Pay the rent...or??? (closed for Becaa57)


Literotica Guru
Jun 22, 2014
Despite my better thoughts and gut instincts, I rented the flat over my garage to her. The 1st month and deposit was paid with a combination of wrinkled twenties, a suspect check that thankfully cleared, and the last $10 in change. Her application showed she did have employment at a local bar that hopefully she got enough in tips to keep a steady income. If the application was filled out accurately and not a fake ID, she was 22 though a glance would make one think she looked barely out of high school. Was I swayed by that innocent look and sad puppy dog looks? Maybe, but I'd not admit it to her or anyone else. Her only references were her parents and her employment record just showed numerous, short lived waitressing jobs. Hell, maybe I am being suckered by her looks. Wouldn't be the first time.

Glancing up at the apartment before heading to work, I could at least be pleased that so far it had been a quiet 4 weeks so far. Renting out the garage apartment was easy income for my IRA. With two days to go before the next month's rent due I was getting a bit anxious if she would be prompt. I definitely didn't want to get into the legalities of an eviction. Hitting "send", the e-mail was sent to her reminding her of the upcoming payment. Guess we will see. I then headed into work, hoping she wouldn't think I was another aggressive mid-40's landlord. Sigh, hopefully this will play out well.
He seemed nice enough, I could tell he was apprehensive about renting to me. But at least didn't try to grab my ass when showing me the apartment. It was perfect, like a studio about his garage, a private entrance, not like I really need one. My life has basically fallen apart the last month. Found my boyfriend in bed with my best friend. My mom going thru the roof when I took the waitressing job, instead of working in the mailroom at her work. My dad trying to be supportive, but falling into that happy wife happy life position that he has always worked hard to maintain. I am careful to keep most of my tips and paycheck for the rent. When I receive the email from him reminding me that rent is due in two days. I think does he really think I forgot? But I reply "Thank you George, I will have the rent, should I drop it in your mailbox or knock, or will you come up to collect, if so what time?" Then cook my last egg for breakfast and head out to school, before going to work. Fingers crossed I make enough tonight to get the rest of the rent together.
I get home just a bit early, deciding on a dip in the pool. All appears quiet above the garage, thankfully, which is a positive from my point of view. I hoped I wasn't too forward with the notice this morning, but I feel it's pretty standard practice in my experience. Resting in the lounger I read her response and just send a smiley back. Better to be up front right from the beginning instead of trying to gain back ground later. I wouldn't want to mis-lead her and it's best to enforce those rules upfront. Life always has consequences...hopefully she has already learned that lesson. I'll hope for the best, that risk all landlords take.

As an after thought I send "Just keep me posted. Drop it off or I can come by to get it, no worries." I realized that if she didn't drop by or be at home it could be the first signs of a problem. Time will tell. She was pretty cute I smile and chuckle to myself. to dinner with friends.
I hadn't realized you had a pool, but when I hear you in the back. I make a mental note to ask if I can use it as well. The next day at 8:30, before I head out to class. I knock to give you the rent. Hoping that you will ok me using the pool. As I hear you coming to the door, I am thinking this may work for quite a while. You seem nice, and while I know you are checking me out, it's not in a crude way. I wonder what your story is, I haven't seen a Mrs. but she may just keep different hours
I hear a knock at the back door just before heading out to work. Surprisingly it's her with an envelope in hand and that bright open smile only folks in their 20's have. She must be heading out to class and I wonder when the hell the dress code changed to a barely covering her tits t-shirt and cutoffs so skimpy. I must be getting old.

"Hey, (need a name), what can I do for you this morning?"
(Becca works, what do I call you?)

"Hi, I'm on my way to school, wanted to drop this off so you don't wonder about it. It's another work night, so I won't be back very early today. I noticed you have a pool, would it be ok for me to use it? Just me nobody else of course"
I notice that you check me out, maybe a bit more attention. But it's a warm day so just in a t-shirt and shorts. Guessing you aren't used to young women around.
(george is fine)

"Thanks. I appreciate you being prompt with it, Becca. You are more than welcome to the pool. It's only me that is here to use it. Feel free even if after work to relax, it won't bother me." She looked so sexy and moments away from exploding some way.
I smile, and go to give you a hug, but then hold back. "Thanks George, I may take you up on the even work offer" I start to turn to go, have a thought, then rethink it. "Ok George, have a nice day"
Walking out and around to the street where I park. Thinking over the it's only you who uses the pool. Class is boring, but hard. Work is super busy with groping hands to avoid. By the time I get home, I'm tired and frustrated. It is still a warm night, so I decide to take you up on the pool offer. Slipping into my bikini I go down, and try to be quiet getting into the pool. Started doing some laps until I was winded, then up to rest on the chaise
A long day at work...part of it recalling Becca's slight hesitation that morning. Maybe I imagined it. I'd tossed her envelope to my desk before leaving for work. Once home, I had dinner and watched some Netflix show "On How To Get Away With Murder." Before hitting the rack I decided to hit the computer and get my deposit ready for drop off on the way to work. After 3 re-counts, Becca's payment was $20 light. Dang. Not a major issue, could be a simple mistake. Showered and to bed, handle it in the morning. Though the splash awoke me a short time later. Looking out the window and seeing her stepping from the pool, everything dripping on all those young curves. Now or tomorrow morning?
The water feels great!!! It's so nice to swim at night, what a great end to the day. Have to remember to thank him next time I see him. Thinking on the rent, so glad I was able to come up with it all, even though I was dead tired when I put it in the envelope, I'd hate to be late or short with it. Knowing my my mother would make a huge deal out of it. I'm aware you are home, when the lights go on. But you stay inside and I'm not about to knock on the door. I lean back on the chaise and start planning my tomorrow.
I watch as she relaxes back on the lounger.Giving her the benefit of the doubt maybe she didn't realize she was light. Or maybe she was testing how flexible I was going to be. Thoughts...and a decision. The text was simple.

...a bit light on this months payment...take that bikini top off if you agree...

Flicking the lights off, I awaited to see if she would do so.
I look at the text in disbelief, short on the rent??? I counted it 3 times I was sure. Take my top off?? Is this a play to get me to strip for him? I didn't see that coming. I sit thinking about it, then I leave my top on, and go up to my room. Looking around I find a $20.00 bill on the floor under the kitchen table. I realize it must have fallen out. Rushing back out. I go to your backdoor and knock. Forgetting I'm still only wearing the bikini.
When you answer, I hold the $20.00 "I'm sorry I think it fell out of the envelope when I was putting the rent in" breathing heavily from running up and down the stairs.
(filing away the idea of paying you off with nudity for a later month maybe?)
He chuckled as he saw her run off to the apartment. Guess I flustered her a bit, eh?

Opening the door with just my sleep shorts on, "Hey Becca, just thought I'd keep things interesting." Taking the twenty from her slightly shaking hand. Her chest heaving as that unique way small chests do.

"We're good, don't have any worries."

She looks expectantly and is deciding if to give any response. She turns but then hesitates after two steps...then continues on to her steps. Just before starting up them, she pulls off her top and continues up the stairs and inside. And a wide smile forms on my face. She complied to my request, indirectly. Hmmm...
Seeing you smile when I push the money into your hand. I stand a minute thinking I'd explain, but realized too it wouldn't sound real. So I turn to go back, then decide why not. I pull my top off before climbing back to my room. Knowing you can't really see anything, just the thrill of being nude or half nude outside
Heading back to bed, I chuckled more to myself. At least it wasn't "my dog ate it" as no pets were allowed. I thought it was interesting she complied eventually even with handing over the missing $20. Makes one wonder what she is willing to comply too. Should be interesting next month when the rent is due. Nice to have some anticipation.

The next few weeks sped by and Becca and i were basically on opposite schedules. I occasionally saw her at the pool late at night, that firm young body dripping wet catching my eye. And just a day away...
Life settles down to a routine. I go to school and work, and most evenings relax by the pool, getting my laps in, please that I'm getting tone again. Occasionally remember the rent exchange and me taking my top off for you. I'm comfortable with nudity, but the added aspect that you basically wanted me to pay off the rent shortage that way is on my mind. On weekend our schedule are a bit similar and from time to time we are both out by the pool. Every now and then I can bring snacks or even some alcohol that the bar can't use for whatever reason. You join me in that
The past weeks go by and we enjoy time together and some drinks at the pool. Both of us avoiding last months rent issue. Part of me though guesses she liked being told what to do but complied for some reason. Nothing outwardly displayed, just a gut feeling. Well guess I’ll know more tomorrow as it’s the 1st….
On the third week, I have all but $100.00 put aside for rent, but I figured a couple of good tip nights would get me up to date. I can't wait for the payday because month ends on Wednesday and I get paid Friday. I head into work, with the 1st being in the morning. Unfortunately it turned into a disastrous night, my big party skipped out without a tip and by the end of the day. I'm still short $50.00. I head home trying to think what I can do, I could ask my dad but I'd never hear the end of it. Sitting down by the pool, too upset to swim. I'm bracing myself to ask for a couple days. to make the last part of the rent. You come out to join me, and I tell you what's going on. "I just wanted to give you a heads up about this. I will for sure have the money in a couple days. Can you cut me some slack?"
I listened to her request already sensing the tension as I approached. I had remained standing as she asked for two days…that subtle act invoking a bit of dominance. Weighing my options as she blushed a bit and tensed while awaiting my response. At least she was upfront about it but everything has a price in my world.

“Two days? I guess I can allow that…but it comes with a price. Let me have that frontal view you teased me with last month.”
I'm a bit surprised, but shouldn't have been knowing as I'm getting to know you. Standing up, noting that you a step backward to give me some space. I think about it, but I already know the answer, and thankful you aren't asking for more.
"Ok for tonight only" then still looking at you, I reach back undo the top and slide it off my arms. Standing still for a moment as your eyes widen and move up and down my body. I shouldn't be, but I feel a bit of pride in my body, knowing my breasts while smallish are still very firm. My nipples hardening in the night air and the feel or you eyes on me. Then I turn and jump in the pool, doing a couple of quick laps. While adjusting my mind to this. I climb out, with you still standing watching. Dry off and lay back down on the chaise. "Well are you going to take a seat or get me a drink?"
Amazingly, she complied, though I had a gut feeling she would. Just based on a feeling i get sometimes from the right person. Small breasts but tempting nipples, as the cool night air or the situation caused to rise. Drying off caused the right amount of jiggle to them, a slight blush forming on her upper chest and the base of her neck. Possibly quietly not believing she had just done that. Hell, maybe even getting some rush from it; I sure did. Becca laid back down as if nothing happened but you could sense the excitement emanating from her as her nipples remained proud.

"Surely, one drink coming right up." I headed over to the wet bar, bringing back a chilled bottle of water and a screwdriver that had been done with a double shot of my best vodka. "Take your choice, Becca. I've got to turn in. Might catch you tomorrow night...or in two days..."

Bending over to set the drinks down on the side table, seeing the hint of goose bumps breaking out on her arms and legs, and her chest taking a deep inhale. Shutting my patio door while glancing back her hand shakily picked up the screwdriver, making half of it disappear immediately. Chuckling, I headed up to bed.
I lay there half naked, thinking what am I doing? I have no problem with nudity, but this is different then walking around the apartment nude. Fortunately he doesn't say anything, just looks at me, causing my heart to race. As I sit and ask for the drink he goes and makes one, brings it and a bottle of water, but to my surprise and maybe disappoint you just say goodnight and go in. I take the drink and take a healthy swallow. A screwdriver, not what I usually drink but it is tasty. I can tell you went heavy with the vodka. I lay back on the chaise, opening the water and take a sip of that. Leaning back I'm thinking well at least I don't have to worry about you changing the lock, and in reality a small price to pay for 2 days grace on the money. Then I wonder, was he disappointed? I know a lot of guys think bigger is better with boobs, my ex was one of those, taking another sip of the drink, dwelling on him for a minute, but then remembering that the girl he slept with my ex-best friend also screwed him over big time, if he had asked I would have warned him to stay away from her, so good riddance to them both. I alternate between drinks and the water. After a while, I find that I'm dozing off and figure best not to have you come out and find me snoring away on the chaise. I head back upstairs, glancing at your bedroom window, was the drape moving??? Leaving my top off I climb up the stairs to my place. Take a quick shower and climb into bed.
Stripping down and a quick shower, wondering if I should have pushed harder. But where would be the fun in that. A bit of cat and mouse...and I trust my instincts as being the best way to play it with Becca. She reached for the drink first I noticed. A small bite of the snake's apple, that is a sign. Surely she has the normal bills to pay and other needs. It will be interesting to see if she comes up with the other $50...or just "happen" to be shy a bit. Maybe hinting me to clear the debt over a what-if. Glancing once more to see her going up to her apartment, topless Taking notice she did look back, obvious she has questions. Guess I need to add the bikini bottoms to my list of collectables.

Before heading to work, I pick up at the pool, the bottle and glass and of course the bikini top. Smiling I head in and note it will be interesting to see if she has a good tip night at work after school or will I get a fudge story?
I get up the next day, and realize that I'd left my top down by the pool. I go down to retrieve it, seeing that it has already disappeared, thinking Well I hope he enjoys it. I go back up and get dressed for school and work. Heading out I see you've already left for your job. Oh well, will have to ask for the top tonight I guess. My day goes much better, it's almost as if last night flipped a switch. School went very well. A guy that I'd been talking too asked me out to dinner, when I told him I had to work he suggested over the weekend. I thought may as well take a chance and agreed to it. So I go to work with a date in my plans. Work was very good, fewer drunks then usual and a small party of guys celebrating a big win at work, leaving me with a very big tip. More then enough to pay what I owed, plus a good amount toward next months rent. I head home, liking when I think of my little apartment as home. With a bottle that was left over from a private event. The owner can't use those afterwards, so just passes them out. I see it is a nice rum, thinking maybe you will like it. After I get home, I change as has become my routine into my swimsuit at first looking for the top, before remembering that you probably have it. Opting just to put a wrap on instead. I head down to the pool area. I don't see you, so I take the wrap off, and jump in to do my laps.