If Roe v. Wade is overturned


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021
I hope you all realize, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, that throws the whole issue into the legislatures -- which is the worst thing that could happen to the GOP electorally. A lot of people who now vote Pub in good conscience, as a gesture, knowing it won't really affect access to abortion, will stop doing so.
I hope you all realize, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, that throws the whole issue into the legislatures -- which is the worst thing that could happen to the GOP electorally. A lot of people who now vote Pub in good conscience, as a gesture, knowing it won't really affect access to abortion, will stop doing so.

No it won't. The country is polarized. Red states will remain red and blue sets will remain blue.
No it won't. The country is polarized. Red states will remain red and blue sets will remain blue.

A LOT of Republicans are pro-choice. Up to now they could rationalize voting R because they didn't think Roe would be overturned anyway. With that gone, it's only a matter of time until they get sick and tired of their friends and family being subject to other people's reactionary values.
Unless you can say why RvW makes abortion a TOTALLY untouchable right that shall not be infringed..... it's getting overturned as it's been understood.

This won't do much federally. HOWEVER, this will allow religious red states to regulate abortions the way blue states regulate guns.

And there is nothing wrong with some common sense regulations right??? :D
A LOT of Republicans are pro-choice.

Not to the extent that the absolutist who think abortion is some untouchable right that shall not be infringed, even post birth up until the umbilical cord is cut, like to pretend they do.

In fact even by all the most hard spun pro-abortion "info" late term abortions are still WIDELY unpopular and most people support SOME limitations.

Up to now they could rationalize voting R because they didn't think Roe would be overturned anyway. With that gone, it's only a matter of time until they get sick and tired of their friends and family being subject to other people's reactionary values.

No problem, MOVE to a state that is more aligned with how you want to live.

I tell conservatives bitching about their gun rights the same thing. If it's that important to them, they need get the fuck out of California, you're not entitled to a conservative or libertarian California. Move to Texas or Wyoming.

Same thing for progressives, you're not entitled to a progressive left wing Alabama or Texas, suck the big D of democracy bitches and take your on demand post birth abortions back the fuck to California and New York. The people of *insert religious right wing state name* don't want that shit in their state.
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Not to the extent that the absolutist who think abortion is some untouchable right that shall not be infringed, even post birth up until the umbilical cord is cut, like to pretend they do.

No one supports what you suggest here. No one.

In fact even by all the most hard spun pro-abortion "info" late term abortions are still WIDELY unpopular and most people support SOME limitations.

Exactly. SOME limitations. But that's not what the anti-choice movement is after. More to the point, I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is absolutely no evidence that anyone, ever, has even wanted an elective late-term abortion, much less actually had one.

No problem, MOVE to a state that is more aligned with how you want to live.
Or vote to elect more people in your state who respect a woman's right to choose. I think we'll be seeing a LOT more of that now, in states where you're not going to want to see that happening, Mr. I'm-a-Liberal-Dammit.
No one supports what you suggest here. No one.

Lie to yourself all you like. I've seen the feminist on the internets.

Exactly. SOME limitations.

I'm glad you understand they then have the right to regulate how their democracy sees fit.

But that's not what the anti-choice movement is after. More to the point, I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is absolutely no evidence that anyone, ever, has even wanted an elective late-term abortion, much less actually had one.

WHATEVER....whatever lies you need to tell yourself. Point being the views on the topic range WILDLY and there is nothing about abortion that makes it absolute or federal, and I think we all realize the SCOTUS is going to go there this late spring and abortion will largely subject to state regulation.

Or vote to elect more people in your state who respect a woman's right to choose.

I think we'll be seeing a LOT more of that now, in states where you're not going to want to see that happening, Mr. I'm-a-Liberal-Dammit.

I think you're overestimating the popularity of libertarian abortion policy in religious conservative states.

Why would I not want to see that happening?? Did you think I was some kind of religious conservative or some shit?? LOL Supporting other peoples right to regulate their state how they see fit doesn't mean I'm promoting their politics. It's actually a very liberal thing to do. I also 100% support California's right to be as progressive as their residents want to be.

I'm classical English liberal/libertarian red....not religious conservative red.

I'm 100% pro-abortion and support lefties killing their babies off up to 10 years old just to be sure.....the more you guys kill your babies and don't have kids the better off mine are, that's a fact. :)
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Lie to yourself all you like.

In my experience, whenever you say "Lie to yourself," it is you who is lying. And whenever you say "2+2=5!" it you who is saying 2+2=3. And whenever you say "War is peace!" it is you who is saying war is orange.
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Lie to yourself all you like. I've seen the feminist on the internets.
The feminist? The one and only feminist? And she's on all the internets, not just one of them? Well, I can't very well argue with that kind of authority.

Look, the possibility does exist that you saw some feminist extremist somewhere saying something like what you describe. But the far likelier scenario is you saw mainstream feminists' response to the anti-choicers' strawman argument that we want to legalize abortion on demand right up to the moment of birth, and took it out of context to fit what you want to believe. Because that's what you do all the time.

I'm glad you understand they then have the right to regulate how their democracy sees fit.
Which is just why the right ought to be very, very afraid right now. Most Americans do not want a return to the days of back-alley abortions, and if they're actually subjected to it in some states, you're going to see some changes you won't like very much.

WHATEVER....whatever lies you need to tell yourself. Point being the views on the topic range WILDLY and there is nothing about abortion that makes it absolute or federal, and I think we all realize the SCOTUS is going to go there this late spring and abortion will largely subject to state regulation.
My whole point being that state regulation won't be static, and if it is left up to the states, the result won't be what the anti-choicers are hoping it will be. (And that's overlooking the fact that Roe v. Wade was in fact based on the Constitution. That you disagree with that interpretation of the Constitution doesn't mean it doesn't exist.)

I think you're overestimating the popularity of libertarian abortion policy in religious conservative states.
I think you're overestimating the number of religious conservative states, or at least states where the religious right has a majority of voters.
I think you're overestimating the number of religious conservative states, or at least states where the religious right has a majority of voters.

In terms of political relevance, the religious right has by now mostly died out, quietly, with nobody noticing. Even in the red states, how much traction can you get any more by demanding school prayer, or objecting to the teaching of biological evolution, or demanding the re-criminalization of sodomy? Abortion is just about the only issue the RR has left, and that's only because for once it has the Catholic Church on its side.
Unless you can say why RvW makes abortion a TOTALLY untouchable right that shall not be infringed..... it's getting overturned as it's been understood.

This won't do much federally. HOWEVER, this will allow religious red states to regulate abortions the way blue states regulate guns.

And there is nothing wrong with some common sense regulations right??? :D

Yes, regulating people is the same as regulating firearms.

Such an emobo.:rolleyes:
The feminist? The one and only feminist? And she's on all the internets, not just one of them? Well, I can't very well argue with that kind of authority.

Look, the possibility does exist that you saw some feminist extremist somewhere saying something like what you describe. But the far likelier scenario is you saw mainstream feminists' response to the anti-choicers' strawman argument that we want to legalize abortion on demand right up to the moment of birth, and took it out of context to fit what you want to believe. Because that's what you do all the time.

Which is just why the right ought to be very, very afraid right now. Most Americans do not want a return to the days of back-alley abortions, and if they're actually subjected to it in some states, you're going to see some changes you won't like very much.

My whole point being that state regulation won't be static, and if it is left up to the states, the result won't be what the anti-choicers are hoping it will be. (And that's overlooking the fact that Roe v. Wade was in fact based on the Constitution. That you disagree with that interpretation of the Constitution doesn't mean it doesn't exist.)

I think you're overestimating the number of religious conservative states, or at least states where the religious right has a majority of voters.

He saw a feminist on the internet say it so its a dem policy dontcha know. Its emobo rationalization treading closely to potato levels. Lol
He saw a feminist on the internet say it so its a dem policy dontcha know. Its emobo rationalization treading closely to potato levels. Lol

Teh EmoBo Creed...
Teh EmoBo Creed...

The dumbest thing abput Emobo's logic is that even after Democrats nominated and elected President Biden, who was about the most conservative of all the Democratic candidates, Emobo STILL paints Democrats as a monolithic block of extreme leftist.

Even dumber is Emobo's refusal to recognoze that Republicans basically DID vote as a monolithic block to elect an extreme, racist, authoritarian, fascist. orange POS.

Emobo is definitely a citizen of bizarro world.

I am pro-choice, but I see bigger issues now. I am not yet ready to vote straight ticket, but I may vote for several Pubs this year, especially in the primary if I see a choice between moderate and batshit.
Overturning Roe vs Wade will benefit the Democrats.

The Roe vs Wade Supreme Court Decision of 1973 benefited the Republican Party. Lower middle class whites, who had voted Democrat because of Democrat stands on economic issues that benefited them began to vote Republican, because for them outlawing abortion was more important than preserving economic programs that they knew benefited them.

Pro abortion libertarians who agreed with Republican stands on economic matters could vote Republican because they knew that abortion rights were removed from state legislatures.

Overturning Roe vs Wade will have the opposite effect. Libertarians for whom abortion rights are more important than tax cuts will be inclined to vote Democrat.

When the Supreme Court legalized abortion by decree, Jerry Falwell convinced Christian conservatives that they belonged to a "moral majority" which had been thwarted by a powerful but small minority of "secular humanists." If abortion once again becomes a legislative issue, some of these people will resume voting Democrat to preserve domestic programs that benefit them. Others will retreat from politics and resume their passive wait for the Second Coming of Christ.
I hope you all realize, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, that throws the whole issue into the legislatures -- which is the worst thing that could happen to the GOP electorally. A lot of people who now vote Pub in good conscience, as a gesture, knowing it won't really affect access to abortion, will stop doing so.

You LibTards should have thought about that when you all supported Dirty Hairy Reid (good riddance) when he used the nuclear option! THAT MOVE AND THAT MOVE ALONE, is responsible for THREE Trump SCOTUS nominations!
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Yo peck, about that OP...

If it is,

butters will start a dozen threads over it
(after all, how many has she started about the one crazy lady?)
Laurel will be shocked out of her lethargy and do two things, the first being
to go on a conservative banning spree to stop the spread of disimiss-information
and then start up a Politics Lounge while you and Will will take up coat hangar collections...
Yes, regulating people is the same as regulating firearms.

Such an emobo.:rolleyes:

Regulating rights is the same as regulating rights.

Nice try dumbass.

He saw a feminist on the internet say it so its a dem policy dontcha know. Its emobo rationalization treading closely to potato levels. Lol

They support it.

Teh EmoBo Creed...

YDB said "absolutely no one" setting the standard.

Learn to read Texas. :D
The feminist?

Look, the possibility does exist that you sa some feminist extremist somewhere saying something like what you describe.

It's not a possibility it's a confirmable fact.

There are multi-hour long compellations on youtube of feminist tiktok's with plenty of women who are abortion enthusiast.

You want to stick your head up your ass and ignore what the feminist are pushing, by all means, but you're not going to piss on my boots and tell me it's raining. I know better. ;)

Which is just why the right ought to be very, very afraid right now. Most Americans do not want a return to the days of back-alley abortions, and if they're actually subjected to it in some states, you're going to see some changes you won't like very much.

Not many if any are talking about going "back to the days of back alley abortions!!" so you can go ahead and dial that hyperbole back.

My whole point being that state regulation won't be static, and if it is left up to the states, the result won't be what the anti-choicers are hoping it will be.

No shit....that's the whole point. NY and CA get to have their on demand up until the cord is cut abortions. Paid for with public funds.

And other states can NOT do that, and instead restrict abortions to their liking.

(And that's overlooking the fact that Roe v. Wade was in fact based on the Constitution. That you disagree with that interpretation of the Constitution doesn't mean it doesn't exist.)

I'm not saying it doesn't exist or isn't in the Constitution. Like the 99.9999% ....just saying it's not some absolute right that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

There is only 1 enumerated right that has that protection and you have NO problem infringing the shit out of it.

So bend over baby cuz here come some "COMMON SENSE" regulations on abortion....because no rights are absolute right?? American Democracy is important right?? :D

I think you're overestimating the number of religious conservative states, or at least states where the religious right has a majority of voters.

Get a fucking clue buddy......


And every indicator we have is pointing to that map get MORE RED later this year.

Outside of some wild shit happening, ya'll are getting stuffed like a porno flick chick this fall :D
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In my experience, whenever you say "Lie to yourself," it is you who is lying. And whenever you say "2+2=5!" it you who is saying 2+2=3. And whenever you say "War is peace!" it is you who is saying war is orange.


Yet you don't have a single example.

We know why peck. :D