Young Justice: Outsiders (IC)

Beast Boy

As Gar helped Batgirl to her feet, he could not help but give her a good looking over. It seemed to him that her costume had changed since the last news report he'd seen. That wasn't unusual, his own costume had gone through more than a few alterations from when he first began. What he found interesting, especially as he watched her swiping the dust and bits of debris off the skin-tight parts of the costume, was that he had never really looked at her in this sort of light.

He had nodded at her request and smiled when she joked with him. For now? Limit the pleasure for now? Maybe there's pleasure to be found later? Hmmm.... He leaned in and gathered her up, letting her stand upon the palms of his interlocked hands and kneeling down so he could stand abruptly and launch her towards her destination.

As he made the maneuver, Gar shifted just as quickly from gorilla to T-rex and used the combination of the dinosaur's greater body strength as well as the increased height to pitch Batgirl up and over the sparring bodies between then and where their colleagues were making a hole in the wall. He slapped a few nearby assailants with his tail as he watched her sail through the air and then returned to his normal form while scanning the crowd.

Feeling the need for recon, Gar became a mosquito and zipped here and there about the ballroom. He spied Psimon as he entered and hovered about as the mastermind engaged Manta, Aquaman, and then some woman he wasn't familiar with. (As much as he'd like to, Gar's preference flipping from quiet, almost wholesome girly girls to strong, powerful females who looked could probably bench press him all day long.) He didn't think he could take on the cloaked figure as he shifted things, and people, through the air and fired off electrical bursts every now and then, but Gar had had enough experience with bioenergies to wonder if he might prompt a sort of interference if he shocked the man.

So, he flew in close to Psimon and attempted to land on him, gently, as a mosquito, then suddenly become an over-sized electric eel, and shock Psimon heavily. Hope that gives someone the opening they need.
M’gann’s assault on Psimon didn’t last long, she’d expected him to detect her intrusion, but she hadn’t expected the scale of the defence he mounted. Her psychic assault had lasted all of three seconds until she felt him turn his awful attention to her mind. His voice was twisted, but powerful, dripping with an egomaniacal arrogance. She tried desperately to throw up walls against his assault, realising too late that he was right, that she had rushed in. She was too slow…

M’gann had been hovering over the chaos, her attention fixed on the dark, cloaked man at the centre, she had been seemingly oblivious to the fighting below. She had, for the few seconds, been the one oasis of calm in the confusion. That oasis was shattered when she fell. She went down like a stone, landing in a crumpled heap. The expression on her face did not change, her serene concentration unmarred by her sudden fall.

Inside her head though, it was a far different story. M’gann was trapped, helpless, the fire was surrounding her, she could feel her strength leaking away. That awful voice continued behind the fire, his scarred, twisted face hanging over her, a cackle echoing somehow in the empty black space. And the flames were growing higher, fiercer, raging ever closer. She curled up, trying to find some sort of protection, some isolation from the fire.
Star was starting to have a hard time keeping himself upright. Between the monster things and the soldiers there just seemed to be no end to them. Individually they weren't too tough, except the big ones. What they were was seeming to be without limit. He was beginning to realized that it was just a matter of time before one of them got lucky.

Then things started shifting rapidly. Ben finished creating an exit and with the help of Superman and the speedsters the civilians were largely out of harms way. . .well assuming that the monsters and soldiers that seemed from his perspective to be without limit were all inside and not coming inside. He would have spent time thinking on that subject but out of no where a green skinned woman simply fell to the floor. Star was actually ashamed that his instincts had made him dive out from beneath her instead of catching her.

It didn't make him feel any better but in his defense in the middle of a brawl something coming towards you is almost always bad.

He returned quickly to herside, there wasn't time to check her vitals. . .and she was clearly an alien did they even have the same place to check for a pulse? Did they have a pulse?

Star wasn't even aware of the battle anymore even though he was still actively participating. Instinct had taken over block, parry, thrust. Side step, feint. Snap the wrist, break the elbow. Dislocate the shoulder. Shatter the knee. If they had been better fighters he wouldn't have been so successful but soon they were starting to choose alternate targets away from the young man and the woman he'd chosen to protect.
After the wall came down, Batgirl waded into the melee, covering the civilians as they fled the scene.

The little screaming creatures joined in, but before long they disappeared, returning to one familiar boy in formal wear. Instead of transforming into another alien, Ben liberated a bar and continued to fight. There was a problem, though.

Instead of defending the innocent bystanders, it was all he could do to defend himself.

"Need a hand?" Batgirl asked, rolling over the back of a storm trooper.

"I'd take a foot." He hit a genomorph in the gut, and Batgirl followed it up with a kick to its face.

"No offense, but we could probably use one of your more impressive forms." She said. "Not that I don't find your form impressive... I mean..."

Batgirl opted to remove her foot from her mouth and use it to keep fighting.
Psimon was lost in a blaze of pure joy as he unleashed hell upon the young Martian girl. He could feel her fear and her agony and it thrilled him to no end. His maniacal laughter filled her head, the image of his grinning face visible in the flames. So drawn in by her suffering was he that he didn't notice a mosquito land on him until it had turned into an eel.

“What the – aaaarrrggghh!!!” It seemed the dark psychic was struck by an electric charge from the eel at the same time that lights came exploding all around him. The ground came rushing up to meet his head as a bout of dizziness overcame him, following by a ringing in his ears and partial blindness. He grasped at his neck for the eel and clenched it tightly, unleashing his own lightning into the creature and then flinging it away from him.

“Gaah! Damn it!” Psimon cursed loudly as he struggled to see. A moment later, he felt a third mind enter the connection.

“M'gann, it's okay,” came the strong, calm voice of the Manhunter. “You must fight his illusion. You don't have to do it alone. I am with you.” The boost of courage the Martian girl's uncle gave her was unsettling to Psimon, who immediately felt his flames die down. Knowing defeat was imminent and unavoidable, the psychic quickly sent a final command to the truck driver outside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As the Boy of Steel went sprawling after his latest failed charge at Lady K, he started to regain a sense of awareness. Finally thinking before acting, he ran towards her again, dropping down at the last second to slide under her, sweeping her feet and causing her to stumble and fall forward. As her face rushed toward the ground, Superboy grabbed her shoulder at the last second and spun her around violently so that she fell on her back. And then he was on top of her, gripping his fingers around her throat, attempting to squeeze the life out of her.

“No more!” he screamed at her. “You will die now!” His face turned from rage to sadness as he realized he was actually about to commit murder. “No... I... I can't....” It seemed his programming was starting to wear off. “This.... This isn't right... I'm.... I'm so sorry...” The boy backed up off the woman and took a few steps back, looking at her in absolute grief over what he had almost done. He dropped to his knees, and tears began to pour down his cheeks. “Please kill me... I don't want to be a weapon anymore...”

Suddenly, their gaze was drawn to the semi truck that had delivered the genomorphs as it began to float above the hotel, revealing a series of rocket boosters underneath it. A glowing spherical force-field appeared around it, and the driver spoke out over a loudspeaker so that everyone in the hotel could hear. Anyone who looked outside would see the truck.

“This barrier is unbreachable,” he called out. “Well, at least in the short space of time before the bomb detonates. Yes, that's right – I've activated an explosive that can easily destroy everything within a half-mile radius. You can't stop it. You can't get through this barrier. And you can't save everybody. You have three minutes, and then boom! Hahaha!”
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And then something changed, Psimon’s face was no longer hovering above her, it flickered, for a fraction of a second he was kneeling a few feet away, his expression a scowl. The enormous face returned for just a moment before his form reappeared a few feet away once more. Her uncle’s voice echoed through the space, “M'gann, it's okay, you must fight his illusion. You don't have to do it alone. I am with you.” The fires blew out, and M’gann slowly clambered to her feet, psychically speaking.

The dark robed Psimon recovered at about the same time as she did, but now she’d had time to prepare her own defences, at least in part. This time he wouldn’t have such an easy fight, she paid no mind to her physical form, knowing that she could not afford to take her attention from this foe. She could only hope that someone would find her and either take her to safety, or protect her.

No, this Psimon was far too dangerous for her to allow herself to be distracted. He stood, and his glared fixed her in place, terrified for a moment, then she remembered her Uncles presence, and her resolve, already strengthened by his intervention grew stronger still. M’gann sent out a wave of psionic force. If this had been the physical plane then everyone around her would have been knocked flat. Psimon stumbled.

They floated now above a strange swirling galaxy, the emotions and thoughts of the rest of the room boiling and writhing beneath them, intertwining and splitting off from each other as the battle continued. Yet they were strangely isolated from the turmoil.

Then her Uncle threw his own abilities into the fight, and Psimon was beaten back, at first gradually, but with increasing speed. His face grew fierce, and then afraid as he realised he couldn’t divert M’gann’s next attack. Together, she and her Uncle had pummelled him, driving him back, weakening his defences and distracting him until the final blow sent him reeling, physically and psychically.
Beast Boy

Gar wasn't sure, when the idea had first came to him, if using electricity against someone wielding electricity was a good idea or not. When Psimon grabbed him by what would pass for the scruff of the neck in most any other form he might have been in and discharge a blast into Gar-the-Eel, it was confirmed. Just because one dealt in an energy form was no guarantee of protection against said energy.

The Eel gave a scream followed by a short string of some of Gar's favorite not-really-cuss words he'd learned from Cliff and then a short shout as Psimon threw him away. He twitched as he passed through the air and landed on all fours as a bright green tabby. Anyone watching would have said Gar seemed like a jade version of Garfield that had been over blowdried as his fur was all standing out from his body and very puffed up looking.

He looked over at the attack's mastermind and thought the man seemed to warring internally. Maybe one of the mental heroes is slapping him around inside his head? I'll give them a moment before I...what the... The appearance of the semi and the message delivered by its driver made Gar shake his head softly.'s the Doom Patrol all over again. Not this time. Three minutes is plenty of time, right? I mean, it's got rockets already lightening the load, yeah?

Gar moved to a spot in the ballroom where he could get some running room, shifted from housecat to cheetah and took off at a sprint, before leaping as a gazelle, becoming airborne as a chimney swift and rapidly leaving the building and approaching the big glowing bubble in the sky. He maneuvered himself to a space beneath the ball, and rose up as a pterodactyl pushing the orb and its deadly payload higher into the sky.

Hope some of the faster, stronger, flying types are still here watching. Not sure how far I'm going to get in three minutes.
Ben and Star

"Ben!" Star shouted dashing over and shoulder checking the last of the combatatants away from Ben 10 and Batgirl. He did pause momentarily to take in sight of the female hero in her alluring skin tight costume but he was able to focus on the actual situation at hand. "I don't suppose you have a plan for a flying bomb with a half mile kill zone?"

Ben had been to busy not being dead to really notice much of what Batgirl had said. There was something about his form being impressive or needing to be more impressive that he'd caught but it had been coupled with a kick to the gut. The Omnitrix display turned from an angry red to an inviting green just before he was about to explain how it worked and then Star was there.

"Right, because I'm. . ." Ben let it drop. The fact was that he should have a plan. Maybe not before Batman did.

Two minutes thirty seconds, assuming the driver hadn't lied.

"Get out of here Star, I'll figure something out." Ben replied staring upward. "Oh, you brilliant man." Ben commented watching as Beast Boy started pushing the force field. He wasn't making great time, he just lacked the raw strength to get the job done.

"Where's Supe-"

The rest of Ben's sentence was cut off when a blue and red blur shot past him almost to quickly to notice. Once the blur was beneath the truck it angled upward slamming into the sphere with the force of bullet train. Which apparently wasn't the best way to handle it since there was only a quarter second delay between his impact and it's detonation, just enough time for him to place himself between the brunt of the blast and the flying green reptile. . .
"We got this!" John Stewart shouted flying up from the former chaos. Kyle Raynor was hot on the tail of the other Green Lantern and together the two threw up barrier hoping to contain move the device before Superman rushed past them. Without missing a beat the two erected a dome over as much of the surrounding city as the pair could manage.

It held. Sort of. The explosion sent the Big Blue Boy Scout straight through the neon green dome leaving a crater several feet deep and twice that wide in the ground with a semi-conscious Kryptonian. The explosion itself engulfed the dome shattering it but only after much of the force had been dissipated.

Still what was left was more than enough to level the Emerald Gardens.

Ben stood silent near the center of what had been a parking lot. Now it looked more like a junkyard out of one of those post apocalyptic movies he used to watch as a kid. Twisted metal and burning hunks of rubber that had once constituted cars were scattered about. Worse, mangled bodies peppered the scene. It struck Ben as odd that the first thing he'd noticed hadn't been the bodies of the blonde woman in the blue dress cradling her young child. It had been the remains of green and black 2003 Mustang. There was something wrong with that wasn't there?

And he should be helping.
Doing something. Putting out fires, rushing the wounded to the hospital, relaying messages for the justice league, callingsuvivors.

Absolutely anything but what he was doing. Which was standing like a statue unable to choose anything.

He was still in a daze when the Dark Knight emerged from what was left of the building and immediately started barking orders one after the other. The Justice League, minus Superman were quickly starting to manage the situation.

Batman descended to land next to Batgirl. "Take any non Justice League hero and go. Now." He said firmly. Overhead helicopters were beginning to gather as were an entire army of media, police and just random by standers.
Beast Boy

Dead...I'm dead...I'm dead...I'm...what the heck?

The sudden intercession of Superman between Gar and the Truck-of-Doom's sphere of death and destruction was nothing short of a godsend. If he still had any faith, he might have dropped a quick thank-you prayer under his breath as he dropped from flying dinosaur to much faster flying bird to a gecko holding onto Supe's cape for all he was worth.

Gar was still contemplating his next course of action, and shoving down the feeling disappointment that it had been Superman and not his cousin who'd come to his rescue--so to speak--when the Lanterns had showed up and managed to divert the majority of the blast away.

But not all of it.

When Superman got thrown, Gar shrank even further, becoming no more than a flea on the surface of the Kryptonian's costume. After they impacted with the ground, he'd stood up as himself, briefly, before dropping into the form of an unbelievably cute little terrier. As he walked and stumbled away, Gar kept enough sense to take on something that people would have a tendency to want to shield and protect. A familiar scent caught Gar's attention and he wandered over towards a yellow booted, purplish-black figure.

Before Gar could become himself and see how Batgirl was doing, he saw Batman approach the young woman. I wonder if there's a relationship between them like with the others? Gar mused. Batman looked as grim as ever, maybe more so in person, as he told Batgirl, "Take any non Justice League hero and go. Now."

Gar resumed his usual human form and raised a hand slightly. "Here's one," he told the caped crusaders, "Where would you like me to go? Just follow you?" Gar smiled broadly at Batgirl and chuckled. "Not a problem."
Batman looked as grim as ever, maybe more so in person, as he told Batgirl, "Take any non Justice League hero and go. Now."

Gar resumed his usual human form and raised a hand slightly. "Here's one," he told the caped crusaders, "Where would you like me to go? Just follow you?" Gar smiled broadly at Batgirl and chuckled. "Not a problem."

Batgirl set her mouth in an imitation of batman's grim expression as she nodded and and turned to leave. She checked over her shoulder to make sure Beastboy was following before she picked up the pace; her grapnel gun assisted her leap and carried her over the outer wall of the grounds.

The landing was rough; she winced and fell to one knee. That hit from the super kid was starting to catch up to her now that the adrenaline was wearing off.

"You ok?" Beastboy asked, helping her back to her feet.

"I'm fine thanks." She said attempting to cover a limp as she crossed the street.

"Need a ride?" He asked starting to shift into something big enough to carry her.

"I've got one." She said revealing a black motorcycle with a yellow bat across the handlebars that she must have hidden before the party. "Hop on." She said, swinging her leg over and, patting the seat behind her.

As soon as he was on and grabbed her hips, she gunned it, sending the bike screeching through the streets.
Ben was too far away from the Batman and still to horrified by the surrounding chaos to really focus on what was said but between the half heard words of Batman, Beast Boy and Batgirl he did gather the only important part.

Get out. Go where she goes.

Before he could ask for directions or anything like that she was already mounting her motorcycle and racing off. Ben didn't know what was going on but he knew when Batman started giving orders that you didn't question them. None of the others were.

He looked down at the Omnitrix and dialed in a new alien form. He slapped the watch and shifted into a light blue alien. XLR8. "Where's Star?" IT took him a quick moment to grab the one he'd invited to this disaster in the first place and race off after Batgirl.

"Not that I'm complaining in an anywhere is better than here sort of way but do we have a plan?" Ben asked keeping pace with the bike while dodging traffic. "Cus if we're just getting away there's an old Plumber's base about ten miles from here. Should be empty."
Beast Boy

As they made their way out of the ruins of the hotel/conference center's grounds, Gar scaled the wall as a lizard and shifted to a flying squirrel to drop over to the other side and land lightly beside Batgirl. He helped her to her feet, as she had not landed so easily, and checked how she was. Her claim of being fine was allowed to stand, even though he was pretty sure she was favoring her leg slightly.

Gar became a swift racehorse and offered her a ride, but she turned his offer into one of her own by displaying a special Batcycle. cool is that? We never had anything that cool in the Doom Patrol. He slipped onto the seat behind her and held on tightly.

Once he had a good grip, Batgirl gunned the motor and the bike sped off away from the disaster they had failed to prevent. The sudden motion spurred Gar into trying for a better hold; he instinctively became an octopus and wrapped multiple tentacles around Batgirl's waist. He also became aware of someone running alongside of them.

"Not that I'm complaining in an anywhere is better than here sort of way but do we have a plan?" the person was saying. Gar noticed the big-ass watch-like thing on their wrist and remembered seeing it on one of the heroes involved in the battle. Different hero, though. Maybe it's a team insignia? "Cus if we're just getting away there's an old Plumber's base about ten miles from here. Should be empty."

"Sounds good to me," the bright green octopus said , a rather unsettling mouth having appeared on it as it spoke, then grinned broadly. One of its free tentacles tapped Batgirl on the shoulder. "What do you think?"
Star felt lf his body when the blue skinned alien snatched him by the wrist and darted away passing bystander and bodies alike. It told him Batman said to take all the heroes and go with Batgirl.

"I'm not a hero!" He shouted back twisting so he was on the creature's back. It was easy to keep grip with his powers but he was still unsure why he was even there. They pulled up alongside Batgirl and. . .green changes into animals person.

"That place sounds good to me!" Star shouted. Mostly because he didn't really enjoy a sixty mile an hour piggy back ride.

When they arrived at what looked like an abandoned auto repair shop Star immediatly climbed down off Ben. "Okay. . .someone. . .anybody. . .please tell me what the fuck is going on?"
"Welcome to Plumber Base 3-1-0. . . I think. I never really bothered memorizing all the different names. Especially the minor ones." Ben said obviously talking more to keep his mind busy than actually meaning to explain things to his new found allies.

He walked over to what looked like a tool kit and placed one hand on it. "Benjamin Tennyson, clearance Alpha." He said slowly.

"Subject Confirmed." A vaguely female voice responded. Around them metal shutters came down blocking the windows and doors. Tool boxes and walls whirred to life spinning out of view and revealing weapons, tools and computers.

Ben made a sweeping motion. "This is a small office, really more of a refuel station but you should all find anything you need. Phones, computers, back up weapons." He said still talking. He continued rattling off facts until one of the screens came on.

Batman's face appeared on the screen. "Ben, Batgirl, Beastboy, Will. I'm glad all of you managed to escape scrutiny. As you already know the Justice League was attacked by an unknown organization. What you may not have heard yet is that the United States and several other government bodies are pressing charges against the Justice League. They believe that it is our fault for gathering so many individual together and creating a target. That something like this or worse was inevitable. Currently the League has been brought in for. . .questioning. We suspect that this attack was not random. The clear goal was to remove the Justice League allowing them to make a larger strike." Batman paused and the screen split in two a map to the right of him. "Nightwing was wounded and taken here to St. Vincent's hospital. He'll be under guard but he needs to be extracted and quickly. This needs to be quiet. As it stands the feds are not searching for you, I'm compiling a list of others that were not associated with the Justice League but be careful. Everybody is under surveillance. Good luck. Batman out."

Ben was staring at the screen for most of a minute before stopping. "Was that just things going from bad to worse or am I over reacting?"
When Ben unlocked everything, Batgirl's eyes scanned the array of tools at her disposal. She would have loved to get into the weapons and computers but she sat down on a bench in what she recognized as a med bay.

She found some ace bandage and wrapped her injured knees, wincing as her ribs twinged. She straightened up and rolled her top to just under her breasts, looking in a reflective surface to inspect her ribs and the blooming bruise courtesy of that super kid.

Beastboy was watching her, so she tossed him the rest of the big roll of ace bandage.

"You mind wrapping me up?" She asked.

Batman came on the monitors and, she heard his voice in her earpiece at the same time. When he was finished, she was the first to speak.

"Getting Nightwing is our first priority." She said. "We need to do it quietly, but we will need someone big enough to move him without hurting him. I'll need to check his injuries before we try anything."
Beast Boy

They pulled into the place Ben was taking them to, and Gar slithered out from behind Batgirl and walked about in the form of a great, green wolf. He was only vaguely up on who or what the Plumbers were. Maybe the Chief had mentioned them during a Doom Patrol briefing once or twice. From contextual usage, he guessed it might be the team that was behind the big ass watch thing the hero who spoke was wearing.

As they entered, Gar's enhanced senses told him there was more to the place than what it looked like. Once Ben activated the base and it shuttered up and revealed all the hidden tools, weapons, and electronics, he nodded his lupine head and padded about the place checking things out.

Until Batman appeared on a monitor, that is.

Gar practically snapped back into his natural form. Something about Batman always reminded him of a drill instructor or maybe one of "those" teachers from high school--the ones who no one clowned about with or disobeyed, just listened to seriously and tried to keep happy, or undisappointed, at any rate.

Afterwards, Gar let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding and turned to regard the others. Ben said, "Was that just things going from bad to worse or am I over reacting?" Gar smiled and hopped up on a counter top as a large bat and shrugged his shoulders and wings.

"I think it was just confirming what we knew. We're about this close to being doomed, but ain't nuthin' new about that. Right?" He looked to Batgirl for confirmation and his words and thoughts evaporated at the sight of underboobs. Gar swallowed the sudden surge in saliva in his mouth, and shifted from table to floor as a he resumed being a wolf. He lightly caught the roll of gauze she tossed to him, careful not to get it wet, and became a sort of missing link, caveman-like, being as he switched it from mouth to hand.

"You mind wrapping me up?" she asked.

Visions of the ride over appeared in Gar's mind and he crawled along the floor to Batgirl's side as he returned to octopus form. "Now we're talking," he quipped, but became himself as he reached her and began wrapping her injuries with a surprising bit of skill and a gentle touch.. "Take in a breath until it just starts to be painful," Gar told her, "so I can see what sort of give the bandages will need to have to them." This was the sort of thing Gar did for Rita and Larry from time to time. Luckily, Cliff's body was practically impervious to such damages, since he bore the brunt of most of the Doom Patrol's battles.

Gar agreed with Batgirl's assessment. "No worries on carrying Nightwing. I can be as big as need be." Gar's eyes twinkled with a touch of mischief as they met Batgirl's. "Trust me," he said.
Star was simply floored as the room transformed around him. Sure he'd heard about things like the legendary Batcave and the Hall of Justice and a million other things. But he'd never actually been inside one and this. It looked like something out of a movie with so many blinking lights and shiny gizmos. Half of him wanted to run over and grab something and try it and the rest of him was terrified the toys were somehow boobytrapped. Like that tiny gun from Men in Black.

He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't even really notice Batman was speaking. AT least not until Beastboy snapped to attention. He'd never met the green changling before but it was obvious that standing there rigid and not only not making jokes but largely silent. That was the kind of thing one took notice of.

Then Ben commented on the situation, and Beast Boy. He was joking about things being normal. "No, this really isn't normal. I mean. . ." He struggled to find a way to phrase it. He didn't want to sound like he was afraid but he didn't belong here. Ben 10 had saved the world. A bunch. Batgirl lived in Gotham and sure, Star was from bad part of a bad town but not Gotham bad. Beast Boy was part of the Doom Patrol. These guys had all been on the front lines time and time again. Star? Well one time he had once gotten into a fight with a metahuman. He could bench press half a ton. . ."Are you guys sure we can handle this? Are you sure. . ." He was going to ask if they were sure they wanted him along but he let that part fall off.