Young Justice: Outsiders (OOC)

The Jeffinator

Captain Manbeard
Mar 13, 2005
I have done a number of these RPs over the years, and I have always become obsessed with details and scientific accuracy, though certain aspects of that may have been inconsistent at times. I realize having that mindset makes it difficult to keep a thread running, so this time around I am not allowing myself to be hampered by things that some would consider trivial. I would, however, still prefer it if we keep the continuity consistent from one post to the next and minimize plotholes.

Similar to some of my previous threads, the story will start at the Justice League's Tenth Anniversary celebration in Washington, D.C. Our characters are all in attendance, some baddies attack, all hell breaks loose, and we launch off with an epic battle. After that, we go to Gotham to train with Batman and other mentors in a secondary Batcave. We become a covert operations team for the Justice League known as the Outsiders, taking on missions that they cannot handle without damaging their political image.

As for how this version of the DC Universe is, just a few things to remember:

  • To minimize the scale, every major planet in the DC Universe resides within the Milky Way. No contact had been made as of yet with any being from another galaxy.

  • Planet Oa is the capital of the Galactic Alliance, and the Green Lantern Corps is the primary police force among Alliance systems.

  • Darkseid's home world is called Apokk Prime, though he has not yet been a threat to the heroes of Earth – he is currently active on the other side of the galaxy. Doomsday has not appeared yet either.

  • Mars is still a living planet, but appears lifeless to the external observer and all sensors due to advanced Martian cloaking technology; the same technology is used to veil the Justice League Watchtower space station.

  • The Justice Society of America formed in 1940, fought in World War II from 1942 to 1945, enjoyed a few years of popularity, and then ultimately disbanded in 1951 when the team was divided over whether or not to become involved in the Korean War.

  • The Justice League of America formed in 2006 after an alien race known as the Reach attacked Earth. It was during this battle that J'onn J'onzz and Abin Sur appeared. Upon Sur's death, his Green Lantern ring found Hal Jordan, who then formed the League with J'onzz, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Aquaman.

  • As a Green Lantern, Hal Jordan helped Earth become an associate member of the Galactic Alliance, which gave scientists access to greater technologies.
  • It is now 2016, and the JLA has grown to several dozen members in the last ten years.

We have a separate thread for character and plot specifics, which can be found HERE.
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Name: Micheal 'Star' Lee
Personality: Micheal is a naturally gifted athlete performing performing well in basketball, football, wrestling and martial arts. As a result of his natural talents he's a bit lazy but always willing to help a friend. He's quick to friendship, and slow to anger but when he's genuinely angry he's a sight to behold.

Gear and Equipment: An Nth Metal necklace. He's trained with several martial arts weapons including the Chinese Broad Sword, Katana, nunchucks, Bo-staff, hook swords and kunai. However the only thing he carries with any consistency are a dozen kunai preferring to assess each situation and arm up appropriately.

Powers: His extensive training in martial arts and control over his natural ki energy allow him to perform what he refers to as ninja tricks. By gathering energy in his feet he can achieve super human speed. Up to 100 mph sustained, and in extremely short bursts he can reach 400 mph, he primarily uses it to perform the Flash Step.


He can use a variant to walk on water or up walls. However his greatest strength comes from his unique Martial Art. It's a blend of traditional wrestling and Kapu Kuʻialua, a Hawaiian martial art based on bone breaking, joint locks, throws, pressure point manipulation, strikes, and use of various weapons. He uses his ability to stick to objects to stick to people making his grip nearly impossible to escape.

(Think Spiderman if he decided that instead of using kicks and punches that he'd be better off wrestling MMA style and just breaking every bone in your body.)



Name: Benjamin Tennyson
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Abilities: Ben is ambidextrous, inteligent if often lazy and naturally athletic. His true power comes from the Omnitrix however an alien device that allows him to turn into difference species of Alien. He's currently restricted to ten species as a result of him accidentally resetting the device and it's designer Azimuth deciding that if he was smart enough to break it he's smart enough to fix it. It's actually a punishment for him attempting to hack the device for the master controls. Access to the master control would give him the ability to transform into any sentient race in the Milky Way galaxy the Galvans have made contact with. Currently it will scan the DNA of species that come into contact with Ben and in most cases give him access to their DNA. Because the Omnitix was not designed as a weapon but rather as a diplomatic tool the species must still have a large enough population to be considered a civilization. Hence while Kryptonian and Martian DNA are included they are considered extinct races and remain locked.
Personality: Ben's arrogant and despite having been a hero for sometime has had relatively few "true" challenges. As a result he tends to charge first and leave the questions to people with more patience than he can generally muster. Though when the chips are down he can focus. He's had some training in the mystic and martial arts by his cousin Gwen Tennyson but generally just enough to recognize when he's in over his head especially in the mystic arts.
Currently loaded Aliens: Wrath, Big Chill, XLR8, Grey Matter, Upgrade, Rip Jaws, Spider Monkey, Echo Echo, Nanovolt, Wildmutt
The Justice Society of America formed in 1940, fought in World War II from 1942 to 1945, enjoyed a few years of popularity, and then ultimately disbanded in 1951 when the team was divided over whether or not to become involved in the Korean War.

So the JSA did not go into retirement over demands to reveal themselves so as to appease Congress during the McCarthy era communist witch-hunt?

Are we, other than the changes you cite, considering ourselves to be in a pre-Crisis, new 52!, or post new-52! (there have been some retconning already, after roughly 5 years--at most) canon?

We don't really fit into any of the established continuities. I'd say this is our own version of the DC universe. I deliberately left part of it vague so as to not overwhelm potential writers. Overall, it's kind of open. If you have any specific questions that are not answered by the initial post, I'd be happy to explain.

And the JSA was under pressure from the government to join the war, but the team members were divided over the issue -- some of them wanted to go and fight the North Koreans, some wanted to protest against the US government for pushing them, while others desired to not be involved one way or another. This ultimately led to the team disbanding, but that does not mean every member retired right then and there. Some of them continued on for many years, they were just no longer operating as the JSA.
Okay, I edited my first post with my character profiles. I decided to keep Conner a clone after all, lol.
I will join!

I will probably play as M'gann and possibly an original character.

I will try and post CS's but I want to do new ones so it might take me a little while as I'm suuuper busy this week :/
Is there room for a power suit hero, like Iron Man or Steel?
Original character. Super Genius with no money. Started as a gadgeteer, similar to Tony Stark in Iron Man 3. Made his first suit out of scrap, upgrading continually. Probably on like version 7 of his suit and right now it's probably in the power range of the final armor from the first Iron Man movie.

Strength, flight, energy blasts, probably an integrated tool system.

Something like that.

I'm calling dibs on Batgirl, Barbara Gordon.

I'll post her bio soon.
How is he a super genius with no money? I assume to obtain the skills and knowledge necessary to build his suit, he would have had to attend MIT or Caltech or some higher institution of learning. How did he learn to build the suit?
How is he a super genius with no money? I assume to obtain the skills and knowledge necessary to build his suit, he would have had to attend MIT or Caltech or some higher institution of learning. How did he learn to build the suit?

Honestly the same way Spiderman did/does. He's always depicted as being roughly on par with Stark and Mr. Fantastic in the brains division and while he doesn't have a supersuit it's generally implied that webbing is actually fairly expensive and he just somehow never gets caught stealing from the schools he goes to. By all logic Peter Parker should not only have full scholarships to everywhere on the planet but Stark and Reed should just give him keys and tell him to stop slumming at the college when he needs to build something. The security there sucks.

My bigger issue is building stuff out of scraps that is useful but comic logic has allowed Donatello and Tony Stark to build shit from stuff that people throw away. So I can live with it.

Though I think the BETTER way to go about it would be something along the lines of he showed such promise in some science fair that he caught the notice of someone (Bruce Wayne) who started funding him or at least secretly crashing high tech shit in his back yard and forgetting to clean up afterhimself.
Well, this has all been off the cuff creating. Super genius is his meta power, and he was born into a regular, lower class family, probably alcoholic parents. That's a good touch.

He took an aptitude test or IQ test of some kind in school and tested off the charts. Earned a full scholarship to MIT or Caltech or somesuch as a young kid, Doogie Howser style. Focused on physics, chemistry, engineering, biomechanics, computer science and such.

Maybe he started crime fighting to expose something, like an evil corporation or government corruption, or one particularly slimy politician. Over the years he's upgraded to street crime, fighting drug trafficking, and the occasional supervillain.

This character didn't exist when I started writing this. I think I'm doing pretty well.
That's a nice touch Sean, thanks. I could see Wayne, Luthor or Kord doing that, but I don't want to use established people without the DM's consent. Though Luthor would make a very nice touch, especially if this is based off the old young justice tv show. Think of the possibilities, especially owing Luthor.

Maybe even Ras Al Ghul.

As to the suit, well, he would start with scrap to protect himself, but continually upgrade, learn how to forge his own steel and such. I've got a buddy who built a forge in his backyard, makes his own knives and is starting to make swords and armor. I was thinking by now, years later, the character would have built a machine to nanoweave carbon, allowing him to make his armor out of that.

The power source is the tricky part.
But Peter Parker didn't build an arc reactor, lol. Tony Stark was so much of a genius that he graduated MIT in the top of his class at age 17 (in the MCU), but still didn't create his first suit until he was in his 40s, after years of furthering his knowledge.

You could always play a regular guy finds some alien tech and then maybe gains super intelligence through the implant and develops the ability to mentally interface with computer programs. Then he could break into STAR Labs and download sensitive data and schematics and that's how he obtains the skills to build a suit. Maybe he starts out as a sort of hacker/anti-hero fighting against government and corporate corruption, and thus he lives frugally and never stays in one place for long. Then he steps out of the shadows to aid in the attack on the JLA party, and ultimately becomes part of the new team. Maybe his whole purpose for originally being at the party was to spy on the politicians that are attending. It's your call, though.
Tony had this wondeful advantage over Parker. It's called being born rich. I've little doubt that if their fates were switched they'd be in approximately the same places. Parker perhaps a little better off despite losing both parents and an uncle he has less daddy issues. :D

I'm fine with it either way.

On a side not for my two Star has been mostly working low key in his 'X' City up until now while Ben has been in the game for a long time and is relatively well known though generally left alone by the rest of the super hero community.
That works too. I'll start researching DC aliens. Dominators for the initial biotech to unlock the metagene. Based his armor off Reach tech? Maybe a variation of the beetle armor?

How's that sound?
Yeah, you could even make up a color of scarab that hadn't mean done yet and be a Beetle character, haha. And you don't have to use the alien tech idea, that was just a suggestion. I probably shouldn't be overly concerned with how he makes his suit, this is just for fun, after all, lol. So, use whatever angle you feel most comfortable with :).
Or I could play a guy who gets the scarab after Jaime Reyes. The new Blue Beetle.

Oh! I've got it!

A civilian super genius who works at STAR labs and frequently consults for the JLA. That's why he's at the party. Jaime Reyes is cut down during the attack and while trying to save him the beetle attaches itself to the new character.
We missed each other on cross posts.

I'll make it a red scarab, instead of Jaime dying, because you probably have plans for him, It will be something he was working on in his lab

Let's say he graduated at 17 with a focus in xenotechnology, his boss managed to accidentally turn on the scarab and he got it. He's spent the last few years as a hero.
That works, though it sounds like he would be considerably older than the teenage heroes, unless his mentor is the one who works at STAR Labs and your character is a young intern and accompanies his mentor to the party. Either way, we could say the scarab was part of the Reach's invasion plot ten years ago, though it failed to activate right away, and the reaction was delayed several years. When it finally did activate, it attached itself to Jaime Reyes, but without the presence of a Reach master computer, it had no directive. Thus Jaime used the scarab to become a superhero, and he becomes the first casualty of the attack on the JLA party. Then the scarab jumps to the nearest person -- your guy.
Red Beetle

Real Name Frederick "Rick" Romanov
Age 19

Skills & Powers

Rick is a genius, especially with technology. He is a highly skilled analyst and theoretical scientist of multiple specialties. He is an average engineer, better with theory than with hands on. Since bonding with the scarab Rick has begun martial arts training.

As the Red Scarab Rick has flight, super strength, invulnerablity and the ability to fire bursts of energy, sonics and metal spikes shaped like staples. He also has an advanced AI that talks to him, constantly criticising him.

Born in squalor to alcoholic parents who made enough money not to need welfare, but spent most of their money on booze. Rick left that life when he got perfect scores on every aptitude test his school had, going to college on scholarship at a very young age, eventually graduating with doctorates at 17. Because of the Reach invasion in 2006, Rich focused on xenotechnology in his studies. When he graduated STAR labs scooped him up, giving the theoretical scientist access to biggest vault of xenotechnology on the planet. His job was researching and cataloging alien technology, doing very little to no experimentation. When he was involved in experiments it was as an assistant. Rick is the most junior man in his department, but has the most general knowledge of xenotech. Rick soon became one of the world's leading experts in general xenotechnology, often consulting with the Justice League and the US government.

One night, while working late at STAR, Rick left his desk to use the bathroom and found one of his superiors transporting a Reach scarab that Rick had been studying. It was the only functioning scarab STAR had, and with help from the JLA they had disabled it's connection to the Reach and it had been sitting in the deep storage vaults ever since. Rick immediately confronted his superior, and a tussle ensued. As they struggled a known supervillain arrived to pick up the scarab from the traitorous superior. (DM'S choice on the villain. I was thinking Chesire, or Black Manta, but it's your story) Rick tried to fight but was wounded. However, before they took it away, Rick managed to bond the scarab to himself, becoming Red Beetle.
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