If Roe v. Wade is ever reversed . . .

And yet they all seem to line up on the same side of the issue,

Except they don't, not even within the GOP itself is the Abortion topic a unified one.

including the purely economic conservatives.

If they were purely economic they would say the government has no bidnizz interfering with the provider/patient exchange.

But you're right, some RW'ers who are generally ardent capitalist are anti-abortion at least personally, and that's because abortion isn't an economic issue it's a moral/ethical one.

You can be an extremely liberal capitalist and still think life starts at conception and thus should be protected under the law.
After watching all this Kavanaugh chaos, I've come to this conclusion: Bitches love their abortions, and will do anything to protect killing their babies.
After watching all this Kavanaugh chaos, I've come to this conclusion: Bitches love their abortions, and will do anything to protect killing their babies.

Always consider the electoral consequences of that.
You've been listening to too many Pro-Lifers who are in reality nothing but antiabortionists since 99.9% of them do not adopt any of the babies from the girls/women they convinced to have the baby. No State allows late term abortions unless the mother's life is in danger.
This is why the Hyde Amendment is all we needed to deal with Planned Parenthood. No Federal taxpayer dollars go to abortions. That's it. There's no need to further de-fund Planned Parenthood. The line is at Hyde, anything more goes too far.

Planned Parenthood's main service is providing well-woman exams, providing mammograms and testing for STD's. They also give family planning counselling and provide birth control such as the pill, injection and IUDs. Abortions are just a tiny percentage of their services.
This grudge war by the Right against PP is only hurting actual unborn babies by stripping poor women of access to prenatal care. It's also putting women's lives in danger but hey they don't care about that.

Hell the "pro-lifers" don't really care about babies, many of them covertly get abortions themselves. And soon as the baby's born... well

After watching all this Kavanaugh chaos, I've come to this conclusion: Bitches love their abortions, and will do anything to protect killing their babies.
Even if you're pro-life, his other political stances

such as putting Trump above the law

make him undesirable as a SCOTUS justice.
What percentage NEED them, approaching zero percent I would think.

That's the way to go, it sadly never will reach exact zero, but there lot to be done to bring number of unwanted pregnancies down.

Such as, timely and comprehensive sex education, accessible and well explained contraceptives, etc, I could continue with paid parenting leave including for dads, children benefits... but I suspect I already hear choir screaming "crazy socialist!"

But that's your choices, a little socialism so that women could afford and want to bring the babies, or see them risking their life and health trying to self abort or use unknown back-aley services if legal access is thwarted enough or even outlawed.

The later will happen without your knowledge, until it will happen with someone you know and care for, and that's why it seems to be comfortable choice for you, letting to keep your theoretical moral high ground, in ignorance and false naive belief nothing bad can ever happen to anyone you care for, mainly because you care about no one.
OK. Well, as you referred to, 27 states have enacted abortion restrictions since 2007. Immediately it would be illegal in 9 states, as I understand it, with another 10 to 17 expected to follow within one legislative cycle.

In seven states the right to choose would more or less be "guaranteed". But then if the federal government were to make it illegal ... which this particular congress and POTUS would ... yes abortions would be illegal in the US.

I'm not sure that this is widely understood by the "What's wrong with leaving it up to the states?" crowd. A majority of the current House is on record as favoring a federal ban on abortion.