Pmann’s 2021 Prediction Thread

Lord Pmann

Mar 12, 2012
This is your chance to be Postradamus. Let’s make predictions about 2021, whether it’s about Lit, your life, COVID or society in general. If you make political predictions, don’t be a cunt about it. Just keep them neutral and not insulting. However, if you make Lit predictions, feel free to be a dick and insulting.

A year later, we can all come back and I will mock your predictions and how wrong you are.

Pmann’s Predictions, based on absolutely nothing.

- The DOW Industrial Average will end at 32,400.
- COVID restrictions will ease up towards the end of the summer.
- The Georgia Senate seats will be split, one blue, one red.
- Tesla stock will end at $1200.
- US Debt clock will be $30T.
- I will only purchase one new guitar.
- Someone at Lit will lie to someone else and some girls will be cunts to each other.
I predict 2021 will be the year that Pmann and Modern_Drunkard will bury the hatchet and become besties. 🤗
I predict: Biden will be a stable potus, after 4 years of insanity via Trump.

Republicans will still keep pushing they were robbed, actively working to overturn a free and fair election because they would rather further divide the nation than do their jobs of helping their constituents struggling after almost a year long pandemic. Plus it fills their coffers: Dems are evil, we must destroy the country to defeat them.

My Master will learn to be less of a control freak.
- Pelosi will not retain her speaker position
- At least a few cruise lines shut down permanently
- Trump will find a permanent place on TV
- Hottest year in a decade
- Bezos buys a sports team

- Someone at Lit will lie to someone else and some girls will be cunts to each other.

Guys can and will be cunts too :D
1) Americans will still be dying from Covid this time next year. You just can't fix stupid.

2) A Constitutional Amendment will be initiated to allow States to leave the Union. Think of Brexit...only uglier. You just can't fix stupid so it is better to cut the dead weight loose and build a big, beautiful wall to keep the stupid on that side.

3) Microsoft's top secret source code was hacked by the Russians. Expect a completely new OS or a super-big hack making 98% of all PCs inoperable. (The only survivors will be those not connected to the mine).
I predict that this is the year that extraterrestrials make themselves known in a way that the world governments cannot deny or cover up. 👽😱
-- The Georgia Senate seats will both go one way or the other.
-- Terry McAuliffe will win another term as governor of Virginia in 2021.
-- The incoming Biden administration will prove to be very competent, if fairly colorless and unimaginative.
-- The pace of vaccines will pick up and we start returning to some semblance of normal by about early fall. Recovery in the U.S. will be delayed by all the anti-maskers who think COVID is fake.
-- Trump announces he will run again in 2024 and the media will crown him the Republican nominee (which he probably will be anyway).
-- Even though a Brexit deal is in place, the UK will hit a long, sharp recession as the utter stupidity of Brexit continues to wreak havoc on the British economy.
-- The Los Angeles Dodgers will win the World Series again, although Clayton Kershaw yet again does hit best to prevent that.
--The Buffalo Bills will upset the Kansas City Chiefs in the AFC Championship and go on to lose the Super Bowl for the fifth time.
-- The Las Vegas Golden Knights will win the Stanley Cup after Gary Bettman finally figures out a way to rig the proceedings in their favor once and for all.
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I predict that by the end of 2021 people will be glad that 2021 is finally over because they always say that no matter what year it is.

I also predict that the world population will have masturbated by more than 5% over the previous year—mark my words. :cool:
Lobster season is gonna be insane!

Shhh... can you hear that? It’s the sound of lobsters who never got caught this year, because Covid, getting even bigger. And quietly marching in the general direction of my grill.
If the vaccine takes hold for at least four months, I think the wank count will be lower in 2021
Time to discuss methodology!
Oh and how do we substantiate the evidence?
Pics? Vids?
Inquiring minds and all.
For science.

I always wanted to know how much semen I blast out every year, but I have yet to come up with a data collection method that isn’t gross. Maybe in 2021 someone will invent a smartwatch for the dick?