TSCLT 8.0: Jesus Hates A Pussy

Raining today. It rained damned near every day this summer, then no rain at all in September. The golf course went from a swamp to like playing on concrete. With the bounce and run-out on the fairways this month, I've been hitting my driver 300 yards. Another few weeks and the greens will be covered in leaves and I'll put a broom in my bag.
Yesterday was a good day for dusting off the shotguns.

Now I need to get some more shells...
I haven't shot a shotgun in... probably 30 years. I have a few that I take out and clean once a year or so, just never shoot em.
I need to get out and break some clay's as well. The range comped my 200 clay's for some work I did. Use it or lose it.
Small game (like fish) is too much like work. All that cleaning and storing and mess. I deer hunt (mostly because it's expected here) but a deer I can just drop off at the butcher shop and come back the next day and it will be cut and vacu-sealed.
I wish the hell Green Eyes would come back to the forum. She had some awesome connections for beef.
I buy a beef at the annual county fair. I have it butchered and keep the brisket and some lean cuts to make jerky from, and maybe 20 pounds of burger. The rest I give away. I'm not a steak eater and would rather have a burger.
And if Allah grants me a deer, I keep the tenderloin and a lean roast for jerky, the rest I have made into burger and sausage.
Here to the jobsite. Le(a)d just pulled in. He had brekkies at the Awful Waffle, so he'll be grease-farting here in a bit.

Today is devoted to starting the district manager's list of grievances. Did I mention that she's cute? Her list, not so much, but there's nothing horrible on it, either.

I guess that the help will be wandering in soon enough.

May Allah grant a successful hunting season to all who hunt, especially those who choose to shoot Annoying People . . . .


When I went this particular route last time, there were lotsa dead 'dilloes littering the highway. I wonder if I'll be so entertained again.

Hit a shell, lose the bike. Hmmm, I reckon not.

I wouldn't eat the shit.

Every once in a spring, one will get under the front porch
providing the dachshunds with a couple of days of entertainment.