The New Young Justice (OOC)

The Jeffinator

Captain Manbeard
Mar 13, 2005
We are rebooting our old Young Justice rp, and are looking for new writers, especially females. Myself and Sean Renaud, Remec, Creo, and Lachiyous will be roleplaying the team's first mission while any new players create their character bios. After our first mission, we will have the Justice League's tenth anniversary party, which is where any new characters will be introduced. More info to come later.

Here are the characters already taken:

Niightwing, Blue Beetle, Superboy: Me
Beast Boy: Remec
Raven, Poison Ivy: Creo
Ben Tennyson: Sean
Impulse (maybe): Lachiyous

Name: Benjamin Tennyson
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Abilities: Ben is ambidextrous
His true power comes from the Omnitrix, and alien device that allows him to turn into difference species of Alien. He's currently restricted to ten species as a result of him accidently resetting the device and it's designer Azimuth deciding that if he was smart enough to break it he's smart enough to fix it.
Personality: Ben's arrogant and despite having been a hero for sometime has had relatively few "true" challenges. As a result he tends to charge first and leave the questions to people with more patience than he can generally muster. Though when the chips are down he can focus. He's had some training in the mystic and martial arts by his cousin Gwen Tennyson but generally just enough to recognize when he's in over his head especially in the mystic arts.

Name: Raven
Alias: Rachel Roth
Age: Unknown, appears twenty three
Species: Human/Demon Hybrid
Birthday: April 21
Birthplace: Azerath

Powers and Abilities:
Fluent in eleven earth languages and five interdimensional tongues
Powerful Sorceress primarily manifesting her will through solid black ‘soul constructs’
Able to amplify the pride of any individual though it severely weakens her to do so
Limited pre-cognative powers usually manifesting through psychic dreams.

Name: Pamela Isley
Alias: Poison Ivy
Species: Human/Demon Hybrid
Birthplace: Gotham
Powers and Abilities: Immunity to poisons, bacteria and viruses.
Control over plant life.
Expert Botanist.


Real Name: Richard “Dick” Grayson
Age: 18
Birthday: June 22nd
Birthplace: Gotham City, New Jersey


Dick possesses the peak athletic strength and endurance of a man who regularly engages in extensive physical exercise. His martial arts skills rival those of Batman, and he was rigorously trained by his mentor in everything from escapology to criminology, fencing, stealth, disguise, and numerous other combat/non-combat disciplines. He is fluent in a number of languages and had the finest education as Bruce Wayne's ward.


Dick has a number of gadgets in his utility belt, including shuriken that explode on contact, a pen that shoots out a tiny tracking device that sticks to any surface, and several dozen modified batarangs (called wing-dings) along with de-cel jumplines and gas capsules to reach the tops of buildings.

He has a state-of-the-art motorcycle complete with an onboard computer and built in wifi, as well as a helmet that connects wirelessly to the computer with audio and video feedback and communications capabilities. The helmet also has nightvision and a heads-up display on the inside of the visor.

His costume is made of a version of the Nomex fire-resistant, triple-weave Kevlar-lined material. It is an excellent protection against damage, and also insulated against electricity. The suit he wears is also fireproof, and his mask is held in place with spirit gum.


Dick has no superhuman powers, and relies solely on technology and his own wits.


When Dick was nine, his parents were killed by Tony Zucco, a gangster who demanded protection money from Haly's Circus, where the Graysons performed. When Mr. Haly refused, Zucco murdered his star performers.

Bruce Wayne had been good friends with John and Mary Grayson when they were teenagers, so he felt obligated to help, and invited Dick to come live at Wayne Manor. It was only a matter of time before the boy discovered Wayne was Batman, and soon he too was learning to fight crime and took on the alias of Robin.

Over his nine years as the Dark Knight's sidekick and apprentice, Dick met many other heroes, and even started a relationship with Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) when he was fifteen. They dated on and off for the next three years, until Dick turned eighteen, became Nightwing, and ventured off on his own.

Blue Beetle

Real Name: Jaime Reyes
Age: 18
Birthday: February 18th
Birthplace: El Paso, Texas


The Blue Beetle suit that comes from within the scarab has a number of special abilities, including enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and flight. The suit can morph into multiple weapons, such as an energy cannon or a dart launcher. The scarab can interface with most computer systems and translate many different languages for Jaime to understand.


Up until the Tenth Anniversary party for the Justice League, Jaime was a normal teenager and high school senior. He worked multiple jobs before and after school to save up enough money for a plane ticket so he could come to Washington, D.C. to attend the party. That proved to change his life, however, setting in motion a chain of events that led to him becoming the new Blue Beetle.


Real Name: Conner Kent
Age: Appears 18
Birthday: March 1st
Birthplace: Cadmus Labs, Washington D.C.


Being a Kryptonian/Human hybrid, Conner can absorb solar energy through his cells to super charge his physical capabilities, although he is no where near as powerful as Superman. Superboy's powers will improve with experience, though at first, his abilities include enhanced strength, speed, and stamina. Eventually he will learn to use his solar energy more efficiently to attain greater strength and even fly. He does not have any vision powers, but he does have heightened senses and an accelerated healing factor that keeps him from aging.


Conner was born in a test tube, cloned from Superman's DNA and an anonymous human donor. He was force-grown rapidly, aging from infancy to adulthood in about four months. Dubbilex and the other genomorphs helped him mature through psychic lessons and implanted images and sounds, but he had never been out of the lab prior to his liberation by Nightwing and the others.
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Over 100 views, yet no new writers, lol. Maybe people are working on characters to post.
Are we all being captured, then? I ask before posting a new reply to be sure I'm on the same page here. :cool:
Yeah, but you can break out of it. You can finish up whatever on B15, down the elevator, and your reaction to the tentacles or whatever. Nightwing is stuck though, someone needs to free him.
Remy?! Lachi? C'mon! I know both of you have checked in, get captured or save us!

I know I'm not always patient but. . .c'mon!
Lach doesn't have an active character, lol. Beast Boy could turn into a raptor or a t-rex and start ripping through the tentacles. I've kind of written Nightwing into a corner and it seems no one is going to free him, so I may need to figure out a way for him to free himself so he can free the others, lol.
Well I read Remy and got the impression you wanted us captured so I pretty much went with that while trying to leave myself an out if that wasn't the plan.
To give you all something to do, I figured I'd get us stuck and then trap Nightwing, so that it was up to you guys what happens next.
To give you all something to do, I figured I'd get us stuck and then trap Nightwing, so that it was up to you guys what happens next.

I was thinking of doing either the big, powerful creature route or drop into, like, a gnat and go looking for help.

Where'd Lach's character go? I got lost on that point. Didn't we follow Impulse/Kid Flash to get to Cadmus?

Let me know, I will post later tonight or in the morning (I have to be going out momentarily for several hours.)
Lach chose not to play right away, so in the new continuity they were walking around DC after leaving the Hall and just happened to be in the area when Cadmus had a fire, and then a psychic voice led them to a secret elevator. In the first story post I mentioned that, but I kind of rushed through it to get us into the action.
Lach chose not to play right away, so in the new continuity they were walking around DC after leaving the Hall and just happened to be in the area when Cadmus had a fire, and then a psychic voice led them to a secret elevator. In the first story post I mentioned that, but I kind of rushed through it to get us into the action.

No problem. Serves me right for not reading our own synopsis. :rolleyes:

So, I left it up to you--as world builder--as to whether coming into the hall from somewhere on that floor deactivates the wall or if something else needs to be done. If you need to, have the walls attack and Gar will switch back to the old stand-by of being a really big creature that they cannot stuff into their holding spaces, and begin slashing the others free while he's at it.
Okay, writing my post now. Also, the door wouldn't really have a doorknob, it would be like a metal automatic sliding door. And that's a smart idea with the guard thing :). And your idea actually gave me a funny idea for the next part.
I'm not super familiar with DC. I read Ron Marz's run on Green Lantern (the Kyle Raynor years) & a few years of Morrisson's JLA run. Never read a lot of Young Titans or Teen Justice. :cool:

Is there room for a teen Star Man? Maybe a guy who discovered the same technology as Ted Knight, and is separate from that mythos to start? Or maybe instead of using a staff or belt or rod, he channels the energy naturally.

I could do something else, but I feel like playing s character who flies, has a force field & shoots energy beams. Maybe a teen Captain Atom or a Booster Gold.

Let me know what you think.
As long as your character isn't too OP, give it a shot :). Post the bio and I'll let you know if there are any problems with it.
Power Knight

Power Knight

Jon Thomas was born and raised in Metropolis. A genius, his schooling was paid for through Luthorcorp grants and scholarships. Jon finished his first Doctorate in quantum mechanics at the age of 13. He continued his education while working at Luthorcorp, securing dozens of patents on previous Luthorcorp designs by making them more energy efficient. Two years ago, At the age of 18 Jon left Luthorcorp, parting on good terms, to take a job at Metropolis University. He left behind the demands of the private sector to focus on pure research, in return for teaching a few classes.

Last month, while recreating one of Theodore Knight's experiments, Jon stumbled upon an energy creation device that responded to his mental commands. He learned to harness this energy to fly, create a protective force field about himself and fire bolts of energy from the device. He wears two devices, one strapped to either wrist.

Over the last few weeks, while protecting Metropolis from a natural disaster and other adventures, Jon has met a number of costumed adventurers, including Superman. He has given himself the name Power Knight and tends to favor a medieval theme while adventuring, wearing an aluminum chainmail shirt he got at a Renaissance Faire, a cape and now a cowl under a faux chainmail hood.

Jon is very inexperienced with women and generally feels awkward in most social situations. This stems from a lack of practice. He was always the wrong age to have a peer group. When discussing science or engineering, or even general problem solving he is right at home. While not particularly interesting and somewhat dull as a lecturer, Jon does not get nervous as a public speaker.
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