The New Young Justice (OOC)

Katrina, Marian, Necro, and Josheb are MIA, lol. Bishop never even made his first post this time around.

Considering at least Marian and Necro posted right before Dr. Fate arrived I'm going to chalk that up to they stopped right when I did, when the fight was over and unfortunately haven't checked back in yet.
LOL I still need to edit my last post to remove the part about Raven still being in the hotel, lol.
According to profiles, Necro hasn't even logged in in almost two weeks, yet Marian logged in yesterday. So, if they are just sitting back waiting for me, they should have said something about my comment here in the OOC, lol. I don't agree with the conclusion that everyone will suddenly reappear as soon as I push the story along. If they're not even posting in the OOC, it probably means they either lost interest or are busy with real life.
Nobody went to check on Raven after the fight. :( I see how it is.

LOL I still need to edit my last post to remove the part about Raven still being in the hotel, lol.

I would have...but was awaiting acknowledgement from other cast members, and then we jumped ahead instead of wrapping up the details of the aftermath. But, flashbacks could still happen. :D

Ben would probably have been too busy feeling bad for himself to check on Raven to be honest.
I jumped ahead so Ben would stop whining at me to just push forward and forget about letting people catch up ;).
I'll be honest, I'm torn over how to continue this RP. Remec says I shouldn't push the story so fast and should slow down to give everyone a chance to post, but Sean says I should keep pushing forward regardless of who's posted for the sake of momentum. We've already lost several of our writers, and of those that remain, we all seem unsure exactly how to proceed. It seems no matter how we progress, someone is going to be unsatisfied. So I am completely lost at this point. I am feeling horribly discouraged and feel like no matter what I do, either Remec will tell me to slow down or Sean will tell me to speed up.
It does look like we may have lost a few but some of them (ie anybody who didn't post once IC) we never actually had.
I'm back

Sorry for the long MIA. Moved and had to get net and computer back up. I'll read up and post once I'm caught up.
Before I put any more effort into posting in this RP or let myself get excited about possibly missions and story arcs, I'm waiting to see who all will post at the meeting. I got all excited about Miss Martian being back, so I am especially bummed at the prospect of continuing after getting my hopes up for a Conner/M'gann romance AGAIN, lol.