Young Justice: Outsiders (OOC)

Knowing an extra language or two is nothing. There's a joke that goes like this:

What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual
What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual
What do you call someone who speaks just one language? American

Although, in all fairness, I've heard British substituted for American :)

Okay, its speciall to the 330 million people in closest proximity to me.
I don't know if you saw it, but I replied, but it was at the end of the last page right before Sean posted, so you may not have seen it, lol. I also wanted to add on to that to say that I worked at a hotel in a bad neighborhood for 15 months and called the cops about two hundred times. Let me tell you, it adds a certain amount of stress to the job when every night you ask yourself, "is tonight the night I get stabbed?" Hookers and drug dealers were constantly staying there. One night I had to confront about thirty bikers who were blaring music and barbecuing in the back parking lot at 3am. I ultimately ended up having like eight cops with me out there and they still refused to stop the party. So I had to get aggressive and tell at them that anyone who wasn't back in their rooms in fuve minutes was getting evicted. They were going too slow so then I yelled at them, "Come on! Let's go! Move it!" For the sake of my job, I had to put a stop to the noise complaints no matter what, but I can tell you, inside, I wasfucking terrified. Especially when they started giving me the "death glare" after I yyelled at them. These guys had patches on their backs and were part of a biker gang. I was surprised no one came and attacked me after the cops left, lol.
And I also wanted to ask if your skydiving people would still keep their game faces on if an aggressor suddenly started trying to shoot them out of the sky? Or if they were strapped to a person who pulled out a knife and started cutting the strings of the parachute? Or if someone pushed them out of the plane without their chute? Would they be so calm then?
I'm sure Graymatter and the crab guy who shoots lightning are polyglots. And see, huge gaps in my Ben 10 knowledge.

I'm sure Greymatter (Galvan) and Crab guy (Cerebrostacian) are both naturally polyglots. Ben 10 may just be an odd world where everybody is ridiculously multilingual though. It's heavily implied that the Omnitrix translates everything for him but none of the aliens or even other plumbers seem to have any trouble understanding each other. It's like the Tekken games. I once counted out just the cannon encounters. So assuming that everybody only has two or three fights per game and has never met any of the other charachters none of them speak less than two languages. (Usually Japanese and English) At least three of them (Heihachi, Xiayu and Paul) can understand at least one dialect of Ursa. That's right two of them speak Grizzly Bear and one of them speaks Panda. Lei Wulong must speak at least Chinese (Cantonese specifically if I remember properly) Japanese, English and Russian. I think the TARDIS is hanging out just off screen so nobody kills anybody over a misunderstanding. Especially since many of them will kill each other over perfectly legit reasons.
I do want to say though, Gypsy, that I am in no way trying to diminish the risks involved in skydiving and scuba diving. I'm just saying you can't really compare that to the feeling of looking up into the eyes of someone who is currently in the process of murdering you. Think of the strongest person on Earth, pinning you down, putting pressure on your chest and squeezing your throat so hard that you are having trouble breathing. Now picture that person being a clone with strength several times greater than the strongest human. In addition to the pressure on her chest and the rapidly increasing shortness of breath, she would have felt the pressure on her throat, enough pressure that she knew any second her throat would implode from the strain. I assumed she would have struggled and then stared on hopelessly as she realized he was about to kill her and she was powerless to stop him at that point. If her sword didn't stop him, kicking her feet would do jack shit, lol.

While I did defend my reasons for thinking that showing her fear was no big deal, I do acknowledge your right to have a say about your character and I never once claimed I wasn't going to make the edit. You seemed offended that I didnt know better, offended that i didnt realize she would never ever show fear under any circunstance whatsoever. But how could I possibly have known that?

Then you went from, "you should have known better," to "you're too ignorant to know better," basically. Well, which is it? If I'm too ignorant to know better, then it was an honest mistake and you have no reason to be mad at me, lol.
While I could interject here, and add science to this little discussion, I am not, as for one, I do not think it is worth it. And secondly, I don't want it to damage the RP.

So now I'm stepping in, and I would have done it earlier if I had been reading the thread.

Get the fuck over it.


And make up.

Thank you.

I don't want something like this driving a rift between players in the first two pages, the first two fucking pages, of the RP. I have been a cause of this in the past, and I want to make sure that it doesn't happen this time around. Especially not with the characters and writing Gypsy brings to the table and the fact that Jeff is our GM.
I'm sure Greymatter (Galvan) and Crab guy (Cerebrostacian) are both naturally polyglots. Ben 10 may just be an odd world where everybody is ridiculously multilingual though. It's heavily implied that the Omnitrix translates everything for him but none of the aliens or even other plumbers seem to have any trouble understanding each other. It's like the Tekken games. I once counted out just the cannon encounters. So assuming that everybody only has two or three fights per game and has never met any of the other charachters none of them speak less than two languages. (Usually Japanese and English) At least three of them (Heihachi, Xiayu and Paul) can understand at least one dialect of Ursa. That's right two of them speak Grizzly Bear and one of them speaks Panda. Lei Wulong must speak at least Chinese (Cantonese specifically if I remember properly) Japanese, English and Russian. I think the TARDIS is hanging out just off screen so nobody kills anybody over a misunderstanding. Especially since many of them will kill each other over perfectly legit reasons.

I will confess that I looked it up to remember the name, but I remember the first member of the alien race the Upgrade belongs to that Ben encountered, spoke with a British accent. But then, it always seems like that in any non-British scifi venture, if an alien speaks with a British accent, it's a sure sign that they're pretentious. And I always thought the main purpose of that episode was to make sure that Julie wasn't the only one in Ben's tight circle not to have superpowers.
I will confess that I looked it up to remember the name, but I remember the first member of the alien race the Upgrade belongs to that Ben encountered, spoke with a British accent. But then, it always seems like that in any non-British scifi venture, if an alien speaks with a British accent, it's a sure sign that they're pretentious. And I always thought the main purpose of that episode was to make sure that Julie wasn't the only one in Ben's tight circle not to have superpowers.

Or a bad guy, people with British accents in films have a habit of being evil masterminds.

There was a car advert about it, but I can't remember what car it was :/. Might have been Aston Martin or something
Yeah, Gypsy is part of our crew now and I wouldn't want to lose her or anyone else. While I am confident you guys would get along fine without me, I have no desire to abandon the RP :).
Well it's because we Americans bear a deep seated and natural fear of the Brits. We know they secretly funded the Russians to soften us up and the next time we blink BAM we'll be back in the Empire. It's page seven of the Queen's plan to conquer the earth. You guys do know that England is a monarchy right and the democracy is just a sham to keep the the little people in line.
Well it's because we Americans bear a deep seated and natural fear of the Brits. We know they secretly funded the Russians to soften us up and the next time we blink BAM we'll be back in the Empire. It's page seven of the Queen's plan to conquer the earth. You guys do know that England is a monarchy right and the democracy is just a sham to keep the the little people in line.

I have a deep seated and natural fear of frisky sea turtles and wayward pilot chutes. Right before my first visit to the Grand Caymans, I read this story (maybe an urban legend) of a sea turtle attempting to do the wild thing with a scuba diver. And there's a turtle farm on the island. So I dove wearing a shortie for the entire trip. And the first jump I made, one of the pictures they showed us (and explained to us) was about a pilot chute (that's the mini-chute that pulls out your main and/or reserve) that had gotten loose and went out the door. Showed a huge gash on the side of the plane, because once the pilot chute was out the door, it pulled the main open and through the side of the plane. So while we're climbing in this single engine Porter, I'm sitting on the floor (all the seats but the pilots are ripped out, and there is no door, it's been removed too), my head moving back and forth like a terrier, looking for the pilot to come out, because I was told if you see it go out the door, push everyone out of your way to follow it, because you're going out the plane, one way or the other. Lots of stuff to worry about, but that was what I was focused on!
I don't know about turtles but I do know that dolphins are smart enough to realize that humans are super sexy and will totally take you to rape town if they have a chance.
I don't know about turtles but I do know that dolphins are smart enough to realize that humans are super sexy and will totally take you to rape town if they have a chance.

Sailed with dolphins one time. I have to say that they were a fairly sketchy looking bunch.
Dolphins seem nice but that's cus their cute. I remember watching a video of Killer Whales with seals. . .Sharks just eat you! They don't play catch with your still living body!
Shitty week in real life. I'm still around. I'll try and catch up and get a post up in the next few days.
I just haven't had anything constructive to post. Star can't do shit to help. He's basically what you'd get if you kinda mixed Kid Flash with Superboy. Not as good as either at what they do but at least in theory better than either since he can out run one if he has to and out lift the other. Though lately the comics have made it rather clear that super speed trumps absolutely everything including the time space continium.
I just haven't had anything constructive to post. Star can't do shit to help. He's basically what you'd get if you kinda mixed Kid Flash with Superboy. Not as good as either at what they do but at least in theory better than either since he can out run one if he has to and out lift the other. Though lately the comics have made it rather clear that super speed trumps absolutely everything including the time space continium.

In case of writer's block, try:

Somebody did something. It worked. Good guys won. Everybody happy!


That's going to be my fallback position :devil:
My fall back tends to be say something snarky. That just doesn't seem quite appropriate. If we're still at the same spot in the morning I'll probably get something together.

I tend to try and keep some of it to a minimum because it's real easy for me to run away with an RP if you leave me unchecked for a bit.
My fall back tends to be say something snarky. That just doesn't seem quite appropriate. If we're still at the same spot in the morning I'll probably get something together.

I tend to try and keep some of it to a minimum because it's real easy for me to run away with an RP if you leave me unchecked for a bit.

There's always Rath

There is always Rath! Kinda want to save him for a big fight though. Go all WWE on someone's candy ass.
I assume this was directed at me?

The look you get when somebody pontificates on a subject they have absolutely no real knowledge or experience about, and you realize nothing you say is going to budge them from a position based on complete ignorance


Again, your skydiving has absolutely nothing to do with the RP. And my "ignorance" of skydiving has absolutely nothing to do with me thinking someone would show fear when getting choked. Why are you so hung up in this "I went skydiving and you didn't" superiority kick? Get off your fucking high horse. You ignore what I'm saying here in the OOC and your ignore my PMs, like you think you're taking some superior high road by calling me ignorant and pretending it has anything to do with the RP and then pretending I don't exist?

Fuck it, I'm done. Sean's the new GM. Peace out, bitch.
And for the record, you are woefully ignorant of the fact that skydiving and getting choked to death by an aggressor are NOT the same thing. Knowledge of one does not automatically constitute knowledge of the other. That's not how it works, princess. Deal with it.
*Yawn* Whatever. Hey, folks, enjoyed writing here with a lot of you. Enjoy the thread!