The New Young Justice (OOC)

Wikipedia is everybody's friend. If I use a DC specific race it will probably be for infiltration though. Jeff and myself kinda agree on the reasons to keep Ben from using the main DC races (explained above) and for most of the rest Ben has a better form but it depends. All his water races kinda suck. But if I need strength I'm going Wrath, the only reason I didn't already is I like him and wan to save him.
Sorry, was gonna post tonight, but my roommate came home drunk and I'm so angry that I can't focus, so it will have to come later.
Wait, you traded whiny kids for drunk adults? Bad trade dude, bad trade. You could probably silence the children by singing the Ballad of Sir Jeff the Awesome who once smote one thousand goombas using naught but his butt and saved the Mushroom Kingdom's slut. When sent to the year 2525 in order to keep the world a live he did two socows and a triple lutz because he doesn't take shit from any-boooo-dddd-eeeeee! What would Jeffinator do if he were here right now?


Sorry bout that.
Wait, you traded whiny kids for drunk adults? Bad trade dude, bad trade. You could probably silence the children by singing the Ballad of Sir Jeff the Awesome who once smote one thousand goombas using naught but his butt and saved the Mushroom Kingdom's slut. When sent to the year 2525 in order to keep the world a live he did two socows and a triple lutz because he doesn't take shit from any-boooo-dddd-eeeeee! What would Jeffinator do if he were here right now?


Sorry bout that.

EPIC. LOL. I don't always have to deal with him drunk, but I was trying to work on posts for my RPs when he showed up and I couldn't focus because my blood was boiling over the fact that he showed up drunk after he promised he would never be at our apartment drunk. I have kicked him out before when we lived in Wyoming for getting drunk and being an asshole.
I decided to keep Mal, cause there's so much oppurtunity to do with him


Name: Malcolm "Mal" Arnold Duncan-Irons
Age: 19
Birthday: April 9th
Height: 6'
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Ethnicity: African American

Skills and abilities: Skilled Boxer/Weapons Engineer

Powers: Upgraded Guardian Armor received on his 16th by his father. He's been upgrading it ever since, fancying it to his liking and giving him the power he needs from super strength to flight, if necessary. Increases his durability and endurance, making him go harder, longer.

Biography: Being an only child was easy for Mal. no other siblings to worry about or outshine, no one's messes to clean up but his own. Mal was a very good child, did well in school, very athletic, very outspoken, and a brilliant Mechanist, ever since he got his first do-it-yourself kit from his father after hours of begging. He'd spend hours in his room making things out of literally nothing. But sometimes being an only child was lonely.

At the age of mere eleven years old, Mal lost his parents to a horrible house fire he started while trying to invent something for a crush he had on a girl in his class. he was so mortified and distraught by what happened that it would take him years to get over.

After the house fire, he would go to visit his uncle, a man he'd never met before, by the name of John Henry Irons, who, as a matter of fact, was just as great at building things that he was. The fact that he had someone relate to , made things a bit better for him as he grew up and got even more brilliant at creating things from his Uncle's garage.

It took poor Mal five years to get over the death of his parents an come to terms with his new life, new school, new friends. It was when he turned sixteen did things start to come together when his Uncle gave him a present for his birthday. He was also shocked to see what was inside the large box. It was a suit of some sort, or rather, a helmet with a full set of knee and elbow and wrist pads with fingerless gloves and some cool looking golden grieves. After having explained that his Uncle had created it to resemble the superhero 'The Guardian' who had passed, Mal warmly hugged his Uncle and tried it on.

It fit like a Glove. Perfectly as it laced against his skin, the tight shirt made it seem okay that the pants were a bit too tight. He treasured the armor more than anything, even made some improvements on it. He knew all about his Uncle's alter ego, Steel, and was eager to join him, but to his disappointment, it wouldn't happen, but that didn't stop Mal from going out with the armor anyway and using it in his own way around the town.

After three years of having the armor and improving on it, Mal Graduated High school and moved out of his Uncle's place in Metropolis to D.C. where he intended to go to College. He lived in a Studio apartment, affording something like that all on his own was a reward from eight years of working with his Uncle. He felt he could do some good with the improved Guardian armor, and make the Original proud, even if the original wasn't alive anymore.

It didn't take Mal long to settle in and get that home feeling, DC was closer to his Uncle than he thought, but better to be close than family than to feel utterly alone. While he was out shopping, he heard of a party that was going to be going down soon at the Hall of Justice. It made his body pump adrenaline at the thought of going and showing off the new and improved Guardian armor.
First post is up. I set it about a week ago and used Sportsmaster as the villain. It shouldn't impact whatever plots you've got in mind Jeff. No one gets captured or anything, but it showcases Jon's power and inexperience.

Tell me what you think.
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Just going to leave this here ;)...


Real Name: Megan Morse (M'gann M'orzz)
Age: 18


M'gann M'orzz is an exceptionally sweet and caring young Martian girl, who is enamoured with life on earth. Her entire personality seems to be based on female characters from sitcoms from a bygone era. This isn't to say that she comes off as old fashioned, rather she is incessantly perky and cheerful; not enough to make her annoying but more than enough to make her stand out in a crowd.

Despite her constant "research" into earth culture, M'gann can still be surprised by the customs and actions of humans. At times this makes her appear to be somewhat scatterbrained and confused.

Gear and Equipment:

Her costume closely imitates that of her uncle's. It has a white short-sleeved top that has a large red "X" criss-crossed over the chest. She wears a red belt with a solid gold circular buckle around her slim waist, and a short blue skirt as well. A matching blue cape, gloves and ankle high boots completes her ensemble.

For covert operations, she wears a black form fitted body suit with the same red "X" laid across her chest. Her cape shifts to a much darker shade of blue, and gains a fitted hood that she wears over her head to cover her auburn locks.


Like all martians, M'gann has complete and utter psionic control over every molecule that makes up her physical body. This control grants her a malleable form that can alter its shape at her every whim. Theoretically, she can contort her physical structure into various shapes, elongate and/or grow extra limbs, or even alter her natural shape and colour to appear human. Mimicking a human form requires a certain degree of concentration and skill (in the past she has demonstrated difficulty in mimicking human males); despite this she can maintain her selected form for an indeterminate amount of time without undue risk or strain.

M'gann has learned through practice to alter the colour and temperature of her outer layer of skin to accurately depict her surroundings. She does so with enough detail that she effectively becomes invisible when motionless, and a hazy blur when in motion. She can be seen and detected by the naked eye when camouflaged in this manner, but one would need to know what they were looking for and/or possesses highly keen or superhuman senses to detect her when motionless.

M'gann's psionic gifts can be applied externally as well; using her psionic strength M'gann can manipulate and move large objects without physically touching them. The exact limits of her telekinetic strength has not been measured but she has literally uprooted large boulders from the earth, deflected a full out assault from Superboy and slammed aerial fighter drones together in flight with no visible strain to herself. By focusing her telekinesis upon her own frame, M'gann can defy gravity and fly through sheer force of will.

M'gann's psionic strength isn't limited to physical interaction with the world around her. Like all Martians, M'gann is capable of communicating non-verbally with other sentient beings; she can literally project her thoughts and feelings into the minds of any being that surrounds her. This form of telepathic intrusion can be seen as extremely invasive to humans (and even painful in some cases) but it is the natural form of communication amongst Martians. In addition to "simple" communication; M'gann possesses enough telepathic strength and precision to examine the memories of any mind she is in contact, restore lost memories or to do battle on the psychic plane.

Unlike her uncle, M'gann has yet to master the martian art of "Density-Shifting," which would allow her to potentially achieve a state of total intangibility, or by reversing the process and increasing her density gain a measure of superhuman strength and durability. When or if she will master this technique is unknown.


M'gann M'orzz, one of Martian Manhunter's many nieces, spent her formative years on the planet Mars living amongst her own people while being raised alongside her twelve sisters. During this time, she somehow became infatuated with life on the planet earth (most likely due to hearing stories about her uncle's adventures there) and developed an unrelenting desire to visit the small blue planet. Opportunity finally knocked for M'gann in the month of May of the current year, when J'onn prepared to return to his duties on the Earth. As he prepared to leave, M'gann covertly stowed away on his vessel and only revealed herself when the two Martians made earth-fall.

J'onn kept M'gann's presence on the earth a secret for the next few months. M'gann used the time to familiarize herself with her new home, and spent countless hours perfecting her human guise. She based her identity on an old North American sitcom, including her mannerisms and speech patterns. Despite her own readiness to meet her uncle's allies, J'onn was reluctant to expose her to any form of danger and more so, to human teenagers.
Welcome Tight!

That looks awesome! I'm not running the thread, but I think Jeff might be willing to accept you. :cool:

Looking forward to writing with you.
If you guys don't mind me hopping in at your tenth anniversary I have a character I would like to add.
Sure. However, after this I think we should limit new players to only females since right now we have six male writers and only two females, lol.
I have to concur with that just for balance. God knows I'd just RP for RP sake but not everybody is me.

That said we might be wise to speed through the rest of this arc so we can get the new people in.
I have a three day weekend coming up, so I'll get us up to the party by Saturday or Sunday.
I'm gonna make a long post in the next few hours and get us to the party. I'll briefly write in the battle with Mark Desmond/Blockbuster, and then in your new posts you can just mention what you did in that fight or something.
Good hopefully this won't be like every other time Jeff said he's post. I expect there to be something waiting for me when I get back!
LOL most times when I say I will post and then don't it's because I get too tired. Even without the kids here, I have been finding it very hard to get enough sleep during the day so I am always exhausted and I just came off a nine night straight work schedule. I am in the process of looking for a new job so I can go back to sleeping at night and thus be happier and more awake during the day.
And yes, I'm on days off now so I got plenty of sleep last night, so there will be a post today, don't worry.
Geez that post took forever to write, haha. I didn't even proofread, just posted. I'm gonna go proofread now and see if I need to make any edits, lol.