Pmann’s Period Pieces

How much time do you spend reading my threads? You went all the way back to 2012 for that one. For you to have such a badass “I don’t give a fuck attitude about this place”, you seem to get your feelings hurt an awful lot.

All my free time. I am one of your biggest admirers. I too want to create over 30 threads with my name in title just like you. You are so smart and funny and you have so many cyber life fans. Your life is grand. You are really winning with all this King Bitch. I bet you slay a ton of Lit pussy with your erotic writing.
All my free time. I am one of your biggest admirers. I too want to create over 30 threads with my name in title just like you. You are so smart and funny and you have so many cyber life fans. Your life is grand. You are really winning with all this King Bitch. I bet you slay a ton of Lit pussy with your erotic writing.

Thank you. :rose:
Also what other account do I have? I honestly dont care about this place enough to bother but whatever dude.

Your primary account...not this one.

You need to be careful who you tell that info to...sometimes, people share more than they intend. Not that I care. Once I was told, I was like could I have missed it?
Your primary account...not this one.

You need to be careful who you tell that info to...sometimes, people share more than they intend. Not that I care. Once I was told, I was like could I have missed it?

Please please please, I beg you tell me what my primary account is other than this one. Maybe you have me confused with your druggy ex girlfriend.
Ooooh. Interesting. I want to know more.

You’re Allia, aren’t you? Wow. You go from being eloquent to barely literate with such ease.
Ooooh. Interesting. I want to know more.

You’re Allia, aren’t you? Wow. You go from being eloquent to barely literate with such ease.

Yeah exactly buddy. You’re so sharp and poignant with all your cyber life message board posts. I bet you really turn a phrase with all your erotic pen pals.
It’s like Modern Drunkard is Allia’s alter ego, once the alcohol takes over. Ya know, like you have Beyoncé, then when she’s on stage, she turns into Sasha Fierce. Rawr.
Please please please, I beg you tell me what my primary account is other than this one. Maybe you have me confused with your druggy ex girlfriend.

Why? Let people discover that for themselves. wasn't just one person...but multiple that told me. Now, either you lied to them...possibly...and over time it came through the gutters independently...or there is some fact to it. I will say...they defend you aggressively. I am ok with that. It showed me the kind of persons they are.
Why? Let people discover that for themselves. wasn't just one person...but multiple that told me. Now, either you lied to them...possibly...and over time it came through the gutters independently...or there is some fact to it. I will say...they defend you aggressively. I am ok with that. It showed me the kind of persons they are.

Cool yeah whatever I guess. Maybe I will use one of my aliases to create a thread about your druggy ex girlfriend. That would be a goddamn hoot. All good fun though right, buddy? Maybe you and your leader hero buddy King Bitch can pop in for a fucking chuckle. We’ll all laugh it ip and slap each other on the back. What do you say?

The history of periods...

Eve bit the apple. Then she got her period. And she was very angry and irrational about it the week before it happened and every lunar cycle since.

~La Fin~

Is that a PC way of saying horny?
Is that a PC way of saying horny?

Do you think I have a PC way of saying anything? :)

But I do believe she must’ve used sex on Adam. I mean... Apples are okay, but potentially losing paradise forever over a piece of fruit... there had to be at least a boob involved.
Do you think I have a PC way of saying anything? :)

But I do believe she must’ve used sex on Adam. I mean... Apples are okay, but potentially losing paradise forever over a piece of fruit... there had to be at least a boob involved.

“Boobing” for apples 😂
Do you think I have a PC way of saying anything? :)

But I do believe she must’ve used sex on Adam. I mean... Apples are okay, but potentially losing paradise forever over a piece of fruit... there had to be at least a boob involved.

I think Apples were def. a metaphor for boobs. ;)
Well this thread started weird and went south pretty fucking quickly.