"Some Peoples' Children"


Really Experienced
Apr 29, 2013
Open to 1 Female. See OOC at bottom for particulars.

(OOC: Found this image and my dick jumped.)

I shot the little convertible down the hill from the "Big House" and -- rounding a final corner near the cabins where the seasonal employees lived -- slammed on the brakes at the sight of her in the middle of the road.

I set the brake and hopped up onto the back of the seat, looking out with shock. "Louisa...?"

I'd never seen our foreman's daughter like this! Loose blouses and pants for working in the vineyard; maybe an occasional dress that reached past her knees. But never had I seen her in anything that showed off her unbelievable female form like ... like this!

(OOC -- The plot -- if you can call it that -- is that she has always wanted him, because he's attractive and the estate owner's kid; and -- now, seeing how incredible she is -- he most certainly wants her. It's a quick rush to sex; just a fun RP to get us all hot and bothered. Nothing complex.)
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