Pay the rent...or??? (closed for Becaa57)

"Hi!!! Not too bad a note, at least for me, I think he was hoping for a higher note." After I sit down, feeling the breeze cool on me. Taking a sip of the bourbon. "One benefit of the boss liking me :)" finding that the swim has opened my appetite.
"Thanks I am hungry, didn't eat too much at dinner. How was your day? I didn't see you around when I came home to change" Thinking back over the date, knowing you are probably curious. "The date was ok, dinner was nice, went to a steak house. although funny thing is he thought my meat was way undercooked I thought his was ruined. I ordered rare/medium rare. He opted for well done, so I know I can never take him to my parents house :) . My dad would kick him out. I think though that was maybe a sign of how the rest was going to go. He drinks too much when out, I thought I'd have to put him in a Uber. To be honest not sure I even want to stay friends with him, during the school day he is fun, good sense of humor, it's just afterwards. And maybe it's partly my fault. I let him know fairly early in the meal that in no was was I looking for a new relationship. I am pretty sure I told him the last time, some guys...." Taking another swallow. "So I guess that means I'll be dateless for a while again, sorry you won't be getting your alone time :)" letting the not so good date move to my past. "So I'm curious, what's the story about Mack? He never seems to go anywhere, is he retired? or work from home or do you even know?"
I felt at ease with her openness and how she was getting a kick out of filling me in, quite comfortable.

"Mack? Don't know much actually, he's a widower I believe, just a few years older than me. I never see him home much during the day, but then, I'm often not home then either. Usually see him on weekends or at night."

I brought out the tray of snacks setting it so she could help herself. She seemed rev'ed up a bit, maybe pleased the date was over and she could just be herself around me. It didn't appear to be nervousness, just excess energy.

"I have all the alone time I need, Becca. I like our time together just being who we are. I don't think you will be dateless for long, you have too much going for you. Any prospects on a new job?"
I sip my drink. "Thanks for the snacks, have a bit of a appetite tonight.
"Ok I was just wondering, he seems like a nice guy, I think I scared him last night by talking to him :). Am I that scary??"

"I like that you did more then chips and a dip for the snacks!!!"

"I like spending time with you too George, surprising how comfortable this feels. It's so nice to talk to a man without him trying to figure out a way to get me into bed, although... you already have me naked :). that's more then any other guy outside of Bobby has done. I'm in no rush to start dating again, I think I'll just enjoy my life as simple as it is. It's nice to have alone time, no worries about somebody. I enjoy spending time with you, but there is zero pressure involved. I am curious about Mack, as he seems like a nice but very lonely man."
Taking a sip again and another snack.
"As far as the job, about all I can do because of my schedule is waitress either restaurant or bar. Not very many companies willing to offer flexible hours in the evenings."
Stretching some
"I think I'll take a couple more laps, then you get a shoulder rub, yours seem tense to me. Wanna join me?"
"I don't think your scary, maybe he thought he was being secretive and you taking it verbal shocked him. I'd bet he loves the view of you."

Zero pressure was nail on head, it had slowly evolved, with minimal coercion, into a very mutual satisfaction and promise of much more.
"Yeah, I see what you mean about hours with school commitments. Trust me, don't give up on the education, you have to look at the big picture and long term. As long as you can keep covering your bills it's best to suffer the sore feet and the bar probably gives you better tips in the long run. Only costs you a few grabby hands. ;)"

Watching her stretch was quite the sight with the taut breasts and well muscled legs.

"Thought you never ask...without a doubt I'll join you for that rub."
:) "Ok maybe so, although I've been waving at him. You know the both of you have made me feel a lot better about my body, I know size doesn't matter, but we all know that it sometimes does. I think I'll continue talking a bit to him. I'm still amazed at how comfortable I am around you and be default him being nude. Not naked there is that difference"
"As far as bills go, I guess if I'm late on the rent again, there will be a 'late charge' 😉
Jumping into the water, I hear you jump in shortly after and we do several laps side by side. You finish before I do, I do a few more, then pull myself out. Breathing heavily. "That was good!!"
I never even thought if Mack was naked or clothed. I assumed he was clothed, but what if he wasn't or he changed to be so? I chuckled over her reference to the "late charge", though admittedly I did have one in mind already since this next Wednesday is was due again. It will be interesting to see what happens; it's not like she didn't have that natural daring attitude to just be daring.

As much as it would be great to dry her off, I almost got greater pleasure watching the water run off her body and her curves. I know...perverted. But damn.

She really did more than normal, maybe expending that excess energy. Or contemplating that potential "extra charge".
Catching my breath, just standing there the water flowing off, I'll towel in a minute, right now enjoy the night, your eyes on me. Thinking I must have been more keyed up about the date then I knew, that was a hard set of laps. Watching you looking at me, seeing the response of your body, wondering if you were aware of it? You don't hide it or seem embarrassed about it. Another thing I like about you. Grabbing the towel to wipe myself dry
"Ok Mister time for the shoulder massage. grabbing one of the barstools I sit on it, and tell you to bring your lounge over so you can sit in front of me, opening my legs so you can lean back. You comply with a smile and soon your body is nestled against me. I start working on your shoulders, a bit of lotion, but not much. "You are really tense tonight, is something going on?"
Watching every bit of her as she toweled off and positioned herself for my shoulder massage. Her ease at exposing herself was intriguing, then again, it was obvious to me and her, I was having a reaction and it didn't bother either one of us. As enthralled as I could be looking into her eyes, the same could be said when looking at the view she so easily offered...for both our pleasure? Yep.

"Not that I am aware of, Becca. Maybe it's just the pleasure of your company." Her hands were working magic in relaxing me, or some parts.
I smile at that answer, "So are you saying I'm making you tense? I know I'm making part of you tense :) !!"Letting you lean against my thighs working your shoulders, but thinking the last time a man was between my legs, then shaking that thought away, then remembering that it was actually you, when I gave you your happy ending massage that ended up being a happy ending for both of us. "You are very fit, I like that " rubbing your shoulders out to and down your arms, lifting them up to put on my legs, so they curl around them. Leaning forward as I rub you, aware my breasts are touching your head too, but I am loving it
She was right, more frequently my cock stiffened just by being near her. And when she leaned forward I couldn’t resist. My mouth opened and teased those small nipples then took that nibble of both that I knew she couldn’t resist. And let’s not forget the feel of her tight ass.
Ohhhh you surprised me when you were able to tease my nipples, but they were already hard and your warm mouth on them made them even harder. I stay in position so you can enjoy both of them, knowing that this is going to go much further tonight then just a happy ending
No way can a male or female adequately explain physical feelings of skin to skin, I believe. That unique texture of a nipple with the breast caressing your face, the moan you hear. That extra tremor when the nibble borders that next level or the one that had been desired for awhile.

I lifted up ….”Lay down Becca.” She did so as I laid the lounger flat, then moved her legs to straddle it as I sat on the foot of it.

“ have a healthy drink as I know this will leave you thirsty….”
I'm sitting facing you, wondering what you have in mind, finishing my drink at your suggestion. "What will?" breathing faster, my heart racing
Grabbing her ankles and setting her feet, knees up on the seat, spread wide. Leaning my head down and having that first tantalizing lick up her center. That jump as she realized what was happening and her hands grabbing the lounger arms, all with a loud squeak from her mouth. No fingers or hands this time, just younger and lips, maybe some teeth when called for. Slow and intense parting her lips savoring the wetness, nibbling inner thighs as I could hear her breaths deepen. Her lips flushing and full as they reacted to me….
I jump when you grab my ankles moving my feet up to the seat, making my legs fall open feeling like a funnel to my pussy for you, which then you use your mouth immediately. No warning no touching first, just your mouth and tongue on me. My body responds of course, your touch something about you, going past all my warning signs and any restrictions I would put up. "Ohhhhh god" I moan softly, feeling me get even wetter as you lick suck, amazed to feel teeth, although more of a gentle nip that is exciting.
The “Ohhh god” just stirred me on. It wasn’t long and her hands were on my head, a combination of pressure and steering. Her words a throaty “there, oh yes” or “more..yes” and even “don’t stop.” My cheeks felt those thigh tremors as she got close. Sucking in her clit, hood and all, in and out as if she was using my mouth. When she let go it was almost non-stop flood.
I'm cumming from what you're doing. I can't believe it, never ever do I cum this hard. Crying out "Ohhhh yessssss Ohhhh god more!!!!!" Holding your head to me, rubbing against you, just to stimulate myself and keep my orgasm going. Part of me thinking, Mack can probably here this and know what's going on , my not how but definitely what. That just adds to it all for me. Finally calming down my breath heavy but steady. "Wow!!!! I mean Wow!!!!" You go to resume what you were doing, but I stop you. "No I'm way too sensitive right now, let me just give me a minute" You sit back, looking at me your face soaking wet, from what I know is me. "George!!! that was insanely good!!!!" Then I think of something a way to repay you maybe. "I want to do something for you, trade places." You do what I ask, and I can see how hard you are. I move down besides you, and reach out to stroke you. "I've only done this a couple of times, so hopefully you like" I stroke you, I think of who I've done it for before, but it was always after he'd ask like 100 times. My fingers wrapped around you, another thought comes to mind, making me chuckle. " I was just thinking the guy I did it for before, Bobby well he always thought he was big.. you know and I now know he wasn't that big" Before I can change my mind, I lean forward and kissing the tip. Rubbing it on my face. "I want you to know that I want to do this, I'm not doing it because you asked ok?"
I then slide my lips over you, taking you into my mouth, can't go far but as I do that I start pumping you too. Sucking your head as I move my hand up and down your shaft.
The look on her face was impressive and her eagerness to return the favor was evident by her dictating to swap places. She didn't go "to work" on me, it was a need she had to accomplish from the joy she was feeling. Not an obligation bur true desire, another barrier dissolved. It wasn't long and my hands were mimicking hers, on her head. Regardless how few times she says she had sucked cock, attitude came into play and she was excelling on all accounts. Please achieved for both of us being the goal. My release was as intense as hers and that sensitive period after. She stretched out on top of me, trapping my cock between us as it still pulsed and other our heartbeats attempted to return to normal. Her small glances towards Mack's house gave rise to my confirmation of thoughts part of her was excited that he might be aware of what we just did.

It wasn't too long before I suggested some laps...and that comfortable stickiness as we separated being broken while at the same time it reaffirming it was another step forward.
As I sucked you, licking and pumping your cock, I quickly realized the difference in doing something because I had too, and doing it because I wanted too. I was enjoy it the feel of you in my mouth and hand, Finding out how much I can take. I've heard of deep throating of course, but not ready to try that, just go as deep as possible and then back up. Looking up at you watching me intently, a look of pleasure and small moans when I do something that you really like. I can't help but wonder if Mack is listening to this too and what his cock is like, imagining him having it out stroking while I please you. You moans intensify and you warm me that you're about there. I increase my pace and then feel you get even harder and start shooting into my mouth. I catch a couple of the spurts tasting you, then aim the rest for you stomach and chest. When you finish, and i'ts longer then I would have guess I can see streams of your sperm resting on your body. Remembering how it felt to have that between us last time. I move up and lay on top of you my pussy resting on your and my stomach and chest pressed against you. Feeling the warmth of your body and the wet warmth of your sperm on me. Laying my head on your shoulder I kiss your neck whispering "Thank you "
Reluctantly getting up when you suggest laps my front now covered as yours is in sperm. "Ok Daddy!"
The "thank-you" was another affirmation and growing connection. One that made barriers less intimidating..and maybe even would cause her to be more daring in revealing her desires. Watching her rise up and off of me was quite the sight. Open and with no hint of embarrassment. I couldn't resist...a finger reaching up and running down the center of her chest, then offering it to her lips.
Licking it off your finger, and then leaning down to lick some off your chest too. Looking at you as I do. "This is the first time I've ever tasted sperm, it's not terrible" Then straightening up and after a quick wipe down with a towel I jump in, doing some laps as I go over what just happened, not only between you and I, but also why Mack came to mind for me.
Her licking off my chest just strengthened my thoughts. Though had she just laid on my chest much longer she would have been carried to bed once again. Also realized her mention of first time she had tasted sperm which was another barrier passed. Her acceptance of new experiences was promising as so many things remained to introduce her too. Rent was due tomorrow and parts of me had thoughts of want could happen, though also pleased with her openness... and me wondering her more hidden secrets.
By the time I finish my laps, I'm not much closer to understanding what is going on with me. Why I'm becoming open and more sexual with you. My mind turns to money thinking good thing Rent isn't due for another week, as I'm quite a bit short having lent some of it to a friend in need. I pull myself out of the pool and letting myself airdry sit back on the lounger catching my breath
She had a way about calmly walking back to her lounger and I got that great ass view of her. It wasn't a sassy walk, but one that had a natural swagger to it built on confidence and assuredness. And once again that use of "Daddy" that I thought about the entire time doing my laps. It just seemed to be a natural response from her and somewhat associated after us having some intimate contact or shift in how open we were with one another. Not complaining at all.

"See, completely relaxed now aren't you? A good orgasm, some exercise and tons of thoughts. And it's nice to know you wanted to."