20 million black babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade. Where is the equity in that?

The racist point I succeed in making is that blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites, and they are more prone to engage in criminal activity.
As long as you’re admitting that your point is based on racism and not facts we’re in agreement.
And you wont because some will regret it and some won't. The same women could change their minds over time. It would also depend who you ask. So i doubt any such evidence either way would prove anything. It will be like a pschologists opinion. Just as easy to get the opposite.
Even in the case of those who do regret it, they still had a safe medical procedure where, if the anti-choicers had their way, they'd have had to resort to a back-alley abortion that may well have left them sterile or dead.


There are pages of entries on the topic. You should do some research before proving yourself a partisan idiot.
*sigh* All right, all right, I'll rephrase: I have yet to see the first case of any of them backing that claim up with any hard evidence that is not from an anti-choice propaganda site. Better? ;)

Responsible people do not have illegitimate children, especially when they cannot afford to support them.
That is neither here nor there with respect to whether or not they are married, and in the post I was responding to, you made it clear (whether you really meant to or not) that married = responsible and single = irresponsible. That just isn't true.
And yet you don't have the actual data that proves your point. Just the data someone else told you about.
I trust the College Board. I also trust the National Longitudional Study of Labor Market Experience of Youth 1980 - 1990

That is neither here nor there with respect to whether or not they are married, and in the post I was responding to, you made it clear (whether you really meant to or not) that married = responsible and single = irresponsible. That just isn't true.
It is irresponsible to have children one cannot afford to support, especially if one is unmarried.
I trust the College Board. I also trust the National Longitudional Study of Labor Market Experience of Youth 1980 - 1990

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You haven't seen the data from the college board. If you did, you'd be able to provide the data for 2016.

And you haven't even looked at the study you're referring to here at all. Every picture of data has been gathered from a random third party.
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It is irresponsible to have children one cannot afford to support, especially if one is unmarried.
That is neither here nor there with respect to what you said earlier in this thread:

The present system forces responsible married couples to support the illegitimate children of irresponsible people with their tax money.
You could just as easily add that it "forces" irresponsible married couples and responsible single parents to support the children of all irresponsible people, regardless of their married status. But you didn't, you framed all married couples as responsible and all single parents as irresponsible.

The definition of "racist" has become so distorted that anyone who tells truths about blacks is considered to be a racist.
By that logic, it's racist to point out that police brutality against Black Americans is a major problem. It's the truth, and it's about Blacks. Come to think of it, though, you probably do think that statement is racist.
You haven’t said anything true about any minority.
You do not prove that by asserting it. I substantiate my assertions with facts i document with credible sources of data.

I post assertions many posters do not like. Nevertheless, I learned earlier in life that if I accept an unpleasant truth I am less likely to make mistakes than if I act on the basis of an agreeable fantasy that is untrue.

Charles Murray, a man I respect, wrote in "The Inequality Taboo," "specific policies based on premises that conflict: with scientific truths about human beings tend not to work. Often they do harm."

In that essay Charles Murray also refuted the dogma that "race is only a social construct." He wrote:

"The Harvard geneticist Richard Lewontin originated the idea of race as a social construct in 1972, arguing that the genetic differences across races were so trivial that no scientist working exclusively with genetic data would sort people into blacks, whites, or Asians. In his words, "racial classification is now seen to be of virtually no genetic or taxonomic significance." Lewontin's position, which quickly became a tenet of political correctness, carried with it a potential means of being falsified. If he was correct, then a statistical analysis of genetic markers would not produce clusters corresponding to common racial labels.

"In the last few years, that test has become feasible, and now we know that Lewontin was wrong. Several analyses have confirmed the genetic reality of group identities going under the label of race or ethnicity. In the most recent, published this year, all but five of the 3,636 subjects fell into the cluster of genetic markers corresponding to their self identified ethnic group. When a statistical procedure, blind to physical characteristics and working exclusively with g
genetic information, classifies 99.9 percent of the individuals in a large sample in the same way they classify themselves, it is hard to argue that race is imaginary."


Once we acknowledge that race is an important biological classification of humans, it becomes legitimate to inquire into how genetically determined non cosmetic characteristics between the races differ on the average.

On page 56 of A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History Nicholas Wade points out that what is often called "The Warrior Gene" has two gene alleles that significantly increase the likelihood that a person with one of the alleles will have felony convictions, and that 5% of Negroes in a test sample have one of the alleles, but only 0.1% of whites do.

There remain many taboos and sanctions against research into the effect gene alleles have on intelligence, as well as criminal and sexual behavior, but gradually the truth is emerging. It is still the case that a graduate student who discovers a gene allele that increases IQ, and who also discovers that the allele is more likely to be found in whites than blacks, will not advance his career. Publicizing his discovery may end his chance of getting an academic position. On the other hand, if he finds a gene allele that increases IQ, and which is found equally distributed among the races, he will advance his career significantly. He may become nationally famous.
You do not prove that by asserting it. I substantiate my assertions with facts i document with credible sources of data.

I post assertions many posters do not like. Nevertheless, I learned earlier in life that if I accept an unpleasant truth I am less likely to make mistakes than if I act on the basis of an agreeable fantasy that is untrue.

Charles Murray, a man I respect, wrote in "The Inequality Taboo," "specific policies based on premises that conflict: with scientific truths about human beings tend not to work. Often they do harm."

In that essay Charles Murray also refuted the dogma that "race is only a social construct." He wrote:

"The Harvard geneticist Richard Lewontin originated the idea of race as a social construct in 1972, arguing that the genetic differences across races were so trivial that no scientist working exclusively with genetic data would sort people into blacks, whites, or Asians. In his words, "racial classification is now seen to be of virtually no genetic or taxonomic significance." Lewontin's position, which quickly became a tenet of political correctness, carried with it a potential means of being falsified. If he was correct, then a statistical analysis of genetic markers would not produce clusters corresponding to common racial labels.

"In the last few years, that test has become feasible, and now we know that Lewontin was wrong. Several analyses have confirmed the genetic reality of group identities going under the label of race or ethnicity. In the most recent, published this year, all but five of the 3,636 subjects fell into the cluster of genetic markers corresponding to their self identified ethnic group. When a statistical procedure, blind to physical characteristics and working exclusively with g
genetic information, classifies 99.9 percent of the individuals in a large sample in the same way they classify themselves, it is hard to argue that race is imaginary."


Once we acknowledge that race is an important biological classification of humans, it becomes legitimate to inquire into how genetically determined non cosmetic characteristics between the races differ on the average.

On page 56 of A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History Nicholas Wade points out that what is often called "The Warrior Gene" has two gene alleles that significantly increase the likelihood that a person with one of the alleles will have felony convictions, and that 5% of Negroes in a test sample have one of the alleles, but only 0.1% of whites do.

There remain many taboos and sanctions against research into the effect gene alleles have on intelligence, as well as criminal and sexual behavior, but gradually the truth is emerging. It is still the case that a graduate student who discovers a gene allele that increases IQ, and who also discovers that the allele is more likely to be found in whites than blacks, will not advance his career. Publicizing his discovery may end his chance of getting an academic position. On the other hand, if he finds a gene allele that increases IQ, and which is found equally distributed among the races, he will advance his career significantly. He may become nationally famous.
You still don’t understand how you’re wrong. The facts you’re posting have nothing to do with the assertion you’re making. The assertion you’re making isn’t based on facts, it’s based on your prejudices. This is evidenced by what you post.
No, it wasn't. If you ever bothered to read the original source of that quote, the point was that she didn't want people to think they were out to "exterminate the Negro population" because they weren't. She was advocating for Black doctors and community leaders to be given leadership roles in Planned Parenthood.
Couple of things here. Margaret Sanger was a racist. Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. Margaret Sanger gave a speech to the KKK in 1926. These are not points of debate, they are facts.

The full quote was "We should hire three to four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the negroes is through religious appeal. We don’t want word to go out that we want to exterminate the negro population. The minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." This is clearly a recipe for effective propaganda. The added context of the full quote just makes that point even clearer.

"I accepted one branch of this philosophy, but eugenics without birth control seemed to me a house built upon sands. The eugenicists wanted to shift the birth control emphasis from less children for the poor to more children for the rich…. We sought first to stop the multiplication of the unfit." -Margaret Sanger

"Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease. The vast, complex, interrelated organizations aiming to control and to diminish the spread of misery and destitution and all the menacing evils that spring out of this sinisterly fertile soil, are the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents, and dependents….The most serious charge that can be brought against “benevolence” is that it encourages the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents, and dependents." -Margaret Sanger
[This above quote is something I actually believe is accurate. So, if you want to defend Sanger on this point, you will also be advocating for positions I have taken]
Maybe black women should stop spreading them for guys she knows are only looking for a fuck, or use BP when they do
Maybe mister macho black man should wear a condom, or of not assume responsibility(gasp) for getting a woman pregnant and try to stick around.

Because in addition to the abortion statistic a staggering amount of black women are single mothers and with more than one kid from more than one guy.

The pro life/choice argument is no more than after effect of the real problem which is the lifestyle they lead, and that is a result of shitty upbringings in awful environments riddled with poverty, drugs, gangs, and all around hopelessness.

BTW all those areas are run by democrats. The party that cries about systemic racism and keeping black people down are the party of said systemic racism and keeping black people down. Lori Lightfoot should just come out with her hood on next time she speaks.
Maybe black women should stop spreading them for guys she knows are only looking for a fuck, or use BP when they do
Maybe mister macho black man should wear a condom, or of not assume responsibility(gasp) for getting a woman pregnant and try to stick around.

Because in addition to the abortion statistic a staggering amount of black women are single mothers and with more than one kid from more than one guy.

The pro life/choice argument is no more than after effect of the real problem which is the lifestyle they lead, and that is a result of shitty upbringings in awful environments riddled with poverty, drugs, gangs, and all around hopelessness.

BTW all those areas are run by democrats. The party that cries about systemic racism and keeping black people down are the party of said systemic racism and keeping black people down. Lori Lightfoot should just come out with her hood on next time she speaks.
Yes....those women

And of course...it's the Democrats fault for those women

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, tell somebody
You go tell somebody
Grandma told me
Get your money, black man (get your money)
Get your money, black man (get your money)
Get your money, black man (get your, black man)
Get your money, black man (get your, black man)
Black man
And liberals will blame the environment and culture blacks create for themselves on racism.

Everywhere where blacks have taken over, all over the world, like Haiti, Jamaica, Zimbabwe, freed american negroes in liberia, sierra leone etc with no whites so no racism, they create the same awful environment of hopelessness and crime and corruption. Negro 'freedom' and negro rule does not better their lot. With the white man in charge in america, you yanks cant do any better with them except by authoritarian means. And your negroes are far better off under whitey than they are under their own kind elsewhere. They should be grateful.
If it weren't for whites, blacks wouldn't be in America anywhere near the numbers they are now. But sure...ignore that.
You still don’t understand how you’re wrong. The facts you’re posting have nothing to do with the assertion you’re making. The assertion you’re making isn’t based on facts, it’s based on your prejudices. This is evidenced by what you post.
It probably makes you feel go to write that, but I doubt that even you believe it.
Couple of things here. Margaret Sanger was a racist. Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. Margaret Sanger gave a speech to the KKK in 1926. These are not points of debate, they are facts.
This is 2022. Sanger is dead. Move on, dude.

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, tell somebody
You go tell somebody
Grandma told me
Get your money, black man (get your money)
Get your money, black man (get your money)
Get your money, black man (get your, black man)
Get your money, black man (get your, black man)
Black man
Fucker better do the Community movie
It never becomes your business. Full stop.
I do not like having my tax money spent on welfare checks for unmarried welfare mothers and their illegitimate children.

When Aid for Families with Dependent Children was introduced during the New Deal it was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives and their legitimate children. We need to go back to those restrictions.

The tax revolt that enabled the Republican Party to dominate the United States, happened because by the late 1970's most whites did not want their tax money spent on welfare checks for blacks. Because the leaders of the Democrat Party have not gotten the message, or have resented the message, most whites, including whites who benefit from safety net programs designed to help them, continue to vote Republican.

Hostility toward blacks is the strongest issue the GOP has. Most Orientals and Hispanics also view the Negro race with contempt. It is easy to see why. Just look at black test scores, and the rates of crime and illegitimacy.
I do not like having my tax money spent on welfare checks for unmarried welfare mothers and their illegitimate children.
What difference does it make to you if a welfare recipient is married or not?
When Aid for Families with Dependent Children was introduced during the New Deal it was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives and their legitimate children. We need to go back to those restrictions.
Why? It won't lead to healthier marriages - quite the contrary if anything.
The tax revolt that enabled the Republican Party to dominate the United States, happened because by the late 1970's most whites did not want their tax money spent on welfare checks for blacks.
Like a broken clock...
Because the leaders of the Democrat Party have not gotten the message, or have resented the message, most whites, including whites who benefit from safety net programs designed to help them, continue to vote Republican.
The problem isn't that Democrats haven't gotten the message; it's because the "most whites" you refer to are still racist.
Most Orientals and Hispanics also view the Negro race with contempt.
Cite please. You're one person and as far as any of us here knows, you are neither Asian nor Hispanic. How do you know what most of them believe?
What difference does it make to you if a welfare recipient is married or not?

Why? It won't lead to healthier marriages - quite the contrary if anything.

The problem isn't that Democrats haven't gotten the message; it's because the "most whites" you refer to are still racist.
Fatherless families are a major reason for the social pathologist of the underclass.

Supporting illegitimate children encourages illegitimacy. Since the War on Poverty extended welfare support for illegitimate children, illegitimacy has soared.

You imply that white racism is irrational hostility directed at a race that performs and behaves as well, on the average, as whites.

Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of the fat Chinese woman on welfare with five illegitimate children by five different men. There is no stereotype of the stupid lazy Jewish men with several felony convictions, and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support. White Gentiles who dislike Orientals and Jews dislike them because they resent the fact that most Orientals and Jews are more intelligent, successful, and prosperous than they are.