Her teacher(Pm only)

Mar 1, 2006
Jenna Rose was 18 a senior in high school she had a month left and then was heading to college in town. Jenna had a secret she was in love with her teacher he was much older than her 33 to be exact, but he was everything she wanted and Jenna didn't act like her age, but her teacher was far to sophistocated for a teenage girl, he was actually her art teacher. (I want this to be a detailed role, of high school angst and eventually he'll want her as much but his age and the fact that he is her teacher gets in the way)

Jenna Rose
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Marcus Gaston, an ecclectic and bit of an eccentric individual, had been the art instructor at Middletown High for the past seven years. Given, what he thought, was his still young age, he always tried his best to make his classes interesting and fun, yet educational and challenging in the same manner. He always enjoyed spotting individuals that either had the talent, or had the potential for great talent. He had no qualms letting his students know, that he gave those, in his favor, extra attention. Those that didn't quite meet his standards, still were treated with respect, but he remained true and honest with them, encouraging them in other fields of endeavor.

Because of his rather ecclectic tastes, and sometimes odd behavior, Marcus remained single throughout his life. His varied companions of the past were either put off by his mannerisms, or couldn't accept his overly sophisticated attention to detail. On other occasions, he'd find a suitable partner that found him charming and amusing, only to find that they were so beneath him, that he found it impossible to find common ground. 'Air heads', he would refer to those ditzy women as. Now, at age 33, he decided being a bachelor was most likely his destiny, and he'd simply commit his life to his students, and enjoy an occasional fling without any commitments or hopes of long term relationships.

Because he had been single for so long, Marcus also, over time, grew to have an ever growing list of qualities that the perfect mate would have to have. His experiences, varied kinks, and vast knowledge made it increasingly impossible to find a peer to fit his standards. He relegated himself to fantasies and internet relationships on many nights to satisfy his primal needs, when they arose.

As a teacher in a high school environment, Marcus also found that the bevy of young women that strolled the hallways, and those that were assigned to his class was quite tempting. Many wore quite scandalous and teasing clothing, all designed to attract the attention of their classmates, but would also garner his attention also. It was quite impossible to ignore all the beautiful young girls as they were blossoming into womanhood.

However, there was one girl, a girl in his class, that didn't dress like the others in trendy revealing clothing. Jenna, always dressed in classy, but not conservative fashion. It was refreshing to Marcus, when she walked into his classroom, a breath of fresh air filling him when he watched her. Her usual attire consisted of crisp, clean white collared shirts with fashionable sweaters. She'd always leave the shirts unbuttoned enough to tease and tempt, but her sweaters put an end to the roving eye. Her complexion was soft and her makeup was light, just enough to add a pleasant array of pink and red hues to her high cheekbones. The early spring sun had given her a nice starter tan. Her hair, a beautiful array of blondes and browns hung in loose fashion down, brushing the top of her shoulders. But the two aspects of this remarkable student that most inspired Marcus, were her big eyes, mysterious pools of grey and black that seemed to draw him in; and, her full, luscious, glistening lips. If he were younger, or if she were older, Marcus would have bedded her without hesitation.

Even more incredible, was that she was a natural talent when it came to her artistic abilities. She was able to understand the intricacies of shadows and contrasts, complementary colors, and tonal qualities. Marcus enjoyed spending time with Jenny, giving her extra attention during her classes, encouraging her further, knowing that she'd go far. He was delighted to hear that she had chosen to attend college in town, pursuing her dream of a career in the art world. He was also a bit saddened that he only had a month left with one of his best students, and would most likely, not see her again, other than the occasional homecoming, if she decided to attend. As a result, Marcus took every opportunity to study Jenna closely, memorizing details of her, then secretly returning to his house where he had a large canvas waiting. He was working on a larger than lifesize portrait, strictly from memory for his own personal collection. He had four others already completed, picking out one from his classes over the past four years. Each had been rolled up and stashed away, his students never knowing they were subjects of their teacher's paintings.

On this particular day, Marcus had his classroom full of students, each working on their last abstract piece. He encouraged his class to create an abstract portrait of their favorite subject. He wanted them to disregard everything they had been taught throughout the year, and simply create something unconventional, but exciting and appealing to the eye. He also told his students, he didn't want to know what they were painting, trying to figure it out for himself. As he walked up behind Jenny to see her progress, he inhaled an intoxicatingly arousing fresh fragrance of her perfume. As he had done on many occasions, he pressed up against her, innocently enough, towering over her petite frame, and gently placed his hand over the hand she held her brush with. "Very nice, Jenna," he complemented. "If you tilt your brush, and allow the paint to be thick at the point of contact, then drag it like so," his hand showing hers exactly what he was talking about, "you can create a more defining line in your picture." It was an honest critique, and innocent gesture, but Marcus could feel a spark of electricity flow through his veins.

He breathed heavily, sighed, and moved on to his next student ...

Jenna rose.. sweet shy and untouchable, to most teenage boys, they were far to immature for her, her mother told her that she was far to mature for her age, and Jenna was afraid that might get in her way of a nice normal relationship. Jenna wasn't a goody goody as most speculated, she often had a beer or two on Saturday nights with a few of her close girlfriends. Jenna was smart, sassy, sweet and true to anyone that crossed her path. She was to kind at times with people and they often took advantage of her.

Jenna was always excited to get to school.. well not school to one class her art class thats where he was the man she desired, loved more than anything.. she was only 18 and he was 33 big difference and he was far to handsome and smart for her as well or so she presumed. Marcus.. the best teacher she ever had, he was always there to encourage.. always there to make her laugh.. she never once got asked after class unless it was to tell her how good her work was. In his class she felt more alive than any of her other classes.

Jenna dated but rarely there was only one man for her.. her beloved teacher.. her Marcus and god willing that wasn't a good thing, matter of fact for her it was a dangerous thing.. if it ever got out how she felt she would be utterly ashamed.. not of him.. but that he found out that a silly young girl was in love with him.. and how would he look at her then.

Jenna wasn't attracted to guys her own age.. but she wasn't attracted to most older men either.. until this one walked into her life... until this one wanted to help her after class.. know what it was she planned on painting for her final project.. she wanted it to be a surprise.. to him.. but her class it had to be presented.. and she knew how to present her painting she had thought of it for months.. but that was another story all together.

Jenna noticed how most girls in her class dressed.. trashy shirt mini skirts almost up to there butts.. low cut tops that didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination.. but Jenna was into fashion and knew how to dress and keep them wanting more.. she wore a cute white top today and a cute sweater over it.. plain and simple.. but enough to make them wanting more, she wore denim jeans and black boots to match her hair flowing against her shoulders.. she seldom wore dresses slightly nervous of her body.. but the prom was coming up and for that she was ready.. the last dance of her high school days.

She loved to paint, loved anything to do with art.. she was the only one in her class that wanted to persue a career in art, Marcus often told her she had what it took, and thats what made her want to join the local college.. tat and the fact he would still be teaching at the high school and at least at times she'd see him at homecoming or local games. The last chapter of the beginning of a new life for her, a new career, college and hopefully a few good friends was all Jenna needed. Jenny thats what Marcus called her she found it cute, and something only she;d allow for him to do. It was a nickname all to her own.

The last piece okay back to that again.. I am going to paint what inspires me the most... Marcus.. its going to be a shock not only to him but to my class as well.. my ovation what I am going to say to the class.. is my piece is what inspires me the most.. my teacher, my friend, Marcus.. the one that made me want to persue my career in art, the one person who believed in me all these years two to be exact.. and the one person I shall never forget. Kind of deep I know.. but thats what this assighment it is a acessment one I know I will not let my teacher down. Okay breath I tell myself when I feel his hand over mine.. it was getting harder and harder for me to be near him and not scream how I felt. My hands slightly shakes when he touches me.. I close my eyes for a moment inhaling that strong scent from him. Manly yet sophitocated.

And then he is gone.. only for a while.
Classes at the high school level, never seemed to be long enough. If Marcus had had his way, his art classes would, at minimum, be double the time the school district had allotted him. The bell had signaled the end of their class. One more day, and then the weekend would be here. Reynard always looked forward to the weekends, sharing in the joy his students had for the time away from school. Though, this weekend, he had no time to be away from school, it was a weekend devoted to preparing for the Senior's ritual passage, the prom! Which, for Marcus, meant a lot of extra work. As the art teacher, he and a select few of his students, would always be tasked with not only coming up with decorations for the prom, but for the "after-prom" festivities also.

So as the students began filing out of the classroom, Marcus assured the class they could finish their art pieces tomorrow. However, as the students made their way to the door, Marcus singled Jenna out from the rest of the students, asking her to remain behind. He sat down behind his desk, shuffling his chair into place, under the desk, the legs scraping noisily along the floor.

Looking up, he spotted Jenna amongst the throng moving towards the door, a look of dread and concern seemed to be spreading across her face, as if she had done something wrong. He could see her biting nervously on a nail as she approached him. Her big eyes were like a doe caught in the blinding light of an oncoming tractor trailer. She truly was a beautiful student, and once again, Marcus rued the fact that he was such an old fart in her eyes. He wished Jenna, or at least someone like her had been in his school when he was growing up.

He immediately tried to put her at ease. "Jenna. Don't worry. There's nothing wrong. There's something I wanted to ask you." Her face had brightened, a sigh of relief escaping her lungs as she neared the desk, a breeze blowing by her, bringing her alluring fragrance to his nostrils one more time.

He wanted to make casual conversation, but knew she'd be pressed for time, if he kept her too long. He didn't want her to be late for her next class. "Jenny," he called her, now that all the other students had left the room. "You are one of my best students, and I was wondering if you had any plans for the weekend?" Before she had a chance to respond to the rather direct question, Marcus realized that his question, didn't quite come out right. He quickly explained himself, unable to stop a slight twinge of embarassment from coloring his face. "I mean .. What I meant to say is ... I need help getting all the decorations for the prom and the after-prom painted, and put together. I was wondering if you could come in and help me?"

He waited anxiously for her response, taking the time to study her more closely, now that she was standing directly in front of him, only the desk separating them. He noted how the overhead lighting, shadowed her strong cheekbones, and exactly how she wore her makeup, committing it to memory so that he could work on the right mixtures of oils to create his masterpiece.

He hoped she'd say 'YES'. He could really use her help. The fact that she was a fantastic artist, was an added bonus, for it could free up some of his time to work on some of the other pieces. Of course it would give him more time to study her closely, opportunities to be with her, to study her, all unbeknownst to her. He also longed to see how she dressed when she wasn't dressed for school.

Marcus could tell a lot about a person, by how they dressed, and how they looked, in their 'casual' attire. If they were completely slovenly, then he knew they were 'fakes'; but then again, if they were overly dolled up, they usually fell into his 'air head' category. This weekend chore would not be one where he would recommend getting dressed up. There was a lot of dirty work to be done!

"Well? Whaddaya say?" Malcolm tried his best to charm Jenna with his suave attempt at sounding like one of the student body, all in joking manner.

Jenna took a long deep breath when marcus moved from her desk and moved to his own, she was glad that the weekend was near.. for her other classes not Marcuses classes she dreaded the weekend cause she knew she wouldn't be able to see him, and that was something she never looked forward to. She heard the bell rang and slowly stood on her feet watching him a little to closely.. she always remembered every memory of him as she left class for the day.

When he called her and asked only her to stay after class she got rather nervous and it showed.. one bad mark against her, she thought to herself she had a way of showing her emotions and that was the last thing she had wanted to do.

Jenna bit her lip something she did when nervous or scared, not a attractive tribute she thought to herself but it was a rather bad habit to break. She looked at him softly with those big dark eyes of hers not sure what to say waiting on him to say something anything that would make her feel less than nervous. She folded her hands at her chest slightly to hide some of her heavy breathing.

When he spoke she felt much better and smiled kindly at him. ''Good the last thing I wanted was to upset you.'' Okay that came out wrong she thought to herself but covered it with a slightly nervous laugh as she looked at him tenderly more than she knew she should have. ''Ask away.'' She said in her friendly tone and smiled once more.

She stood there and waited for him to speak once more, she looked into those piercing eyes of his so deep so true.. there would never be a man more intelligent, sexy, smart, funny, or intimant to her that much she was sure of. Jenny she thought it made her blush and she hoped he wouldn't notice, but as red as her cheeks had become she was sure they would have. Was he going to ask her out no she was jumping the gun. ''Umm no plans.. just studying for the finals and getting ready for prom..'' God she really did sound like the school girl she was. She smiled and corrected herself.. ''Do you?'' she asked what the hell she thought and then he corrected himself. ''I would love to help you out.. you are after all my favorite person.. teacher.'' She said and smiled brightly.

It took her a minute to actually respond she noticed him looking at her rather closely and smiled but she noticed he was in his own thoughts for a moment or so. Jenna was rare not many people knew how rare, she was sweet, sassy, smart, romantic, gentle, caring, giving, generuos, sexy and most of all she could give as well as take rare find in a woman. But marcus she thought she was no match for him.. he was youthful, yet so eccentric and mature, older but still sexy.. and everything she would always want in a man.

Jenna hadn't noticed him speaking she had gotten lost in her own world that was Marcus.. she looked at him and smiled.. he would see her in attire other than school cloths.. she always dressed nicer on Saturdays and Sundays.. usually she was at the local dairy queen with friends but in all honesty she had no plans and was glad he wanted even to work she would be alone with him.

Jenna hadn't noticed at first his tone as she looked at him.. ''Of course.... anytime.'' She said wanting to seem older than she was yeah right she thought to herself. ''What time?'' She asked gently and smiled.
"Oh, I'm an early riser," he chuckled, enjoying the way Jenna's face lit up as they chatted. "But I wouldn't want to impose. I told the janitor's we'd be here around ten. Is that okay?" He jotted Jenna's name down on a notepad, he had placed near the corner of his desk. Jenna couldn't see it, for it was hidden behind a stack of books.

Somehow, Marcus knew she was going to say yes. It was as if he was beginning to make a connection with her. All his careful studying of her, somehow, seemed to give him a connection to her mind. Chemistry? No, his forte was art! But there was no denying, there was something unique about Jenna that piqued Marcus' senses. He seemed acutely more aware of those senses, every time Jenna was near.

Just as she was, standing before him, unable to make eye contact, her face turned down, her hands folded in front of her chest. All these little actions, Marcus quickly became quite aware of. It was times like these, that Marcus truly hated his bachelor status, and the ears that separated him and his students. The lack of a regular sexual partner had forced him to turn to the internet, and it was there, that over the past several years, Marcus had developed a taste for the kinkier side of life. Through a lot of research, talking with others, and even role playing, Marcus came to realize that there was only one woman whom he could ever fall in love with. But that's a story for much, much later.

There was a bit of an awkward silence as the two continued, merely staring at each other. It was only the second ringing of the bell that broke them from their trance. "Oh my," Marcus mumbled. "I didn't mean to hold you up and make you late for your next class."

He leaned over and opened a side drawer and pulled out a pad of pink papers. He wrote Jenna's name on it, and then scribbled his signature upon it. "Here's a hall pass, and an excuse for your next class. I'm sorry!"

He held out the paper. When she reached to grab the tiny slip, their hands inevitably touched. Once more, a surge of electricity flowed through his veins. It felt more like a shot of adrenaline, and the euphoria that surrounds it, more than an electrifying experience. Marcus rose from his chair, the wooden legs, squeeking again as he slid it back. He walked to the side of the desk, joining Jenna as they strolled to the doorway together. His six foot, ffive inch rame towered over her petite one.

Reaching the door, Marcus, being the gentleman that he was, opened the door for her, gently placing his hand on her opposite shoulder, as he escorted her out of the room and into the hallway. Yet again, Marcus surged with renewed vitality upon the brief, subtle contact.

"See you tomorrow in class," he said to her as he watched her turn and head down the hallway towards her next class. It was at that moment, that he stood in the doorway, leaning up against the jamb, that he studied Jena's tight derriere tucked firmly in place into her designer denims. The supple bubbles of her ass bounced up and down, in alternating rhythm as she disappeared around the corner.

Ahh, just another image, Marcus told himself, turning back into his room, cleaning up, and preparing for the next, and final class for the day.

Despite all his thoughts, Marcus was able to focus, and teach his freshman art class about linear art. He busied himself with their drawings and assignments that the time had literally flown by. When the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Marcus escorted all his students to the hallway and monitored the speed of the students as they hurried along to their preferred means of transportation out of the school.

With only a month left in the school year, most of the sports teams had already finished their seasons, and it was only a few select individuals from the track team that had qualified for the state finals that remained after school, in order to practice. Marcus had to laugh at the way those few students had to fight and weave their way through the oncoming traffic. Watching them weave and bob about as they fought the oncoming traffic was quite laughable. It was when one of them had inadvertently bumped into Jenna, that Marcus caught her looking at him as she was pushed along by her girlfriends, the swarm moving as one bunch.

Jenna smiled at that information somehow she already knew that.. she pictured him on a early morning in front of a fire on a cold day with a cup of coffee and a good detailed book, or rather a painting.. she imagined his face glowing features... then she realized she wasn't alone. ''Ten is good for me, I awake early as well.. I usually go for a run in the morning it gets my juices flowing so to speak.'' She said smiling sweetly into his eyes.

Jenna leaned against the desk now more at ease now that they were talking, she was still quite nervous to be alone with him, but not cause of him cause of herself, her feelings were showing a little more than she was wanting them to. She bit her lip and once more looked away.. that was one of the many little things she hated about herself.

Jenna wondered if Marcus could sense her awkwardness.. or her slight shyness.. and if he did being the gentlemen that he was he hadn't said anything. She wanted to flirt with him but wasn't sure how to go about it. But eye contact was good, so she made herself face his gaze once again.. those eyes so intense. She had to take a long deep breath and look at him and smile.. ''You have the most amazing eyes.'' Where did that come from she asked herself.. but she realized she meant every word, and blushed once again.. to forward she though oh well she had to say something anything.

The second bell rand allowing her to know she was late and had to once again leave his presence. ''Thats okay.. it's just gym.'' She said with a rueful smile as she looked at him. ''Mrs.Jennings final isn't until next week.''

She smiled sweetly when he handed her the hall pass. ''Thank-you..'' She said softly and looked at him, she memorized the signiture of his name though she wasn't quite sure why.. there was nothing about this man that didn't fascinate her.

There it was again.. that same fire as the last time he touched her hand.. she was glad he couldn't see the shakiness of her hands as he led her to the door. He was alot taller than her and she had to look up to see his handsome face one of the many things she adoed more and more about him, his strengh his ablity.

His hand against her shoulder as he led her to the door was far more than she could handle she wanted his hand elsewhere she thought to herself.. but for now her fantasies would do.. Jenna was less on the experienced side she wasn't the type of girl to sleep with just anyone..but Marcus was different.

She looked back at him as she left the classroom. ''Tomorrow.'' She said smiling warmly at him as she looked at him tenderly before walking to her other clas mesmerized still by his gentle and easy touch.

Jenna got to her gym class and found it hard to think of anything else but her teacher her friends had noticed and asked her about it, but she made up a excuse that it was about prom. She didn't want them to know about the weekend.. if they knew they'd want to tag along and she didn't want that.

She was glad when the end of the day came, she'd see his face one more time before she went home for the night..she decided after she did her homework she'd need a late run clear her mind.. or so get Marcus of her mind. She had her license and often she drove her friends home as well.. she was waiting for one by her locker which was right next to his classroom.

Jenna didn't fit in with most of her friends however she was well liked and very good to them.. she was just to old for her age most of them had said. She leaned against to locker and once again found herself staring at him as she had done so many times before only this time he had caught her.. her face became a bright red when her friend tapped her on the shoulder and asked was she ready to go.. Jenna was more than ready.
Marcus sighed to himself, as another day came to a close. Off to home, he had plans of preparing the final exam. It was a necessary evil of his job, but one he was unwilling to do while he was in the brick building of the high school. At least at home, he'd be comfortable.

Arriving at his three story brownstone, Marcus wasted no time shedding the suit and tie required of all teachers at the high school. He envied the PE teachers for they were the only exception to that rule. Now, standing on the second floor of the narrow, but spacious dwelling, he stood in his cluttered, yet organized bedroom, staring into his closet. He hung his coat, and looped the tie over a tie rack that held nearly forty other ties of varying colors and designs. The white shirt was discarded into a pile of dirty clothes crammed into a wicker hamper. The trousers were flung over a nearby chair.

Wearing just his boxers, Marcus strode confidently back downstairs and into the kitchen where he prepared himself a meal. On the kitchen table, sat his briefcase, and so it was there he worked on his task, so that it could be completed and submitted by the end of day tomorrow. He had a working dinner, set to some background music, some light contemporary jazz. It was the kind of music that didn't absorb you in the lyrics, for there were none, but relaxed the muscles with its smooth melodies, yet energized the soul with its light and airy uptempo.

By the time he had finished his work, Marcus headed back upstairs. However, rather than heading to his bedroom, Marcus continued on up to the third floor loft. It was there that he had his studio. It was there where he worked on his current art projects. It was there where Jenna stood, larger than life, looking back at him, her large eyes, drawing him to her, her lush lips inviting a kiss from his very lips. It was there where she remained forever, on his canvas.

Marcus picked up his palette and added some oils to it around the edges. He closed his eyes for nearly a minute and envisioned Jenna as he had remembered her that day. The memory triggered his olfactory glands, allowing him to smell the fragrant perfume she wore earlier that day. The surge of adrenaline, once again shot through his veins as he remembered the feel of her skin. He opened his eyes, and saw her complete, on the canvas. He dabbled his brush in the oils and merely filled in the empty spots, adding shadows and definition wherever he saw it needed.

An hour and a half later, Jenna was complete! Marcus stood back and admired not only his work, but his most favorite student, this year. His heart swelled, with what he thought was pride, not only for his fine piece of art, but also for the excellent job he had done in teaching, guiding, and developing Jenna's abilities. He cleaned up, turned off the lights, casting Jenna to the dark evening, and retreated to his bedroom.

Lying in the empty bed, Marcus was reminded of his lonely lifestyle, and as on many other occasions, simply drifted his hand down to his penis. He held it gently, and stroked it softly, envisioning what he would do with a faceless, nameless woman, if she were lying there next to him. Eventually, he had succeeded in making himself hard enough that his grip was creating a pleasurable friction. He imagined the naked breasts, suckling on the hardened nipples as his tongue lashed over the rubbery tips. He imagined lush red lips ovalling around his shaft, taking his entire length in as her head bobbed up and down. He was getting near.

Then all of a sudden ... out of nowhere ... she was there! It was her! Her face, staring back at him, her big dark eyes searching out his eyes for approval. Her full lips were wrapped around his shaft, tugging on his turgid member. It was Jenna's image in his mind!

"Oh my god," Marcus cried out, releasing his grip on his hardened shaft, opening his eyes, stopping himself short of an orgasm.

'No! That is sooo wrong!' he chastised himself.

Jenna's drive home after dropping her friends off was nice piece full she had the windows down and her long hair was swaying in the wind. She had some pop song blaring out her window.. she might not be like other girls her age.. but she did like her music, a wide variety, everywhere from rock to hip hop, country, to classical. She sighed remembering that it would be a whole night before she's see his handsome face once more.

She got to her house thank-full her parents were still out of town not coming back until Sunday evening sometime.. her friends were pushing her for a party, but Jenna respected her parents home to much to do so. She would be glad that she would be staying on the campus of her hometown's college, she enjoyed to privacy.. sure she'd have to have a roommate but after getting a job she'd afford her own small apartment.

Jenna got out a cold sandwich that she had saved, she liked cooking but wasn't up for it, she just wanted to eat, get her homework done and take a nice long hot bath and think of Marcus.. no she had to get him out of her mind. She got some chips grabbed her books and sat at the kitchen table munching on her food and then doing homework in between.. she studied a little after she finished and then her head began hurting so she decided a nice bath was just what she needed.

She cleaned up the kitchen and headed to the bathroom that was her own connected to her room.. she was excited when her parents bought this house for the reason of her having more privacy from her younger brother. She lit the candles in her bathroom and turned her radio on in her bedroom, allowing the music to float from her room to the bathroom, soft country music played in the back round. She decided to get the water nice and hot.. removing her clothing she got into the over sized tub and allowed to water to sooth her tense body. She closed her eyes and evision's of him floated through her mind once more.. what was wrong with her she thought to herself.

Jenna finished her bath, cleaned up and dressed in a tight tank-top and tight matching black jogging pants, pulling her hair up in a tight pony-tail and threw her shoes on.. a run was all she needed many a nights it helped her to get her teacher from her mind.. although she often found herself running right past his house noticing the small lights flickering about. She pulled on a small jacket to cover what was showing of her slim breast.

Locking the door and throwing the keys in the pocket of her jacket she did some streches out on the porch to get her juices flowing before running right in the direction of his house.. it was the one thing that calmed her yet saddened her as well at how much she wanted him.
Marcus stripped his thoughts from his mind, rising from the bed. He was still angry with himself for thinking such god awful thoughts. Jenna, one of his prized students, was nearly half his age, nearly young enough to be his daughter, and yet, here he was having sexual thoughts of her.

He dragged himself from the bed and shuffled to the bathroom, turning on the light. He looked at his fae in the medicine cabinet mirror. The hard lines of age were beginning to show. Marcus lyingly convinced himself that the sharp lines added character. He wasn't old ... but he *was* too old for Jenna! He turned on the spigot and cupped his hand for a splash of cold water to his face. It worked for just a bit, but Marcus knew the only true cure would be a cold shower.

He started the shower and stepped in, a brisk shiver running through his body as the cool rain showered over him. Finally, with a clear mind, he stepped from the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. Marcus went to his dresser, located along the wall by the front window. Standing in front of the open window, he felt the warm breeze of an oncoming summer's night, blow over his damp flesh. It felt refreshing and clean, as he relished the sensations, before rummaging through his drawers for a pair of comfortable pajama bottoms. He pulled the loose cotton bottoms and slipped into them beneath the towel, which fell to the floor as he brought the pants up around his waist. His nipples hardened to little pebbles, his muscled, bare chest exposed.

Marcus enjoyed the feel of wearing the bottoms without any confining undergament beneath. The freedom he felt contrasted with the confining suits he had to wear while teaching. Satisfied, he ambled backto the first story of his house, rummaging through the refrigerator for something to drink, finally settling on a chilled glass of vintage bordeaux. He cut up a block of cheese and broke off a limb of grapes, piling them on a plate before heading out to the living room to fixate his senses on a classic black and white movie, playing on one of the premium cable channels.

It was the life of a lonely man, but one that Marcus also found comfort in. It was his escape from the world at hand, and he liked the solitude, giving his creative mind, time to wander and come up with innovative ideas. The problem was, that he couldn't get Jenna off his mind. He wondered if he'd been spending too much time on her painting? That must be it, he tried convincing himself, for he'd been painting her image for the past two weeks, nearly every evening, knowing that he had to finish it soon. Soon, the school year would be over, and his ability to use Jenna as a live model would come to an end. He could only wish to have her pose for a painting he would do. Then as he thought of that, an image of Jenna, laying on her side, head propped up by her elbow, her othe hand draped lazily over her midsection ... nude ...

"Damnit," he cursed again. He had to clear his mind of Jenna, all together.

It wasn't a cold night Jenna thought to herself as she finished her stretches and began running with ease right to the house she knew she shouldn't even go near. So many times she wondered what he was doing, who he was doing bad way of thinking she knew that but time and time again she wished if it were a woman in that house that she was the woman he was making love to.

Jenna shook her head stopped caught her breath momentarily and found herself running towards her teachers house.. she found his place on the net, goggle actually another thing making her seem like she was a stalker but she wasn't.. she just ran past his home when out for a run it was a good way to clear her head as well as get him off her mind for a little while. It was a good thing he was never out late at night on his front porch.

She couldn't wait for tomorrow when she would see his handsome face once more.. and there it happened she was at his house.. stopping momentarily to admire the beautiful almost victorian home. She sighed and stretched once more as she smiled at the thought of him listening to soft jazz and sipping wine.. a thought that made her smile every time. Stop it and leave now she told herself.

Your nothing but a little girl she told herself over and over again.. but truth was she didn't feel like a little girl.. she was 18 a woman now and she knew exactly who and what she wanted. She found herself mesmerized by the house picturing things that Marcus was doing.. wine.. art.. music.. woman.. no she thought don't think like that.. when she did the jelousy ate at her and that was the last thing she wanted. She bit her lip and decided it was time to return to her own home, and get some sleep.. and hopefully he would be in her dreams once more.

Jenna turned ready to leave slowly and reluctanly.
The movie had finished, and Marcus had all but wiped Jenna from his mind. It was getting late, and he needed to be at the school, doing his job, teaching his students the following morning. Marcus valued his sleep and a good night's rest, which is why he didn't have a television in his bedroom.

He cleaned up his mess, turned out the lights in the kitchen, then retraced his steps. He ensured the boob tube was turned off and then the lights in the living room. Before heading upstairs, he passed by the front door. He opened it to ensure everything on the porch was in order.

"Hmmm," he mused as he caught the view of a late night exercising jogger from behind. He gave it absolutely no thought, unable to determine, or see who it was. It was clear to him though, that she had a nice ass, and firm legs, most likely due to her regimen of physical exercise. He liked what he saw. He took note of the time, and wondered if she ran this route on a regular basis? Maybe he'd begin sitting on the porch during this time frame? The weather was certainly enjoyable enough. He vowed to sit out here again in the hopes of meeting the owner of such a fine athletic body.

He closed the door, latched the lock, and extinguished the porch light. At the top of the stairs he doused the stairway in blackness and entered his room. He fetched the towel from the floor and threw it into the wicker hamper and plopped onto his bed. He turned on the bedside lamp and killed the bright overhead light. He fetched a book resting atop the bedside table and opened it up, educating himself further on artists of the thirteenth century, and their techniques. He read and studied the pictures, admiring their work until he could keep his eyes open no longer.

He slept well, and awoke refreshed, ready for another day at school, dealing with the thousand screaming kids rambling through the packed hallways. It wasn't a pleasant thought. But, another day, where he could see his favorite burgeoning artist ... that was a different story ... that *was* a pleasant thought!

Jenna wondered why she succumbed herself to this pain each and every night and she came to the same conclusion over and over again.. she was in love and couldn't help herself.. and couldn't tell him how she felt ever.. she was after all only a high school teenager.. what could he possibly ever see in her. She sighed and shrugged her shoulders as she made her way walking slowly at first.

She heard the front door open and hoped he hadn't noticed her at his house.. this was the first night she had noticed him do so.. no he couldn't see her face to dark and to many trees for another thing. She ran her hand through her hair and ran off back in the direction of her house.

Dammit Jenna what in the hell were you thinking? She asked herself dummy you nearly got caught. She decided not to think of that she got home took a cold shower got dressed in a baggy tee shirt and tight booty shorts, left her hair down and made her way to her bedroom, and looked in the locked drawer of her desk.. there it lay a composit sketch of her beloveds face.. so handsome so stern.. the same picture she was converting into a masterpiece for her art project.

She placed it away after admiring her own work back into her locked desk, turned off the lights and crawled into bed.. she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and get some sleep.. but she wasn't sure she would be able to now or not. She sighed and looked at her clock reading 10:00 pm.. she wasn't at all tired, she was more wired now than before.

She decided to try and at least get a little rest though and relax she closed her eyes but all she kept seeing was her teachers handsome face she wanted to scream please stay out of my mind.. but it didn't or wouldn't work.

She finally feel asleep around 3 am, woke and showered at six ready to face another day at school.. ready to face marcus.
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After getting settled into his room, Marcus prepared for the days activities, and when the beginning onslaught of students began arriving, Marcus stood outside his open doorway, as did the other teachers who monitored the hallways, greeting the students with a beaming smile that belied most of the teachers who stood there. For most of the teachers it was the worst part of their day, having to fake a warm greeting smile when they were utterly miserable inside.

Marcus, on the other hand was truly in a good mood this morning, having completely forgotten about Jenna and what the thought of her had done to him last night. But it all came back to him as he watched her and her girlfriends make their way past him heading to their lockers. As soon as their eyes met, Marcus felt a surge of energy in his body and a slight twitch in his loins. He made sure he kept his warm smile pasted to his face, as he addressed Jenna and her friends collectively, though only looking at Jenna. “Good morning ladies.” The response was a collective ‘good morning’, followed by some giggling and female gossip chatter as they huddled together. Marcus found it hard not to stare at Jenna as she lowered the books she had been carrying in front of her chest and stacked them away. She then peeled the loose jacket from her torso and revealed her attire for the day. ‘Wow,’ was all Marcus could say in his mind as he eyeballed the frilly sleeveless blouse that Jenna was wearing. It was almost see-through to the point where he could see the outline of her bra through the thin material, the lace showing hints of her creamy skin that lay beneath. As usual, her neckline was inviting and tempting, yet not overly revealing. Her dark green eyes seemed even wider and brighter, coyly stealing appreciative glances back at him. Her makeup was more colorful today, than it was yesterday, and her lips were pinker, moister, and more …

“Mr. Gaston!” His ogling was interrupted by Ms. Hardesty, the Economics teacher who occupied the room next to his. “Here’s a rough layout for the prom, and some ideas for decorations, as you’ve asked. I so look forward to it, I’m sure you’ll do an excellent job.” She was the class advisor and her responsibility was ensuring the prom was a success.

Marcus thanked her and took the papers. He bunched them up in his fist and then turned to focus on his art subject again. But she was gone! Most likely, he assumed, she had headed off to her first period class, stuck in the throng of her girlfriends. He shrugged his shoulders and headed into his slowly filling room, readying to get the first period underway. He had all day to wait, until he had Jenna in his class. At least it was something he could look forward to. Jenna Rose, last class of the day, the last day of the week, a lasting impression to carry him through till Saturday morning.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the school day, and the classroom doors could be heard shutting throughout the hallway as the classes began. “Good morning class, today we’ll be …” And so the day dragged on.

Jenna and her friends arrived at school as they always did Jenna driving them sometimes she thought they took advantage of her license but she wasn't sure. She smiled at her friends as they laughed and joked with one another. Jenna thought back to the night before thinking about the one man she couldn't seem to get out of her mind.

Jenna made her way to her locker with her friends wishing it was last period once more than she'd be near him she thought of saying something clever but she wasn't sure what.. or if anything would even come to her mind. And then it happened there eyes met.. my god he was more handsome than she ever imagined possible.. stop it Jenna she forced her mind to snap back to reality. As they walked past him he smiled and said morning ladies and Jenna's heart began to race, what in the hell was wrong with her. God how she wanted to just walk up and kiss him passionatly as she dreamed so many nights before. She looked back at him as her friends lead her away. ''I'm coming.'' She said to one of her friends that asked her what she was looking at.. she gulped slightly and walked with them shaking her head and laughing slightly at herself.

She however looked back at him talking to another of her favorite teachers, as she stood at the lockers waiting for the bells to rang to announce her first class. She took a long deep breath and looked at him good thing he was to entrawled in whatever ms. Gaston was talking of cause he hadn't noticed.. and neither had her friends.

Jenna stood outside of her first period class her thoughts returning right back to him as she leaned against the walls her friends talking to one another.. she was glad she had a few minutes to gather her thoughts.. she sighed and continued thinking of the one man she could never have. She looked away for a moment and back in the direction of her teacher but he already emerged to his classroom.

Jenna found herself in first period hard to concentrate.. her thoughts ran right back to him.. she found herself writing about him in the journal she carried with her.. although it looked like a notebook so it couldn't be mistaken.. she didn't know at one point she'd lose the book, that one mistook for a regular notebook and opened it to see whose it was.. her's Jenna Rose.

She found the rest of her classes hard to get through but she managed and finally she was at the one class she was looking forward to.
The day was long and monotonous for Marcus. Most of the projects, his students were working on were coming to a conclusion, leaving little else to do, than to prepare for the final exams. Their finals, which would begin in three weeks, consisted of two parts. The first was their 'masterpiece' creation, which they had to present to the class ... that counted fifty percent to their grade. The other fifty percent was a written exam that detailed their knowledge of the artists, and trends over the studied eras of time, along with their impact on society and future artists.

'Boring', Marcus convinced himself. Not that it was boring for him, but that it was a boring time of the year, because it was all review, followed by the tedious task of grading the artwork, their presentations, and their exams, all within a one week period.

So it was with welcome reprieve, that his final period class arrived, along with his most treasured student of the year. His eyes brightened, and the atmosphere lightened as Jenna crossed the threshold into his room, her smile and bright face illuminating everything around her. His eyes immediately latched onto hers as a smile crept across his face, watching her slide over to her easel where her work in art awaited her final touches. Marcus swallowed the lump in his throat, admiring the light and airy clothing she wore today, in stark contrast to what she was wearing yesterday. Today, there was no sweater covering, or hiding the luscious curves of her breasts, so full, round and ...

'STOP!' Marcus' brain snapped back to him. He could feel the twitch in his loins as the thought of Jenna was quickly erased from his mind. He focused on his other students, purposefully avoiding Jenna for fear of creating an embarassing arousal. Besides, it was better now that all the students had come in and donned their painting smocks.

"Good afternoon, class" Marcus greeted everyone. "Today's the last day we have to finish up the projects, so let's not waste any time." He began walking through the array of easels, as the students already began putting their final touches on their projects. "Next week, we'll begin reviewing the text portion of the final. Your final pieces, and presentations will begin the week after that." As he walked by Jenna, he couldn't help but to inhale another lovely scent of fragrant perfume that had to have been freshly applied. He stared at the back of her head, her hair in loose ringlets draping seductively down her back. He wondered if she could feel him staring at her? Then he moved on, but not before whispering, "nice," just loud enough for Jenna to hear, but no one else.

"If any of you feel like you might need extra tutoring, I will be available next week after school hours to help any of you. Just make sure you let me know in advance, so I don't cut out!" It was an open invitation to all the students, in all his classes. He wanted to make sure every one had at least a chance to pass his course.

Throughout the class, he helped the students put their final touches on their pieces, guiding their hands, much like he did with Jenna the previous day. However, in between each student, he'd steal a glance her way, taking special note of the way the sunlight highlighted her facial features. 'Final touches', indeed he told himself, memorizing them so he too could put the final touches on his unseen artwork. He approached Jenna one more time, this time, his presence a bit more blatant. He stared at her drawing, then back to her. His hands were clasped behind his back, his chest thrust out, but not overly so. "Beautiful," came from his lips as he looked to her, then back to her picture, "you do absolutely beautiful work." He reached out and patted her on the shoulder. "Great job ... again!"

He sighed heavily and moved on, rubbing his fingertips, the tingling electricity jolting his nerve endings, his palms, suddenly quite sweaty. After cycling through the room, he watched Jenna again, as she stripped the smock from her body. Once again, Marcus found himself daydreaming as he sat at his desk. All he saw was Jenna doing a slow sensual strip tease for his enjoyment, slowly taking it off to reveal ...

Marcus took in a dep breath, blinked, shook his head and let out a long held sigh. Luckily for him the bell had rung, class was over, and it was the weekend! The students quickly scurried out of the room, in haste to begin their weekend frolicking.

Jenna was glad that it was that time of the day where she would be with her favorite teacher in her favorite class. She found herself clutching her books to her breast not to hide anything just a habit she happened to picked up over the years. She smiled to herself at the thought of Marcus pulling the books away to tell her not to hide such beauty.. Jenna she yelled at herself in her own mind.. what is wrong with you? God if only she could answer that question herself.

Jenna was looking forward to her final piece, the one piece she was nervous about she was glad Marcus hadn't noticed the man in the painting was him not just yet she thought to herself. She kept most of the face hidden at the moment she already had him memorized in her mind as a picture a beautiful piece of art one she'd cherish forever.

Jenna stood at her easel after walking into class and looking into his eyes and smiling her same smile that she had reserved for him day after day.. it was her special smile.. but she wasn't sure he had even noticed. He looked good in a suit, but she wondered what he might look like in a nice pair of jeans and tee shirt.. or naked.. there she was going on about that mans body once more, bad time to think things like that she told herself once more.

Jenna was glad momentarily anyway that he was admiring other's artwork instead of hers her hand was slightly shaky so she stopped just for a moment before once more gaining her composure and laughing at herself, once more in her mind.

Jenna smiled as she listened to that voice of his that same voice she heard every night in her dreams telling her how much he wanted her.. telling her how wrong it was that she wanted him.. one minute wanting her the next pulling away.. she knew either wasn't so.. but her mind seemed to enjoy playing tricks on her. There he was talking of the presentation bringing her back to reality once more. And then she heard him say nice.. only to her.. ''What is sir?'' She asked she only called him that in class or if people were around he hated it and she knew it thats why she did it. But she knew he found it cute as well.

Jenna wished at that point that she did need tutoring.. damn why of all talents it had to be art. She took a deep breath and smiled at his kindness some teachers didn't even care if there students passed or failed.

Jenna noticed him looking at her every so often, but she didn't think much of it she figured he was looking at the clock or the door. But then he came and stood behind her and she looked back at smiled up at him. ''Thank-you.. you are.. I mean the painting will be when finished.'' She said sighing deeply, she didn't want to look at him cause the embaresment of what she said must have shown in her face.. and she knew he had noticed exactly what she said. His hand on her shoulder sent chills throughout her entire body as she once more looked at him more serious this time, look away Jenna and she quickly did.

Jenna took the smock from her body and hung it beside her painting, she stole a few glances once more his way.. she needed that. She needed to know he was still there cause a month from now she wasn't sure how much she would see him anymore. She covered her painting almost finished she told herself.. she didn't realize when she picked her books from the floor she left her journal behind.

Jenna watched as her classmates left the room as she admired her work once more before covering it and walking to his desk when no one was left in the room.

''Are we still working on the prom decorations this weekend?'' She asked softly and smiled sweetly at him.
Marcus looked up from his desk to see Jenna standing there, her books in hand, covering her chest as she always did. He had to smile at the way she chewed on her bottom lip as if she was nervous about something. Her coquettish smile was charming and cute. He really admired her for her natural beauty as well as her natural talent.

"Yes," he answered her enthusiastically. "You still are coming, arent you? Ten o'clock right?" He was thrilled to hear that she was, glad to have the additional help of creative nature. He rose from his desk and escorted Jenna to the door, since he had to monitor the hallway for the end of day rush. "Thanks again," he said, "see you tomorrow." He watched as Jenna got swallowed by the rush of students, weaving her way to her locker, and then swarmed by her friends, only to be carried away in the wave of moving bodies.

Marcus sighed, at last, the weekend was here. It was going to be a busy, working weekend, but it was still a time of rest and relaxation. Trading the suit and ties for jeans and tees, was his idea of a getaway from the hassles of teaching. He nodded towards the other teachers in the now empty hallway before returning to his empty room, to clean up. He started as usual, at his own desk, arranging his books in detailed order, in the upper left corner, largest on the bottom, smallest on top, the spines of each book, flush with the one below it. On the right upper corner sat his pen and pencil holder, along with his three-tier filing shelves. Marcus located all his writing utensils scattered about his desk and put them all in their place, and sorted his loose papers into their appropriate slot in the tiered shelving unit. 'Things to do' on went on top, 'Things to be filed' on the second, and everything else went on the bottom shelf. Marcus ensured his drawers were closed and turned the key, locking them all with the single lock.

He loosened his tie, unbuttoned the top button and made his rounds through the room, making sure everything was off the floor, so the janitorial crew could clean efficiently. It was then, that Marcus spotted a traditional black composition book, lying on the floor beneath an easel. Marcus picked it up and studied the exterior, which was very nondescript. There was no writing on it, no names, not even any innocent doodling. He wondered who it belonged to, wanting to return it to its rightful owner. So just as innocently, he opened the front cover to see if maybe they had written their name on the inside.

Marcus felt a sudden lump in his throat when the first page had his name, 'Marcus Gaston' emblazoned largely on it, in highly artistic fashion. Around the artistic letters were hearts, and stars. He suddenly felt dizzy and light headed, so he carried the open book back to his desk and sat down.

He had heard of this kind of behavior, even had a psych class on this topic in college. It was not unheard of for students to have crushes on their teachers, but it was the first time in his career that he had positive prrof of such an attraction. Now he was staring at what appeared to be an entire book devoted entirely to him. He was scared, yet titillated, to flip the page to see what else was in the book.

The lump in his throat grew bigger as his heart stopped beating. There on the second page was a large heart, an angelic cherub with wings and a bow in the corner, and piercing through the heart a long, feathered arrow. Marcus' name was contained within the heart ... and sharing space within the heart, was ... oh, god, could it really be ... 'Jenna'!

When Marcus' heart finally did resume beating it was racing at more than a mile a minute. His hands were suddenly quite sweaty and shaking, his mouth suddenly dry, his eyes wide with surprise. Like a moth drawn to a flame, Marcus was drawn to the book, unable to put it down. Instead, he found himself reading the journal, every entry as it detailed her thoughts and feelings. Interspersed throughout her entries were some illustrious pencil drawings of the two of them engaged in activities that even made Marcus blush. He was so consumed with the book and its contents, he had no idea how much time had passed. It wasn't until Harry, the janitor came into the room that Marcus realized that he had been there for nearly five hours, reading and rereading her detailed entries. He slammed the book shut, unlocked his desk, shoved the book inside, and locked it back up. He said goodbye to Harry and practically ran out of the building, to his car. He lowered the top on the convertible, and sped off into the night, doing his best to clear his mind with the fresh air blowing through his hair.

He had been driving the surrounding highways, just driving in circles, her drawings burned indellibly in his brain. Her thoughts were mixing with his own feelings, making him even more distraught over the situation. He began to worry that, maybe, he brought on the attraction because of the way he doted over her artistic abilities? Was he too concerned? Did she misinterpret it? Did he misrepresent his interest in her? Was it just a harmless school-girl fantasy, a high school crush? Or was she truly infatuated with him? His head was spinning as fast as his tires were.

Another hour having passed, Marcus grew exhausted and drained, and opted for home. He parked the car, headed for the refrigerator, and skipped any food. Rather, he grabbed the bottle of wine and an empty glass. He headed out to his front porch, sat on a rocking chair and propped his feet up on the deck rail. He poured himself a glass, and sipped while contemplating his fate, his eyes closed, trying to envision what he should do?

Jenna was nervous about asking Marcus if he still wanting to work on prom together.. why she wasn't really sure maybe it was the fact that it would just be her and him and that idea made her just slightly uneasy, cause she knew how deep her feelings were, and the last thing she wanted was for her teacher to find out.

''Yes I am still coming.'' She said and smiled sweetly as she looked at him.. he had no idea how she felt felt for him and she was glad, what would he think of her, she threw that thought from her mind cause he would never actually find out how deep and true her feelings ran from him.. she knew she had to watch what she said around him, she was awfully close earlier with the slip of her tongue.

Jenna did her usual routine, but this time her and her friends stopped for something to eat, it was there usual thing to do on Friday's go to dinner at the local pizza place. They were all talking of prom when her friend Sally noticed Jenna wasn't paying that much attention and asked if she was alright. Jenna was of course but her thoughts weren't with her friends they were right back in that classroom with her teacher where she knew they had no right to be. She took a long deep breath gained her composure and joined in the conversation about prom and college and guys.. but her thoughts were with the one guy she knew she could never have.. she knew herself there relationship wouldn't work as well as she was sure he would have had he known how she felt.. but at times she just didn't care she wanted him.. ached for him.

Jenna dropped her friends off at there respective houses and went on to her own. She took a long deep breath when she got in glad that the weekend was there. Classes were boring this time of the year, but she had a lot of studying to do so she made her way into her bedroom, turned the radio on pulled her hair back in a tight pony tail and looked through her books.. wait something was missing.. oh no, she thought aloud.. if anyone got there hands on that book, she would be a goner.. where, what class.. oh god the last place she remembered having it was.. Marcus.. no she thought he would not read it. What was she thinking taking that to school, had she been that stupid, yes she thought the book would help her feelings and it had, and she had never left it until now.. there was no way of getting back to school hopefully tomorrow when she went to help Marcus it would be there.

There was no hope of concentration.. but she got through her studying and task with ease. When she had enough she ran her hands along her neck trying not to think of how dumb she actually had been. She found herself busying herself by cleaning her room and looking through some of her artwork it varied.. friends, family, and then her favorite many montages of her favorite teacher. Get a grip kid she told herself.. your high
school he'd never think twice of a girl like you.. yeah she knew that but her brain didn't have to go along with her all the time and she laughed at that.

She called a few friends to see if they wanted to hang tonight but they all had plans well Friday was date night.. oh well a good book might clear her mind before her run and it did help for a hour anyway. Jenna went to change into tight shorts that came just above the knee and a tight white tank-top, leaving her hair in its holder she was ready to go after pulling on tennis shoes and a jacket she was out the door and doing her stretches just as she always did before her nightly run.

Jenna ached all over with the thought of someone reading her most prized posession that was the last thing she had ever wanted. She found herself running towards her teacher's house no idea that he would be on his porch but she wouldn't stare not after last night, she would just slightly slow down and admire his house. Jenna thought about prom she didn't have a date not that she wasn't asked but she wanted to go stag, cause her heart wasn't for any other man.

After ten minutes of running she was there at his house, not noticing the handsome figure that was on the porch swing.
Marcus sat on the porch, reflecting on his situation. He had calmed down a bit, slowly finding resolve within his mind, deciding how he had to address this issue. He'd have to sit Jenna down at some point, and simply discuss this issue with her, and tell her how wrong it was for her to have such a crush on him. He'd tell her he was flattered, but there was no way they could have a relationship. He wondered if he should go as far as to say, if the conditions were different ... if they had met under different circumstances ... if ... anything but teacher and student? Would he only be promoting her fantasies?

Marcus opened his eyes again to take in the starry night, sipping on the bordeaux, within his hand till it was empty. He refilled the glass, placing the nearly empty bottle on the small end table. He then closed his eyes. What about his fantasies? He could not deny, she had pervaded his thoughts as of late. But it was wrong, and he knew that! He knew the line between fantasy and reality. Did she? Did he really? It wasn't like she was a minor. She was of age. But his age?

"God," Marcus cried out to no one, as he looked upwards in frustration. Time stood still, almost indefinitely as he just sat there. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the mere passage of time, but Marcus' mind began to focus a bit more clearly. He had relaxed, and his heart had stopped thumping so loudly in his throat. He wished he had never found that composition book, the private journal of Jenna's, her most private thoughts. He felt as if he had invaded her privacy. But, that's when a perfect resolution popped into his head. It was the only logical thing to do. It was the one thing that would pose the least embarassment to both of them.

He knew of her little secret. But she didn't know he knew. The answer was so simple. He'd put the book back in place, and act as if he never saw it. He'd know, but he'd have to be the stronger of the two. He was of course, the more 'mature' one, he was the one who'd be able to handle this in a diplomatic way. At least, he convinced himself of that. He wouldn't be so crass as to kill her dreams, but he'd dedicate himself to dissuade her adoration of him. He'd encourage her to date and have fun with boys her own age. Having read her private thoughts, though, he knew that would be difficult. But it was for her own good! It was something he just *HAD* to do.

Marcus breathed a heavy sigh of relief, now knowing exactly how he'd handle the situation. He also relied heavily on the fact he only had three more weeks to deal with the issue, and she'd be gone, off to expand her horizons ... maybe seeking out a more mature college classmate that replaced her 'inspiration'.

He was sipping his wine when his calm reverie was suddenly broken by the appearance of a body running his way. 'Ah, the jogger', he reminded himself, recalling the fine tight ass, and athletic figure of the woman who had passed by the night before. He had practically forgotten about her amidst all the turmoil in his mind. He tipped the glass to his mouth, peering over the rim, so as to not be so conspicuous about his staring at the exercising female. If they made eye contact, he'd lower the glass and show her a warm smile, letting her know he appreciated her presence. So he sat patiently, watching her appear, her distinctive qualities slowly coming into focus, from the darkened street.

It was like everything was in slow motion. It was as if his heart pounded with each contact of her foot against the sidewalk she was jogging upon. Her facial features, were familiar, somehow just like someone he knew very well. The short spandex running shorts hugged her like a second skin, her sports bra, showed her generous melons, struggling to bounce free of the constricting top. Her long, athletic legs flexed with each stride.

The slow motion effect had suddenly snapped when Marcus made the connection. He jolted upright, slamming his feet on the floor, doubling over as he choked on the wine he was sipping. "Jenny ... um ... Jenna?" He coughed and gagged in between each sputter when she finally came into view. "W-w-wh-what ... What are ... um ... What are you doing here? I mean, um ..."

He didn't know what to say! He tried to recover from his coughing fit, leaning forward as he regained his composure.

Jenna slowly ran towards the house where the only man she had undeniable passion for lived. What had she been thinking she asked herself as she thought back on leaving her notebook at school, dummy she told herself again.. god if her friend Carrie knew about this she would be laughing herself to near death.. but none of her friends knew of her feelings for Marcus or the journal that kept her hidden thoughts to herself.

She took a deep breath and slowed herself down for a moment she needed to clear her head before she even attempted to run towards her teachers house.. what if he was the one that found the notebook, no he would see his name and respect her and close the book up and think nothing more of any of it. She knew that wasn't true would she put a book up if her name was written in a book no probably not.

Alright Jenna she told herself just pull yourself together a few more months and you won't have to be so close to him and you can forget your fantasies.. and forget your feelings along with forgetting of Marcus, but she wasn't sure that was at all possible.. she was sure deep inside that she would never forget that man. She took a long deep breath stretched and ran faster once more.

Jenna tried not to think of Marcus anymore of that dumb notebook of hers any longer but she was finding that very impossible to do. She sighed shook her head what was wrong with her.. he was older much much older than her.. she tried telling herself this over and over again but it never actually worked out for her. If anything it actually just got worse for her cause she thought of the things she could learn from him the things she'd never get to learn from him, the way he could make her feel. God how she wanted and needed him.

Shake it off she told herself, she decided not to think and just run and that she did she ran so fast that when she got to his house she found herself stopping more than she expected, she was so tempted to go to his door, and then she was ready to flee once more.

She jumped when she heard his voice, oh lord she thought think fast Jenna please think fast. ''I um.. was out for a run, my friend Carrie lives about two blocks down from here.. but I ran out of breath and had to stop..'' Not a good lie but she thought it would pass. ''I told her I would stop by after my run.'' She said and smiled not a crush smile just her regular smile. If he had read the notebook she had to pretend everything was normal.

''You alright?'' She asked trying to gather her thoughts. ''You seem upset to see me, I run your path every night.. makes me feel safe all the houses.'' She said softly.
Marcus slowly regained his composure, trying his best not to reveal his knowledge of her feelings, and to begin the subtle persuasion for her to move on, without him. "Excuse me," he coughed once more, clearing his throat. "Wrong tube," he coughed again, before sitting upright. "I'm fine."

"I didn't expect to see you out here on a night like this. I thought you girls always went to movies or something. Isn't it bowling, or something like that, that you do on Friday nights?" He didn't know, he was just fishing for some popular known hot spots for the youth.

He couldn't stop his eyes from roving her body again, especially now that he knew her secret. It was impossible to keep his eyes off her luscious breasts, wondering if they were anything like the pencil drawings she had sketched amidst her journal entries. He strained to see the tiny bumps of her nipples poking against the tight fitting top. His eyes roamed freely across her toned belly, a slight sheen of sweat glistening under the yellow light illuminating from his front porch. Her stomach expanded and shrunk with every breath, clearly showing the definition of her muscles, a sparkling jewel piercing her navel. The entire scan included the tight fitting spandex shorts that left him wondering if she were wearing a thong, for he didn't see any panty lines. The sweat was forming on his brow. She was making this difficult on him.

"I thought I saw you last night," he lied, "but I wasn't sure." He gulped down the last bit of wine, not realizing his rudeness, but more for calming his rattled nerves. "Do you run this route every night? ... Yes, it is a safe neighborhood."

He had to stop himself. Was he encouraging her? Was he supporting her behavior, and feeding her unrealistic fantasies? He needed to stop it! He had to stop it, not just for her, but for his own sanity as well.

"I don't wanna hold you up Jenna. I'm sure Carrie's waiting for you. Don't stay up too late though, I need you bright and focused tomorrow morning." Marcus chewed his bottom lip, wondering if that came across too forward? He didn't want to lead her on. He was somewhat relieved when she had agreed, hoping that he didn't seem too different now that he had learned of her secret. He didn't want to embarass her and ruin a tempestuous point in her fragile memories of him. It'd be best if they could just ... drift ... apart.

He suddenly realized how rude he had been. "I'm sorry, how rude of me. Can I get you some water or something? I've got some bottled water inside."

He just cursed himself, for all the progress he had made, he left an opening that he couldn't take away! How foolish of him! He should have just shooed her away, but now she'd probably take him up on his offer, thinking that he was taking an interest in her. That wasn't his intention, yet somehow he had subconsciously allowed it to happen. His mind was telling him to do one thing, but his actions were in direct contradiction to the way he should be acting around her. He was finding it harder and harder to suppress his arousal for her, and it was embarassingly beginning to show, for he could feel the slight pressure begin in his trousers.

He scolded himself, and rose from his seat, quickly moving so that he was standing in the doorway, looking back to see if Jenna would accept his polite offer, or if she'd let him off the hook and go on her merry way?

She looked at him rather confused was he that upset at seeing her.. did she annoy him that much.. thats it tomorrow on her run she had to take a different route this was becoming to complicated and she didn't want her teacher to think that she was stalking him after all. ''I see.'' She said and smiled her smile but half heartedly and she wondered if he sensed it somehow.

''It's date night Sir..'' She never called him sir unless there were people around was she bitter.. perhaps she was. ''They all had dates an I happened to call the last minute, but its alright I am going to go to Carries and hope she didn't make plans last minute..'' Liar she told herself.. although Carrie did live that way she never went to her house on her runs and she knew Carrie would not be home.

Jenna was so stupid she kept telling herself this over and over again in her mind.. it's his house what did I expect for him never to be on his front porch.. my god he really did look like what she imagined in his semi tight jeans and tee shirt.. what a dream she thought, shake it off little girl that is all you are to him. She shook her head and looked back up at him her eyes revealing no emotion or at least she thought she was doing a damn good job at hiding her emotions. My how she loved that man.. that teacher.. she needed to escape and soon.

Jenna smiled.. ''I didn't see you.'' She said lying a little more than she ever had before but really she had no choice in the matter. ''Yes every night.. well besides Friday's usually.. thats the one night I put aside and splurge so to speak but all my friends had plans.. I am sure you know what thats like.'' Great she was rambling, but what was wrong with innocent talking damn well nothing. ''Carrie told me it's good to come this way at this time of the night cause at least one person is always out.'' She said and that part was true.

Jenna sensed he was uncomfortable. ''I am sorry Mr. Gaston.. I am holding you up.'' She said mumbling slightly but knowing he heard what she said again with the formalities she rarely called him Mr. or sir.

''I will be, focused I mean.. and Carries patient.. but your right I better go, I am sure you have more important things to do than talk to a little girl.'' She said laughing and meaning what she said. She had to get away if he did read the notebook, or had the notebook then he knew how she felt.. and that was rather embaressing seeing as he had no inkling of interest in her and why should he really.

''It's only two blocks I am sure I can hold off until than... you probably have papers to grade and such.'' She said in a low tone but enough for him to hear. ''Besides you have better things to do on a Friday night.'' She said and smiled her sweet smile.

She sensed he was only being polite and meant nothing that he had said.. well the part of giving her water sure but not inviting her into his home. She sighed and looked away from him.. ''I am sorry I interupted you Mr. Gaston.. I will see you tomorrow morning.'' She said nervously.

She went to turn and leave she had to get away she was in far to deep as it was.
'Damn', Marcus cursed to himself. He had shattered her. He could feel the cynicism and the hurt in her voice. It was subtle, and maybe he was overly sensitive to it, but she had succeeded in making him feel guilty. 'Little girl'? That's what she had referred to herself as. But she wasn't! Far from it! She was definitely a young woman! Marcus didn't have to be so cold to her. Maybe he could handle this a different way. One thing was for sure though ... he couldn't deal with the guilt.

"Jenna? Hold up. I'll be right back."

Marcus disappeared into the house, scurrying back to the kitchen. He felt uncomfortable sipping his wine in front of Jenna so he placed the empty goblet on the counter, recalling the open bottle still on the porch. Opening the refrigerator, he saw he had juice, soda, and bottled water. He grabbed two bottles of water and headed back out to the porch, where Jenna was still standing on the sidewalk.

Standing on his porch, he held out a bottle for her. "C'mon. A little water can't hurt anyone!" He flashed her a joking smile, waiting for her to come onto the porch and fetch it from his hand. He could be civil with her and talk to her, but under no circumstances could he allow her to enter his house! If anyone saw, or found out, there'd be hell to pay, nevermind the emotional turmoil he'd be going through.

"C'mon. Have a seat. I don't have anywhere to go, no one to see, and no papers to grade." If she wanted to talk, he'd give her the opportunity. He really did enjoy her company while they were in school. She was not only extremely artistic, but she was a good conversationalist also. Marcus had spent a lot of time working with her on her application to the art program at his alma mater. He had pulled a few strings and cashed in some favors, but Jenna would have been accepted anyways. What Jenna didn't know, was that she was to be presented with a hefty scholarship award during commencement ceremonies. Marcus felt she deserved it, and was more than happy to see to it, that she received it!

He took a seat on the far side, leaving empty the seat he had occupied earlier. "So? What's on your mind tonight Jenna?"