Young Justice: Chronicle (OOC)

The Jeffinator

Captain Manbeard
Mar 13, 2005
The story starts in our own normal world, with no fantastical elements. No aliens or wizards or superhumans -- at least at first. There is no Gotham City or Metropolis or Justice League or anything of the sort. The Daily Planet is a newspaper based in New York City, and Clark Kent is just a normal human reporter who grew up on his family's ranch in Walden, Colorado before heading off to Colorado State University. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Media Communication, then was accepted as a graduate student to Columbia University, earning a Master of Science with a focus on Investigative Journalism. Clark spent some time in Africa and Asia traveling with military units, documenting wartime stories and interviews, but upon hearing that his ex-girlfriend, Lana Lang, was pregnant, he returned to the United States and settled in New York City.

It's now eighteen years later, and Conner Kent has an unstable relationship with his father. He can't stand his stepmother, Lois Lane-Kent, and he misses his mother, Lana, who died several years back. Conner has been living in Clark and Lois's apartment since he was fifteen, and now that he's finally turned eighteen and graduated high school, he can't wait to go off on his own. But he has friends still in New York -- your characters.

The group of friends decides to spend their summer before college out west, so they go stay with John and Martha Kent on the Kent-Studebaker Ranch in Colorado. While there, they go exploring an old farm that has been closed off by the military, sneak past security, and discover an underground cave system with what appears to be a large green meteor rock. Similar to the origin story in the movie Chronicle, we develop powers from the radiation of the rock, but they vary more than simply telekinesis.

Conner will develop abilities similar to Superboy in the comics, that grow over time. At first he just notices slightly enhanced strength and stamina, and then begins to realize the rock gave him the ability to photosynthesize sunlight into energy and use it as a spark to ignite his bioelectrical aura and reinforce his molecular structure. This requires him to also consume several times more calories than a normal person.

As his ability to control the energy grows, he will attain flight and hand blasts, but will not develop other traits such as heat vision, freeze breath, x-ray vision, and the like. Strength, stamina, regenerative healing, flight, and energy blasts are the only enhancements he will receive.

As for your characters, they should start out as friends of Conner that came to the ranch for the summer. Once they get their powers and tensions rise, they can split off into teams of heroes and villains. I will also play Leslie Willis, who is Conner's girlfriend. The rock turns her into Livewire, and unlocks her inner sadistic nature. She starts out by torturing small animals, and then when Conner catches her electrocuting a man for insulting her, he ends their relationship. This sends her over the deep end and she flees back to New York. When the rest of the group return to the city, they discover Leslie stole a piece of the rock and brought it with her, and has been building up her own gang of metahumans. Your character can either join Livewire's gang or help Conner fight them.