20 million black babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade. Where is the equity in that?


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
Democrats love to talk about abortion and systemic racism, just not in the same conversation.

The National Right to Life Center estimates that by the end of 2021, 63.5 million abortions had been performed in the United States since the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Nearly 40% of women who seek abortions are African American, which is astounding, considering this demographic made up just 13.6% of the population at the time of the 2020 census. This likely means that over 20 million black babies have been aborted during the past 50 years.

20 million equates to 6% of the total U.S. population. It’s also approximately 45% of the current black American population of 45 million. And, had these children been born, blacks would represent about 20% of the total population. Clearly, abortion has had an enormous effect on blacks in America.

So, yes, let’s talk about abortion and systemic racism — in the same conversation.
Never mind, abortions don't involve babies, so zero.

Which abortions were legal?

All of them?

So blacks and whites both have legal access to abortion.

Many aborted clumps of cells regardless of color would be raised on the State's dime.

miles isn't smart enough to realize that.
Have to agree with green shades. If they aren’t babies, then you can’t say aborted babies. If they are babies, well then you’re a baby killer. Logic sucks.
Those 20 million abortions happened because the black women who were pregnant did not want to raise the children who would have been born. In most cases they were not in a good position to raise children.

Correct me if I am mistaken, but there does not seem to be a large number of married couples who want to adopt black babies. Adopted children are more likely to take on the characteristics of their biological parents than their adoptive parents. This is a problem when their biological parents are unmarried welfare mothers, drug dealers, and violent street criminals.
It's honestly none of your damn business why a woman chose to have an abortion.
It becomes my business when their decision not to have an abortion raises the crime rate and the cost of the welfare and criminal justice systems.
It never becomes your business. Full stop.
You do not prove that by asserting it. When Aid for Families with Dependent Children was introduced during the New Deal the aid was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children. Unmarried women and their illegitimate children were excluded. The War on Poverty extended AFDC to single mothers and their illegitimate children. As a result the illegitimacy rate spiked. I would like to return to the early restrictions. I am also in favor of free abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy.

A single government financed abortion can save a small fortune in educational expense for someone too stupid to learn, crimes not committed, criminal justice expense, and welfare expense.
You do not prove that by asserting it. When Aid for Families with Dependent Children was introduced during the New Deal the aid was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children. Unmarried women and their illegitimate children were excluded. The War on Poverty extended AFDC to single mothers and their illegitimate children. I would like to return to the early restrictions. I am also in favor of free abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy.

A single government financed abortion can save a small fortune in educational expense for someone too stupid to learn, crimes not committed, criminal justice expense, and welfare expense.
I'm stating a fact. A woman's choice to have an abortion is hers alone.

You can be a racist asshole all you want and it doesn't change that fact.
I'm stating a fact. A woman's choice to have an abortion is hers alone.
That is a normative opinion, not a fact. A fact is something that can be measured, like the average black IQ, and the black rates of crime and illegitimacy.

A fact can can also be verified empirically, like the birthplace of Barack Obama, which happens to be Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (now called Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children) in Honolulu, Hawaii.

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When Aid for Families with Dependent Children was introduced during the New Deal the aid was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children. Unmarried women and their illegitimate children were excluded. The War on Poverty extended AFDC to single mothers and their illegitimate children. As a result the illegitimacy rate spiked.
Correlation is not causation. I don't pretend to know what your average unmarried Black woman in the 1960s was thinking at the moment of out-of-wedlock conception, but I sincerely doubt a single one of them ever thought, "Yay, now I can get some money from the government!" In fact, the very idea smacks of the kind of racist nonsense the right routinely uses to reassure its voters they're not racist if they support the party that gave us "civil rights = quotas" and the "welfare queen".

Now, why did illegitimacy rates spike in the 1960s?

The short answer is, they didn't. The real spike came in the '40s, when the illegitimacy rate nearly doubled. It then continued climbing at a slower but still substantial rate into the '60s. Among nonwhite women, it actually declined in the early '60s, while it continued to climb among white women (although the rate remained higher among nonwhite women). (Cite)

Now, in the mid-late '60s, there was a big increase in out of wedlock births among Black teenage girls, but at the same time the rate plummeted among adult, unmarried Black women (Cite). So not only did illegitimacy rates not spike as a result of the War on Poverty, they didn't spike, period.

What did change in the '60s? The practice of shotgun weddings started to die out around that time, meaning there were more out-of-wedlock births that otherwise would have been in-wedlock births where the wedlock only happened because the bride was pregnant. The societal norm of shame associated with out-of-wedlock births also started to die off, so women who had given birth while not married were more likely to tell the truth about it (i.e. the rate of reported illegitimacy may have risen, but probably not the rate of actual illegitimacy). The sexual revolution also meant, for better or worse, more people were having sex earlier in life, and in many states contraception was readily available for married people only.

So there certainly were changes during the time you're talking about that had an effect on who was having sex and the results thereof. But the truth is miles from what you're suggesting.
That is a normative opinion, not a fact. A fact is something that can be measured, like the average black IQ, and the black rates of crime and illegitimacy.

A fact can can also be verified empirically, like the birthplace of Barack Obama, which happens to be Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (now called Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children) in Honolulu, Hawaii.

It's a fact. Her health decisions are none of your fuckong business, just as yours are none of mine.

I've noticed that you completely decided to wander off into some delusional comparison because you also realize you're full of shit.

Fuck off.
Wasn't this Margaret Sanger's vision?

Wasn't this Margaret Sanger's vision?

No, it wasn't. If you ever bothered to read the original source of that quote, the point was that she didn't want people to think they were out to "exterminate the Negro population" because they weren't. She was advocating for Black doctors and community leaders to be given leadership roles in Planned Parenthood.
It's a fact. Her health decisions are none of your fuckong business, just as yours are none of mine.

I've noticed that you completely decided to wander off into some delusional comparison because you also realize you're full of shit.

Fuck off.
You seem to forget that I am in favor of legal abortion.
You don't seem to be in favor of it being a woman's choice.

As with most things, I disagree with you.
I am not in favor of forcing women to have abortions. I am in favor of ending welfare payments for illegitimate children.
I am not in favor of forcing women to have abortions. I am in favor of ending welfare payments for illegitimate children.
Her decision to have one is either hers to make AND not your business OR it is your business for whatever bullshit you keep making it about.

Pick one.
Her decision to have one is either hers to make AND not your business OR it is your business for whatever bullshit you keep making it about.

Pick one.
You have committed the false dilemma fallacy. There are more choices than the two you give me.

My choice is that the government stop subsidizing illegitimacy with welfare checks. This would not force unmarried pregnant women to have abortions. It would require them to support their own children, like most people do. The present system forces responsible married couples to support the illegitimate children of irresponsible people with their tax money.