The Isolated Blurt Thread

Have you ever heard the term to "eighty-six" something?


86 (verb)
  1. eject or bar (someone) from a restaurant, bar, etc.:
    "they were accused of cheating, and eighty-sixed from their favorite casino"
  2. reject, discard, or cancel:
    "the passwords will be 86ed by next October"

I don't mean to sound crass, but is it merely coincidence that the abortion pill is called "Are you for 86"? ( RU486)

Hmmm… maybe.

Maybe it’ll get a name change now with the change in the law.

With one if those commercials with happy women dancing in dive bars, drinking wine while looking at Tinder, lifting their tops at rock concerts….




The Economist released its 2022 Global Livibility Index and Canada has 3 of the Top 10 cities.

No american cities on the list.
OTTAWA – Demonstrating his support for vaccine choice, leading Conservative Party candidate Pierre Poilievre marched with a group of fired reservists who are afraid of needles.

Poilievre praised the former soldiers who would be willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the country except for its public health system.

“These oppressive vaccine mandates hurt our fragile soldiers who serve one evening a week and on some weekends,” said Poilievre. “We need more men like these who know they’re fighting for themselves.”
Happy Independance Day!

- independent energy!
- independent judiciary!
- independent reproductive rights!

Live Free or Die!
Conservative Leadership hopeful Patrick Brown has been disqualified over anonymous unspecified allegations of campaign finance rules.

In the USA, campaign finance irregularities are treated like spelling errors.
Conservative Leadership hopeful Patrick Brown has been disqualified over anonymous unspecified allegations of campaign finance rules.

In the USA, campaign finance irregularities are treated like spelling errors.
This one has a smells like Skippy odour about it….
Too bad americans dont know squat aboot canuck politics, cuz Poilievre is fucking little weasel…. ‘Pubs would love him!
Girl-Watching season is in full swing….i just love the girls with toned tanned legs in bike shorts.
your preference for married and much older women is well-known.

Your deviant mommy issues are, in my view, far more “interesting” than the normal behavior of men preferring younger women.
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Cant believe this place is still going twenty years later. Joined on my 18th birthday and now I'm pushing 40.