The Empty Nest(closed)

Bill let out a low groan as her fingers wrapped around his cock and she said it belonged to her.

“You know if does. Always has.” He said as he felt himself begin to harden in her hand.

He was tempted to jump into the tub with her and make the most of this new found desire but the thought better of it. He didn’t want things to burn out too quickly and if he was on her all the time it wouldn’t leave space for desire to grow.

“I’ll go get that coffee.”

Bill turned on his heels and left the bathroom to start a pot of coffee. He didn’t bother putting on any clothes. He’d heard people joking about walking around the house need after their kids left and it always seemed like it would be so liberating. As he walked past the large windows and into the kitchen he could see why people were attracted to the idea.

A few minutes later he returned to the bathroom and handed Cara her cup of coffee then took a seat on the edge of the tub. He took a long sip of his coffee before speaking.

“So I get the feeling one of the things we learned last night is that we both want to learn more. I don’t necessarily want to have to reply on Impulse to be our sole inspiration but maybe we need it to learn what’s possible. Feel like going again tonight and maybe seeing about a membership? This time just me and you. We can take our time, look around and see what looks interesting. If tonight is too soon we can absolutely do it later. Was just putting it out there.”
Cara sank down into the water when Bill left. Oh lord, what had gotten into her? She had just resurfaced and was slicking back her hair when Bill came back, handing her a cup of coffee.

“So I get the feeling one of the things we learned last night is that we both want to learn more. I don’t necessarily want to have to reply on Impulse to be our sole inspiration but maybe we need it to learn what’s possible. Feel like going again tonight and maybe seeing about a membership? This time just me and you. We can take our time, look around and see what looks interesting. If tonight is too soon we can absolutely do it later. Was just putting it out there.”

Leaning back in the tub, sipping her coffee, Cara was thinking.

“A membership sounds nice and I’m sure we could learn more from Impulse as well but…” and she drew that last word out, “maybe going back tonight is a little too soon?”

Of course it would be Saturday night and more than likely more people would be filling the place since they didn’t have to work the next day but all this was so new to her, she wanted some time to think.

“Couldn’t we find something to do tonight, just the two of us?”

There was nothing more distracting, she found, than a naked man sitting on the edge of her bathtub.

“Bill, can I ask you something?”
“Sure, it was just an idea. We don’t need to go overboard with it. Let’s take some time and do it in our own time. Honesty, I’m up for doing anything as long as it’s with you.” He said trying to make clear that he wasn’t trying to push things too fast as far as Impulse went.

When she asked if she could ask him something he was concerned. He couldn’t quite tell by the look on her face if she was starting to have concerns or if she thought he was moving too fast.

“Sure. Anything.” He asked cautiously as he took another sip of his coffee.
“Sure. Anything.”

His tone made her giggle.

“I don’t know what you’re expecting me to say but your tone says it all. No, seriously. I know we’re just figuring out how to navigate this new path we’re on. Everyone has fantasies, fetishes or kinks they don’t always bring to the fore. Is there any you’d like to share with me, given what we’ve experienced last night?”

Cara sat back in the tub at the far corner, drinking her coffee and studying Bill. Part of her mind was also thinking what she would say if he asked her the same question in return. She wasn't sure if she would have an answer for him if he did ask her.
Bill furrowed his brow trying to come up with an answer for her. This was another one of those instances where he had to come up with something or they’d end up going in circles unsure of what they can or should say.

“Let’s see.” He started out trying to stall for time while he came up with something. “I have to say I liked being in control. I liked the idea of people watching when I made you cum.” He paused for a moment thinking about what that might mean.

“I think it’d like to have you completely at my mercy to pleasure you however I see fit.”

It was something he’d never considered before last night but it was an obvious extension of what happened.

“I’m not still not so sure about the leather and whips and stuff but I have this image in my head about what it would be like to tie you up and make you cum A LOT.”

He hoped that was enough to satisfy her question. He certainly didn’t have a full understanding of it all but those were the things that jumped out at him.
Somehow, she felt like he wasn’t exactly coming clean. She just had this feeling that there was more to it than what he had just told her. However, Cara realized that to get to the bottom of it all, to have complete transparency between them was going to take time and complete trust in each other. His answers made her almost choke on her coffee as she swallowed hard. Images were floating around in her head. She looked him up and down.

“Oh, I don’t know…. I think you’d look quite sexy in leather. Maybe a vest… some tight leather pants….” Her lips turned up in a grin over the rim of her coffee cup.

“Seriously, I’m pretty sure that leather, whips and chains are not my thing, but maybe being tied up and helpless wouldn’t be a bad thing either. I know I enjoyed watching you being tied to that cross thing and the expression on your face of not being able to touch her when you really wanted to.”

Her head canted to one side as she considered.

“Some of the women in the club were tied down and some of the men were using a leather flogger and not using them very hard either. The women seemed to find them….. stimulating. I’m a wee bit curious about those.”

There were things she still didn’t feel quite comfortable mentioning at this point but knew that eventually, she would be able to open up to him completely. It wasn’t only that, she was still in the early stages of discovery and she needed some time to think. The only thing she knew for sure was that her world began and ended in Bill. There was so much out there she didn’t know.

“I feel like… I’m standing on this cusp of discovery and there’s so much out there I don’t know and some of which, I’m not sure I want to know either,” she laughed softly.

“Bill,” she began, her tone serious, “do you want to explore sex with other women?”
“You don’t think leather would make my ass look fat?” Bill jokes when she mentions how she thinks he’d look in it.

When she mentioned she liked seeing him bound to the cross he cringed a little bit. She was dead on that it made him uncomfortable and he desperately wanted some agency in that moment but he knew this wasn’t all about him. That just might be something he’d be willing to do for her enjoyment and maybe one day he’d come to enjoy it more. He glossed over that part for the moment.

“I can certainly attest to the fact that I’ve wanted to flog you from time to time. Not necessarily softly but I’m sure under the right circumstances I can tone it down.”

Bill realized he was probably making light of this too much but it was his way of dealing with uncomfortable topics so he hoped she knew it was on brand for him.

“It is kind of exiting to be discovering so much about each other after so long thinking we know everything there is to know about one another.” He said before being stopped dead in his tracks by her next question.

It felt like she was walking him right into a trap but he was going to do his best to answer honestly.

“I think if we include other people I’d like to do that together. I have to admit hearing you describe Steve taking you was exciting but I think there are risks there if we don’t do it together. I wouldn’t want either of us to feel like the other is using it as an excuse to stray.”

The last part might have been a little bit of projection on his part. Bill could very well see himself taking that kind of permission too far. It was always a black line with him but he worried what it would mean if that line got less bright.
“You don’t think leather would make my ass look fat?”

Cara knew he was teasing but with a grin on her lips she made a show of glancing around at his ass (even though he was sitting on the edge of the tub) and wolf whistled. Leaning back, she shook her head.

“Bill, I know that being tied down was just not your thing and it’s okay, it doesn’t have to be, not even for me. I enjoyed the show and it turned me on, but that’s it. We’ll find something that we both can enjoy and it doesn’t have to be right this minute.”

“I can certainly attest to the fact that I’ve wanted to flog you from time to time. Not necessarily softly but I’m sure under the right circumstances I can tone it down.”

That made her sit up a bit straighter as she turned to search his eyes. Was he serious? What had she done to make him feel like that? Her lips parted to ask him but he continued.

“It is kind of exciting to be discovering so much about each other after so long thinking we know everything there is to know about one another.”

There was truth there. Actually, they had known almost everything about one another, when they were younger. Life changes people, Cara had learned that one.

“I think if we include other people I’d like to do that together. I have to admit hearing you describe Steve taking you was exciting but I think there are risks there if we don’t do it together. I wouldn’t want either of us to feel like the other is using it as an excuse to stray.”

She nodded.

“I agree. So, let’s make that pact right now. If we decide to include other people, we’ll do it together.”

She wasn’t sure how she was going to get through to him. Just by watching the emotions that played across his face, Cara knew that Bill thought she was trying to lead him into saying something he wasn’t necessarily feeling comfortable in doing and that wasn’t the case at all. She was just trying to learn her husband all over again and the only way she could do that was by talking and asking him questions.

“Thank you for talking to me about things, Bill. I know my questions put you on the spot at times, I don’t mean to, but how else am I going to learn more about the man my husband has shaped into? It’s the same here. Any questions you have, I’ll try to answer them as honestly as possible and if I don’t feel comfortable in doing so, I’ll tell you.”

They had opened a door last night. Cara wasn’t sure yet if that was a good thing or a not so good thing. Temptation, if not controlled could spiral so far out there and she certainly didn’t want to lose Bill over it.

“Soooo… about tonight, what do you say we pack a meal and go to the park, have a picnic and listen to the live music playing there this evening?"

She did wonder if that would be just a little too lame for him.
“I think that agreement makes sense. I want us to be able to explore but I also don’t want to see it take us away from the reason we started all this which is for us.”

As uncomfortable as her question was it did manage to at least get them talking openly. Bill thought even though what he wanted wasn’t exactly clear to him. When Cara offered to answer questions he fired away.

“So you’ve said you might like to try flogging. I’m absolutely on board with giving that a try. What else sounds appealing to you?” He asked, genuinely curious about what else might push her buttons.

“The park sounds wonderful! I think it’s important for us to not get so focused on sex that we forget the rest of the things we enjoy.” He said honestly. “We’ve got to find the balance so best to do that from the beginning. I could always flog you later.” As he finished a broad smile crossed his lips.
“So, you’ve said you might like to try flogging. I’m absolutely on board with giving that a try. What else sounds appealing to you?”

Cara gave it a little thought.

“There was so much going on there. All these different scenes. I didn’t get the opportunity to simply observe so I am looking forward to going back and doing just that. I did see something that caught my eye, but I want to understand more about it. There was this guy…. He was using rope on a woman. Actually, it really did look like art to me. He had knots going in different places with the rope. She was hanging there in the air as he tied her up and she seemed to be enjoying it. I would imagine so. Nothing goes on at the club without consent. That’s the only thing that jumps out at me at the moment.”

Then he answered her proposal about a picnic and the park.

“I could always flog you later.”

She had just sipped up the last of her coffee when he said that and made her spew the lot into the tub, coughing as she did so.


She splashed him with some of her bathtub water, laughing.
Bill remembered it when Cara described it.

“Yeah, that did look really erotic. I’d be open for giving that a shot.”

He wondered how you go about learning to do that properly. “Maybe YouTube videos?” He thought to himself.

When the water hit him it startled him for a brief moment before he laughed.

“You’re making that flogging sound better and better.” He joked as he wiped some of the water off himself.

“Anyway. I’ll let you finish your bath in peace.” He said as he got up then leaned over and gave her a kiss.

As their lips parted he hovered there for a moment not wanting to leave just yet but he eventually pushed back up and walked out of the bathroom. He made his way to his office then opened a browser on his computer. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for.

“Shibari" he said to himself as he started to read. The more he read the more interesting it sounded. It would definitely require some shopping if they were going to play with it at home but he decided to hold on anything like that until he had a better idea about what she was thinking.
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“Anyway. I’ll let you finish your bath in peace.”

Cara briefly leaned up out of the water to kiss him back. There was a part of her that didn’t want to let him go. She was enjoying the time spent together. However, another part of her simply wanted to be alone to sort out her feelings on things. The one constant, sturdy knowledge she had was that she and Bill loved each other. Everything else simply enhanced that or detracted from it, depending on what it was.

“I’ll be out in a bit,” she called after him, unable to look away as he left the room. Damn, that man had a fine ass.

Shibari. Just the thought that Bill was willing to look into it gave her butterflies in her stomach. As she slipped down into the water again, she was thankful she married a man she could trust.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Cara pulled out the picnic basket and dusted it off. How long had it been since they last used this thing? Apparently it had been awhile. Puttering around in the kitchen she added plates, silverware, glasses, a bottle of wine and food. Glancing at the clock, it was almost time to get going or they would miss the outdoor concert. The basket was packed up. She folded a light blanket over the top of the basket for them to sit on as well. Then she went in search of Bill.


It was dark by the time they got home. The picnic and concert were both good. She was pretty sure Bill had a good time. He seemed to. Cara was just finishing up washing their dishes and putting away their picnic stuff. The half empty bottle of wine sat on the countertop. Picking up the bottle and two glasses, she went to find Bill in his office. Cara lightly tapped on the open door with a knuckle and waited for him to acknowledge her.
Bill closed his browser knowing that wasn't something they were going to be jumping into immediately. He wanted to have something at the ready though in case the picnic in the park led to anything. After thinking for a moment he went to the storage room and dug out the old box of tack Cara had kept from the days when she showed in the hunter ring. It seemed like a lifetime ago but it was something she really enjoyed until the kid's sporting events took over things. He wondered for a moment if that was ever going to be something she picked up again. He loved watching her compete and she definitely filled out a pair of riding breaches exquisitely he thought to himself as he found the box then pulled her old riding crop from it.

When he entered the bedroom he could hear the tub draining and he knew she'd be out in a few minutes so he hurried over to the nightstand and tucked it away in the drawer before she came out.

The concert in the park was perfect. They spent a nice evening enjoying one another's company without any of the pressure that they'd been placing on themselves to try new things. It was something they both always loved and it struck Bill as they enjoyed the music how even the old things they loved seemed to take on new life with their connection growing again.

When they got home Bill went into his office to check emails one more time for the day before shutting it down for good. It bothered him that he'd gotten into the habit of always being available for his clients but he had trouble just turning it off. One more thing he needed to work on, he thought to himself as he heard Cara tap on the office door getting his attention.

"There you are." he said noting the bottle and two glasses in her hand. "Why don't we have that in the room."

Bill led Cara into the bedroom then took the wine and glasses from her before walking over to the nightstand. Setting them down he slid the drawer open and picked up the crop making sure to keep his body between it and Cara. As he turned toward her he let his arm fall to his side revealing the crop then stepped toward her.

"Any ideas on what else you'd like to do this evening?" he asked as he slowly dragged the crop up the outside of her thigh.
Cara was feeling relaxed and a bit uninhibited from the wine they had shared at the park. She let Bill lead her into their bedroom where she stopped just inside the door when he gently took the wine and glasses from her, setting them on his nightstand table before opening the a drawer and closing it. She stared at him curiously as he came back towards her.

"Any ideas on what else you'd like to do this evening?"

Her lips turned up slightly in a smile and her eyes sparkled.

“I love you,” she replied.

This wasn’t Bill’s thing, she knew that well enough so for him to be willing to test the waters with her meant more than words could express. She stepped closer to him, sliding her arms up his chest to wrap around his neck as she leaned up to drop a soft kiss on his lips.

“How would you like to see this evening go, my love?” Her voice turned slightly husky.

How long had it been since she had called him by any endearments other than his first name and when had it stopped? And why?

In this moment, right now, she was excited, yet frightened. Bill had mentioned earlier in the day that he had wanted to flog her a couple of times. Would he be gentle? Would he know how much and when to stop? Trust was the key here. Trust and faith that Bill would never deliberately hurt her.
Bill saw the excitement in her eyes when she saw the crop. It was exactly the reaction he’d been hoping for.

When she wrapped her arms around his neck he kissed her deeply. Perhaps more passionately then he had in quite a while and it felt incredible that they’d managed to re-spark the flame the way hoped they would.

With a flick of the wrist Bill swatted Cara’s ass firmly with the crop causing her to jump a little.

“I think I’d like to see you out of that dress.” He said in a low gruff tone before circling around her then lowering the zipper of her dress slowly.

When the zipper reached the bottom he pushed the straps off her shoulders letting the dress fall into a pool at her feet.

“Mmmmmm, that’s a good start.” He whispered softly as before kissing the back of her neck then stepping back to land another firm swat on her backside.

It was just a start and he certainly had ideas about what he might do but he decided to let her subtly guide him where she wanted him to go. He’d never played like this before and regardless of where she guided him he was going to be cautious not to go too far. He expected the position she’d take on the bed would dictate things from here.

“Now climb onto the bed.” He said as he began to work at the buttons of his shirt.
Cara got lost in their kiss, pressing her body closer against his…. And then it happened. She felt the swat of her own riding crop against her ass. It made her jump and chirp in surprise.

“I think I’d like to see you out of that dress.”

He came around her and she felt the gentle tug of the dress’ zipper being pulled down. The dress fell to her feet in a soft swish.

“Mmmmmm, that’s a good start.”

She felt his lips on the back of her neck and then another swat to her ass. Both swats weren’t hard, thankfully, but they left a soft sting to her skin and there was a small amount of heat as well, reminding her that her husband had just taken control of this scene…. And that excited her to her core.

“Now climb onto the bed.”

Cara’s hair fell over her eyes as she down on the edge of the bed before swinging her legs up on it. Dressed in just her bra and panties, she settled back, never taking her eyes off Bill as he took his shirt off. Her heart was thumping in her chest ninety miles an hour. Her blood was racing through her veins. The small edge of fear she felt only heightened her ardor. She lay there on the bed, her legs slightly parted. Her arms were lying by her sides and her body trembled with anticipation and her eyes? they shone with animation and exhilaration, waiting for him to join her. The last time Cara had felt this way seemed so long ago. Yet, here it was again, as if it had never left her.

"Hurry, Bill.." she urged him in an impatient whisper, holding her arms up to him.
Bill’s pants fell to the floor at his feet and then he climbed on behind her straddling her hips. Leaning down he kissed her again deeply as his hand slipped under her back and popped the clasp of her bra. His heart raced and the image of what he was doing start to solidify in his mind as he lifted his lips from hers then leaned up.

His left hand fell to Cara’s waist stroking the skin lightly as he teased the crop and traced it across her lips. Slowly he worked the worn leather edge down her jawline to her neck as she tilted her head away from it.

When the crop reached her shoulder he slipped the leather tip beneath the strap of her bra then pushed it over her shoulder slowly. The crop traced a slow path to the other shoulder then repeated the motion. He looked into her eyes alight with anticipation as he slowly dragged the crop down the center of her chest then beneath her bra, lifting it from her chests as she raised her arms to allow it to pass.

“Mmmmmm, so beautiful.” He cooed as he leaned down taking one nipple then the next between his lips then closing his teeth around it. Lightly at first then with slightly more force before lifting his head and leaning back.

Her nipples looked painfully stiff as he let the crop lightly circle her areola then with a flick of his wrist he delivered a firm tap causing her breath to catch.

Paying close attention to her reactions he moved to the other repeating the motion then continued to increase the force gradually as her eyes pleaded for more.
Cara’s eyes were fastened on Bill’s naked body as he joined her on the bed. When his lips found hers, she thought she was drowning and they had hardly begun! Bill leaned up, breaking the kiss and her eyes followed him. His touch was setting her skin on fire with need. His hand popped open her bra.

The touch of the leather crop across her lips was almost as heady as Bill’s lips on hers. Cara would never have dreamed that she could be so turned on. Her whole body was alight with anticipation as the crop moved from her lips to her neck, causing her to cant her head as it continued to travel down to her shoulder, slipping under her bra strap and lowering it down her shoulder. As the crop drifted across her skin, its mission clear as a bell, to repeat its action of ridding her of a deterrent.

“Mmmmmm, so beautiful.”

Her nipples tightened in expectation as his head lowered, lips and teeth setting out to drive her mad and were succeeding. Her back arched off the bed as Bill began lightly then with slightly more force. This was a Bill she had never known. Moaning softly, her back reclined back on the bed. Her hands gripped the sheet at her sides. As he leaned back, she wasn’t sure what his next move would be, until she did. The crop. The leather tip. Across her now very sensitive areola. Her nipples both tightened in a painfully erotic way and when she felt the crop firmly tap against her nipple, she stopped breathing momentarily before crying out in desire and need, but Bill wasn’t done yet. He repeated the gesture to her other needful nipple and she felt the sensation zap to her core. Her legs scissored and spread, exposing the center of her panties, soaked.
Bill continued on her nipples for a while but then decided to move on. Lifting a leg he moved himself to one side of Cara and slowly dragged the crop down her stomach before tracing the edges of her panties with it. Her hips lifted off the bed meeting the soft touch of the leather and pressing into it.

"Down!" Bill barked sharply as the crop made firm contact with her stomach and she lowered her hips. "Good girl."

He teased the crop across her stomach and panties for another moment before setting it down to slide her panties past her hips then off.

"I think I'm going to like this" he said with a grin as he picked up the crop again then slowly grazed her mound with it.

{THWACK} Cara yelped as the crop made firm contact with her mound.

"Hopefully you will more though." he added as he leaned down to softly kiss the spot he'd just made contact.

Bill leaned back up, kneeling beside her again then made sharp contact the the inner thigh closest to him.

"Spread them!" he sounded off in a commanding tone. When she complied Bill climbed between her legs then spread his knees on the mattress holding Cara's legs open wide.

Slowly dragging the crop across her waist he let it travel over her mound then to her soft folds, tracing their length. A light flick of his wrist landed the crop squarely on them. The contact was so light it was nearly inaudible but he wanted to tread carefully here. Bill leaned down and planted a kiss at the point of contact again then let the weight of his tongue part her before leaning up again.

Lowering the crop to her inner thighs he began to work his way from just above her knee, planting firm strikes as he climbed higher making sure to keep an eye on her reactions. He worked his way up one then the other. Seeing her pale skin turn a faint shade of crimson as he did until finally focusing his attention on her most sensitive area.

Bill leaned down again, spreading her lips wide then slowly dragged is tongue along the length, tasting her. He pulled back slightly and delivered another light swat between them. Slightly harder than the last but still treading far away from the kind of force that would cause too much discomfort.

"Do you want more?" he asked as he held the crop poised above her parted lips.
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His voice was sharp and commanding. Was this her Bill?

"Good girl."

Cara was fast learning something about herself. She liked pleasing people. She liked pleasing Bill. So, his comment about being a “good girl” made her want to hear more of that.

The crop was a teaser and Bill was wielding it as if he had done it all his life with her. He used the crop to remove her miniscule panties from her and dear god was she wet. She felt the crop graze her pussy and as much as that turned her on, but she wasn’t ready for the moment Bill hit her there with the crop. He hadn’t hit her hard, nothing she couldn’t handle but it made her jump and yelp in surprise. He was going to like this? Well hell yes, she liked it more. Again, the crop came down, this time on the inside of her thigh. It barely stung but the heat, its contact, made on her inner thigh traveled straight up into her core and left her whimpering and shifting her hips on the bed.

His next command, "Spread them!", for some reason made her a little more hesitant. Why, she wasn’t sure, but slowly her legs spread wide apart, leaving her open to her husband’s gaze and THAT truly made her shy. It didn’t help that he climbed up on the bed and got between her spread out thighs, holding her own from even trying to close if she had attempted to.

The leather tip slowly raked across her waist, making her skin suck inward at its touch. Her fingers dug into the bedding beneath her. Down it went over her mons, making her inner muscles contract. It was Bill’s mouth on her that made her moan in need. The heat from the taps of the crop on her skin, his mouth on her…. Dear god it was the sweetest of tortures. Another whimper left her as she felt him spread her open and drag his tongue along her exposure. Again, the crop came down and she nearly came off the bed.

"Do you want more?"

Of him or the crop? She wanted to ask but somewhere along the way, she had seemed to have lost her voice. The words were spoken in her head, she just couldn’t articulate them to him and yet, she knew she had to find a way to speak. He wasn’t a mind reader after all, but it was hard for her. She had never really been a talker during sex and neither had Bill. She filed that one away to pull out later for mental examination. It was fun to explore but also scary. This was Bill. Her partner. Her lover. Her husband. She trusted him above any other and still it was hard to open up to him. Always had been. It was as if to do so made her extremely vulnerable. Cara cleared her throat then nodded her head and wondered if she could get away with that much.
Bill saw the hesitation and indecision in her eyes. He knew her well enough to know that it wasn’t hesitation about what was happening as much as her apprehension about giving voice to her desires.

He understood it completely. In all the reading he’d done over the years looking for answers one common thread he’d found was the reverse correlation that baffled most couples. The more you grow to depend on someone emotionally and physically the less you’re willing to be open with them and put it all at risk. It was counter intuitive when he first read it but the more he thought about it the more it made sense. The more skin you have in the game the lower your risk tolerance.

At the nod of her head the let the crop fall slightly harder between her damp lips causing another yelp. Seeing how aroused she’d become made it difficult for Bill to think about anything else but sinking himself inside her.

Scooting forward he draped her thighs over his then guided himself into her. His hips rocked subtly pumping into her as he leaned back and let the crop drag over her breasts.

“You’re so hot.” He breathed out as her moans echoed though the silence of the room.

The crop trailed lightly down her stomach then over her mons as his thrusts took on more urgency. The next sharp tap of the crop grazed both his shaft and her folds sending a jolt through his system that he hadn’t imagined.

Tossing the crop to the side Bill leaned forward planting his hands into the mattress on either side of her and began thrusting hard into her as his climax approached.
The very moment Bill’s cock entered her, she came. Her interior muscles clamped down and around him. They rippled along his length, drawing him deeper inside her. She had no idea how arousing her own riding crop had made her. It just wasn’t the riding crop, it was also Bill. She wasn’t sure where or how the change in him came about but she liked it. A lot. He used the crop’s tip, trailing down her stomach. Her legs wrapped around him, holding him tight as he moved strenuously inside of her. She found she loved that feel of leather on her skin. Bill gave one more sharp tap pf the crop on her mons before tossing it over the side of the bed and began to vigorously fuck her. As he leaned forward over her, Cara’s hands raked down his back. She could feel her orgasm looming. Everything was centered at the very core of her. She just couldn’t get enough of Bill.

“Deeper, Bill…” she whispered harshly, “Oh, please… make me cum.”

A low growl emanated from her throat.

Harder. Faster. Her orgasm seemed just out of her reach. Then it slammed into her, making her whole body shake. Fingertips dug into Bill’s back. She needed….needed…. turning her head slightly, her mouth found his arm and her teeth lightly sank into it as she softly screamed for him. Her whole world exploded.
Cara's teeth sinking into his arm seemed to only heighten Bill's ecstasy and his body continued to shudder as he emptied into her then collapsed onto the bed beside her. He was amazed at how intense his orgasm was when it hit him then was taken to new heights by the sensation Cara added as her own rocked her.

"Definitely need to add that to the list." he said through gasping breaths as he pulled her to his side and clung to her tightly.

The fact that he managed to fumble his way through doing something new like that and bring her to the heights he had gave him confidence that he'd be able to handle whatever was to come. What had once seemed so intimidating now seemed exciting with his growing confidence that he was starting to learn what pushed her buttons. After a while they drifted off to sleep until the early morning light began to stream through the blinds and wake him.

Bill quietly slipped from the bed and pulled on some boxes then made his way to the kitchen to get some coffee and breakfast going.
The last thing Cara remembered was Bill saying, "Definitely need to add that to the list."

She wanted to ask what list but all that came out was a yawn and she barely remembered snuggling into his warmth. Cara stretched and rolled over, only to find an empty bed. Bill must have gotten up already. She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. For the first time, in a long time, she felt secure. Loved? She always knew she was loved but she had been afraid for so long that Bill would grow tired of her. She wasn’t as young or as pretty as she use to be. Looking in the full-length mirror in their room she noticed the stretch marks from having their children. Her breasts weren’t as perky as they use to be. She had put on a few pounds but nothing too serious. Even her skin had aged. Bill had shown some signs of aging as well but on him, it made him look sexier. How many times had he tried to talk to her and she had simply clammed up? She didn’t know how to tell him that their intimate relationship had grown flat and uninteresting. She blamed it on herself really. Too tired. Have to get up early. It always seemed like he wanted sex at the wrong time, but was there ever a wrong time? It was always the same thing, the same way over and over. Now? There was a new side to Bill she absolutely was thrilled with. Oh, not the switching of partners, but how he was with her now.

Cara got out of bed and took a refreshing shower before donning a light robe and padded out to the kitchen where she heard noises. Stopping in the doorway she smelt fresh coffee and Bill was making breakfast. She tiptoed up behind him, slipping her arms around his waist from behind.

“Ummm… something smells good.”
Bill didn't notice Cara until she slipped her arms around his waist.

“Ummm… something smells good.” she said as he pulled his body against hers.

Bill reached around with his free hand cradling the cheek of her ass, leaning back against her. "Just thought you'd be hungry this morning." he said before setting down the spatula then turning in her arms to give her a kiss.

The day was filled with their normal Sunday chores around the house but they each seemed to float through them with a lightness they never quite expected at the start of the weekend.


Over the course of the week Bill's file with the FBI likely grew by volumes but so did his understanding of what Cara had mentioned she wanted to try. It was something he'd never heard of before but the more he looked into it the more intrigued he became and his excitement grew.

At first it seemed like something best experimented with in private but he didn't nearly have what he'd need and he wondered if the onlookers didn't add a layer of excitement to the idea of the experience. It was Wednesday when he'd finally committed to his plan. On his lunch break he slipped away from the office and visited Impulse to secure their membership. It took a call to Steve for a referral and he hoped he keep his word to keep the surprise under wraps. Since Cara had decided to surprise Bill with it last week, it was her turn to be surprised.

"Is it possible to reserve certain areas?" he asked of the manager as they finished the short paperwork.

"We can hold something for a short period of time for you. What did you have in mind?" he replied with an inquisitive grin.

Bill was out the door a short time later feeling excited about the weekend to come. Pulling his phone out of his pocket he typed out a quick message to Cara.

"Date night Friday?"