Young Justice: Outsiders (OOC)

It's not fair to the group if we both go. You should stay for their sake. Sean is capable of running an awesome RP. I'm the only person here you have a problem with, and since I'm no longer part of the crew, there is no reason for you to abandon the RP. You get along fine with everyone else, so stay for them.
If I'm in charge once this gets sorted I'll be posting either every day or every other day alternating the characters to set a general pace.

At the present the explosion is happening at present but depending on your characters knowledge they still have time to react, just not to stop Supes.

So Batman is probably diving for cover knowing how these things work. Ben by contrast is just kind of staring.

NPCs (any character that isn't specifically assigned to one ofus) may be controlled by anybody just try to keep it both in character and not conflicting too much with what is already going on. So Superman isn't going to use his heat vision to kill off an army of genomorphs even though it's well within his power. If Shining Knight is catching Lady K after she convinced someone to use her as a projectile he's not also back to back with Star fighting the hordes. So on and so forth.

Try not to step on each other's dicks. That said as a general rule unless something is so counter to everything that you just can't do try to roll with it. None of us are mind readers and poor interpretations of scenarios and personalities are going to happen.
If I'm in charge once this gets sorted I'll be posting either every day or every other day alternating the characters to set a general pace.

At the present the explosion is happening at present but depending on your characters knowledge they still have time to react, just not to stop Supes.

So Batman is probably diving for cover knowing how these things work. Ben by contrast is just kind of staring.

NPCs (any character that isn't specifically assigned to one ofus) may be controlled by anybody just try to keep it both in character and not conflicting too much with what is already going on. So Superman isn't going to use his heat vision to kill off an army of genomorphs even though it's well within his power. If Shining Knight is catching Lady K after she convinced someone to use her as a projectile he's not also back to back with Star fighting the hordes. So on and so forth.

Try not to step on each other's dicks. That said as a general rule unless something is so counter to everything that you just can't do try to roll with it. None of us are mind readers and poor interpretations of scenarios and personalities are going to happen.

I will try and post tomorrow :).

Do we know what is going on in terms of the psychic battle? Is Psimon well and truly defeated?
Well, I was really hoping Gypsy would stay for you guys. I didn't want to boot her from the RP since you all got along so well with her and she brought some awesome characters to the table, and it became clear to me her and I couldn't coexist in the RP if she was going to keep ignoring me, so I chose to leave. But since she ended up leaving anyway, now I wish I would have just kicked her out and stayed on as the GM. What's done is done and there is no way to change it, but I'll still be reading along with the story. I look forward to following along with the stories you guys will unfold :).
I can't speak for everybody but you're more than welcome to have your toys back.
I can't speak for everybody but you're more than welcome to have your toys back.

I appreciate the gesture, but I've burned that bridge for the last time. I will never again ask the crew to trust me. But I will still read along and enjoy the story :).
Yeah we really should stop building our bridges out of flammable materials when we know one of us might be the illigitamit love child of Pyro and the Human Torch.
I'll admit, I let it get way out of hand. I tried to PM her to patch things up for the sake of the RP, and then when I realized she was ignoring me while talking shit about me in another thread, I started raging. At that moment, I was so fed up I didn't want anything to do with this RP anymore. I can mostly keep my anger in check in real life -- being a hotel clerk/night security for nine years teaches you how to be polite even when people are being tremendously shitty to you, but in writing I seem to have no such inhibitions, lol.
Though one thing I like about my current job is that he Shitty People Factor is a lot lower. I've worked at this property for two years and only had to call the cops on like three occasions. When I was working at another property in a bad neighborhood, I had to call the cops about 200 times in the 15 months I worked there. I remember one week in particular I had to call them every single shift. Lot of bad shit that week, and on the last day, a drug deal went bad in the parking lot and some dude got jumped. He stormed into the lobby with blood all over his face and yelled, "Man, I just got jumped in your parking lot!"

Well, I was checking in an older gentlemen at that time, and he looked terrified as this bleeding dude came in. Then the older looked at me and said, "is this a safe neighborhood?" I wanted to laugh and say, "Nope. You should probably get the fuck out of here." But I couldn't say that, so I just explained to him that this instance was rare.

The local neighborhood watch actually tried to get that hotel closed down because they felt we were the reason all this trash kept coming -- 95% of our guests were local St. Pete guys who wanted a hotel room to hook up with chicks from the club, sell drugs, or facilitate prostirution. And I was not allowed to profile, so even if I knew they were going to be trouble, I had to check them in anyway.
Meh, we've done this for a few years now. I know full well who you are when I get into these things and honestly I've been in enough other rps both on here and not to know the success rate of large RPs. So maybe this can be rescued maybe it can't. Time will tell on that part.

I still hope I'm in touch when you finally realize I was right all along and you should just write goddamn fanfic. Or for that matter advise other people on it as well and pitch ideas. Your ideas are always good, your attention to detail far outshines mine. (Though I'll gladly admit that I sacrifice precision for fluidity with absolutely zero regrets.) Granted we spend too much time in DC (which isn't bad) to know if you're always way more knowledgable than I am. My comic info basically boils down to read a few comics, collected a few full collections of cards, watched all the movies, seen all the cartoons and spent an unhealthy amount of time on TvTtropes listening to folk but I'm not all up on that. Still you're damn good at that as well.

Sorry about the job being kinda crap or at least the old one. I've gnerally had fairly pleasant experiences with customer service to be honest with you. My biggest issues is the occasional African or Middle Eastern and very rare African American who apparently thinks that because we share a certain amount of melanin that I am in some way obligated to hook them up. Granted if I'm in a good mood and you make me smile I may do it, but it wasn't because we are 'brothers'. Hell my boss years back found it hilarious when I gave this kid (well his family) a discount mostly cus he was a Ben 10 fan. Kid was wearing a toy Omnitrix and I told my coworker to go tell the kid he had a nice watch. When the kid responded "that it wasn't a watch" I told my boss that OMG that kid's mother forgot her discount card but to put it on mine.
Aw, shucks. Thanks :). Though I wouldn't say my attention to detail far outshines yours -- you're a damn good writer. Honestly, you and I need to start our own company and start making webcomics and web cartoons, lol. Though, the only reason I'm not a published writer yet is that I actually have attention issues. I find it difficult to keep my mind on the task at hand, lack motivation, and its getting worse as I get older.

Back when I was 20 and was first realizing I wanted to be a writer, I wrote like 96 pages of a manuscript in less than two weeks. Now I always lose interest after like five pages unless its an RP. Psychological issues run in my family, and both my mother and grandmother had done stints in mental hospitals. They were both addicted to pain pills and cigarettes and theyboth died from emphasema. Luckily that won't get me since I don't smoke, lol.

Part of me is scared to go to the doctor because I don't want them tell me I have a brain tumor -- its getting harder to focus, I seem to be getting clumsier, my sense of balance is jacked up, and lately I've been having bad headaches ocassionally after I wake up. I honestly think it's just that I'm out of shape and don't eat right, by my friend thinks its a tumor. I'd rather just pretend there's nothing wrong and hope I don't die, lmao.

And yeah, luckily that job is done and over with. I worked there from spring 2010 to summer 2011, and I was so happy to get out of there. I've worked at my current hotel since summer 2013, though I did leave for two months to try and get off night shift, but came back because my other job was part time and paid shit. I couldn't afford to stay there. And I'm glad I came back because now my manager is talking about my potential to become a General Manager myself. October is raise season, and she convinced corporate to give me an .80 cent raise, which puts me at $11 an hour. Still a shitty wage, but better than the $8.00 I was getting at Target.
I've been kicking around several web comic ideas for years, my art skills are somewhere between an epileptic gerbil and an octoplegic spider. It's a pretty good deterrent.

Sorry about the headaches. As someone who's sworn the next time they see a doctor it will be to discuss what's the quickest and least painful way to finish this silly repeated trip around the sun I'm unfit to give advice there however. Sorry about your folks though, I know the attention issue. For me I know it's at least partially because of my current environment.

Considering how much shit I give people who got to Barnes N Noble to write I get it. I like having people around me when I write and in general when I work. And the more teh better because it's not really that I want to talk to you or anything. Generally speaking I don't. I abhor small talk. I assume if something important happened in your day I won't have to ask you how your day went. Your day was normal with nothing worthy of mention and I could have wasted that energy doing literally anything else up to and including wondering what would happen in a potential Crow/Naruto cross over. (I actually had/have somewhere several chapters of two separate versions of that. Never quite figured out how to finish it mostly because I started before a few big reveals in the series and it was like. . .well I wish I could unknow that because it shatters all my plans, makes more sense than my plan and. . .I CANNOT UNSEE!!!!!) I've tons of started and stopped projects. (Also I'm terribly easy to distract) Anyway there is a vast difference between people and and persons. Persons are individuals, they are likely to attempt to speak to me often about things that bore me and in being polite I will indulge them. They'll get hungry and ask if I am hungry. . .if i was I'd be eating. But I will be eventually and now that I'm off topic I may as well. People on the other hand don't see me, at least not anymore than they see a chair or a table. They know not to run into it but they don't feel any compulsion to interact with it. It was one of the best parts of being in the Marines for me, especially on the boat. Tons of people but I could occasionally go a day or more without seeing a person.

Well go get that raise too. I know about shitty wages been back and forth on that one myself too.
I never joined the military because I was afraid I'd be forced to shoot people, but my father was in the Navy. I was born at a Naval Air Station in Jacksonville. He worked in kitchens aboard aircraft carriers and briefly did security as an MS1. But he got into it with his commanders over some bullshit and they forced him out after sixteen and a half years. He was a Petty Officer 1st Class and would have made Chief if he'd stayed in his full 20. Most of my uncles did stints in the military, but my grandfather was the only one to actually retire. He did six years in the Army and then switched over to the Air Force and finished out his 20. Then we went and worked for the Postal Service for a while and retired from both the PS and the military and was drawing in like three grand a month for retirement.

And I can't stand other people when I write, lol. I'm naturally an introvert and I deal with people like 50 hours a week between work and shopping. My off days are usually spent in front of my computer because I need a break from people in real life, lol.

I've also pondered some.crossovers and unknowingly predicted certain things. Like after watching DBZ: Battle of Gods, I wondered if it was possible for Goku to go Super Saiyan while in god.form, and BAM -- they did it, lol.
Sorry about that everybody, if there is still even an everybody around to have. Can I get a role call just so I know if i should care?
Instead of me clogging up what is now your OOC, we can continue chatting in my old lounge:

I think this might be the problem...

I'm sorry Jeff but what the fuck? You say you're going to continue in your old lounge then clog the thread with three vast picture posts. If anyone has a slow internet connection it will take ages to get through, and even on mine it's annoying because I have to scroll down for ever to get to an actual relevant post.

You promised you wouldn't do this, but you have, so just leave it in peace and go. I honestly have no problem with you being here and talking, because simple conversation doesn't block out the whole page. But long picture posts do, and much as I don't want to hurt your feelings, I simply don't care. I'm sorry your mother passed, and it's wonderful that you were a best man, but for much the same reason I didn't comment on any of Gypsy's self-promoting posts about skydiving and extreme sports, I simply don't care. I don't need to see ten pictures of you in different hats with different hair styles. I don't need to see little Jeffy. If I wanted to see that stuff I would go to a personal thread.

Please stay if you wish, and talk, and be friendly, but please stop clogging up the thread to the point that I don't want to read it because you were the latest post.

Sean, I'm sorry about that, but if we still have a decent amount of people then I'm willing to try and keep this going.
Yeah... To be honest, I forgot which window I was on and meant those posts for my Lounge... Then when I realized the mistake, I decided to just leave it. Clearly that was a mistake, so I will edit my posts when I get home and remove the pics.
Okay, pics removed. And yes, I promised I wouldn't let another RP unravel, but I was afraid you guys would bail if I kicked Gypsy out, yet she was ignoring me, thus making it difficult to GM the RP. So since I was getting fucked no matter what at that point, I decided to hand it over to Sean, that way I was the only one getting fucked and you all could still play together.