The Isolated Blurt Thread XXXIII: N. 12° 38.1' W. 61° 21.4'

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it was a long, exhausting, pretty wonderful day. that's all i have to say.
Immediately pull your toes towards you and flex your foot back and forth, and it relieves your calf cramp. You're fucked on the arch cramp.

Actually, that technique is the only thing that works and takes care of both cramps at once. (If I was cursed that night with both).

I eat at least one banana a day but it's always first thing so maybe one at night. Or, cut everything off at the knees and cure my neuropathy too.
Calvin and Hobbes in the Snow

Hobbes built a Snowman Tiger.

(Honestly, that phrase does not work very well.)
I have never stopped to think about how many years have passed, since Clockwork Orange had its premiere.

Holy Fuck! Even I was too young to see the premier.

I've seen that movie over 30 times. Drunk, on acid, on shrooms, on bennies, straight. Read the book Bog only knows how many times.

It used to show at a repertory cinema here in town. Me and my droogs would go see it every time. They showed in the college student union building. Didn't make any classes that day. Saw it three times that time.

Made me and my droogs classical music fans. We would crank lovely lovely Ludwig at parties. Others would thing we were really fucking strange. But they were just gloopy ones who did not like take their inspiration from lovely Ludwig Van!

Turn up the volume!

And introduced me to Gene Kelly! That fucker could dance!
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Y'all realize why Killy bought that new rig and updated the highspeed, right?

He's got 16 windows open right now, ready to pounce.
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