Kimmie and Marcus (a 1x1 from "The Island")


Dec 11, 2022
"Kimmie and Marcus"

(a 1x1 from "The Island")


Note to readers:
  • This thread will eventually include incest.
  • At least that's the plan.
  • It won't happen right away, but it will happen.
  • If you've been following the parent thread, "The Island", you know that my writing partner and I hadn't planned on splitting off to write any more 1x1s and had, instead, planned on keeping all characters properly placed in the timeline of the main thread.
  • However, not everyone is into incest, so we are splitting off this father-daughter interaction.
  • This 1x1 is prefaced by what begins happening between Marcus Taylor and Doris Parker at Post #56 and continues to post #58; the action then skips all the way down to Post #84; and then, it jumps to this thread.
  • This thread could possibly include multiple scenes spread out over days, month, or years. Once each scene is concluded, I will take you right back to the proper post in the timeline of the parent thread so that you can continue reading onward without missing anything.

Marcus Taylor's image and profile; 48 years old
Kimmie Taylor's Image and profile; 19 years old
Doris Parker's image and profile; 24 years old

Day 4, late evening
South Beach Trailhead, Village Side

Marcus had rushed up the trail toward the Village in the hopes of catching up to and talking to his daughter before she shared with her mother what she'd seen. He couldn't even imagine what she was thinking right now; she'd come across him just as he was emptying his balls into the mouth of a beauty young woman who obviously wasn't his wife.

He had absolutely no idea what he was going to say to Kimmie. He'd never been caught cheating before; he'd been so careful regarding his mistress and his other extramarital encounters -- affairs, one-night stands, and high-priced escorts -- that he'd never even considered what he would say if ever his infidelities were discovered.

He was about to burst out of the jungle when -- just a bit off to one side -- he caught sight of a figure standing alone in the dark. He slowed, stopped, and finally recognized the shape as his little girl He called out, "Kimmie!"

She spun to face him, and even in the darkness with only the moonlight illuminating her face, Marcus could see that Kimmie was crying.

"Kimmie, I need to speak with you about what you saw," he told her as he neared her slowly. "Please ... let me explain. I can explain."

She didn't run away or pick up a stone and throw it at his head or curse him to hell. She just stood there as he neared her, sobbing. Marcus moved slowly all the way up to her, taking her upper arms into his hands and -- as he looked into her eyes with a sincere and sympathetic tone -- told her, "I know, baby. I know."

If she didn't prevent him from doing it -- which was very possible, he knew -- he would pull her into his arms and hold her tightly, as father's do when their little girls are hurting.
Day 4, late evening
South Beach Trailhead, Village Side


Marcus's daughter spun at his calling out her name. Her first thought was to turn again and run. Run where, she didn't know. To her mother, to tattle on her father for what she'd caught him doing? Or simply into the Village to find a place to hide from him amongst the other castaways?

"Kimmie, I need to speak with you about what you saw," he said. "Please ... let me explain. I can explain."

She didn't run. She just stood there, frozen. She was so lost at that moment. She was unsure of how she should feel about her father's infidelity. Worse yet, she was unsure of how she should feel about her feelings about him ... not as her father, but as a man and, dare she think it, a lover.

Kimmie had never truly understood her erotic feelings toward her father. They had been just fleeting thoughts. And honestly, she'd so easily dismissed them. She didn't want to have sex with her father! Did she? No! No, of course not! And yet, she'd stood there watching him fuck Doris and imagined herself as the woman on her hands and knees.

She'd only even realized that after she'd fled the beach. And again, she'd easily dismissed it. Kimmie had lost her virginity just days before her family's Australia vacation. She'd found herself thinking about sex far more than she ever did while in Sydney. She'd fantasized about many handsome men.

Fantasizing about her father moments earlier had simply been an extension of the hunger she was feeling. Right? Surely.

Her father approached. She was sobbing and didn't even realize it. He took her in his arms. He reassured her, "I know, baby. I know."

She only continued to sob. At first, her arms simply hung at her side. But she eventually lifted them to hug him back. They stood there in the darkness for what seemed forever. At some point, Kimmie realized that her father smelled. He smelled of sweat. She knew that scent from his daily workouts in their home gym.

But he smelled of something else, too. She'd never smelled it before. It didn't take a genius to identify the scent. It was Doris. Not perfume or scented soap or shampoo. It was her! From down there!

Kimmie pulled out of her father's arms. She backed away. She couldn't look him in the eyes. "I ... I need to go. I ... I need sleep. I don't want to talk about this right now."

She turned to flee but stopped after just a couple of yards. She turned back to her father. She studied him a moment. She told him in a sincere tone, "I won't tell mom."

Kimmie could have said more but didn't. Again, she turned and fled for their little hut, her bedroom, and her bed.
"I ... I need to go," Kimmie said after pulling away from her father. "I ... I need sleep."

"Please, baby," Marcus tried.

But he wasn't going to get his opportunity to explain himself as his daughter, told him, "I don't want to talk about this right now." She turned to flee but then stopped and promised, "I won't tell mom."

And then she was gone. Marcus stood there for the longest time, unsure of what to do next. Could he trust that Kimmie would keep this to herself? Should he hurry home to confess and explain? Could he spin some bullshit story about having been drunk on airline alcohol and seduced? He decided to instead just go home, get into bed, and go to sleep, hoping that Kimmie had kept quiet. If she hadn't, there was a chance Marcus might wake up in the night to find a bamboo stake sticking out of his chest.

He began the direction of the family's new hut, only to realize the same thing about himself that his daughter had earlier: he smelled of sex. Marcus couldn't go home like this; it would make Kimmie's actions entirely moot. He headed instead for the bath stalls that one of his Construction Brigade teams had been working on earlier in the day. They weren't fully operational yet, of course; the future water supply -- the top of a small waterfall more than a mile away -- was possibly weeks from being a reality.

But the structure itself was finished, a basic four-walled enclosure providing privacy for a sponge bath. The current water supply was rainwater, caught by the original lean-to shelter and directed into a variety of containers. Some of that water was put in a large metal container sitting inches over a small fire that was regularly tended per the Job Assignment Chart. But for now, if you wanted a hot shower, it was up to you to haul water from the heated pot to the containers hung over the actual shower area inside one of the 4 stalls.

Marcus found himself alone at the facility. He carted both hot and cold water to one of the stalls, filled the overhead container to a satisfying warm temperature, stripped, and cleaned up. He hadn't expected to be here, of course -- Doris had been an unexpected though wonderful spur of the moment encounter -- so he had neither soap nor a towel. But he got the smell off his body, and that was enough for now.

He refilled the water-heating container as was the rule and made his way home. He slowed short of the hut, anxious about what to expect. He couldn't hide from this, though. All he could do was go on. His daughter would either tell her mother or not; his daughter would understand or not; and they would continued to be a tight-knit, loving family or not. There was nothing Marcus could do about any of that tonight.
Day 4, night (cont.)

After she essentially fled her father's proximity, Kimmie wandered. She didn't go home to the family hut. She had told her father that she wouldn't inform her mother about his infidelity. His cheating. His cock in another woman's pussy and mouth. She'd promised him. And yet she feared being unable to fulfill that promise.

Instead, she wandered the Village. There were castaways about, even this late. She avoided them, though. She wasn't unfriendly if they spoke to her or smiled her way. But she didn't engage those who didn't first engage her.

Her mind was still swimming with her thoughts about her father. She didn't want to believe that she wanted a sexual relationship with him. After all, he was her father. She was his little girl. Okay, so, no longer little. She was a woman. She'd had sex, even if it had only been once. But still. It was wrong to have such thoughts about one's father. Wasn't it?

Still, she'd watched him with that Doris woman. She'd watched him and wondered what it would have been like to be her. To have her father's penis inside her. The thrusting. The pleasure. The ecstasy. Doris had experienced that ecstasy. Kimmie was sure she would, too.


Kimmie nearly jumped out of her shoes at the sound of a male voice very near to her.

"I'm so sorry!" he said. "I didn't mean to startle you."

Only the moonlight illuminated the man. It took a minute for her to identify him. His name was Julio. Julio Ferraz.
Day 4, night (cont.)
At the village

Julio Ferraz took a slight step forward but got no closer; he didn't want to frighten the young woman as they stood there in the dark, essentially alone. He asked, "You're Kimmie, right?" He paused for her answer, if she answered. "Kimmie Taylor?"

Again, he paused. Unnecessarily, he introduced himself, "I'm Julio. Julio Ferraz. I work for your father. I'm on his Construction Brigade. I built your hut." He laughed. "I mean, I helped build your hut ... me and a dozen other guys. Your father helped, too, I guess. I mean, he designed it. He and that big guy, the New Zealander ... the Maori...?" He paused, trying to recall the man's name. "Ihaka, I think."

Julio took one more, small step toward Kimmie, asking with sincere concern, "Are you alright? You look ... well, I don't know ... but..." One more smell step put Julio just out of Kimmie's reach. He told her, "I can help ... you know, if you need anything. Do you want me to walk you back to your hut?"
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
At the village

"I work for your father," Julio told Kimmie.

A chill ran up her spine at the mention of her father. She'd been trying to get him out of her mind. It hadn't been working. So maybe Julio's mention of him hadn't done any harm.

"I'm on his Construction Brigade," he continued. "I built your hut."

He laughed and explained about having been only one member of the team. Then he asked, "Are you alright? You look ... well, I don't know ... but..."

"I'm alright," she said, finally speaking. She was lying, of course.

He must have sensed it. He told her, "I can help ... you know, if you need anything."

Kimmie doubted that. She needed help understanding her feelings about her father. What could Julio do about that?"

He offered, "Do you want me to walk you back to your hut?"
She hadn't planned on returning yet. But she knew she had to at some point. She'd been avoiding two things as she walked around the Village. The first had been the temptation to tell her mother about her father. The second was, of course, her father.

Softly, she said, "Sure. Thanks."

They turned toward the Taylor hut. They walked side by side through the dark in silence. Kimmie didn't really have anything to say to him. It wasn't that long a walk anyway. She hadn't realized just how close to home her walk had gotten her.

They approached from the hut's side. It was the side on which her bedroom was located. She came to a stop several yards away, turning to face Julio. She'd been thinking about what he'd offered, to help her. Initially, she'd thought there was nothing Julio could do for her. What could he do to help her with her feelings regarding her father?

A new thought came to her now, though. She whispered to him, "You helped build my family's home. Would you like to see it...? The inside, I mean."

Kimmie glanced at the shutter covering the window. It was just a square opening, of course. They didn't actually have glass panes. She looked back to Julio. Still whispering, she asked, "Do you want to see my room?"

She would wait for his reply. But either way, Kimmie turned for the window. She lifted the shutter, supporting it with the bamboo pole attached to it. She looked to Julio and smiled. "Help me inside?"
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
At the village

They arrived at Kimmie's family's hut, where she asked, "Would you like to see it...? The inside, I mean."

Her question surprised Julio: he hadn't expected it, not that he didn't welcome it. He glanced at the hut just as she did, then whispered, "I wouldn't want to wake your parents."

Kimmie had a more specific idea in mind, though, and Julio realized that it didn't include her parents knowing she'd brought a guy home with her when she asked, "Do you want to see my room?"

She headed for the window that Julio already knew led to her separated bedroom, opened the shutter, and asked, "Help me inside?"

Julio had hesitated at Kimmie's question about seeing her room, and now he seriously hesitated at helping her into it via the window. Julio most definitely wanted to see Kimmie's bedroom. But taking a pretty young thing to a bedroom that he knew was separated from her parents' sleeping area by nothing more than a couple of airline blankets hanging from a bamboo pole home because he had been part of the construction was far different than taking her back to an apartment or dorm room that, at the most, she shared with a roommate or two or ten.

He looked about for prying eyes and seeing none walked over to stand close to Kimmie. He began in whisper, "Your parents..."

As he was talking, Julio glanced through the open window and saw Kimmie's bed. His cock had already begun stiffening at the thought of being with Kimmie; she was such a cute little thing, and Julio liked women with tight, petite bodies. He'd been about to warn that her parents would hear them, but seeing her bed only seemed to make it harder to turn her down. Again, he looked around for others who might be watching what they were doing; Julio hadn't snuck into a girl's bedroom since high school, and -- ironically -- he'd been caught by a neighbor who'd called the cops, thinking he was a burglar.

Julio smiled wickedly to Kimmie, leaned down, and easily swept him up into her arms. He was short and squat compared to many guys, but -- as a former high school All-State wrestler and more recently a candidate for SEAL training -- he had more than enough strength to lift her little body off the ground.

"Shhh," he whispered as he smiled to her, lifting her through the window. "Don't wake your parents."

He carefully lowered Kimmie to her feet on the far side of the wall from where he still stood. He waved her back from the window and -- knowing that the construction might now support his weight -- performed a very athletic, almost acrobatic leap through it into the hut. He landed on both feet and let his weight dropped to a squat, letting the springing action absorb the shock and, thus, the sound.

Standing tall again, he lifted a finger to his lips indicating silence, then stepped up close to her and whispered, "We're hear. Now what?"

He was hoping that Kimmie had brought him here for sex, of course. But he would be happy to go along with whatever she came up with next.
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
At the village

Kimmie began to fear that Julio wasn't going to come home with her. She'd asked for help getting into her room, and he hadn't moved. Finally, though, he came up to stand close to her. He began, "Your parents..."

He paused as he looked into her room. Kimmie didn't realize that he'd noticed her bed and begun running fantasy scenarios through his mind. She thought he was simply concerned about Marcus and Gladys knowing he was here. She whispered, "My mother sleeps like a rock. And my father..."

She hesitated. Her father wasn't as light a sleeper as his wife. He likely would awaken if Kimmie and Julio made too much noise. Kimmie didn't care, though. She'd caught him having sex with Doris tonight. Maybe it was time for him to catch her having sex with Julio. It would suit him right.

Suddenly, the young sailor lifted Kimmie off her feet. She giggled in surprise, to which he whispered, "Shhh. Don't wake your parents."

He held her through the window and lowered her to the ground. Then, like a Jack-in-the-box, he sprung through the window. Again, Kimmie couldn't help but giggled. This time, at least, she slapped a hand over her face.

Julio whispered, "We're here. Now what?"

She smiled broadly again. A blush filled her face as she considered the question. She moved up against Julio. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled their faces together. They kissed passionately. She felt his hands on her body. Yet again, a chill ran up her spine and, yet again, she giggled.

"I've only ever been with one guy before," she whispered close to Julio's ear. "I'd like to be with you tonight."

She backed a step and studied Julio a moment. Then, pulling both of her dress's spaghetti straps off her shoulders together, Kimmie let her dress fall from her body to the weaved reed mat beneath her feet. She stepped out of her slip-on shoes. And wearing only a pair of modest panties, she slipped into her bed. She held out a hand invitingly to Julio.
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
At the village

Julio reacted in kind to Kimmie wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her mouth to his. They kissed as if they'd known each for a long time, their lips parting and moving together as one, their tongues pressing against one another in a dance. He felt her shiver at the chill that ran her back and even joined her in a little giggle as their kisses continued passionately.

"I've only ever been with one guy before," she confessed. "I'd like to be with you tonight."

"I want to be with you, too, Kimmie," he returned in the same soft whisper. Julio couldn't mirror her confession of innocence, thought; he'd been with over a dozen women in his more than half a dozen years of sexual activity. He could only hope that she wouldn't pick up on that, telling her, "You're so beautiful, Kimmie ... so sexy. I've wanted you since the first time I saw you."

That wasn't entirely bullshit, of course: Julio had spied Kimmie while still aboard Flight 1122 and fantasized slipping into the aircraft's lavatory to join the Mile High Club with her. He'd been occasionally peeping at her over the last couple of days, too, whenever they were in the same vicinity. Julio hadn't made any sort of overt approach to the 19 year old, though, as he enjoyed working closely with her father and didn't want to lose his current JAC assignment by offending Marcus Taylor.

Kimmie backed away from Julio and slipped her dress from her shoulders. It dropped to the reed mat floor that -- like the rest of the hut -- he'd had a hand in creating. There was just enough moonlight sneaking in through the slim gaps in the hut's construction to illuminate her now naked torso. Julio gave her a long, hungry ogle as she stepped back more, slipped into her bed, and waggled a hand to him invitingly.

Julio acted quickly, shedding his tee shirt and beach shorts, then stepping out of his shoes by forcing off the heels with eager toes pressed against them. He took the time to shed his socks as well and was about to rip off his briefs as well until he remembered that Kimmie had left her own panties on. He left that last article of clothing on as he hurriedly slipped into the bed, cuddled up next to her, and pressed their mouths together again in a passionate kiss; one of his arms supported his weight above her as the other reached to her body, its hand caressing her belly before moving upward to take a small but firm tit into it.
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
At the village, in the Taylor Family Hut

"I want to be with you, too, Kimmie," Julio said after she had said the same to him first. "You're so beautiful, Kimmie ... so sexy. I've wanted you since the first time I saw you."

She appreciated his compliment. She liked when guys called her beautiful. What girl didn't?

That didn't mean that Kimmie missed what he didn't say. He didn't say he'd never been with another girl. That didn't surprise Kimmie, though. He was a soldier. He'd been wearing his uniform when he boarded Flight 1122. She'd noticed him, just as he'd noticed her. Military men weren't known for being virgins. At least, that was her impression.

Kimmie hoped that Julio had been with other women. It meant that he would know what he was doing in bed. Again, that was her impression.

She watched him strip. Her gaze dropped naturally to his crotch. The room wasn't illuminated well. He'd been able to make out her round tits and the nipples adorning them. Kimmie, in turn, was able to see the shape of his cock in his briefs. She'd only seen one ever before. And now, she was going to see another. She was eager to compare it to her boyfriend's.

But Julio slid into the bed with his underwear still on. That was fine, she figured. There was no hurry. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Just as with sex, she'd only ever done this with one other guy. Julio kissed differently than her boyfriend had. He kissed with experience. Kimmie enjoyed it, moaning into his mouth.

She flinched a bit as Julio's hand found one of her breasts. She didn't mind the move. She just didn't have the experience to be immediately comfortable with the groping. She thought she saw hesitation in Julio's face. She whispered, "I'm okay. Really."

She reached a hand to the back of his own. She urged him to squeeze her tit and returned to kissing him. Lower in the bed, Kimmie wrapped one of her legs around his. Again, she urged him, this time to press into her crotch. She giggled softly, trying not to alert her parents. Their bed was on the far side of the hut's large room, behind another hanging pair of blankets. But the gap between was still only about 8 feet.

"I'm so hot," she whispered. She manipulated her groin against him, giggled again, then whispered, "I'm so wet!"

Kimmie felt a blush erupt through her face, neck, and shoulders. She'd barely talked to her boyfriend the one and only time they'd had sex. And now she was talking dirty. Well, she considered it dirty.
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
In the Taylor Family Hut

Julio took note of Kimmie's flinching at his groping of her tit, even though it had been gentle and, he'd thought, announced by the way he'd caressed his hand up her smooth belly to her chest. He pulled his face back from hers and was about to ask if she was alright.

She beat him to the punch, though, whispering, "I'm okay. Really."

"Are you sure?" he asked with an honest concern. The last thing Julio wanted to do was frighten Kimmie by moving too fast while her father slept less than a basketball rim's height away. She restarted their passionate kissing, then wrapped a leg around one of his own. She pulled their lower parts closer together, and Julio didn't hesitate to press his hard cock against her, wanting her to know just how ready he was for her.

"I'm so hot," she whispered as she returned the pressure down below. "I'm so wet!"

Julio's lips spread in a pleased smile. It had been a couple of months since he was last in bed with a woman, and that woman had had very little in common with the one in bed with him now. Kimmie had already explained her near-innocence to Julio, of course, but even more than that, he loved a petite woman, which little ol' 5'4", 112 pound Kimmie qualified as.

He reached a hand around to her back and pulled her even harder against him as the elbow of his other arm continued to support him over her. They were practically one body as their torsos -- her delicious, tiny tits and his muscular, firm pecs -- pressed together and their legs mingled and got lost together.

"I want inside you, Kimmie," he whispered close to her ear. He pulled back to look into her face as he realized that his eagerness to be with her had let him forget something. Still whispering, he growled, "Fuck! I don't have a condom." He paused for her reaction, then asked, "Are you on birth control?"

Julio wasn't even taking into consideration the issue of sexually transmitted diseases. He knew that he was clean: he'd had a medical before beginning his leave, something that the Navy required these days before station-to-station transfers, one of which he was in the midst of completing. And he hoped that Kimmie's one and only lover had been relatively innocent or even a virgin as she had told Julio she was.
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
In the Taylor Family Hut

"I want inside you, Kimmie," Julio whispered.

Kimmie kissed him hard again. She told him, "I want you inside me, too."

Then, suddenly, he said, "Fuck! I don't have a condom."

Kimmie hadn't thought about protection either. But she had a reason. She hadn't been concerned about disease with her boyfriend. Before they'd had sex their one and only time, they'd gone to a clinic together to be tested. She hadn't need to be tested, of course. She'd never been with anyone. But he had, and they'd both wanted to be certain he was clean.

She hadn't been worried about pregnancy either. During that same clinic visit, Kimmie had had a progestin implant inserted. Now, she smiled in the dark. She told Julio, "You don't need one."

She took the hand that had been fondling her tit and moved it to her arm. She manipulated his thumb to the proper spot. She asked, "Feel it?"

It took a moment for him to find the implant. His face showed his relief. She kissed him again. She whispered, "Take my panties off. I want you to make love to me."
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
In the Taylor Family Hut

Julio immediately recognized the feel of the implant under Kimmie's upper arm: he'd had a girlfriend with a similar form of birth control once upon a time. That delighted him all to hell as he hated wearing condoms.

"Take my panties off," she whispered. "I want you to make love to me."

Again, Julio didn't have to be asked twice. He quickly pushed her panties off one hip, then the other, down one thigh, then the other. With Kimmie lifting her knees to help, Julio quickly had her naked. Even more quickly, though, he had his own briefs down and off and was just as naked as she was. He moved up against her again, kissing her, caressing her ... and casually, Julio slipped his hand down Kimmie's belly, between her thighs, and found her warm, wet lips.
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
In the Taylor Family Hut

Kimmie was tickled at how quickly Julio stripped them both. She even giggled. At the same time, she was trembling down deep. She'd only ever had sex once before. That had been with a boyfriend she'd known for years. She didn't really know Julio. And her parents were sleeping less that 10 feet away.

She wanted this, though. She was burning with lust. Returning to kissing and caressing and clutching only made her hotter. She would realize later that she'd never been so desperate for sex.

Julio found her pussy with his fingers. Kimmie whimpered. The sound slipped out without her thinking about it. She pressed her mouth into the crook of Julio's neck, desperate to silence herself. She didn't want her father stopping this before it even got started. After it got started, maybe. Deep down, she didn't really care if they got caught. Just ... not too soon.

Kimmie rocked her lower body to indicate her delight at Julio's touch. He seemed to get the message. His fingers got more serious in their work between her labia. It felt good. Very good. But he hadn't begun manipulating her clit yet. That was where the true pleasure lay.

She reached a hand down between them, finding his hand. She maneuvered his fingers to her clitoris. She manipulated them in small circles over her sensitive little button. Kimmie lifted her mouth to Julio's ear, whispering, "Like this."

Just like talking dirty, Kimmie had never done this. She'd never directed her lover in what to do to please her. If she was back in Washington State, would she have done so with her boyfriend? Probably not. The lust burning her up was a result of what she'd seen on the beach. She wouldn't have seen her father fucking a young woman back on Whidbey Island. She wouldn't have questioned her feelings toward her father. She wouldn't have imagined that she lusted for him secretly.

Kimmie buried her face in Julio's neck again. She'd begun whimpering again. Her lips pressed to his flesh. As the pleasure rose, she bit into him. She didn't notice his reaction, if he had one at all. She was becoming lost to the joy he was causing her.

Her boyfriend hadn't fingered her their one and only night together. Kimmie had wanted to lose her virginity. Intercourse had been her one and only goal. They'd accomplished that. But they'd hadn't done this. She suddenly wished they had. This was incredible, something that would surely cause her to orgasm given enough time.

But time wasn't on their side. Even covering her mouth, Kimmie knew that she was making too much noise. She reached down and grasped Julio's shaft. She told him with a desperate tone, "I want you in me. I want you in me now."

She maneuvered her body in an effort to help Julio between her legs. She needed to feel his cock in her pussy. She needed to satisfy a fantasy filling her head. She needed to feel her father fucking her, like he had the slut on the beach. Julio was her stand-in for her father.
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
In the Taylor Family Hut

Julio couldn't believe how wet Kimmie was between her legs. He slipped his fingers up and down between her pussy lips, lubricating them. He'd been about to slip one, then two, then three into her lover canal when she grasped his hand and directed her fingers elsewhere. Not that he needed the help to find her clit, he was fine with the young woman showing him what she wanted.

Her reaction to Julio twirling his fingertips upon her sensitive button of flesh was instantaneous, as was her attempt to silence her little squeals of delight; she buried her mouth into his neck, even biting into him when the pleasure began to become serious. It hurt, her teeth sinking into flesh, and he knew immediately that he was going to have a serious hickey come sunup. But it was worth it the pain and temporary branding of his neck as he could see that this girl was going to be an exciting and likely very satisfying fuck.

"I want you in me," she whispered, even as she was manipulating her body to put herself beneath him. "I want you in me now."

Again, Julio didn't need to be asked twice. He quickly moved to his hands and knees, slipped between her thighs, and reached down to grasp his shaft to direct it as requested. Again, Kimmie was sopping wet, and it didn't take but just a quick moment for Julio to find her hole with his cock's bulbous head. But getting inside it was different than simply finding it; Kimmie's canal was tight and refused to give way to Julio. He pushed hard, listening for her reaction; if he hurt her, he feared she might suddenly stop and declare this a mistake.

Whether or not he hurt Kimmie during his attempt to intrude upon her womanhood might not turn out to be Julio's biggest problem, though: neither he nor Kimmie knew it yet, but the young woman's father had already heard them and had risen quickly to investigate the noise. He was standing just beyond one of the airline blankets that formed Kimmie's bedroom wall ... and just as Kimmie had watched her father getting fucked and sucked by Doris, Marcus was now watching his daughter get a similar treatment from a guy whose identity he hadn't quite made yet.
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
In the Taylor Family Hut

Kimmie grimaced audibly and tensed throughout as Julio pushed his cock's bulbous head through her gate. She's only done this once before, of course. She'd expected it to hurt as it had that first time. But, ironically, she wanted to get fucked this time even more so than she had then.

"I'm okay," she said without having been asked. She grasped Julio's face in her hands. She kissed him hard. Then she repeated and expanded, "I'm okay. Keep going."

It took a bit for him to penetrate her fully. The small amount of foreplay hadn't been enough to relax her vagina for him. Truthfully, no amount would have. She was a petite girl with a petite pussy. Even a cock half the size of Julio's likely would have brought her discomfort.

But soon enough he was inside. And no time was wasted for them to begin fucking like rabbits. Kimmie closed her eyes ... and without difficulty, imagined her father atop her, between her thighs, thrusting hard as he had with Doris. She was conflicted about her fantasy. It was, of course, so wrong. And yet, she found herself somehow enjoying what Julio was doing to her more so than she would have thinking only of him.

The pleasure led to Kimmie's whimpers becoming soft cries. Again, she pressed her mouth into Julio's neck, trying to mute her signs of delight with what his cock was doing to her. It worked, to a degree.

But it wouldn't matter. They'd only been going at it a couple of dozen thrusts when Kimmie thought she heard movement inside the family hut. She lifted her eyes from their hiding spot in Julio's neck. She let her eyes adjust. Through a slight gap in her blanket walls, she saw just enough of a silhouette to know that they were being watched.

It would be her father, Kimmie knew. Her mother slept like a rock. Kimmie could scream out in ecstasy and never wake her Gladys.

Kimmie didn't immediately know how to react. This night was all about her fantasy about her father. Was his catching them a good thing or a bad thing? She didn't know. What she did know, though, was that Julio was pushing her quickly toward climax. Her first time with him had driven her toward orgasm so much faster than her first time with her boyfriend.

Knowing now that her father was watching changed things. Kimmie pulled her face from the cleft of Julio's neck. Her soft cries filled the room. Her eyes were set firmly on the figure in the gap. She couldn't see her father's eyes. But the moonlight was spilling in through the still lifted window shutter. Her face was lit up brightly. And she was sure her father could see her looking at him.

"Don't stop ... don't stop ... oh God, Julio ... don't stop," Kimmie begged. "Fuck me harder, Julio ... harder ... don't stop."

She listened to her lover closely. He was getting close, she was sure. She worked with him to better stimulate her clit as his cock slammed in and out of her. She continued chanting, "Don't stop ... don't stop ... don't stop--"

And then, whether intentionally or accidentally, Kimmie began adding, "Don't stop, daddy ... don't stop ... oh god, don't stop, daddy ... I need you ... I need you to make me cum ... I need you, daddy."
Julio Ferraz
Kimmie Taylor

Day 4, night (cont.)
In the Taylor Family Hut

Julio was hesitant in his thrusts into Kimmie when he saw her grimace, heard her whimper, and felt her fingernails sink into his shoulders. But she must have sensed his reaction, grasp his face in her hands, kissing him passionately, and swearing to him, "I'm okay ... I'm okay. Keep going."

He continued his long, slow thrusts for a moment, watching her face for signs of reluctance. But when she pressed her face into the crook of his neck and began moving her body to mirror his own movements, Julio decided to just simply go for it. Her pussy felt too good around his shaft for him to stop just because it might be hurting her a little bit; she'd adapt, as women did, and she might even begin to enjoy it.

His fear soon seemed moot, though: Kimmie's whimpers stopped sounding as if resulting from pain and her body language screamed out go, go, go! Soon, she even began begging him, "Don't stop ... don't stop ... oh God, Julio ... don't stop ... Fuck me harder, Julio ... harder ... don't stop."

Julio pulled his face back to realize that Kimmie was no longer pressing her mouth into his neck to silence herself; her chant for his efforts began as whispers but got a bit louder with each short pause of breathing. She no longer seemed to care that her father might hear them together.

Of course, Julio couldn't know that Marcus Taylor was standing just 6 feet away, watching the two of them pounding their ugly fuglies together.

Julio and Kimmie's bodies worked together as one, with Julio sinking his entire length deep inside her as she manipulated her legs to open her crotch to his movement. The pleasure continued to rise and rise in him, and he realized that his climax was coming. He rammed her even harder, even faster, and -- though it wouldn't have seemed possible -- even deeper. He returned Kimmie's dirty talk with his own, telling her, "I'm gonna cum ... oh, god, Kimmie, I'm gonna cum ... you're gonna ... make me ... cum...!"

As the euphoria approached rapidly and Julio knew there was no stopping it -- like he ever would! -- he went silent and heard Kimmie's continuing to beg him to fuck her hard, deep, and fast. Only, this time, she through in a word that took him aback: "Don't stop, daddy ... don't stop ... oh god, don't stop, daddy ... I need you ... I need you to make me cum ... I need you, daddy."

Julio might have slowed or even stopped to ask Kimmie what that was about. Was it just more of her dirty talk...? Something she'd seen on the internet and thought was erotic? Julio wouldn't have had any problem with that, of course; girl's who liked to roleplay daddy issues -- or whatever psychologists might have called it -- could be totally hot!

Or -- and this would have given Julio pause, if his cock wasn't already twitching, about to explode inside her -- did Kimmie seriously have sexual fantasies about being with her father? Did she really yearn to feel Marcus Taylor's cock inside her, as Julio's was right now?

It was a moot question right now, of course, because Julio's balls were tensing and sending their contents forth, shooting wads of cum deep into the teen's tight, nearly-virgin pussy. He grunted loud and long, forgetting any pretense of attempting to be silent. His body trembled throughout, and his head swam with euphoria. His thrusts ceased as he simply enjoyed the ecstasy, laying there upon Kimmie, gasping, his head dropping to the crook of her neck as hers had to his earlier.

Even before he began to come down from his peak, Julio rolled off Kimmie to his side. His heart was pounding like a jackhammer; he was almost gasping for air, releasing the breaths as light grunts. He didn't realize that his eyes had gone shut until he actually found himself opening them to look at his young lover ... to see what her reaction was.
Day 4, night (cont.)
In the Taylor Family Hut

Julio began announcing his imminent orgasm. He, too, had forgotten their earlier plan to keep their lovemaking quiet and undiscovered by her parents.

Kimmie continued to stare directly at the figure standing beyond the blanket wall separating her makeshift bedroom from the rest of the family home. She grasped Julio's body in not just her arms but her tightening legs, too. She begged him again, "Cum in me, daddy."

Kimmie's guilt about the father-daughter incest images that had danced about in her head after catching him with Doris were gone. Initially, she'd chastised herself for it. It was inappropriate. It was socially inexcusable. It was a betrayal of her parents' love. It was ... yeah, yeah, all sorts of bad things.

All of that was gone now, though. She wanted to be with her father. She wanted to feel him inside her. She wanted to hear him cum in her, like Julio was at this very moment.

Kimmie had been close to orgasm. But her new lover's climax had come to soon. Julio grunted, relaxed his body, and slid off her. Kimmie ignored him. Her attention was still on the silhouette watching them through the crack. She eventually turned her head to look at Julio. She smiled, kissed him, and whispered, "That was fantastic. I came, too."