His Beck and Call Girl (closed for a_libertine)

Markus finished his work out, then showered. He saw the text from Shelby and smiled when he saw her name. The smile flattened out as he saw what she had written. He dropped the phone back into his gym bag and scowled at the locker.

Picking up the phone he replied:

I would day good luck but I am sure Pops has everything mapped out for you already. When is it?​

He dropped the phone I to his bag with a sigh then dressed, pondering what the future would hold.
Shelby sighed when she saw his response.

I know. He gave me a way to pay for school. I guess I am still a Sugar Baby. Does it help that I can't stop thinking about you.

She typed in her text and sent it to him. She knew she was playing with fire. But she couldn't seem to stop herself.

She laid her clothes out for her interview and opened her lap top to work on her resume. She tried her best not to think about Markus and if he would respond to her text.

She wanted to be back on her knees in his apartment.
Markus looked at his phone as he arrived at his car and read the message. He quickly responded,

You didn't answer the question.​

He quickly drove to his place and changed out of his clothes one of the simple pleasures of his life was the ability to lounge around his place naked. He heard the phone vibrate and he picked up and looked at Shelby's reponse. He looked at the time and nodded, a plan came to mind.

He replied

Okay, good luck.​

Smiling Markus dressed and headed to his father's office to 'meet' Shelby.
Shelby got dressed for her interview. She had her hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She slipped into the sleeveless white dress and the black and white blazer that went with it. She put on her black heels. She checked her makeup in the mirror. She was pleased, it was just enough, just a touch of color, not too much.

She looked over her resume. It looked good, she had included some examples of her writing. They looked pretty good.

She was a little nervous when she arrived at McDowell. She was greeted by a gorgeous receptionist and told to wait in the lobby.

She sat in one of the chairs and looked over her writing samples. She could see some of the women who worked in the offices, looking her over. Shelby sighed, worried that they already knew that she was Erick's mistress.
Markus arrived at the corporate headquarters for the 'family' business. Nearly an ostentatious display of wealth, the building was nearly all marble and glass. The final construction bill was a closely held secret, but the building permits had something close to 10 figures.

He swept into the HR area with a breezy, "Hello ladies." He ignored Shelby for the moment and picked up a pass that allowed him access to the building.As he turned he caught sight of her, and dropped his badge in honest amazement. She was gorgeous.

Yes, she was always gorgeous in that down to earth sort of way, but now? She looked sophisticated and sexy. His voice caught in his throat as he stammered, "Hi, I am Markus."
Shelby blinked hard when she saw Markus. She stood and offered her hand.

"I am Shelby Harper." She said with a bashful smile.

Helen, the receptionist for HR, jumped up from behind her desk nervously.

"Shelby is here to interview for an opening in PR. They need someone to write for our social media accounts and do press releases." Helen looked at the two of them nervously. She had a suspicion that Shelby was "special" to Erick McDowell, but there was no way to let Markus know that. She just had to hope for the best.

"Do you work here?" She asked Markus as if he were a total stranger to her.
Markus kind of shrugged, "No, not really. I am related to the President of the company so they let me hang out once in a while."

He took her hand in his and shook it firmly, but didn't let go once he had her in hand. "Have you been doing that line of work for long?"
Shelby's heart was racing.

"I am almost done with my bachelors in Journalism and I have done some freelance work for a few magazines. But, I don't have much experience. But I am eager to learn." She stumbled on the word eager, she almost said eager to please.

"It is really nice to meet you, Markus." Her voice was soft and sweet, almost flirtatious but not quite.
Her intonations sent thrills straight to his cock and he smiled as he leaned un whiserping, "So you are an eager beaver?"

He stood straight again and was going to say something when he heard a familiar throat clearing off to the side. Glancing over he saw his father standing there fury in his eyes. "Hey," Markus said. "Meet Shelby, she is applying with the company today. "

Erick ' s voice was almost restrained as he replied, "Yes, I know who she is. I am the one that invited her to apply here."

Markus looked at Shelby and saw her blushing then back to his father's stern, possessive look. Markus' face contorted into Ann "Oooooooh" expression with the sound leaking out after it.

Glancing back at Shelby, Markus said in a low enough tone that only Erick and Shelby could hear, "Yeah, I wouldn't have come home last night either. "

Whether to comfort Shelby or piss his father off, Markus would never explain, but he leaned in and kissed Shelby on the cherk, the corner of his mouth against the side of hers. "Nice meeting you, sweet one. "

Turning on a heel he brushed past his father asking, "LLunch today?"
Shelby felt like her knees were about to buckle. She could feel the confidence emanating off of Markus and the anger emanating off of Erick.

"My interview is about to start Mr. McDowell. Thanks for checking in on me. Everyone here has been so helpful and friendly."

As Markus walked away, Shelby looked at Erick her eyes wide.

"I didn't say anything. He introduced himself to me." Shelby's whisper was strained. She chewed on her lip, trying to read Erick's face.

Much to Shelby's relief, Shelby was called into her interview.

"Mr. McDowell, I will stop by your office after my interview." She said with a nervous smile. Then she headed into her interview.
Markus headed to his father's office and waved nonchalantly at his father's assistant as he breezed through to wait. When Erick did come in, his father's anger was still a palpable presence that filled the room as he came in.

"What the hell were you doing boy?"

Markus looked up at his father and said, "I was flirting with a gorgeous woman, then I found out she was your mistress. Sue me."

Erick scowled at his son, "Stay away from her Markus; any entanglement with you would just be... awkward."

Markus looked at his dad and said, "Oh, I don't know. If I dated her, then she could be around at family functions."

Erick shook his head angrily, "No. Absolutely not."

Markus shrugged and looked at his father. "So if I felt something out there with her that I hadn't really felt before, you are saying that I should let it go and ignore it?"

Erick looked at his son, and paused. What he felt for Shelby wasn't exactly love, he knew that. Oddly still in the depth of his heart he loved his wife still, but didn't get what he needed from her anymore. He got the physical from Shelby, and on some level, emotional too.

Deciding, he shook his head, "No, Markus, it can't happen. Leave her with me, to me. There will be others for you."

The buzzer sounded on his phone and Shelby's presence was announced. Markus stood and said, "I will leave you to lunch."
Shelby was fidgeting nervously. She had a packet of paperwork from the HR department. She was hoping that Erick would be in a better mood, but the emotional temperature of the office was chilly.

She walked into Erick's office and Markus brushed passed her.

"Mr. McDowell, things went very well. They liked my writing samples and I am to start today." She kept her voice light, but she felt a flutter in her stomach. Erick looked angry and she was deeply afraid. She didn't know what he would do.

She closed the door and waited for his response.
Erick watched as his son left and his lover came in. A scowl was etched I to his face and he knew it. He looked at her first the first time of the day and nodded in satisfaction, she had tread the line between slut and sexy perfectly. "You look great, Shelby. "

He walked to the sitting area in his office and beckoned Shelby to follow him. He patted the couch next to him and said, "Let's fill out all that damnable paperwork that HR demands of you."

As she walked over and sat next to him, Erick leaned over and kissed her just behind her jaw. "IIt seems my son is somewhat smitten with you. "

He sat back upright and asked, "Do you feel the same way with him?"
Shelby looked at him and smirked.

"I just met him. He introduced himself to me. I didn't even know he was your son." She straightened her shoulders.
"Besides, I know the rules. I am yours."

She crossed here legs, showing them off and showing off the four inch heels that she had bought on his dime.

She pulled a pen out of her bag and clicked it. She started filling in the paperwork.

She started filling in the blanks. Social, background check, emergency contact.

"Erick, I was very discreet. I didn't let on that I knew you." She said softly. She needed Erick to relax. She wanted to see the anger leave his face. She wasn't ready to receive any more of his wrath.
Erick watched as Shelby put herself on display for him. His eyes never leaving her as he listened to what she said. He paused a moment then nodded. "Markus is no idiot I am sure he pieced it together based on my anger and your fear. The boy is kind of smart."

He laid a hand on her thigh and leaned back and closed his eyes a moment. He had wanted Markus to intern more at the company but now if he did would his son chase after his mistress? The thought was simultaneously disturbing and pride inflating. The thought that his son wanted her was good for the ego that he had her. Not that he expected that to last forever.

He sighed and ran his hand up her thigh until he could flip it over and squeeze her breast firmly, which he did. "You know," he mused, "It has been several years since I have had someone on my desk..."
Shelby arched her back, pressing her breast into his hand just a little harder.

"I am not wearing panties under this dress, Sir. You can bend me over your desk and slide right in." She whispered. She leaned over and kissed his throat softly.

She began to hitch her skirt up, bunching it up around her hips. Exposing the tops of her thighs, and then her pussy on display.

"Are you going to press me hard to your desk and fuck me dirty, Sir?"

She found herself slipping from young professional mode to submissive slut mode.
Erick nodded as he stood, pulling Shelby up by her tit. He walked to his desk and wiped everything from the center to the sides. He pressed her against the front edge of the desk, opposite the chair, and pushed her in the middle of her back until her tits were mashed against the oak desk top.

Stepping back her raised her skirt until it was bunched around her waist and he began running a finger up and down her moistening slit.

His other hand loosened his slacks and he let them fall to his ankles, his cock tenting his boxer shorts already. He yanked the boxers down impatiently and aimed his cock at her. with little more preamble Erick shoved his cock balls deep into Shelby with a loan moan.

"This will be quick Shelby with little play," he hungrily whispered as he began sawing his hips back and forth.
Shelby sighed deeply as he pushed into her. She clutched the edge of the desk with her fingers splayed.

She did her best to keep quiet but she let out a raw moan as he bottomed out inside of her.

Shelby was up on her tiptoes, her legs flexed and showing off her sculpted calves.

"This is a nice welcome to the company...." Shelby sighed. His fingers were biting into her so hard, that she knew he was going to leave marks on her hipbones.
This was not a powerful fuck, he knew. On some level the action itself would leave her, and him, somewhat dissatisfied with it. But there was a thrill. Ashley, his assistant could walk in any moment and discover him balls deep in the company's newest hire.

That in of itself was exciting. "Like it, Shelby?" He asked. "Do you like the possibility that Ashley could walk in on us and see your ass in the air like this?"

His grip tightened on her hips, his knuckles turning white as he began hammering a little harder into her sopping wet and welcoming pussy. He stretched his thumbs out to hook her ass cheeks and spread them wide, allowing even more access to her.
Shelby moaned softly as her only answer. She knew he wouldn't last long and she was so worked up, but she didn't find any release. All she could think about was Markus and his kiss on her cheek.

She thought about him calling her sweet one and holding her in his lap.

Thinking about Markus did the trick and she came hard, crying out softly as she did. She cried out Sir, because she knew she couldn't risk saying Markus' name with Erick.
Shelby's orgasm caught Erick by surprise as she came hard enough her pussy clenched his cock like a third hand stroking him softly.

There was a tonal difference in Shelby as she shuddered below him. Normally her orgasm had an lilting animalistic sound. This one was loving for a lack of a better word immediately

As it was her body's reaction pulled him over the edge and with a loud grunt Erick slammed into her one last time and pulled out just as he was beginning to cum. Hong the base of his member, Erick sprayed Shelby's ass with his cum, painting it with his hot white seed.

"Don't move," he ordered, "Let it dry then we will go to lunch."
Shelby stayed still until his cum was dry on her skin. Then she straightened her dress and smoothed her hair.

"Where do you want to go for lunch?" Shelby asked sweetly. She smiled up at Erick. "I am really excited about this job. I already have my first assignments. They want me to live tweet from the McDowell foundation gala on Friday night. I am going to have to get an evening gown for the event."

She rested her hand on his arm.

"I will be professional and discreet at the gala. No one will guess I am your girl."
Erick almost groaned. The gala was her first assignment? It was his wife's favorite event and the one that she had her claws deeply entrenched. It was also the event that she expected his best behavior at. There would be little opportunity for him to stray far.

He nodded his head, "Yes, I expect you do need something for it."

He picked up the phone and dialed a number, "John, this is Erick I am going to hand the phone to a young lady and I want you to send her a credit card guaranteed by me, she needs it tomorrow."

He listened for a couple moments then handed the phone to Shelby, "This is my private banker, he will get everything set up and said you can pick up some checks on the way home. I will give you his business card before we leave for lunch."
Shelby was a little surprised that Erick was turning over cash to her for the gown.

"Erick, I can find something second hand...or maybe borrow something." Her voice trailed off.

Erick shook his head.

She bit her lip, worrying. She didn't want her job to be a bad deal for Erick. She didn't want him to change his mind and get angry when he started to do the math on what he was spending on her.

"Then, I guess we should go to lunch. I have to get the press packets ready for the Gala."
Erick led Shelby from his office and told Ashley they were heading to lunch. They went down the street to a cozy French restaurant aND they were sat immediately when they arrived. As they walked through the restaurant to their table Erick placed his hand on the small of her back and under her with pressure with his fingers.

The waiter arrived and Erick ordered for the two of them. As he left Erick looked at Shelby and said, "This is the last time I will tell you this. The greatest advantage of being the cum slut of a billionaire is that I get to lavish you with whatever I desire. Whether that is sexuality or financially, the only two things I expect is your gratitude for that which I give you and you r acceptance of whatever it is."

He looked at her, his eyes clouding over, "Do you understand," he asked, his voice low and carrying an edge.