for drinks or take a relaxing walk through the park?”After ten minutes she had not replied so he sent her another message, “Of course, if you’d rather do something different that would be fine. Just let me know.”
He returned to his work determined not to send any more texts as he did not want to appear desperate. He also refrained from any trysts even though several women winked at him.

Dennis came home to Ruth after having a great day of sex on the side. But, after they had a couple of Margaritas he was ready to make love with his wife. It was nothing special as he finished without making sure that Ruth had also reached orgasm. He wondered why Ruth rolled away from him saying nothing.
Linda’s dress sense was back to the more routine the following day although Helen found herself having increased interest due to the events of the previous evening. It seemed that Linda had been hitting on her or at least testing the water and Helen kept going through it all over and over in her mind. Had she done the right thing, should she have made a pass at her boss or should she have actively encouraged her and looked to go much further? Her mind was rather a muddle but she did try hard to concentrate on the work before her.

To her credit Linda did not mention the previous evening in any detail and made no reference to Bob either. She was entirely professional which was a good thing, she didn’t want her career progress being disturbed by erotic thoughts and action which would best be kept out of the office as much as possible. Those were her ideals though and were very much a struggle.

Helen didn’t like to look at her phone at work, or indeed be distracted by emails and messages from family and friends. Her mum Ruth kept well in touch with her, wanting to know all that was going on. She had mentioned the date with Bob and also the drinks at the home of her female boss.

“Sounds like you are getting on swimmingly, I always thought you would get on and thrive once you got your independence from U know who. You’ve got your mum’s genes in you so go carefully Helen x”

Yes the words ‘your mum’s genes’ resounded. Surely she was her own person, she wasn’t her mother was she? She didn’t need to be like her, with a dominating husband and well a secret life style did she? If one thing was certain she would try everything to make sure that she didn’t.

During the day there did seem to be some tension building within the office. Linda seemed quieter than usual and whenever their bodies came close Helen felt her heart racing. Helen also noticed Linda steal some crafty glances and stares at her body and touch her a couple of times when perhaps not necessary.

It was Helen who looked to lighten the atmosphere a little when she said “I’m really looking forward to tomorrow evening” and she was. The thought of friendship and maybe more with her current boss would be a way to get ahead as long as there was mutual understanding and Helen didn’t intend to skimp on her work ethic. She was going to work hard.

On the subject of work Helen couldn’t help but notice how Bob had mentioned the responsibility that he was undertaking and how it would certainly help to get on with him as well. It was all sort of falling into place for the young lady. It was therefore with some horror that she did get to look at her phone and notice that there were messages from Bob which she had not answered. She was in the ladies bathroom at the time so she was quickly able to return a message

“So sorry for not getting back to you Bob but I have been so busy with work. What you suggest is lovely. Here’s a little something by way of apology. Please open in private”

Attached to the message was a pic of her in her bra that Linda had taken the previous evening. It was the least revealing of them and it was a big step for Helen to take. She did think though that she needed to be serious and didn’t doubt there would be competition from others for his attention. She wasn’t going to be outrageous but she had to be realistic, she needed to keep the young guy’s interest and she needed to try not to be too inquisitive or judgemental. She needed to know him as a whole before she should make up her mind about it.

For the rest of the day Helen worried about her clothes. It seemed that Bob was going out of his way to make this a special date, yet she was just dressed for work. She tried to concentrate on what she had to be getting on with but it was difficult. She’d explain when she met him and that time went all too quickly.

‘Enjoy and I want to hear all about it tomorrow’ said Linda rather mischievously.

Helen hadn't dared tell Linda that she had sent the pic or what Bob's response had been, she would save that for tomorrow. Perhaps she shouldn't have sent it for everything seemed to be going up a level and she was getting very nervous.
As the day went along Bob became more anxious about his date with Helen. Something seemed just a little different about their interaction. He had the feeling that this wasn’t going to be a one off. He loved the way she laughed and her gentle yet somehow outgoing personality. He wanted to hear her laugh some more which is why he picked the comedy dinner show. Besides, her large boobs seemed to bounce when she got really tickled.

It was about 3:30 when his phone chimed with a text from Helen. He was relieved that she wasn’t ghosting him. Following her request he closed his office door and opened the attachment. His relief turned to joy when he saw the photo of her in her bra. The points of her nipples were trying their damnedest to poke through the material making it obvious that there was no padding. He licked his lips knowing that there was nothing but her under her clothing. He would try his best to be a gentleman but she had just made it much harder as he really now wanted to see and touch her breasts, the sooner the better.

To that point in the day he had been proud of himself as sexual thoughts had taken a back seat to his work but that picture had re-awakened his lust. So much for not having a tryst during the workday. He almost had actually made it but for the second day in a row he would meet someone for a rendezvous. The cause, of course, was his infatuation with Helen. He called Linda and when she answered he just said, “Code 40D.”

She knew what that meant as it was their code for a quick get together. Gathering up some legal papers she sauntered to Bob’s office and closed the door. The papers were immediately forgotten. While she slipped out of her blouse and sat in Bob’s chair as Bob took his perch on his desk with his. Pants and undies at his ankles. After Linda raised the chair to it’s highest level Bob unfastened the front clasp of her bra. Her tits were magnificent. Now at the perfect height she wrapped her tits around his cock.

Masterfully, Linda fucked his member with her twin globes. When the head poked up on her downstroke she gave it a little suck. Her technique varied as sometimes both tits worked in unison but other times one tit would stroke up while the other stroked down.It took les s than five minutes for Bob to spray all over his co-worker’s breasts. They were careful making sure that none of his jiz went any higher. Linda took his cock into her mouth to catch the last of his sperm, loving the taste. Then sitting back she refastened her bra loving the feel of the sticky mess against her chest and how her bra would be virtually glued to her skin.

“My turn,” Linda commanded although she did not to say anything. It only took a moment for them to switch places. Bob didn’t bother with removing her underwear as he pushed the crotch aside and devoured her pussy. Linda’s hips gyrated all over the desktop as Bob ministered to her love box. Gushes of her honey were soon flowing into his eager mouth as her legs clamped around his face.

“Don’t forget the 4:30 senior associates meeting,” Linda said as soon as her third orgasm came and went. Smoothing out her skirt she went back to her office leaving Bob to clean up his face and the mess on his desk. Bob scampered to get himself and the office together before the meeting. Throughout the meeting his eyes were on the wall clock watching as the minutes ticked by.

There was nothing new discussed as it was the same old boring stuff. Finally at 5:20 the meeting adjourned giving him just enough time to get ready. Racing to his office he shaved, applied fresh deodorant and cologne and met Helen in the lobby relieved that the place had pretty much emptied out. He did not mind being seen with the beautiful lady but she did not need the gossip to start in her first week on the job.

“Hi, you look absolutely amazing this evening,” it was the truth as it didn’t matter that she was dressed in her conservative work clothes as she couldn’t hide her hot body no matter what she wore over it. Her blouse showed just enough cleavage that he could imagine burying his face there. They walked the five blocks to the club. It was ideal as they would walk back afterward and take their own vehicles home or if things went perfectly they could go to one of their places and not worry about their car as it would be safe at the office.

While Bob enjoyed the show he enjoyed Helen’s company even more. He made a point of making small passes at her; putting a hand on her knee, taking her hand in his and putting his arm around her shoulder. By the end of the show with their food all gone he had his arm around her shoulder and pulled her against him. He hoped that this wasn’t too forward.

”I know of a nice quiet place that serves delicious alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and sometimes has dancing. Would you like to try it out? It is on the way back to our cars,” he asked hopefully as he dared to put his arm around her waist just above the curve of her butt.He was making no effort to hide his overall enjoyment and sexual interest, he was thoroughly smitten wondering whether she was wearing the same bra as in the photo.

Earlier that day Ruth went to the offices of Crowther and Bush and walked on by the lobby check-in after getting a nod from the receptionist and headed up to the penthouse offices of the partners. She asked if Mr. Crother was in. She was told no but that Mr. Bush would be happy to see her. James Bush Sr. was nearly 60 but still hot in Ruth’s eyes. She only waited five minutes until she was ushered inside his office.
'Hi Ruth, I have this for you' said Mr James Bush as he passed over a large brown envelope which Hugh Crowther had given him. Hugh said that all the necessary instructions are in there with cash for your fee. He walked behind the lady to lock the door.

'I must say you are something both to look at and also on what Hugh has told me about you. He said you had a large bosom but I didn't quite expect those beauties'

Ruth just smirked as Bob moved from his desk to be just in front of her. 'And they're all mine too' she said to emphasise that she had not felt the need to have her boobs done.

'Over you go, the conference table will do' said Bob somewhat in a hurry as he went back to his lower desk drawer and rummaged for some lubricant and a condom.

As she leant forward Ruth felt his hands on her hips and then her large round bottom as he felt the soft flesh. 'This is good, really sexy, let's see what we have under shall we?' Ruth said nothing as she felt his hands lift her dress up and push it right up her back. After pulling her briefs down to her thighs he smacked the soft flesh of her soft bum cheeks. 'Right then Ruth, I think I am about ready' he said as he undid the waistband of his trousers and slid his zip down. Then she felt his fingers and heard his words 'nice and hairy just as I like them' He didn't waste much time. She moved her legs wide and he positioned his cock before roughly thrusting up into her hole

'That's it lovely enjoy my big one' he said and then he screwed her. Her breathing went deeper and deeper as he worked her cunt, ramming his cock home again and again for his in office quickie.

Ruth heard the words 'Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck.....' They were not a surprise she sensed his orgasm was near. His his hips stopped pumping and he pulled out, quickly his fingers just ripped off the condom before he put his cock between her bum cheeks. Then he wanked it

'oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.... aggghhhhhh' were the further words she heard. Yes 'aggghhhh aghhhh aghhhhhh' as he shot streams of cum all over her bum, before his knees gave way and he fell forward onto her body. 'Mmmm that was a right horny fuck Ruth, come again won't you!

After they had cleaned up and just as she was going he passed her his card. 'call me, I mean it, call me. I want more.' Then she went with a smile all over her face, 'OK will do'


In a way Linda was pleased Bob called her. It showed that he wasn't saving himself up for Helen and then possible disappointment. Obviously the girl was attractive but Linda saw her as girlfriend material rather than someone who was going to bend over at the first time of asking. Bob needed to take his time and enjoy a courtship if he really wanted to enjoy the best of the young lady. Nevertheless it was with a hint of conscience that she drained the cum from the young man's balls and accepted his tongue.

Linda though was far from Helen's mind as she spent a pleasant evening with Bob. She found his little acts of touching and feeling her nice and sweet, he was showing her the respect that she really wanted from a man, what had been missing from her father's relationship with his family.

'Yes going dancing with you would be very nice Bob and I do think it best that I keep the drinks non alcoholic. I don't want to be letting Linda down tomorrow. I must insist on one thing before we go in though Bob......' She waited for a few seconds before she continued 'yes I must insist that you kiss me, properly kiss me. I think you fancy me don't you? So perhaps now is the time that we start kissing a little that is if you would like to continue to date me. There's plenty of doorways in the shadows for a man of your initiative Bob!'
Seeing the twinkle in his date’s eyes Bob happily took her hand and escorted her a few feet into an alcove out of view of most people. Relief swept over him as he put his hands on her waist, relief that the date was going better than he expected. Wrapping Helen up in his arms, “I understand you wanting to have your wits about you as while Linda is very fair she is a task master. Oh yes, I fancy you, I fancy you very much! You needn’t ask a second time for a proper kiss that is absolutely for sure.”
As he Pulled her even closer he could feel her plentiful breasts smashed against his chest igniting a fire deep within him, which caused his manhood to begin to grow. The first kiss was tentative, almost platonic. It was A sort of get to know you kiss. They kissed a second time as Bob slid his tongue into Helen’s mouth, their tongues briefly dancing together.
Breathlessly he stared into Helen’s eyes as if asking permission for yet another kiss. She said nothing so he decided to give it a go. This kiss was frantic and passionate, the couple practically swallowed each other’s faces. Bob could feel Helen’s arms pulling him hard against her, he knew she could feel the rather large bulge in his trousers. Without thinking his hands fell to her ass squeezing it as their hips ground ever so slightly together. The kiss seemed delightfully go on forever when reality it was only about a minute long.
“Oh Helen, you really know how to kiss,” Bob tried to lighten the mood before he got even further carried away. It was likely the best single kiss of his life and that was saying a lot as he had kissed dozens of women. He slowly got his breath back and straightened up his clothes as he watched Helen do the same, big smiles on both of their faces.
“Shall we go in the club?” he asked as he put his arm around her as they walked. This time there was no mistaking that it was on the top curve of her butt. The club was only half full so there was no problem getting a nice corner table next to the dance floor. At first, neither of them said a word about the kisses but instead carried on with the usual getting to know each other chat as they drank their beverages. It had been a very long time since Bob had felt this comfortable with a woman especially on a first date, he would have to thank Cora for setting them up.
The music started so they went out on the dance floor . It was an up tempo number and Bob had fun mostly laughing at his own awkward moves. He was put out of his misery when a slow number came on as he could handle this. The dance was romantic and their bodies were almost molded together. Inhaling he smelled her sexy perfume which caused him to let out a small moan of appreciation.

As Ruth exited the older man’s office the secretary stopped her, “Thank you for fucking the pervert. That means that I don’t have to put up with his sorry excuse for a fuck. He only gets me off less than half the time, his partner isn’t a whole lot better. The only problem is hearing you in there made me very horny. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in eating my pussy, would you?”
The secretary spread her legs showing off the fiery red hair of her pussy. Ruth could not believe how brash the secretary was being but the view caused Ruth to swipe her tongue over her lips, “I know what you mean. He didn’t make me cum either. I’d love to eat you, but how about a 69?”The secretary took them into Mr. Crowther’s office and the immediately fell to the floor and licked, sucked and bit one another’s nether regions until they had rolling orgasms. Now Ruth was truly happy and it was off to her next adventure.
This was freedom and independence for Helen, away from the constraints set down by her father and forever thinking about having to do the right thing. Ruth her mum had been a help of course but she had seemed very preoccupied with her own life and the demands being placed on her. Thus a night out with a young guy, a cool young guy, a professional and heir to a solicitors' practice would have been beyond her wildest dreams. To have simply gone out with a guy back home would have had her fearful of how her father would react and leave her having to deal with her mother's enquiries. Thus she had really bothered and no guys had come looking.

The thing was Helen didn't feel out of place with Bob. At first when he asked her out she had thought that this was a meeting she had to go on which she had to get through with her modesty in tact. In fact she found she actually liked him and wanted more of him, this just could not have happened at home. But everything was changed, she had her room and her developing relationship with Nigel and now she was dating the partner's son. She told herself to act naturally and make sure she didn't lose her opportunity, there was no telling when, if ever, such a one would come again. She knew that was wasn't beautiful, not in her eyes, she was just big, plus sized in fact and very ordinary. Thus to be out, drinking and dancing and kissing was just wonderful.

It had been Paul who had shown her how to kiss, in fact he had been the only man she had ever really kissed and she knew now that she hadn't really had any feelings for the man, not like she was developing with Bob. Paul was married and she had only really gone with him as he had been prepared to rid her of the tag of virgin. She had succeeded and made herself a proper woman for Bob.

Helen felt proud when he complemented her kissing. 'I've never kissed anybody feeling like this before Bob. I've only really kissed one guy before and he was married'. Yes she really loved the physical side and Helen whispered into his ear 'and I can feel that you're excited for me too, that's great'. She was made up, a guy was erect by simply being with her.

It was like walking on air for Helen as she went into the club with Bob. She was able to act naturally and found humour in Bob's antics. He seemed to be happy too. They dance close and kissed and felt each other as much as they reasonably could in the setting. As the evening was coming to an end, nerves got into Helen. How were they going to get home? What was Bob going to expect? Would he want to... and then would he want another date? Was this all an act for him? She told herself 'get a grip' and just see what happens. This was all so new to her, she just needed to try and relax.

As they walked out the door, she held hands with him but couldn't help wondering what lay in store for her. She really liked the guy but...... Surely there were so many others out there available to him, what made her so special?
Surprised at Helen’s rather bold statement he dropped a hand to her butt softly caressing it, “How can I help but to be excited in your presence not only are you funny, sweet and highly intelligent but you’re very sexy! While your face is beautiful and I love your pretty hair the rest of your body is perfect. Your legs are hotter than anything but your chest and hips drive me crazy! Just amazing as I love a lady with some meat on her bones.”
He left a hand planted near the top of her ass as he gave her ear a little nibble before going in for another passionate kiss. He hoped against hope that she could tell that he was being sincere. He had laid it all out but had tried to be a little couth about it avoiding words like tits and ass. As they left the club they took each other’s hands and slowly sauntered down the street. He was in absolutely no hurry for the evening to end.
Gently he guided her to the entrance to an alley Where they kissed even heavier than before. As the kiss broke he swept his hand over her massive breasts but only for a moment. He was so excited that pre-cum was leaking from his cock.
He did not want the evening to end but alas they had made it back to their cars. Looking into her eyes he asked, “Helen, this has been a great evening so far and I really want to get to know you even better. How about another date this weekend. I am sure we can find something to occupy us. How about it?”
They kissed while he awaited her answer. Then, as she turned toward her car to fetch her keys he wrapped his arms around from behind and bit her neck while hugging her tightly toward him feeling his cock settle in her butt crack. Being extra bold he cupped both of her breasts but only for a few seconds. Red-faced, “Sorry, I got carried away for a minute.”
Backing off he continued to kiss her neck and caress her arms hoping first that she wouldn’t be pissed off and second that they could snog just a little longer whilst she decided whether he was worth another date or not.
Helen had never heard words like these directed at her and she didn't really know how to take them. Of course she thought they were lovely but her response was inevitably a little muted whilst she took in the shock and surprise. She didn't imagine this was always said but couples on early dates so she was content that their date was going really well. She looked to show that perhaps more in her kisses. She had found Bob to be a wonderful kisser which was a great start, they could always kiss to make things better and then surely the problems would go away. She even found herself encouraging him to kiss her so in her mind there had been a big breakthrough. She was going out with a guy she was snogging on only their second date.

When his hand had touched them, quite deliberately she could see, her heart had fluttered. In a way she had liked it and wanted more but, it didn't feel quite right, not then to have a new friend maul her bosom. She hadn't fancied that, she needed to know him more and then.. well.. that could be really really nice.

She wasn't surprised, she wondered how long it would take him. He wasn't that different to all the others really then was he? The way he grasped her bosom and pushed his penis against her bottom. In a way it was nice to be wanted but it was clear to her now the way Bob wanted their relationship to go.

Helen smirked and smiled, disentangling herself from him and his paws. 'I think that's rather enough for one night' she told him for the first time, getting rather serious. 'And I mean it' followed up Helen becoming a little firm. She wasn't going to let him wear all the trousers in any relationship. That wouldn't be good for either of them.

She took a deep breath and her voice softened as she replied, 'this weekend, sure, perhaps we could go to the movies and then out for some food. Something nice and simple, a pizza say and the pizza will be my treat'

Helen thought, sitting in the cinema together in the dark, just watching the screen, would be an ideal place to relax and be comfortable together.

'I'm not too fussed on what I see Bob, please choose something you like and I'll be happy to be just be with you'

'Thanks for tonight' she said as she kissed him on the cheek. 'Maybe I'll bump into you in the office tomorrow' she said with a chuckle before she got into her car and drove carefully away.
Bob’s face got even hotter and even mor red with embarrassment. He had gotten carried away between their hot kissing and memories of that photo of her in her bra. He hung his head in shame and looked her in her eyes after she had separated him from his clutch. His eyes were pleading as he struggled to speak for a moment, "Oh shit, Helen, I'm so damn sorry about that. I got way too carried away. I assure you that I respect you too much to have tried something like that on only our second time we’ve been together. I promise I’ll slow down and take my cues from you as I really wish to get to know you much better.”
Dropping his hands to his sides in concern, but Bob was relieved when she brought up going on another date. He had really enjoyed the feel of her breasts in his hands and the feel of her backside against him until she had put an end to it but knew that he was very lucky that she would go out with him again. If sexual things were to happen they would flow naturally between them with Helen totally on board before anything happened. Of course, he would still flirt and make passes but would wait for her reaction before being like a bull in a China Shop.
“A movie and a pizza sounds fantastic, thanks for giving me another chance,” Bob answered the hint of a smile crossing his lips. He knew just the movie. It was an R-rated romantic comedy that also had plenty of action including a bit of car chases and the like as well as some snogging. He thought it would be a perfect compromise with some humor, action and romance.
Bob made sure to back his hips up a couple of inches as Helen leaned in to kiss his cheek. He understood why the kiss wasn’t sexual as he kissed her cheek in return. The redness on his face began to subside as she got into her car, “I had a wonderful time with you tonight, thanks for giving me one of the best evenings I’ve had in a long time. Yes, I’ll see you around the office.”
Pulling out his keys he watched her drive off until she was out of sight. When he got home he got ready for bed then pulled up the picture of Helen in her bra and stroked his cock. He didn’t let himself cum for the longest time as he continued to edge. He felt a connection much deeper than sex with her as a result he could be patient and he did not care if it took ten dates before she allowed him access to those beautiful breasts. His imagination ran wild as suddenly he shot forth a fountain of cum.
When he got to work in the morning he called up a florist and ordered Helen a bouquet of fancy daisies. The card read, “Thanks again for last night. I’m looking forward to Friday night. I’ll pick you up at 7:00 if that’s ok, affectionately, Bob.”
As Bob was getting up to go to lunch Cora walked in carrying lunch for both of them closing and locking the door behind her. As they ate she quizzed him about his date with Helen. She slapped his face when he told her about grabbing Helen’s tits calling him stupid for being so aggressive with a woman who was much more than a casual fling. Then she laughingly told him that he would likely end up marrying Helen if he did not screw things up again.
The remnants of lunch now in the trash Cora sat on her co-worker’s lap and rode his cock while he devoured her boobs. He couldn’t help but have flashes of Helen’s chest cross his mind. It was a quick hard fuck as they came hard and fast. He saw Helen twice that day in passing and exchanged a smile with her as he gave her a wink. That evening he spent alone catching up on some legal work.
That evening as she lay in bed the events of the previous evening kept going through Helen's head over and over. It seemed that maybe she had a boyfriend, she certainly liked him. His grasp for her bosom was certainly a shock but she could smile about it now, after all was it not her who had encouraged him by sending that pic of her in her bra. There was so much excitement and pent up emotion inside her that Helen got herself off to sleep in the best natural way possible, with her hand between her thighs, teasing her clitoris over and over until.......

The following morning Helen was all smiles and felt so good. She greeted Nigel who mentioned her late night in. 'Drinks she told him, I'm working in a friendly place and I'm seeing my boss Linda this evening, so don't wait up for me!' She said that as a joke and Nigel followed that up with the words

'I'll be thinking of you though'

Linda took a deep breath and smiled back at him. 'Thank you Nigel' she said rather quietly

The day at work passed quite uneventfully for Helen. She tried to keep Bob off her mind and then there was Linda, things seemed to be getting cluttered in her life already and what with Nigel. It was what independence was bringing to her and she reasoned she just rather needed to let things happen more and go with the flow, not be quite so thoughtful and serious about matters. Linda said very little other than work during the day and that was perhaps best. In front of Helen were the daises in a nice vase and she keep looking at them. They made her feel warm inside and she text Bob back, ‘Friday would be lovely'

There was a complete change in Linda when Helen arrived. She was in a hot short dress and her bosom was very much on display. Helen wondered how on early she had the nerve to wear it. Linda just presented herself and supplied Helen with enough drink to make her woozy. Come later in the evening Linda simply said 'my bedroom's along there first on the right in the hallway, why don't you go and make yourself comfortable?' And so she did, she stripped off quickly and went under the covers.

Linda followed a few minutes later, stripping down to her underwear and then making her naked, all the while chatting to Helen and making it seem an everyday occurrence. It was when she went to her dressing table drawer and pulled out a strap on that Helen’s eyes widened.

‘You don’t mind do you? Let’s have some fun’

And so Linda applied lube and stroked the head of her cock. Helen pushed the covers back and lifted her bum to put a pillow under. Linda pushed her cock, just a little into the entrance ‘my you are tight aren’t you?’

‘Yes I’ve not done much’

Helen felt embarrassed but Linda sought to give her support and confidence ‘no that’s good, Bob will be pleased’

Not wanting to give her colleague pain or worry Linda pulled away ‘come on, you can use it on me, I don’t want to hurt you’

And so it was, Helen ended up screwing her boss. She was good at it too. Once, twice and three times the busty boss orgasmed underneath her.

As they lay in each other’s arms Linda said to her

‘next time we’ll have a couple of guys round hey and make it a real party’

Helen smiled back saying ‘OK then’. They both knew though that Helen wasn’t quite ready for what Linda had in mind. Helen’s developing romance with Bob was what was important and Linda well knew it would not be in her best interests to take advantage of her young trainee.

They parted on good terms, with Helen catching a taxi but both knew that the time was not quite ripe for a sexual relationship. They had really gone a little too far that evening.

It was all quiet at the house when Helen arrived home. She tried to put the thoughts of Linda out of her mind and concentrate on Bob. She didn't want to disturb him but looked forward to seeing him tomorrow at work and couldn't wait for their evening date to arrive.
Friday morning came and thoughts of his date with Helen were on his mind as he woke up. His cock was rock solid hard so he pulled up his favorite picture. Gazing at the hot woman in her bra it did not take long for him to orgasm with thick ropes of jiz pouring out of his cock. Now a bit more relaxed he got dressed for his busy day ahead.
There would be no time for sexual activity as he had to appear in cort for two pre-trial hearings and had to take a couple of lengthy Depositions from witnesses for an upcoming trial. That was not to mention his quarterly lunch meeting with Mr. Crowther and his father.
At one point that morning a co-worker who he had a couple of trysts with in the past walked right up to him and gave his member a squeeze saying, “How about I come to your office this afternoon for some personal time together?”
The lady was certainly hot but Bob had to turn her down because of his schedule. As he walked away he thought to himself that these office trysts were getting a bit out of control and that perhaps he should cut down a bit. Maybe, he should become a one woman man. Early that afternoon Bob texted Helen, “I cannot wait to get together this evening but one little problem I don’t have your address? Lol.”
He knew he could have his secretary Shirley look up Helen’s address but that wasn’t the way things were done. He was not able to check his messages for several hours but was happy to see her address pop up quickly answering that he was looking forward to their date and that he would be there promptly at 7:00. The first thing he did when he got home was to pleasure himself so that, in theory, he wouldn’t be too anxious on their date.
It took much longer than usual for him to get ready as something about Helen made him want to present himself absolutely perfectly as while he could not put his finger on it there was something very special about Helen. Finally he saw the time and knew that he had to leave hoping that he looked alright. He had not been this nervous since his high school prom.
As he looked for her address he noticed that the neighbourhood was a nice mix of shops, apartments, and houses. When he saw the address ahead he pulled his BMW to the curve and got out and waited for her to answer the door. When she opened the door he was totally speechless for a moment as he had never seen a hotter woman in his life. It seemed as though her breasts were standing out proudly and when she turned to shut the door behind her ass also seemed to scream out her sexuality.
”You look absolutely stunning, this is for you,” he told her regaining his composure handing her a single rose that he had plucked out of the garden of his neighbor’s house. Opening the car door he watched in awe as she took her seat before shutting it and scurrying around to the driver’s side. It was only a five minute drive to the cinema so they would have plenty of time to get snacks and drinks before the 7:30 show. He timidly took her hand in his as they walked to the entrance.
They had already decided that Helen would treat them to pizza after the film but Bob wondered how the evening would come to an end. Bob hoped that he would read Helen’s cues correctly and that he wouldn’t do something stupid again, he was hoping for an upgrade from a kiss on the cheek.
The next morning Helen met Nigel at breakfast, the same as he had done the previous morning. They were making a habit of this. Helen liked it though for it gave her casual company and maybe they could even become friends.

‘Friday today, the end of your first week, how’s it been? He said to her with a little smirk remembering their connection over porn earlier in the week.

‘Interesting I have to say that Nigel and I am enjoying it’

‘You out tonight?’

‘Well yes’ Helen hesitatingly replied. She couldn’t forget her date with Bob

‘I thought you’d be, how about we do something together, you know as friends, this weekend?’

Helen thought a little, it seemed a reasonable offer and why shouldn’t she? She couldn’t spend all her time with Bob and they had only started dating. It wasn’t as if she was getting emotionally involved with Nigel.

‘Sure we can go downtown, I’ve got shopping to do, if you don’t mind that’

It was hardly exciting stuff and Helen felt that it would be good to have male company. It would give her confidence a boost and make her more comfortable with Bob. She would get more relaxed with him and therefore have a better time with the young man.

‘I’ll be up for that as long as we can go for a drink after’

‘Ok then Nigel, as long as it’s a quick one’

As so it was Nigel and Helen were set for Saturday afternoon. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. Those huge bosoms on one so young and him being so close, living together with such a friendly girl.

Helen and Linda worked well together during the day. There was mutual respect but a change in atmosphere, a cooling off, which was good. The evening soon came.

‘That’s sweet’ Helen answered as she took the red rose and held it as she entered the car

‘The film’s a good choice Bob’ she told him as they motored to the cinema. ‘I read the reviews and it sounds exciting and a bit of fun.’

Helen was wearing a little jacket on top of a dress which was probably a bit too short. She was on a date though and in the dark so she though it would be ok. She wanted to look good and she didn’t want to discourage her man. She had never been one for stockings and suspenders but she knew she had to get modern and sexy so she was in the hold ups which she had got used to at work in the week.

As she entered the darkness of the cinema she felt butterflies in her tummy. She had never been on a date to the cinema, so this was a first. She walked in and followed Bob up the stairs. Up and up they went until they found themselves in the back row towards the corner.

Helen giggled, she couldn’t help herself. ‘Nice seats’ she told Bob before she took off her little jacket and put it across her lap. ‘This’ll cover up my thick thighs’ she said again with a laugh. Sitting there in the cinema seat her skirt had rode way up her legs, she had tried to pull it down but she could only do so much.

‘Yes I’m done’ she said to Bob after having settled down. ‘I’m comfy’ she said as she moved her shoulder into his. She was looking up into his face.

‘Come on give me a quick little kiss’

She moved her lips forward for a lip kiss. She wanted to show him how happy and contented she was, going out with him and being together as a happy couple.
Surely Helen was aware of why he took her to the back of the theater, didn’t everyone know that this was the make-out corner. But deciding to be a bit careful he would do his level best not to spook her.
It had been years since he brought a date to the back row and that time they almost got kicked out as it was his date who got carried away taking off all of her clothes. That was the last time he ever took her out. He had been reluctant to come back ever since. He was sure that the much more mature Helen would never pull such a stunt. You could get away with anything back there as long as you were discrete. Someday he might tell Helen that story.
As they sat down he put their drinks in the cup holders and hung the bag of popcorn from the hooks on the seat in front of them. It was the ideal setup as they both could easily reach the snacks and still get close. He was delighted with the small kiss Helen gave him, “Just let me know if I get carried away and I’ll slow down as I want our relationship to catch fire but it can only do that if both of us are on the same page.”
He blushed slightly knowing that was rather a long speech in a darkened theater with the previews rolling. He wanted to find out how much snogging she would allow. Turning toward her he leaned in for another kiss and this time he snuck his tongue between her lips only for a second.
As the picture got under way he put his arm around her shoulder so that they were snuggling together. He could feel her side boob against his chest. Every few minutes he would give her another kiss. Each kiss got a bit hotter. The arm around her shoulder got a little closer to her chest but, at the moment remained respectful. Meanwhile, he had place the other hand on her knee and began to gently caress just above the knee feeling the sexy stockings. His hand was just barely underneath her jacket, he was curious how soon she would put up her stop sign, or if she would anytime soon.
Somehow, he was able to follow the movie without any trouble and laughed at some very funny scenes. However, when there was an explosion he nearly jumped out of his skin causing his hand to slide up her thigh just past the stocking top, he instantly moved it back near her knee.
When a very hot romantic scene came on he gave Helen another kiss before nibbling on her ear and kissing and biting down her neck. At one point when they kissed she was turned just enough that he slid his hand up and down her back including the briefest caress of her butt. If this had been several dates later they likely would be getting each other off already. It was a good thing that it was dark as the bulge in his pants would be obvious to even the casual observer.
In a way Bob was being a trifle immature. Helen was sure this was not his usual way of entertaining a girl. This made her feel special and she liked that. Yes he was being nice. OK she was sitting there and he was looking for little bits of touching up, it was all very teenage really. It made Helen think she needed rather to be the older, rather mature one here.

Helen could see Bob’s attention glued to the screen as a rather large woman undressed to her underwear. Helen threw her jacket into Bob’s lap and reached for her tissues making them handy. She looked the way of Bob and whispered into his ear

‘you like the look of her don’t you? Keep looking at the screen’ in quite a firm way.

And then she did it. She loosened Bob’s waistband and slid her hand into his warmth. She was pleased that he gave a little wriggle or two to free himself and then she grasped it. She didn’t look down but kept looking at Bob in the face and going to the screen. She masturbated Nigel on Monday and now she was having Bob on Friday. Perhaps it was that ‘doing Nigel’ had given her the confidence to do Bob, here in public in the dark of a cinema auditorium.

She kept watch around as she steadily rubbed Bob. ‘Just keep watching the screen and let me finish my work’ she whispered and then sniggered.

‘Yes, just do as you’re told’ she said with a chuckle.

She liked the feel and she liked Bob’s response. ‘Wet aready.. on the tip’ she whispered again as she continued.

It was not long before Bob was squirming in his seat and Helen was getting the gue all over her fingers as it travelled its way onto the inside of her jacket.

Helen wiped her hand on her tissues then got a little stern

‘Now relax, watch the film and no more kissing.. you can though…

Helen looked down and opened her thighs. Yes you can have a feel down there but stay out of my knickers, she said with a smile. They seemed to be warming to each other… lol

This was probably a shock to Bob, Helen taking charge, but she felt it for the best. Best for both of their enjoyments. Helen didn’t doubt when they came out of the darkness and back into life, she would go back into her shell to let Bob lead the way. She was though being herself and she had to just hope that he liked her ways.

She waggled her thighs a little. It wasn’t just what she would allow, it was actually what she wanted.
Evidently Bob had misread Helen as he felt her hand grab his erection. Here he had tried not to be too aggressive but it turns out that she wanted more than a little petting. He sat there biting his lips trying not to make any noise as she jacked him. It was barely a whisper when Bob said, “Oh Helen…amazing… wonderful.”
After he made a mess on Helen’s hand he was determined to return the favor. He slid his hand down her back causing her to have to move an inch or two forward in the seat. He cupped her ass , caressing it and giving it periodic squeezes. Meanwhile, all caution thrown to the wind he slid the hand on her thigh all the way up until he found her silky panties.
At first he just glided his hand over the entire front panel but that quickly gave way to him rubbing her pussy aggressively through the material. He could feel her rich forest of pubic hair through the panties but what really excited him was that he could feel the lips and even thought he could feel her clit trying to poke out from them
He played and teased her pussy feeling a growing wet spot. He did not stop until he felt her clamp her thighs against his hand. He had somehow managed to honor her request that he not go underneath. Once she released his hand he brought it to his nose and inhaled the sexy aroma.
Then he turned his attention back to the movie for a few minutes. When the next sexy scene came on he drew her to him. Timidly at first he placed his hand on her stomach before raising it to her breasts. Throughout the rest of the film he would caress her chest and stomach while sometimes dropping his hand to her thigh feeling her through her stockings.
It was still a wonderful mystery as to what was under her clothing. If he had his way they would skip the pizza and go to his place and make love. But two things argued against that. First, he was hungry and second it was Helen’s part of the date.
As they walked into the night air it felt like Bob had known Helen forever. When they got to the pizza place he asked, “How about after pizza we go back to my place for a nigh cap and listen to some music before I escort you home? You don’t need to answer right now, just think on it.”
He thoroughly enjoyed her company as they ate reviewing the movie and making other small talk. He did his best to look her in her ravishing eyes but could not help but to sneak peaks at the rest of her voluptuous body. There was a lot of flirting as they sat there, the occasional touching, licking of their lips,, sultry smiles, etc. As they waited for the bill Bob rested his hand on Helen’s knee.
. The truth was that he wanted her in his bed tonight but he knew that it was entirely up to her.
Oh my goodness this was not Nigel who wanted just the use of her good hand. This was Bob who seemingly wanted everything. How could she stop him now she had lit the touch paper? She didn’t want a scene and anyway was it not just a little bit nice? I mean he clearly knew what he was doing!!! Bob was certainly not the immature person she thought, in fact he had been trying too hard to be the gentleman, it had been so out of character. That is why he had come over as awkward, Helen realised that now. She wouldn’t be controlling any of their sexual endeavours. She had brought the true Bob out into the open!!

She lay back and closed her eyes. It was nice she had to admit, if not a bit frantic. It had never been done to her like that, out in public. Certainly not by Paul who had only really just had vanilla sex with her in her own bedroom. The way her hips went, how she tried to suppress her desires and keep quiet but how her stifled moan was surely still noticed in the theatre. It had been a cheeky but special experience for the young lady.She knew that she had been naughty, in fact they had been naughty. It led her to think of Paul, her only one other lover and how indeed Bob might actually be in bed.

Hopefully she encouraged him enough when he put the question. She told him “yes you are going to have to escort me home tonight Bob”. She knew she wasn’t staying the night with him, that was certain in her mind. She had only just got to know him and she wanted this to be a proper courtship. At the end of the meal everything had been so enjoyable that she didn’t want to disappoint the young guy or indeed miss the opportunity but she had her own self esteem to think of. Her mum’s genes might be in her blood but she was determined not to become like she was with men, well not all the time anyway. Maybe if she found the man who was going to be the one!!!

‘Yes I want to go back to your place and see how you live Bob’ she said to him after they had finished their meal and she had paid the bill.

‘Maybe we can listen to music and have a little dance before you see me home’ she said to him with a smirk as she took his hand on the way out of the restaurant.

She whispered up into his ear ‘I really loved the way we were naughty with each other in the cinema’ Reality was of course that it was Helen who was the sexually immature one of the pair and she was finding that out that very night.
“Oh yes, it was fantastic, I loved it too,” he whispered back giving her hand a soft squeeze. When they got to his place he gave her a quick tour. It was not large just a nice two bedroom two bath condo in a high rise. He ended the tour on the balcony that overlooked the city and offered her a drink.
Giving her the drink they stood at the rail and enjoyed the view. After putting his arm around her he let it fall to her plump ass and cupped her cheek then leaned over and kissed her, “This evening is one of the best dates I have ever had. You said something about music and dancing? Let’s go in then.”
Stopping by the kitchen he re-filled their drinks before selecting his favorite slow dance music album. Taking her in his arms they moved together gracefully around his living room. During the first two dances they just danced occasionally kissing. The kissing became more passionate. During the third dance Bob swept his hand under her dress and caressed her posterior through her panties.
“Let’s take a seat and get a drink,” as the song ended. Given what happened at the cinema Bob decided to be aggressive but try his best to be in tune with Helen’s desires and by all means respect her limits and stop signs. Once they had settled on the sofa and taken a couple of drinks the kissing resumed. Then Bob pulled her on to his lap causing the dress to ride up higher on her thighs. Deliberately he began to unzip her dress ashe fondled her boobs that were now mere inches from his face. He knew that she could feel his stiff member against her leg. . As he had pulled th zipper all the way down he nuzzled his face between her tits. His excitement was growing as he kissed her breasts through her clothing.

It was Friday night so Ruth had decided to go clubbing but, of course Dennis was not in the mood. It seemed that Dennis had other plans and had been hoping that Ruth would go out. He had grown tired of their relationship and had been seeing other women on the side. Mary, who happened to be Paul’s wife and he would get together about once a week. This time it had been ten days so he hoped that she would answer his plea for a booty call. Mary answered on the second ring and was at his place in five minutes. Their clothes were off in a flash as Dennis sank between Mary’s legs devouring her clean shaven pussy. They spent the next two hours in orgasm after orgasm.
Helen loved the modesty of the condo. She didn't like height but being with Bob and the darkness gave her some confidence. She went as far as saying 'yes you have a lovely view'. It also felt truly romantic. 'You like feeling my bottom don't you. Come on then' she said to him in a relaxed tone as she presented herself.

She put her arms around his neck, and smilingly put her mouth to his and fed him her tongue. This was more, far more than the passing kisses they had been giving each other during the evening. This was fully blown. Her tongue was in his mouth and together with his. It didn't want to leave his mouth, it was happy and contented where it was. She felt his hands go from her waist down to her bottom and squeeze and fondle the soft cheeks. Then there was that feeling against her stomach, from his growing hardness. She knew that she couldn't keep him waiting for too long, he clearly had desires and needs and she would rather it be her than somebody else. Yes he was growing on her and she knew that she would have to be strong with a guy like him and probably turn a blind eye for a bit. He wasn't going to change overnight.

They went inside hand in hand. The dancing came naturally, the lighting was dimmed and Helen knew that she was being seduced. That is just as she wanted it, the whole setting made her feel special. She recognised that Bob was taking his time and just hoped that this was going to be something that would last.

Helen slid the dress from her shoulders and displayed her bosom to the young man in the half-light before reaching round her back to unclip.

'There we are then' she said as she let the breast flesh drop down her body. She gathered a boob in each hand and slapped them across the cheeks of his face. She chuckled.

'They're good enough for you then' she said. She could see that they obviously were.

Helen went quiet and swallowed before she went to his penis. There was not a lot of confidence in her hand but she managed to grasp it. Bob seemed to know what she was up to and helped shift her body and move her panties to one side. The entrance found, Helen sank down. Her eyes fluttered and she sighed. She swallowed hard again as she felt Bob's erect member enter her tummy. She smiled shyly as looked at him, her vaginal muscles gripping the penis and her hips naturally beginning to move a little to appreciate what Bob was giving her.

'This is nice, really nice' she said quietly to him as she sat in his lap with his penis up into the depths of her vagina. She moved little as she looked to savour these moments, looking at her man, giving his a little kiss and stroking his face.

'Our first time then'

‘I’m so glad that I have met you Bob’

‘Thank you for being so kind’
‘I do really fancy you Bob, I want you Bob’

Words of affection came from the mouth of Helen before she went quiet and closed her eyes and concentrated. At first it was little, just too and fro and up and down. Then more and more as her large bum cheeks found her way into Bob’s hands and she really fucked him. Her tits swung and her nipples found his mouth.

She noticed his greater movements and then the little nudge from his penis. As the liquid arrived so her head went back and her body jolted. Then again just a few seconds later.

It had been lovely, if a little messy, as Helen levered herself off of Bob’s penis and back onto the seat.

‘Thank you’ she said looking radiant as she felt between her legs before she reached for tissues to wipe herself off.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. ‘I know it’s bad timing but I do need to go now, maybe another time I could stay the night?’ she offered.

Helen looked hopefully towards Bob, hoping that he had had a good night and that she was all he hoped she would be.

She kissed him slowly and gently on the lips. She stroked his cheek as she did so. It was intended as an act of real affection. She wanted to date this guy and then who knows.


It had become habit with Mary. She liked to get to know her man and what excited and encouraged him. She was a flirt for sure but to her a man was about cock. She reserved the right of course to turn a man down but so many got lucky. She liked a cock to harden in her mouth. She also liked it risky, outdoors and in public, against a wall even. Mary was experienced, very experienced and alongside those orgasms was juice and plenty of it. The bedsheet and mattress cover got soaked. Whilst Dennis certainly proved himself that night but hey didn’t Mary squirt and squirt again, squirt all over!! He learnt. Next time he would need a plastic sheet on top of that mattress cover.
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