My brother the Dom (open for one male pm first)

Mar 1, 2006
Abigail had been through enough, her mother had left her and her older brother to fend for themselves, Abby as her brother always seemed to call her was the only real family she had left. She was only 10 when their mother left her, she dropped her off at her brother's apartment, heartbroken and in tears, he didn't hesitate to take his little sister in and raise her, now she was 18 and he was 28, he still took care of her, he always would. She was still young in his eyes, he told her no dating at least till she was 20 he wanted to make sure her college studies were attended to, and in all honesty, he was controlling, and he hadn't missed how truly beautiful his little sister had become.

She had a curfew at 18 she thought she had a curfew.. she respected her brother though and always followed his rules, it was summer so she at least was off before she started her first semester of college. She had plans with her friends that night, and unknown to her now, she would be late and her brother sure as hell wouldn't be happy with her. She didn’t realize his dark side, and that he would spank her for being late even if he knew it was the wrong thing to do.

She however had a secret she was in love with her brother, painstakingly in love with him, yet he frustrated her by keeping her on such a short leash. And he had a secret too he wanted his little sister in all the wrong ways, he kept her on a leash cause he didn't want to lose her, that and he was very dominant and he wanted to control his sister in a very bad way.

It was wrong to think of his little sister this way... and her being late would bring out a side to him that his little sister had never seen before.

Looking for a long detailed forbidden role, of control.

Mark had been losing his mind lately. It seemed like the universe was always against him. He tried to hold onto the parts of life that brought him the most joy, but lately even those things seemed to be turning against him. Or just turning into ash in his hands.

He stepped out of the small ‘office’ of the tiny apartment they had. It was all he’d been able to afford, the small 3 room place, ever since he dropped out of school and had began taking care of his sister.

He had gotten a job working construction and cities were always building or tearing down. Or breaking down. So he had good work and made decent money. It meant that his sister had to handle the rest of the house.

Their mom flaked out, and ever since then it has just been the two of them against the world.

His key rattled in the lock as he stepped
Up to the doorstop of their townhouse. Crammed near the subway station , he groaned as he stepped in the house.

“Hey abbey. How easy school” he called out as he stepped in. His greeting was met with silence. And he realized he couldn’t smell dinner either.

He dug his phone out and saw he’d missed a text.

She was doing some late night ‘studying’ apparently. And he shook his head. She better be.

He grabbed the remote and settled down in front of the tv. He kicked off his work boots and stretched out on the loveseat in his shirt and jeans.

Soon, having eaten and drank he was soon nodding off on the sofa

Satisfied handsome young man relaxing on the sofa at home, Smiling ...
She hated the fact that her brother had to work so hard to support him but when she offered to get a part-time job to help, he refused adamantly telling her college was more important and they were doing just fine, even though she sensed that he was miserable. She always blamed herself for everything that had happened and she wondered if maybe she should just leave at times, but being without him would be like breaking her own heart. I take a long deep breath and try not to think about it as I finish my classes my friends ask me to see a movie with them and I agree but knowing I was going to tell my brother I was studying sad that it had to be that way, but at the same time she almost understood but she hated being treated like a kid at the same time. She felt at some times that he might resent her for having to have taken care of her, but she could not ask him or admit that to him, for she never wanted to be the reason he hated his life even if deep down she felt as if he did.

She always had a change of clothes with her, she was not sure why it was just something she had always done, then she decided it was because of all the times her mother had made her go from place to place before leaving her. She knew Mark hated the small apartment they shared but she felt as if it were perfect for the two of them.

She sighed as she met her friends outside of one of their dorm rooms, and they headed to the movies, she told them she had to be home at a certain time and they looked at her as if she were insane she told them not to ask with a light giggle. They just shrugged and she followed behind them in her car. She bit her lip as she pulled into the movie lot, she did not like lying to Mark but she also wasn't doing anything wrong, it was a movie. She enjoyed cooking and felt bad that she would not have dinner ready for Mark, but she had made sure the apartment was cleaned before she went to classes that morning.

They walked into the movies together and she bought her ticket and grabbed a small popcorn and drink they all settled into their seats and waited for the movie to start laughing and enjoying the time together.

She texted her brother before the movie started to let him know she was safe and just studying. She could not stop thinking about him however while she was at the movies, it annoyed her and excited her at the same time, eventually she would admit to him how she was feeling about the resentment that she thought he felt towards her, or why he was so miserable, but she was scared to broach that conversation.

Why was she feeling so damn guilty, she was not out with a guy, she was not at a club or getting drunk being underage she was at a movie with friends. She bit her lip and was almost glad when the movie ended, it was nearing her curfew but her friends insisted on them going to grab some dinner and enjoy a meal together because they never got together enough, so she agreed even if she knew he would probably be angry that she was late, but she was 18 not 12 she thought to herself.

She agreed with her friends and they had dinner well into the night laughing and having fun like friends should.

She looked at the time when she finally got back to her car praying that he would be asleep when she got home....

She drove the short way home and let herself in quietly noticing that he had fallen asleep on the sofa, she shut the door lightly and smiled at his sleeping figure also a little guilty that he had fallen asleep in his clothes... but she did not want to wake him so she slowly and very quietly started to head up to her bedroom so she could shower and change into her PJs. What she had been wearing was innocent enough she thought to herself.
He heard the door close, and he didn’t move. He listened as he heard soft steps soon head upstairs. He saw he’d missed her message and saw she said she was gonna be late. Then looked at his watch. It was after midnight.

This wouldn’t do. He told himself as he stood up. He looked down at the table and grabbed the last beer he’d been drinking before falling asleep, it was beer four or five.

He took a drink then headed up the stairs to the upper level that had the 2 bedrooms and the shared bath.

He heard her door close softly as he stepped on the stairs. He was soon at her door and opened it without knocking.

“You’re awfully late” he said in a gruff voice as his 5’11 frame filled the door. Work in construction made him
Broad and thick. His build was stout and heavy.

His eyes lingered over the tank top and her over all appearance

“You went studying like that” he asked as his eyes slid over the way she filled out the tank top she had on. The nights were warm and he could see sweat glistening on the exposed swell of her breasts.

“Well” he asked, stepping closer, the demand clear in his voice.

“I work to damn hard for this shit Abby”
She was grateful he was sleeping she knew he would be upset, not that he had any reason to be she was being a normal college teenage girl well almost normal she thought most girls her age in college were either getting high, drunk, partying, or sleeping with anything that moved. She took a deep breath when she made it to her room, she loved her brother truly she did, but he acted more like a controlling boyfriend or father more often than not. She did at least let him know she was going to be late, but she also knew how Mark and his brain worked. It was after midnight but not by much she thought what about a half hour late, fucking 18 year old had a 1230 curfew she thought shaking her head.

She sighed as she removed the little bit of makeup she was wearing. She looked in the mirror and shook her head Jesus what a fucking life she thought to herself. She finished wiping the make-up off and then slipped her shoes off she would get undressed after she took her shower. First, she grabbed what she planned on wearing to bed.

Taking a deep breath she brushed out her long blond hair, as she stared into the mirror she was torn between wanting to understand her brother and also living in a constant state of confusion at the same time.

She rubbed her hands together and peeled her socks off next, throwing them into the laundry basket as she did so. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he opened her door without knocking. "Mark! Knock much?" She asked a little annoyed with him at this moment in time.

She turned to look at him when he told her she was late as she took a deep breath trying not to lose her composure. "I am only a half hour past my curfew." She said softly and looked at him gently trying not to be angry with him. He was so damn attractive she thought as she looked at him her heart now racing as she chewed on her lip.

The way he looked over her clothing made goosebumps linger along her skin, confusion at his angry expression evident in her blue eyes.

She looked down at the mention of what she was wearing. "What is wrong with what I am wearing?" She asked softly and looked down at her feet away from her brother for the time being. Her chest was heaving she wasn't scared per se but she was confused and annoyed with him.

"I went to the movies, with female friends and they decided dinner sounded really good also so I decided to go, I am sorry I am late, it was not my intention but Mark I am 18 and I deserve a little freedom, I follow all of the rules, I just wanted to spend some time with friends.'' She said taking another very long deep breath.

"And there is Mark it's all about what you do, you know I wish mom would have just put me up for adoption then you would not have to work so hard, you wouldn't have had to give up your life, you would be so much better, I knew you resented me! But I am not a child, I have offered to work to help you more so you don't have to work so often but you won't let me..." She said anger and hurt boiling over, but she also knew that was only going to make him more angry, but she was tired of keeping her mouth shut. "I'm late I know, but it happened what do you want me to do?'' She asked looking at him and then away.
He tried not to, but each deep breath she took drew his eyes to her cleavage. The top she wore was an older one. It was nice, and she had taken good care of it, but in the last year she had grown, and her clothes didn’t fit like they should.

As she spoke he found himself stepping closer, listening to her finally being honest, and her complaint of how he treats her. The part where she wished she was not his to take care of hurt. She didn’t understand, and never had, he lived to take care of her. Sometimes, when he got real sad, she was the only reason he kept on.

“What’s wrong with what you’re wearing, he asked as his voice turned hotter and he stepped forward. He was standing just in front of her and his eyes looked down the top of her neckline openly.

“Look at all this cleavage. You trying to bait some guy talking to you?” He asked and as he did so, his hand reached out, gripping the bottom of her shirt, and he pulled. The neckline plunged dangerously low, revealing the soft swell of her inner breasts. He swallowed hard.

“You want the easy way out. Huh. Wish you were adopted so you could lay around on your ass all day” he said as his other hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her close.

“I do this to keep you safe you have no idea what the world is like out there. All the filthy thoughts men have. It’s not safe. And not like this” he said as his eyes dipped done to her top, the material disheveled still showing more cleavage than he was used to.

“You obey the rules while you’re in this house. If you at 18 or you are 80” he said as he turned and sat on her bed, then he yanked her across his lap her stomach coming to rest roughly on his thighs.

He wrestled her into place, using one muscular arm to linger to his thighs, pressing her into then firmly, while the other hand raised into the air, hovering over her ass.

“You are a willful child still”…slap rang out in the room as his hand contacted her skirt covered ass.

“That won’t do” he said as he shifted her, his hand pulling her skirt up over her ass. He swallows hard as he saw the thing part her full round ass.

As he paused she took the moment to attempt escaping. His arm quickly responded. But as he wrestled her back under control, his legs had shifted and her torso had slid a little down one thigh. This had the effect of making the feel of her breasts on either side of his thigh very obvious, especially in his groin as she shifted

“Hold still”….slap…this next one had the sharper clap of flesh on flesh
She was just as angry with him as he seemed to be with her, but her anger stemmed from guilt, which she should not be feeling. She had to force herself not to cry the last thing she wanted was to seem weak in front of him. She felt a little awkward in the way he was looking at what she was wearing, she had to go shopping soon for clothes she knew that but right now wasn't the time to ask, and or tell Mark she needed new clothes she did everything she could not to upset him or stress him out more than he already was.

She stepped back as he stepped closer to her she knew he had to hear the steady rhythm of her heart and how loud it was beating against her chest, clearly he didn't understand what she was getting at it was the way he treated her like a child, not the way he treated her in general he was a good man. It was not as if she didn't like her brother taking care of her but she felt as if she was ruining his life at the moment he was hearing things the way he wanted to hear them. She knew, had no doubt he resented her. She bit her lip looking away from him for a moment.

She looked at him as he came closer and closer towards her, again she felt those nerves shoot all along her skin as he asked her what was wrong almost repeating her question back to her. "I wear this all the time Mark." She said softly.

"Mark you know I would never, I didn't think you thought so little of me." She said her voice cracking ever so slightly, never letting them see you cry she thought to herself staying the tough girl that she knew she had to be. She was stunned when he gripped the bottom of her top by the hem and pulled, she slightly squirmed away, but he was having none of that. She was looking at him her gaze slightly fearful and yet completely trusting of him at the same time.

She could not believe what he was saying to her, that he was turning this around on her, how could he think this little of her? "I have offered to work, I am saying then you would not have to take care of me, you would have a life and maybe you wouldn't resent or even hate me." She all but whispered a little frantic when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him.

She was fighting back tears as much as she could, please don't break now she thought to herself. She looked at him weakly as he spoke, it was one thing to protect her and she appreciated that, but it was another thing to not trust her or make her feel like she was a whore. Her head was starting to spin at the confusion she was feeling. She was becoming a little scared now, something she had never felt with her brother and she realized now that he had also been drinking, maybe that was not helping matters either.

She had always obeyed the rules she thought to herself and she had not done anything wrong or at least in her eyes, she did not feel as if she had. When he sat on the bed she thought for a moment what was coming next, until he pulled her flat against his lap, what the fuck she thought to herself he is not serious is he she thought to herself.

"Mark..what the hell are you doing?'' She asked breathlessly squirming against his lap as she tried to get up out of his lap she felt the tears slowly spring to her eyes as she fought them back once more.

She gasped and all but screamed when she felt his hand against the fabric of the jean skirt she was wearing, is this real life she thought to herself, no this cannot be happening right now she thought to herself, none of this was real she had to have been living in a dream right now.

"Mark, please..'' She whispered wondering what he was doing, knowing this was wrong. "I am not a child." She whispered and tried once more to get off of his lap.

When she tried to once more squirm from his lap his reflexes quickly grabbed out and held her down more firm this time. She closed her eyes knowing for a moment that there was no escape and maybe she deserved this wait no she was 18 years only wearing a thong and her brother was spanking her none of this was deserved she thought to herself. "Mark.." She gasped out closing her eyes tightly as she tried not to cry and tried not to allow this to bother her feeling her nipples pebble and she was sure she could feel Mark becoming hard as well.

She nearly screamed out when she felt another firm slap against her bare flesh. "Mark, why are you doing this?" She whimpered, as she once again tried to get from his grasp, still holding her tears at bay, she had to control herself because even as she fought against him the way her nipples had pebbled and the way her body reacted told a different story to her trying to get away from him.
He felt his body throb as she wriggled in his lap. He had slapped her bare ass, and he had liked it. He had known he would. He watched her ass jiggle ever so delightfully, and even felt his cock twitch, just before she tried to get loose again.

As he regained control he felt her pushing against his legs, the full swell of her breasts rubbing against his lap and ahis inner thigh as the top got snared on his jeans.

Her full round ass filed his eyes. He had watched her grow, with there mother gone and father long disappeared he had done nothing but provide for her. And as he had watched her grow, he had seen her potential. He had imagined the beau woman she was becoming. This very evident by the round ass just under his hand, and the full breast mashed into his lap

“I don’t want you to work. Taking care of you is what I do. I can’t let you leave” he told her in a moment of honesty. That was then followed by another slap on her ass. He watched her hips wriggle at the contact. He licked his lips. This was so wrong, but so wonderful.

“it’s not safe out there Abby. You don’t understand. We have rules for a reaso
He said as he slapped her ass again. This time his hand lingered, and he felt his hand squeeze her ful rump, unaware of how close his fingertips were to her sex.

“The rules are to keep you safe” he said as he tried to relax his grip on her.

“Now don’t move. Stop fighting me” he said as he shifted beneath her, his cock swelling against her soft warm body.

He slapped her ass lighter this time

“This will go better if you don’t fight it. You were bad and you get punished. That’s the way it is”

Slap….and his hand lingered longer. Rubbed slightly. Fingertip grazing the fabric of her hnderwear

“You calll this underwear. It done at hardly cover anything”….slap
She could not believe this was happening to her, she could not believe Mark was spanking her like she was a child. The first slap to her bare ass stung as he slapped it, he wasn't spanking her hard just yet but it was enough to make it sting. Her heart was pounding and it felt like there was a ringing in her ears and that the room was spinning. She squirmed every chance she got to try and get away, she was embarrassed and mortified all at the same time.

She struggled against him a little more but Mark was much stronger than her and she had nowhere to go she did not want to cry she did not want him to see her weak, but she knew she felt him growing against her stomach that was laced over her stomach, then she decided she was just imagining it, for this was her brother after all.

He stilled for a few moments and she tried once more to escape his grasp but he was holding her too firmly. She thought she was going crazy considering she did not believe still that this was happening however when she felt his hand spanking her ass twice now. She wanted to scream and beg him to stop, but she also did not want to overreact he wasn't truly hurting her was he, no he wasn't she thought to herself. She was trying still very hard to fight from his lap but she just could not. She still could feel how hard her nipples were and could feel the dampness between her folds, all of this was wrong so very wrong she thought to herself her face burning bright red from the embarrassment she was feeling.

She did not want to leave it was the last thing she ever wanted to do but she felt as if she was holding him back from things. "Ouch." She managed to yelp out as she tried to squirm once more but her squirming only made it that much worse, again she felt her folds becoming wetter by the moment and this confused the hell out of her. I sigh to myself, my chest heaving as I close my eyes trying somehow to regain my composure that I was surely losing. Calm down Abby calm down she reminded herself over and over again.

When he told her it wasn't safe out there, she wondered if at the moment it was any safer in her. She did understand she was not some fucking kid off of the street she thought to herself, she knew how to take care of herself. Rules, was this part of the rules she thought to herself. She jumped and gasped when he slapped her ass once more, as she tried to get away but the way he was holding her was too tightly and she knew she could not get away. She chewed on her lip as he stopped and she felt a squeeze on her ass but she did not think anything of it.

"You spanking me is keeping me safe?" She asked her voice coming out in a squeak as she asked the question her neck bent ever so slightly as he loosened his grip a little on her, but she found herself not fighting as hard this time.

When he told her not to move and to stop fighting him she had decided maybe if she relaxed he would let her go sooner rather than later so she finally stopped wriggling against him but it did not hide the fact she could feel his hardness against her tummy.

He didn't spank her as hard as he had before, and goosebumps were forming along her skin, she was still embarrassed but was no longer fighting him.

"Mark I'm 18!" She managed to yelp out when he told her she broke the rules and he was punishing her. "I... I'm sorry." She managed to get out finally.

She bit her lip hard when he once more slapped her bare ass his fingers against the fabric of the small thong that she was wearing.

''They.. they are thongs." She whispered and yelped once more when he slapped her ass again, she was starting to lose count at this point and she could not deny that her ass was on fire.
“That’s better” he said when she said she was sorry.

“I think the apology is a great place to start, he said, turning his head to look at her, as she turned her head to look at him. The slight twist of her body slid her breast over his thigh and he almost groaned. His body was hyper aware of hers.

“Let me ease the sting” he said as his hand began to rub small circles on her ass his fingers grazing the fabric again and again.

“Thongs are designed to flatter the ass. When you wear then you are inviting men to have lust ful thoughts. I get you home every night to keep you safe from them.

He lifted his hand and gave her a little seat, more of a paddle then a slap or spank. But he let his palm stretch over both ass cheeks, his hand feeling the hit of her sex when it landed. And he paused for a bit.

“That top your wearing shows off too much cleavage. To be worn outside. Clothes like that are fine around the house. But you will cover up more when you leave” he said as he gave her ass a final slap, this one with a little extra.

“Now stand up and look at me” he told her as he let her go completely
She was not even sure what she was apologizing for she did not feel as if she had done anything wrong. She took a deep breath annoyed and angry with her brother for doing this to her.

She slightly rolled her eyes at her brother when he told her that an apology was a great place to start, she bit her lip to keep from cursing at him when their eyes met one another, she was so ashamed at that moment and she wasn't even sure that he cared at this moment in time.

His words slightly made her breathing hitch when he mentioned easing the stings, as she felt him rub slow small circles around her bare ass she could feel his fingers grazing the fabric of her thong every so often.

She was confused by his words. "No one is looking up my skirt Mark, I know you want to keep me safe, but I do not understand why all of a sudden my choice of clothes is a problem." I knew I was only egging him on but I had to say what was on my mind as well.

She gasped more that time when he touched her bare stinging ass once more his hand seating on her ass firmly. She took a deep breath when he allowed his hand to palm over her ass cheeks but when his hand landed she felt it against her hot and wet sex, she blushed a shade of crimson red and had to look away. She took a deep breath grateful that he seemed to stop for a moment

"I don't understand Mark, you've never cared before what I wore... I am not that type of girl." She said softly looking away.

She cried out once more at his last hard slap, a tear escaping her eye more from embarrassment than anything else.

She took a deep breath and stood up smoothing her skirt down as she stood and tried to fix her tank realizing that it had gotten snagged and was now ripped. "I cannot believe you!" She yelled angrily, as she glared at him. "You not only humiliated me you ruined my favorite shirt." She said her face was hot and red and he could clearly see the tear roll down her cheek.
He watched her stand up and his eyes fixed on the tear of her shirt. Somehow it had gotten snagged, and now there was a hole.

The hole showed the bottom curve of one breast. Her bra was sheer so it almost seeemed like it wasn’t there, and he licked his lips as he looked up at her.

“You can’t believe me?”
He asked standing up. Then he took her by the upper arm and walked her into the bathroom they stopped in from of the mirror

“Look at yourself”
He said gesturing at the mirror

“You see a cute outfit. And I see tits” he tires her, then he reaches over to grab the bottom of her shirt and pulled it low again

“Look at all that skin, your boobs have grown so much they barely fit” he said as he looked at her.

“The shirt needs to be trashed anyway, it’s too small” he said as he gestured at the hole.

He said as his other hand gestured at her chest.
“Big hole or little hole. It doesn’t fit” he said, then in a moment of anger his hand shot out and grabbed the fabric at the hole, yanking and tearing it more. The hole gaped open showing the bottom of both breasts and her flat stomach

“The hole isn’t the problem”
He said as he gestured at her breasts, clad in the bra, the tops billowed out. She had grown a lot

Then he turned her side ways facing away from him

“Look”he said as his hands went to her skirt, lifting it slightly

“I barely lift it and your ass comes out” he said then he reaches over and knocks her hair brush on the floor

“Pick that up and your ass will be exposed for the world to see”
He reached down with one strong hand to held her at the hip, “bend down and pick it up” he told her as he held her, so she’d have to bend at the waist, presenting her ass right at him.
efore been mad at Mark so all of this was just to confusing to her.

She almost yelled that she couldn't believe him and she felt her heart pounding against her chest and thrumming in her ears. She watched as he stood up repeating what she said almost verbatim. He grabbed her upper arm not to where he was going to hurt her but enough to startle her as he pulled her toward the bathroom.

She did look at herself and she saw nothing wrong with what she was wearing she had worn it often and he never said anything before so why was now any different that is what confused her the most.

She listened as he spoke about her seeing a cute outfit and yes she still had seen nothing wrong with it. "Mark have you lost your Mind!" She screeched when he once more tugged her tank top down exposing her once more.

Her face grew heated when he mentioned that her breast had grown yes she had a growth spurt. "I admit I need some new clothes....'' She said feeling ashamed but at the same time, she had no reason to.

"It has a hole because of you!" She yelled anger mixed with humiliation all at the same time.

She looked at him her face red with a blush all over her face at his next words as he gestured towards her cleavage once more. "Again Mark, you put the hole in the damn shirt." She said angrily glaring at him. What happened next however stunned and shocked her, what the hell was wrong with him, he had never acted this way before she thought to herself. "Mark!" She yelled as he ripped her shirt, she was grateful she was wearing a bra even if it was sheer.

The hole wouldn't have been a problem she thought if you hadn't given it to me. What in the hell was going on she thought to herself her face red as she once more tried to keep herself from crying.

He then turned her sideways away from him, confusing her all over once again all of this was confusing and humiliating and she wondered if he even knew or had a grasp of what he was doing.

She nearly jumped when his hands went to the hem of her skirt, she turned beat red when he ever so slightly lifted her skirt.

She rolled her eyes at him, did he not realize that she was a lady and knew not to bend over in front of people or knew how to hold her skirt if she did? She jumped a little when her hairbrush hit the floor.

He had to be joking right? That was what this was, was some kind of joke. She slightly turned her head to look at her brother but could see that he indeed was not joking. "You cannot be serious Mark." She said looking at him, but knew that he was not joking and this time a tear did form in her eyes as she did what he told her.
He watched her reaction build. And as she turned her face towards him, and he saw the tear roll down her face, he felt anger and frustration well up just as fast as shame hesitation.

She just didn’t get it, he thought to himself as he pulled his eyes away from hers. The tear had glistened on her cheek and he had turned his head toward the mirror.

He saw her shapely thighs, exposed higher than normal, from all the rough handling of her. He saw the way her ass curved towards his waste. Her back was arched as she was poised to be as far from him where she could. By doing so she had her ass thrust towards him, and her chest was thrust out as she arched her shoulders away from him. Half turned as she was to look at him, one full breast had slid out of the hole in her shirt. The material was sheer and he could vaguely make out the location of her nipple.

He swallowed hard.

She didn’t understand. He did everything for her. Everything, he was glad to. He just needed her. He depended on her needing him. She had to see that. And all the work he did she had blossomed into a curvaceous woman. She was just too naive to understand.

He looked back at her

“Prove me right. Just say you slipped up and weren’t thinking” he told her as he looked at her, trying to smile and ease her nerves

“You don’t understand what guys are really like, the thoughts we have. I just want you to stay safe”

“And I’m sorry” he said giving her ass a light slap.

“But you have to obey curfew and you have to stop wearing things that can be indecent in one slip up. Now bend over and you’ll see” he said gesturing up at the mirror

“You’ll see just how much as I see. “
She hated feeling this way she had never been humiliated like this before and none less by her brother the one person in the world who made her feel safe. She had never let him see her cry, she did not like to show weakness it was the last thing she wanted and she wondered what she saw in her own brother's eyes but at the moment she could not think about that she was far too angry and hurt at the moment. She was grateful when he finally looked away from her.

Her heart was still pounding so hard against her chest as she bit her lip trying not to completely lose her cool.

She was feeling so many different emotions at the moment and she was not used to being on display like this, no man had ever been this close to her, and it made her nervous and confused all at the same time. She was too close rather he was too close she thought to herself. She was avoiding looking at him and she was avoiding the way all of this made her feel as she tried to be as far away from him as she could, even if in a sense that was the last thing she wanted which only added to her confusion. She wanted to scream, cry, ask him to stop but she did none of those things. She was in a weird pose she thought and she felt her breast slip through the hole and tried to hide her embarrassment that she knew her hard nipple would be exposed through the sheer bra she was wearing. Fuck me she thought to herself her whole state of mind was in a bad place.

She shook her head refusing to let another tear escape her eyes.

"I... I didn't think anything of the skirt honestly.... but my tank you've never said anything, Mark.." She said softly biting her lip realizing she was slightly shaking.

"I am safe Mark, you've taught me to be that way...but you can't hide me in a box without trusting me." She said her breathing heavy as she tried to control her feelings.

It confused her more when he told her he was sorry, yet she was not sure what he was apologizing for. She gasped again when he slapped her ass lightly.

She bit her lip, she should not even have a curfew yet here they were. And he should not worry about what she wore, he was her brother, not her boss, not her father, and not her boyfriend no matter how much she may love him, but she dared not say any of that to him at the moment. She could not believe that he wanted her to bend over in front of him, but then again wasn't she just over his knee with him spanking her?

She did as she was told, however, and he had been right but it wasn't as if she just bent over in front of people she knew how to maintain herself in public. She was very aware of how on display she was.
He was losing his mind. How did she not understand. Didn’t she see how gorgeous and perfect she was. Didn’t she understand that guys wanted nothing more than to fuck girls like her.

He watched as she bent over, and her full cheeks came into view, the skin red from the slaps he’d given her earlier.

“You say your careful but that’s why they are called accidents” he said to her as he grabbed a fistful of her too and pulled her back up to stand straight.

“And what’s wrong with this shirt? It used to be fine but your boobs have grown too big. It doesn’t fit anymore” he told her point blank and he used his hand on her hips to spin her around.

“Too much cleavage” he said as he lifted his hands and touched the tips of her breasts.

“It’s too tight” he said as he pointed out how stretched that material was. So tight it showed her nipples.

“It’s too tight if I can see your nipples” he said to her as his eyes locked on the one that was sticking through the hole.

He reached out both hands, grabbing opposite sides of the hole, and in one swift moment he tore the shirt, ripping the hole from hemline to neckline

“There now it’s trash” he said. But his voice had changed. When he had yanked her shirt open her breasts had jiggled deliciously. He realized then that….

“Your bra is too small too. Look at how your tits practically spill out of the top”

“You can’t wear that out of the house either, men will see you and want you
She had never been more confused by anything before in her life and she wanted to tell him that he was crazy and that what he was doing was crazy, yet she did not. She could not figure out why he was so upset, it was not as if she was giving herself to anybody, it should not matter what guys wanted she wasn't giving it. He was starting not to just make her angry but he was starting to piss her off. She shook her head at him her expression unreadable but readable at the same time.

Her ass was still stinging from the spanking he had given her not that long ago and she was feeling more and more humiliated by the moment.

"I am not a fucking child Mark! I don't understand where the hell this is coming from." I all but yelled at him, my heart pounding against my chest as my eyes turned pure fire in my anger, but it did not deter you in the least. When he grabbed her and made her stand straight again she was able to look into his eyes even if it wasn't what she wanted to do at the moment.

Are we on this fucking shirt again she thought to herself her heart and her chest heaving at all the emotions that were going through her? It was not that small on her she thought to herself but damned if she would say it to him at the moment, he was losing his fucking mind she thought to herself when he grabbed her by her hips and swung her around firmly and closer to him now.

She gasped when he reached his hands out and touched just the tips of her breast ever so lightly causing her nipples to pebble all over again, confusion once more taking over her.

She shook her head they were fucking breasts all women had them, so why was this such a big deal for him? Was it just because she was his little sister, men were always going to stare there wasn't a damn thing either of them could do about it.

Again she shook her head at him this was just too insane to believe that this was happening she thought to herself.

"Mark!!!" She yelled out as he ripped her fucking shirt open her breast heaving as he did so as she was shaking now in anger. "That was uncalled for!" She said backing away from him a little.

She noticed that what she had said to him did not matter one iota there was something different in Mark and she just was not sure what to think at this moment.

She looked at him as if he was insane at the mention of her bra being too small, was he fucking kidding?

"Mark they can't see under my shirt! It is a bra!" She said in an exasperated tone.
As she stepped back and began to fuss at him, he only partially listened. With her her shirt torn open, his eyes had locked on her chest. She had grown quite a bit since she had warm that bra. Not only did the flesh of her breasts spill out of the tops of her bra where her cleavage showed just how overwhelmed the sheet material was.

The under curves of her breasts were also visible from where her bra was lifted off her chest and breast spilled free.

“Can’t you see that by not fitting right it calls more attention to it” he told her as he gestured at her hefty tit.

“You can see your titty spilling out of the top and even underneath” and when he pointed that out his hand darted out and his finger traced the undercover of one breast. His finger slid along the fabric of the bra, and the soft flesh of her breast that had spilled free

“Here” , he said with a delighted smile as his hand returned to his side.

“You have to admit it can’t be comfortable either?” He asked as his other hand slipped up to her shoulder, finger darting underneath the shoulder strap. He pulled the strap off her shoulder, watching how the material relaxed as the strain of holding her breast was relieved. He released the strap, letting it slide down her arm as his hand returned to his side

“Doesn’t that feel Better” he asked as his eyes lifted to hers, his voice grew deep, the hunger becoming quite obvious.

“That skirt and that top were such poor choices sister. You don’t realize what it can do to a man. The way you look now in your old clothes. They just don’t fit. I’ll have to try and pick up some shifts so we can get you some new clothes. “

His eyes shifted from hers back down to her straining bra.

“Let me see your bra so I can get the size. Then you can go and get one of my work out tank tops since you like tank tops so much.

“don’t worry about a bra. I’ll give you yours back when I’m done “ his said as he lifted his hand up in expectation
She could tell he was completely in his head and that her words were falling flat on him and that annoyed and bothered her, did he know nothing of his sister anymore? She almost noticed the way he was looking at her but at the moment she did not think too much of it, or rather she did not want to think about it. She took a deep breath and took notice of her brother's heavy breathing and wondered what in the hell was going through his mind. She bit her lip and tried not to think too much of it.

She looked at him and wished for a moment she could read his mind, but then again did she want to know what was going through her brother's mind at the moment, no she was sure she did not want to.

"I wear it under a shirt Mark, no one but I see it." She said exasperated at this point with him.

She looked at him once more like he had completely and utterly lost his mind and she was sure he had or at least she felt as if he had. She gasped at the slight touch not thinking much of it, thinking he was just trying to get his point across even if it made her uncomfortable.

She looked at him a confused expression in her blue eyes.

She shook her head it did not bother her but what was the point in admitting that at the moment? "What are you doing?" She asked softly when he placed his finger under one of her straps. She gasped when he pulled both straps down and her breasts were barely in her bra now. What the hell was going on she thought to herself.

She looked at him but did not have a good enough response so she just shook her head and said nothing.

She looked at him still not seeing anything wrong with the outfit she had been wearing, most girls wore even less than that. She shook her head at him, yes she knew how men were and how they thought, but at the same time, she could handle herself and never allowed their advances to sway her. She could not believe Mark was acting this way. Her clothes still fit she thought sure a few were a little tight but not horribly so she decided he was making a bigger deal of this than it was.

She noticed that his eyes had traveled back to her standing there clad in only her bra and torn shirt, the humiliation still very evident on her face.

He could not be serious right now she thought to herself, he had to be joking. It was not that she liked tank tops that much it was just that one had been one of her favorites.

"Are you serious?" She asked looking at him incredulously. He could not be serious but she knew deep down that he most definitely was serious, so she slightly turned undid the bra and turned to hand it to him covering her breasts as she did so. "I cannot believe you are doing this." She said
Why did she have to challenge him, he thought to himself as she stalled. She should be obeying him. He wasn’t asking too kuch

He wanted her to appear meek and humble. This way she wouldn’t attract the attention of guys.

Guys who would want to see her breasts. Guys who would want to grab them and squeeze them. Tear her clothes off to see them.

She didn’t understand that a little stumble over a curb on the street and her skirt could have her ass on display for the entire street.

Her curves were so enticing, he thought as he looked at her when she asked him if he was serious about her bra. His eyes had dipped son, noting now that her tits were still high and full on her chest, even though the straps were off her shoulder. But the bra almost appeared to be resting on her breasts. The sheer push of their weight almost had the material rolling off her breasts.

She halves turned away from him, her eyes shimmering in the dim light of the overhead bulb in the bathroom.

As she turned , his eyes dippped down to her slender waist and the cute curve of her lovely ass, where her twisted posture accentuated the curve deliciously.

He caught motion in the corner of his eye in the mirror, the angle let him see the profile of one breast bouncing free as she unclamped her bra, with her back to him still.

He watched the orb jiggle slightly as she shrugged out of her bra, then watched the soft flesh billow out around her arm as she did the best she could to cover herself. It made him state all the harder.

His eyes glanced up to hers, where she had an extended arm holding out the bra.

He lifted his hand, and took it.

“Seriously sister. Don’t you see how much attention these ill fittting clothes called to your breasts? If you want to calll attention to your breasts, but then now you cover them. Do you see what a mixed signal you send?” He asked as he licked his lips, his voice growing thicker and deeper as his eyes glanced from hers, back to the swell of her tits where they billowed around her hands as she didn’t best to cover them.

“Can you see how it’s confusing?”he asked her as he stepped back.

“So go ahead then. Let me see then. You’ve been wearing clothes that draw the eye. Now it’s time to pay up. Drop your arms. In fact, you don’t get to wear one of my tank tops”

He told her with an evil grin.

“Fine if you want to show off your body. Then get used to it” he said.

“From now on when you’re at home with me. You will only wear panties. Then you can see exactly what it’s like being on display like that. “ he told her with a grin. Finding the idea very enticing.

“And when we go out you will wear loose sweat pants And a hoody unless I say otherwise” he did find that look sexy too. Plus he now had an idea of the real curves it would hide. He lifts the bra up and looked at the sheer material. Eyeing the tag

“36 D, hmm maybe you are in the DD are now”
Did he not realize what he was putting her through or how he was treating her? This was more than humiliating her or upsetting her or was he just too much in his head to realize what he was doing she wondered to herself. She hated him at the moment and she never knew that was something she could ever feel towards her brother.

She still could not understand why he was doing this to her, surely he did not treat his girlfriends this way she thought to herself. She sighed to herself, she knew she could not keep her mouth shut.

She felt every emotion running through her, once she trusted and respected her brother, but at this moment in time, she was not sure what she was feeling towards him anymore. He did not trust her she thought to herself or he would not be acting this way. She shook her head still fighting the tears that were ready to roll down her face.

She was a woman yes, but she sure as hell knew how to take care of herself and it pissed her off that he could not see that in the least.

She was still bewildered that this was happening at all, she thought she was in the Twilight Zone or something, or as if perhaps she had been dreaming. She did not want to fight him, no she did not have the energy to fight him. How could he be doing this to her, she thought to herself. Do not let him see you cry she thought to herself, pondering on what to do in her situation.

She felt the tears glistening but she fought like hell to keep them at bay she did not want to seem weak, even if that was exactly how she was feeling.

She hated him in this moment hated him almost as much as she hated her mother and she never thought that would ever be possible.

As she removed her bra her heart was pounding against her chest blood was thrumming in her ears, and she was turning more and more red by the moment.

She turned and looked at him her hands over her chest as best as she could as she covered her now bare breast. She slightly looked away not being able to look him in his eyes.

She held it out for him to take.

She looked down at the floor as he accepted it she did not want to look into his eyes for she knew the dam was about to break at any moment.

She barely looked at him as he began to speak once more. "I don't dress any differently than some of the girls you bring around, they dress worse than this!" She yells her rage boiling over. "You're my fucking brother Mark, of course I am going to cover them!" She was trying to control herself but was finding it very hard to do. "They are covered by a shirt Mark, do you know how insane you sound right now!" She yelled. She half noticed the way his voice changed but she did not think too much of it at the moment considering it was the last thing she needed at the moment.

"I don't see where it's confusing, I see only that you are confusing me in the way you are acting.'' She said a little softer this time.

She looked up at him when he told her to go again wondering for a moment what he meant. She shook her head when he told her to let him see, he could not be serious, could he? She asked herself. "I wear fucking clothes Mark if someone notices that is on them not me, when did you stop trusting me?" She asked and again looked away the tears ready to break down at any moment. He was fucking serious she thought to herself. "Are you insane!" She screamed when he told her to drop her arms and then told her he could not wear one of his tank tops.

The way he looked at her, only made her that much more confused.

She looked at him and wondered what the hell he meant by that.

"You are my brother I sure will not be doing that Mark, my brother! Do you even hear yourself and how insane and crazy you sound right now?" She asked and yelled all in the same sentence. "I can move out you know I have friends, I can get a job." She told him and at the moment she meant it even if it would have been the last thing she wanted to do.

"And I will wear what the hell I want, I don't understand why you are treating me like this." She said softly and she could not fight the tears back any longer as the dam finally broke and she did not even realize that she had removed her hands from her breast to hastily get rid of the tears rolling down her cheeks now.
Her yelling cut like a knife, pointing out so many things that he was in fact quite proud of. His sister had grown up to be a wonderful woman. A delicious woman.

Not only did her yelling cut like a knife, but her body called to him, a spell cast on his eyes.

As she yelled at him, her arms were trying to cover her breasts, and the way her chest heaved as she took lungfuls of air to yell at him. This made her chest heave. Swelling this way and that, the swell of her breast squished against her ribs. Or the way the bottom of her breast would swell against her arm, or swell around her small hands.

These two things conflicted in his mind, but only briefly, because it was really all the same.

The evil thoughts, or undeniable temptations, he was fussing at his sister for invoking in others, was really him.

She callled to him. He had watched her grow and bloom. He had worked so hard to support them. And as time had gone on, he had found himself so busy getting her through school, he had lost his life. Well it was more like his world had shrunk.

It had shrunk down to just her. And she was, undeniably amazing.

During this mental struggle she had finally broken down after venting all
Of her confusion with him. As the tears finally rolled off the gorgeous blonds face, and as she lifted her hands to wipe her tears away, her full breasts bounced free.

He watched, her heart skipping a beat as his body, and soul, throbbed at them.

His groin began to swell and stiffen almost instantly. As she wiped one Cheek then the other, her breasts jiggled softly, her brown nipples swaying on the peaks of those firm mounds.

He froze and stared. Swallowing hard he tried to speak. His eyes finally shifting up to her.

“You want people looking right? How does it feel?me looking?” He asked her when her eyes finally turned back to him. His voice was a curious mix of hunger and curiosity and shame and ….
She was so angry at him right now and she hated that, because she never once felt like that, she had loved him more than anything else in life but at the moment she hated him. Fucking asshole she thought to herself, biting her lip hating how angry she felt. She had been in love with him and not the way a sister should love her brother but at the moment she did not know what in the hell she was feeling. She sighed inwardly her anger boiling over.

She could sense that none of how she was feeling phased him or so that's what it felt like.

It was as if her yelling was falling flat, but she also felt the way his eyes were watching her, the way his eyes seemed darker now as did his voice. She needed to control the way she was feeling but she was having a hard time in doing so. She breathed deeply as she looked away from him once more, she could not stand looking into his eyes at the moment. She was so angry she could feel how hot she was, she could feel how red her face was turning.

She wasn't sure what the hell was going through her brother's mind just that she was feeling as if he had completely lost it.

What was going on with him she wondered and she felt as if this was partly her fault, she felt as if he resented her and that hurt she hadn't asked for any of this after all, not any more than he had asked for it either.

Her chest was heaving and she was so fucking angry she felt she could slap him at the moment and thats what she wanted to do, but she thought against that. She shook her head trying like hell to get herself together. She wanted nothing more than to walk away from him, but at the same time, she just could not. "I know you resent me Mark, but I did not ask for this, you did not have to take me in." She whispered finally admitting the way she was feeling. She again looked away she did not want him to see the hurt in her eyes.

She could not understand any of this, why he was doing this, why he was humiliating her in this way.

She could not hold back her tears any longer and she hated that about herself, she hated that she was going to break down in front of him, she did not want that, she did not want to show weakness, and it still seemed as if he cared less about the way she was feeling and that hurt her the most.

She was confused...

She again regained her composure hastily wiping her tears away.

"I never dress for people to look Mark! I just wear fucking clothes I can't help if people look!" She looked at him and then finally realized what he had said about him looking at her.

Finally she had enough and walked up to him and slapped him in the face, afterwards she felt mortified.
He still only half heard her. He was lost to her. He had spent so much of his life devoted to her. Making she had everything she needed, even if it wasn’t everything she wanted.

As she had grown he had watched her blossom. He had watched how his work and effort had created a place for her to bloom into the lovely curvaceous thing in front of him.

But it wasn’t fair. She wasn’t his, he knew, but he’d begun to ask himself, why not?

The slap had caught him off guard as she had turned to him, apparently he wasn’t listening again.

That was ok though as he’d watched her hands come away from her body. Her breasts bounce and jiggle. Then he saw stars.

He turns back to her, his mood changing abruptly.

“Where in the fuck do you get off laying your hands on me?” He said in a voice that had been getting deeper with lust, but was now a dark growl in his chest.

He grabbed her arm, steadying g it behind her back, his other hand shooting up to her kneel, shoving her face down to the bathroom counter. The construction work he did valid well, and years of it made her putty in his hands

He stood behind her, and leveraging his grip on her wrist, he slid to the side.

He had been standing directly behind her. He had seen the way her breasts spilled out around her ribs as she was pressed into the counter.

His cock had been pressed right between her full round ass, and he had felt it twitch, just a moment after he had felt the warmth softness of her panty clad sex through the material of his gym shorts

Sliding v to the side he let go of her neck, putting pressure on her arm so she’d feel that she was stuck as the pressure built in her sholder.

He let go of her neck as the other skid over her back, dipping down he caught the hem of her skirt, flipping it up onto her back, as. He eyed the curve of her ass.

“I disciplined you for breaking a rule and you slap me. That is not how things go in this house. You want to move out, fine, that’s on you. But your cut off then. Good luck paying for college and paying all your own bills on that class load of yours” he said with a chuckle that was followed with another swift slap on her right cheek.

But, his hand stayed there. After delivering the blow. His hand squeezed and rubbed at her ass.

“But we don’t go around slapping people. As to what’s gotten into me?” He said with a smile as he let go of her ass cheek. Raised his hand, and let it come down on the other ass cheek. This was the closer cheek to him, and as his hand squeezed, he noticed that his finger tips slide over her panty clad sex

He swallowed as his cock stirred.

“Your in my house in clothes my money paid for eating food my money bought. You’ve been doing this for 10 years. I deserve obedience and respect” he told her as he was finally able to lift his hand free form her ass, his fingertips gliding free of her sex last.

“You’re not out there for other guys to stare at. I’m the only one besides your husband that can see you like this. I’m family. And there are parts of that which you don’t know because mom and dad died. Because you were too young to learn what being a good sister means. They told ne
How to be a good brother. Teach you things. Protect you. Support you. “

He said in a voice that had lost some lust as the memories came over him and he let go of her arm

“I’m protecting you from your self. You’re naive and you don’t know what it’s like to be in the mind of a man. And how much we think about..,.it”
She could not believe she just did that she thought to herself, instantly feeling sorry that she did. She was trying to get him to make any of this make sense, cause none of this was making sense to her. She knew he must hate her, and how could she even blame him for that when she completely understood why he would hate her? She wanted to just leave her room, but Mark was stronger and much faster than she was so she thought against that as well.

She could sense he was still lost in his thoughts and her anger had overtaken her, but this was not the type of person she was. She wanted to cry again but she had already done that and he didn't even care then so why would he a second time around she thought to herself.

What did he want from her, she always obeyed his rules, it was not as if she had done some cardinal sin or anything. She took a long deep breath knowing that this was not going to go well.

She noticed that the slap must have finally caught up to him and brought him back into the room.

I bite my lip, I did not want you to see me like this you were my brother for fuck sake. My slap felt like it was in slow motion, but this was not a movie or a dream.

When he turned to look at her, she noticed the change in his eye and she now felt terrified of her brother something she never thought possible.

She tried to back up a little when he asked her who the fuck she thought she was to lay hands on him, couldn't she have said the same thing when she was bent over his knee and he was spanking her not but a half hour ago. The tempo in his voice was even different she thought to herself, her heart starting to pound louder and louder in her chest.

"Dammit Mark, you're hurting me." She cried out when he bent her arm behind her back and then shoved her face into the bathroom counter, not enough to do any serious harm, however. She struggled slightly against him, trying to get him to let her go, but he was far too strong to compete with.

"Mark please." She begged softly as she continued to try and get out of his grasp to no avail.

She could hear him breathing against her neck, his breathing and the beating of her heart were all that was to be heard in the small bathroom of hers. She was all but naked at this point and she was feeling more and more vulnerable and humiliated.

She could feel that he was hard, but in her fog-filled mind of everything else that was going on, she did not think anything of it.

She sighed a breath of relief when he took pressure off her neck but then felt the added pressure on her shoulder. "Mark, that fucking hurts." She gasped out.

Once more his hand was flipping her skirt up, her thong once more visible her ass still red from the spanking he had given her not that long ago.

"You are crazy, that's why I slapped you!" She says trying to reason with him somehow. "Why did you agree to raise me if you hate me?" She finally asked. She could only see his face in the mirror because of the way you had her situated. She thought about him cutting her off, would he do that to her she wondered to herself, and the way he was acting tonight she was sure he would have. I gasp as another slap lands on my cheek. "I get get a job, you don't want me here anyway." She said loudly, closing her eyes trying to pretend she was anywhere but with him at the moment.

She was stunned when he did not land another slap right away, She was half expecting that and half not. She felt how he rubbed and squeezed her tight firm ass but again she was too naive to think anything of it after all.

He was right, but then again wasn't her slapping him in the face the same as him spanking her ass? She shook her head and yes what the fuck had gotten into him she wondered. The next slap felt harder than the first and she jumped her ass pushing more against his cock this time and she felt a slight trace of his fingertip touch against her panty-clad pussy.

She felt as if she were having an out-of-body experience.

She looked at him stunned, how many times had she offered to get a job to help him pay bills, or just help in general in any way that she could? She again did not ask for him to be the one to take care of her. Again she felt the tears spring to her eyes, his words hurt more than the slaps he had laid upon her now once again stinging red ass.

"I did not ask for Mom and Dad to die. I offered to help you, why keep me if you resent having to take care of me?" She asked softly as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She was confused by his words, she was confused by all of this. "I am doing the best I can Mark, I am trying to be the best sister for you." She said softly but could not meet his eyes.

She sighed as he finally let go of the arm that had been holding her in place and she slightly rubbed it, she should have bolted when she had the chance but she didn't.

I looked at him perhaps he was right about that part, but the rest of everything and the way he was treating her was bull shit she thought to herself. "What do you want from me?" She finally asked still not looking at him.