The boss' wife (closed for Becaa57)


Mar 27, 2016
I work at a large money management firm as facilities director. I'm the guy who fixes the lights and makes sure the A/C is working in our building, stuff like that. The senior executives there are very wealthy and they sometimes throw parties for all of the staff. This party was to celebrate the hiring of a new CEO, James. It was held in the ballroom of our building and my staff and I were responsible for set up and tear down. Our spouses were expected to attend so my wife bought a new dress and I had to rent a tux. That evening I grumbled to my wife as I struggled to get the bow tie tied just right, "Why do we have to go to this stupid party, just to watch the executives show off their wives?" "Careful" my wife said, "Don't be looking too much, you belong to me". We have been married for 10 years and I have never strayed. Sure, I have been tempted but I do love my wife, even if our sex life has gotten a little stale and predictable. When we arrive, we are handed glasses of champagne and we start to mingle. Soon, our VP drags me aside to meet James and his wife. I hope no one, especially my wife, noticed my jaw drop when I saw James' wife. She was about my age, easily 20 years junior to her husband and she was stunning. She caught me staring at her and I blushed.
This is the first even that we are going too, I know many would consider me the "trophy" wife, but I do love my husband, we've been married for 15 years now, getting married just when I turned 20. When we got married Steve (my husband) was an accounting manage, but with hard work has managed to climb up the corporate ladder. We haven't had any children and he had me stop working years ago. I usually join charity groups. That keeps me busy, as Steve would say out of trouble at least. I've lost track of the people I've met here and so far they seem the same. Either staring at me with outright lust, so I know to expect some suggest remarks later after a few drinks, or in the cases of most wives, more disdain for what they consider I've done to be married to my husband. Towards the end I'm introduced to someone who looks very uncomfortable in his obviously rented Tux, but at the same a striking figure of a man. My age roughly in good shape. His pretty wife hanging on his arm looking at me as if I'm an enemy. But hiding it well from most. I shook their hands and I know from his handshake he works with them. I miss his name in the all hubbub going on, as the CFO calls everyone to the tables for the evening meal. As I find my seat I realize that they are at the same table. Management or probably HR has mixed together the different levels within the company, a good idea in my opinion. We exchange minor conversation. And everyone seems to be having a good time. Shortly after eating Steve takes his leave to mingle and I end up moving to a small table in the back corner. Turning down several offers for a drink or a walk to see the sights
After dinner my wife headed for the open bar, no surprise. But that was alright with me, I had been steeling glances at Steve's wife all thru out dinner. I could see (or feel) others doing the same and she didn't look very comfortable with that. I'm sure she was judged unfairly everywhere she went with her husband, being so much younger than him. As soon as her Husband left to meet more employees, she went to a smaller table in the back. I watched as a few men took their shots and got shot down. She was absolutely gorgeous, wearing a stunning black dress that accentuated her small, wonderful curves. Her breasts were not large but they looked like they were firm - i could tell there was no bra under her dress. I found myself imaganing how they would fit in my rough calloused hands. She sat alone looking at her phone. Did she want to be alone? Somehow, I felt that she would like some company if I could keep the lust out of my eyes.

I took a deep breath and walked up to her. "Hi, my name is Mark, would you like some company?"
I am startled when you come up and introduce yourself again. "Hi Mark, that would be nice, but not sure your wife would approve" I take a closer look at you and you still seem as if you'd be more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, no, a work shirt. "If you want to risk it, please have a seat" I catch the eye of one of the waiting staff and ask for a refill for my wine. "Something to drink?"
I am startled when you come up and introduce yourself again. "Hi Mark, that would be nice, but not sure your wife would approve" I take a closer look at you and you still seem as if you'd be more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, no, a work shirt. "If you want to risk it, please have a seat" I catch the eye of one of the waiting staff and ask for a refill for my wine. "Something to drink?"
"Jack and coke, short" I hope the bourbon will calm me down a little as I feel my heart might beat its way out of my chest. "My wife is on her third cosmo, she probably won't notice I am here and if she does, she won't remember it tomorrow." I look over to the bar and see my wife being hit on by a couple of low level executives. "Besides, some things are worth putting yourself at risk."
I smile, then follow your gaze over to where your wife is leaning? against the bar chatting with a couple of men, I know somehow work for Steve, but their names are a distant memory. "Ok Mark I can see your point. I know from experience that I won't see Steve for a couple of hours when he is ready to head home. One reason I don't care for these things. Some company would be nice, as long as you behave" Smiling at that to take the sting out. Our drinks come along with a plate of appetizers. I take a sip and a bite from a cheese one. "So I remember you work here, but honestly I can't recall what you do, you are definitely not an office worker, oh and I know what Jack and coke is, but what does short mean?"
I smile, then follow your gaze over to where your wife is leaning? against the bar chatting with a couple of men, I know somehow work for Steve, but their names are a distant memory. "Ok Mark I can see your point. I know from experience that I won't see Steve for a couple of hours when he is ready to head home. One reason I don't care for these things. Some company would be nice, as long as you behave" Smiling at that to take the sting out. Our drinks come along with a plate of appetizers. I take a sip and a bite from a cheese one. "So I remember you work here, but honestly I can't recall what you do, you are definitely not an office worker, oh and I know what Jack and coke is, but what does short mean?"
"I'm not very good at behaving, but I will try" I can't believe I'm saying things like that, and then it gets worse. "I somehow missed your name, I think I must be distracted by your beautiful eyes." Ok, settle down and be a gentleman. " I am the facilities manager, I am as blue collar as it gets, and this tux feels like a straight jacket." I reach up and un tie the bow, while unbuttoning two shirt buttons I say, "that feels so much better, oh, and short means a short glass, therefore less coke, more bourbon."
"You are doing very good at behaving, trust me I'll let you know if you misbehave" I smile as you visibly relax after losing the tie and opening the buttons. "You probably should take the jacket off, it's not cold in here. And my name is Rebecca, Becca to friends. Taking another sip of wine while I look around the room, people are starting to gather into groups, noticing your wife still has her two admirers, plus one more who is hovering. My husband is over at a table with upper management, our eyes meet and I raise my glass in salute to him I know he is doing what he calls networking and I would just be in the way. "Facilities manager? Sounds important, but I'm sure you get your hands dirty when you can. I think blue collar men are under appreciated in today's world. My father was one, he did factory work. My brother did as well, although he like you has moved up into management. My dad always told me to find a man who is good with his hands and your life will be easier. I didn't quite follow that advice as you can tell I'm sure"
I was comforted by the fact that Rebecca was going to give ne some warning if I flirted too hard, because I was holding back as hard as I could. "It's very nice to meet you Rebecca, I hope it's ok that I call you by your formal name even tho we aren't friends... yet." Giving her the sexiest smile I have in the bag, I remove my tux jacket. "Oh, that feels better." I remind myself to look her in the eyes and not the amazing things going on under that dress. "You might just be the prettiest woman I have ever met, and that's not a line, it's the truth." Suddenly I hear my wife say a very loud "whoops!" I turn and see her stumble into a friend of mine's arms, her large breast's literally breaking her fall. I hope he enjoyed the feel up that I for sure was not going to get tonight, she was toast. "Looks like I have to get her home, she's cut off ... so, I really hope I can see you again? Or do you have an email I can use to just say hi someday? God do I sound corny, I feel like I'm back in high school.
"It's nice to meet you too Mark, and please call me Becca, I think we've reached that point" Smiling at you as you take off your jacket, nice to see your physically relax a bit. As we sit, the 'Whoops' catches both our ears and turning I see your wife falling into another mans arms. I have no idea who he is either, but also at least to me it looked her tripping was not quick as accidental as she was going for. As you get up to go rescue her, you turn and ask for an email. "I think you'd best rescue your wife. I have an email, but I don't have a card, do you have a business card? I can send a hello to you that way"
I wanted to spend more time with Becca - there was just something about her - something I had not felt for a very long time. There was something about her, something in her eyes that cried out to me. She wanted to say she was complete and satisfied with her life but her eyes said differently. I pulled a business card out of my wallet and gace it to her. "You can send anything to this email, I'm the only one who reads it." Standing up to get to my wife I gave her one last look but didn't say anything. I was looking into her eyes for more clues but saw nothing further. I deliberately left my rented jacket on my chair hoping she would see that I left it.
I really enjoyed my time with Mark, for once the feeling that he wasn't just trying to get me to bed, but liked me as a person. I felt sorry for him, with the behavior of his wife especially around the management here. I am holding his business card, like a life line for some reason. I turn back to the table and see you left your jacket. I grab it hoping to catch you, but am waylaid by a co-worker of Steve's who informs me that he'd been called into a meeting. I was welcome to wait. I look around the room and I see that pretty much the only people left are small groups huddle around the bars that were setup. Not wanting to deal with more drunks. I head outside. The night is quiet and still for downtown. I use my Lyft app to request a ride. I find that I will have a 1/2 hour wait for one. Looking around I see the lights of a restaurant a couple blocks down. I start walking to it, getting chilled so I slip into your coat. Wow you either got too big a jacket or you are bigger then you appeared, but it does keep me warm and I get a scent of your aftershave. I walk down and find that it is a Italian place. I go in, the hostess asks if I need a table for two, I say no I'm waiting for my Lyft ride. She suggest the bar, then asks if my husband will be joining. I realize that the jacket is making me look even more married. Maybe not a bad thing in a strange bar at night, so I say maybe later.
The bartender comes up, she is a young woman who puts two coasters down for me. I order a Manhattan, and she asks if I want to order for my husband, I decide to order a Jack and coke short. Knowing that is your drink. She brings both drinks, but no ice in yours telling me when you show up she will add the ice. I thank her for that and she gives me the menu. I order a appetizer and wait, looking around. This is a real nice place, there are a few people, nobody I recognize from the event at your work.
Taking your card out, I see you list both a work and cell number. I start to text you, then remember that you had stressed using your email. I think ok different but I'm sure you had a reason. Pulling up my private email I send you this email.
It was nice meeting you tonight and I want to thank you for spending the time to talk to me, I appreciate it and I do hope it didn't keep you from other conversations you maybe should have been having. I do hope your wife is ok, everyone has one too many from time to time, so don't be too hard on her. You did forget your jacket I have it and we can figure out how you get it back. Again thank you for tonight, I really enjoyed it.

After I hit send, I wonder if I should have added my cell phone, but then decided might be pushing it. Email might be a better way after all. I keep the jacket on me, like the feeling it gives me. I receive a message from Lyft that the driver is outside. I settle up my bill, telling her that I guess he didn't make it, thanking her for the drinks and meal. Paying the check with a nice tip. Walk out getting into the car for the ride home. Still wearing your jacket. When I get home Steve still isn't there, so I run a hot bath and then climb into bed. Wondering when you will respond if at all to the email.
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When my wife and I got home I walked her up the stairs to the bedroom and then out of her dress. She was down to her black bra, black panties, garter and stockings. I planned on putting her to bed but she dropped to her knees and took my cock out. It had been months since I had a blowjob from her ... from anyone at all. It didn't take long before I got very hard in her mouth. She pulled off and started stroking me, then looked up and smiled. She then passed out and slumped against my legs. Damn! I picked her up and put her in bed. Then I changed out of my tux, or what was left of it, but my errection would not go away. I removed my boxer briefs and laid down next to my wife. Just then my phone dinged and I saw Becca had sent me a message. I read her words very slowly, over and over while stroking my cock and remembering how sexy she looked in that little black dress. Black is my favorite, and I wondered what color panties she had worn under that dress. Imagining something black and see thru I came harder than I had in what felt like years. I cleaned up and sent her a reply.

"Becca, you have no idea how happy I was to meet you, and no idea on the effect it gave me." I decided to keep it short and open, adding "I can't find my jacket, did you see if I left the event with it? ~ Mark"
Just as I'm about to doze off, I hear a notification on my phone, who at this time I wonder. I open the phone and see that you've replied to my email. That was fast I think. I read the email, it was short but at the same time said a lot. I think about how I should and want to reply. then decide to respond.

I enjoyed meeting you and you spending so much time with me at the event. I actually have your jacket with me, you forgot it when you went to get your wife. Is she ok? Anyways it came in handy for me later that night, I will have to explain when I return it. I'm thinking may not be a good idea for me to return it to you at the office, don't need to start people talking. I found a cute little Italian restaurant a couple blocks from where the event was. It's called Luigi's think of Mario Bros :). Maybe meet there for lunch tomorrow? I can get us a table around 1:00 if that works for you. If not let me know. Becca"
I was pleantly surprised that she wanted to meet for lunch. I wonder if she suspected that I had left my jacket on purpose as a way to see her again. I certainly thought she would return it in some other way and reading her words made me wonder what she was really all about. What did she want from me and could I give it? Did she even know?

I wrote back, "Yes, I know that place, the booths in the back are quite private and dimly lit. That way there is less chance of being seen and having people at work gossip. Wear something black."

I hit send before I could change what I had written to something less bold. I hope she doesn't take offence, after all, she might have something much more benign in mind for our meet. She may just be doing a friend, a new friend a favor. I started thinking about what I needed, could she, would she give it? Did I even know? I slept better than I had in weeks and awoke with butterflies in my stomach. Was I really going to do this?
The response came much quicker then I expected, and excitedly I open the email. A smile because it was from you. I guess you are still awake as well. I read it, good he knows the place, but mentioning the dimly lit booths and wanting me in black? That's a bit unexpected. Before I can respond, I receive a text from my husband, he is still at work, don't wait up. So not only did he leave me at a company function when I know nobody else, now he is "Working Late??????" something fishy there. Angry at him now, I go back to your email. You know what I can have a friend right???
That was fast, thank you! :). I wouldn't know about the booths to be honest I sat at the bar waiting for my lyft. I will be there and ask for a booth in the back, kind of clandestine?? :). See you at 1:00

After I hit send I think of your other request, wear something black? That made me think I was in my black cocktail dress last night, but I don't own very much else that's black, not a color I wear much, outside of some lingerie. I guess a shopping trip is in order. maybe some slacks and black silk blouse. I wonder why black though??
I wake up the next morning, looking over I see my husband did make it home. Wondering briefly what time then decided I don't care really. As we eat breakfast he asks what are my plans. I think a minute. "Going to meet a friend for lunch, maybe do some clothes shopping, don't worry I won't break the bank :)" That being a joke that we've had our entire marriage. I ask how his meeting last night was, seeing him pause for a minute then saying 'It was ok we are thinking of expanding locations probably expect more of them' I nod ok "Well looks like this job is working out for you then, maybe we can stay here longer then a year?" He thinks a second 'I think maybe this is the last one honey, I do thank you for all you've put with' Then he leaves for work with the per functionary kiss on the cheek and a bye honey have a good day. I jump in the shower, wash my hair then get dressed. Heading down to a clothing store at the mall I remember seeing. Going in and getting black slacks a black silk blouse. New lingerie top to bottom. I look at the garter belts, but it's not that kind of lunch. Get a pair of thigh high stockings. Looking at myself in the mirror, I'm surprised really how good it looks the black against my white skin is a great contrast. "I need to wear black more often" Then it hit me. I'm buying clothes not for my husbands approval but another mans, one I really barely know. I consider putting them back but decide no I'll keep it even after the lunch I suspect my husband will like it too.
I head to the restaurant and park around back. Arriving at 12:45 the hostess has our table ready, thanks to the call I made earlier at the store. I tell her that I'm expecting another around 1:00. She smiles says I'll bring him back. Then I sit. I contemplate ordering a glass of wine, then think you will be on your work lunch hour and probably a drink isn't a good idea. Maybe next time, if there is one. The restaurant is somewhat busy but the booths close to where I am waiting remain empty. Fingers crossed you will not be late. I have the suit jacket on the seat beside me.
It was so hard to work that morning. I kept looking at the clock thinking lunchtime would never come. At 12:55, I told my coworker that I had a matter I had to take care of on my lunch and I didnt know when I would be back. I keep my department kind of chill as long as things get done, it helps with morale. I made the 3 minute walk to the restaurant and told the hostess a lady was waiting for me. She led me to the very back, and I saw Becca sitting in a booth. She looked nervous. I sat down across from her and gently took her hand. I asked her if she was ok and she said she was so I lifted her and to my lips and gave itba kiss. When I did that she blushed but did not pull her hand away. I did not let go and brought our hands down to the table as one. Her skin felt so good even if it was only her hand in mine. "Hello Becca, you look absolutely stunning, thank you for meeting me today."
I sit there watching as you are brought back. As you get close you take my hand and pull me to my feet, my first thought was you wanted to see my outfit, I hope you like it. The black blouse open at the neck tucked into black slacks. You surprising me. It was a nice kiss and just lips no tongue I guess the kiss of a good friend? We both sit down then and I'm incredibly nervous now. But I look over at you, you are dressed cleanly not a suit and tie, but cleaned and pressed work clothes. "Thank you for meeting me Mark, like I said in the email I think safer for us then me going to your work" Then remembering the jacket I hand it over to you. "Thanks for the loan of this, it actually made things better for me last night"
I smile and take the jacket from you almost forgetting it was the reason for our lunch together, I place it beside me on the seat of the booth. "The pleasure is mine as I'm happy it made your evening better" I notice you followed my request of wearing black, appreciating the way your blouse hugged the curve of your perfect breasts. "please tell me how my jacket made your night better?" I ask pretty sure it didn't help you the way the thought of what color panties you were wearing affected me.
I smile, seeing that you are dressed a lot more casually today.

"Well, after you rescued your wife, how is she by the way?"
"I decided to head on home, being as my husband was in some kind of meeting. I called for Lyft ride, but was told 1/2 hour at least."
glancing at the menu, trying to decide what to eat

"Anyways, I didn't want to wait at the function, your wife wasn't the only one who over indulged."
"I grabbed your jacket, knowing it was a rental, and you'd have to pay for it, if you didn't return it"
"I left and decided to go down the block, finding this place I came in. Because it was chilly out, and my uhmmm dress wasn't exactly warm. I put the jacket on."
"Turns out everyone assumed it was my husbands, and being as I sat at the bar, I ordered my husband his drink for when he would show up"
"So my friend, you missed a drink with me, but I enjoyed having a nice drink while waiting"
"Ahhh that explains you picking this place, I've stopped in here a few times, but it's not exactly a hang out for management!" I see you glancing at the menu, "they have a Rueben that is to die for if you like them" I try hard not to stare at you but I'm vexed as your beauty is matched by your personality and charm. Most of the wives of management that I've met are stuffy and so uptight they would never give me the time of day let alone sit down to lunch with me. Though I'm sure you are just being nice and I need to not over think what this is. Our time at the party was brief, but I felt a connection that is only being reinforced the longer I spend time with you. I look down and realize I'm still holding your hand as our eyes meet, I slowly pull my hands back, my face getting a little flushed. "I'm sorry I missed that drink, and yes, my wife is fine, though she had a pretty good headache in the morning"
"Ahhh that explains you picking this place, I've stopped in here a few times, but it's not exactly a hang out for management!"

"It was more just pure luck, I was walking to a place I could wait for the lyft safely and indoors, the bartender was nice, and thanks to my husbands" smiling as I say that. "I wasn't bothered"

We both realize that you're still holding my hand while we were talking
Blushing as you release mine, although part of me misses it already.

I'm sorry I missed that drink, and yes, my wife is fine, though she had a pretty good headache in the morning"

"It was a nice drink, I ordered what you like and she was going to add the ice when you showed, but, alas you abandoned me to the elements" Smiling when I say that, hoping you know I'm joking

"I honestly don't know what time time Steve got home, he wasn't there when I went to bed, but was when I woke up"

As we talk I realize that I'm more relaxed then I have been in a long time. It's nice to talk to you, maybe even flirt a bit. But I feel safe
Hearing that you ordered a Jack and Coke makes me smile, giving me the feeling I had as much of an affect on you as you did on me. "Trust me, I will do my best not to abandon you again" Looking into your eyes it's pretty obvious that we are new to what ever this is, but for the first time in years I'm feeling things that have been dormant for a long time. I have stayed faithful to my wife, though at times I've thought about what it might be like to be with someone that wanted me as much as I wanted them. The tone in your voice when you spoke about when Steve got home gave me the impression that I wasn't alone in my feelings. I lean forward a bit as if to kiss you again, knowing that it was wrong but at the same time hoping you felt the same. Before I could tell if you noticed our waitress walked up to our table and asked if we had made decision yet? "umm, I think I know what I want." I say looking at you, only half referring to the Rueben I was about to order.