His Beck and Call Girl (closed for a_libertine)

Erick watched with a smirk as Shelby hustled out of the room. He wasn't sure but he thought her ears were burning in embarrassment or heated passion.

Chuck walked in his eyes following Shelby's chest while in his field of view. "Great hire Erick, where did you find her?"

Erick shrugged, "Would you believe in a restaurant? She seemed bright and willing to please so I thought to give her a try. Might keep her."

Chuck smiled knowingly and said, "I plan to."

The smiled that Shelby's pussy put on Erick ' s face evaporated at Chuck's comment but he said nothing about it immediately. "What can I do for you, Chuck? "

"We need to go over your itinerary and the key people at each event. "

Erick nodded and waved Chuck to a chair opposite the couch and spent the next ninety minutes going over everything.


Markus left the gym in time to have lunch with his mother caving in to her demand on his time. He knew something was up when he arrived at the restaurant and she was not there. The maitre d' was apparently in on it as he smiled at Markus and took him to a table with a stunning petite blonde at it.

When he got closer and the menu moved from in front of her Markus saw that she was particularly top heavy. It was impossible to tell exactly how big but c cup had been left behind a long time ago
Shelby went right to her desk and did her best to keep busy. She could see Ashley looking over at her, and she knew from the look on Chuck's face that he knew exactly what was happening before he walked in.

Shelby went to the ladies room and cleaned up. When she got to her desk, Chuck was still in Erick's office.

One of the other women gave Shelby a mountain of papers to copy and collate. She was relieved to have something to do. She thought about what Chuck must be thinking as she listened to the hum of the copier.

She decided to text Markus.
I am glad the Gala is tomorrow night. I am looking forward to seeing you. Maybe we can have a dance?
Markus had just finished his lunch date and was headed to his car when his phone vibrated with a text from Shelby. He read it quickly and replied:

of course we can dance together. How late will you have to work? Until the end?​

He jumped into his car and headed across town to look at bow ties.
Every time Shelby looked up from her work, Chuck was leering at her. As she sorted through her email, he even very obviously adjusted himself in his trousers. Shelby sighed in exasperation. She lowered her eyes and ttied to focus on her work until the end of the day.

I will be working until after the silent auction and the check presentation to the charity. I have had a really lousy day. I am treating myself to a good steak and a bottle of wine.

When the assistants made their way out, Shelby grabbed her purse and walked out with them. She didn't want Chuck to walk her to the car.
Shopping was an oddly soothing act for Markus. Yes he recognized that it was not widely recognized as a 'male' activity but still it soothed him.

He had phone in hand matching bow ties to the color of the dress when her text came in.

He considered her text and replied:

Skip that. Change into a short skimpy dress with no under clothes. My place 7:00.​
Shelby smiled at his text. She couldn't resist. She craved him and his touch. She wanted to be his sweet one, rather than Erick's cumslut.

Shelby went back to her apartment and showered. She dried her hair and slipped into her best little black dress and high heels. She drove over to his place, and arrived promptly at seven.

She knocked on the door, ready to be his girl.
Markus went home after buying his new bow tie and checked his tuxedo to make sure it was ready. He already knew it was but it filled a moment or two of time. While in the closet he pulled a much smaller than his father's toy chest out of the closet and opened it.

He washed a few items and laid most of them out on the night stand. He put one into his pocket and at 6:00 ordered Chinese delivery. He expected that it would show within a moment or two of Shelby's arrival.

He heard a knock on the door and looked at the clock. She was prompt, which he considered a good sign. He opened the door and looked at her with a warm smile. "Come in sweet one and strip. You won't need clothes."

He watched as she complied and as she finished he said, "Kneel for me, sweet one."

As she did the doorbell rang and Markus handed her money and said, "Pay the delivery person and bring the food into the living area," be fore he stride off.
Shelby undressed and removed her shoes, she had worn her sexiest "fuck me" heels. They were five inch open toed heels. She placed them on the floor and laid her dress on top of them.

When he asked she knelt prettily. And then the doorbell rang. He handed her the money and she went to the door.

The twenty-something aged delivery guy looked a little shocked when she opened the door. He looked her over appreciatively. She paid for the dinner and gave him a tip.

The young guy stammered a thank you.

Shelby took the food into the living area. She placed the food on the table beside Markus and then knelt at his feet.

"I have missed you." She whispered and pressed kisses to his knee and placed her cheek there.
There was magic in her submissive action. He wasn't quite hard after she kissed the inside of his knee, but by the time she rested her head against him he was rock hard and his thinking was nearly short circuited.

He reached down and stroked her face gently. A not so idle thought cane to mind and he asked, "Did you fuck my father today? If so have you showered AND thoroughly cleaned him out of you?"
Shelby nuzzled against his thigh.

"I didn't fuck him. He fucked me, but yes. All traces of his touch are gone. Chuck and Ashley heard him and now Chuck won't stop leering at me." She sighed softly, her eyes closed.

She shook the thoughts of Erick from her head.

"I don't want to think about him anymore tonight, Sir. I am your sweet one, tonight."

She slid her hands up his thighs and then began to unfasten his pants. She wet her lips and smiled when she freed his cock. She covered the head of his cock with kisses, adoring him. Showing him that she was his, at least for tonight.
Markus closed his eyes and moaned softly as Shelby's wet lips caressed his cock head over and over. His fingers wrapped into her hair and held her head while she lavished him with adoration.

After a couple minutes he pulled his cock out of her blessed mouth and he moaned, "Dinner first sweet one."

He pulled the coffee table out a little and looked at Shelby, "Lay on your back on the table. "

He waited until she complied then he opened up the Chinese food containers and laid his dinner out across her abdomen. Sitting he grabbed chopsticks and ordered, "Do not move, sweet one. I will feed you in due time."
Shelby laid on the table. She swept her hair back and let it hang off the edge. She laid perfectly still. Taking shallow breaths so her smooth tummy wouldn't rise and fall causing his dinner to spill.

She did her best to just be, to relax and sink into her submission as Markus ate.
He ate slowly, his eyes taking in each inch of her skin as he revealed it. As he finished he began bringing a small bite at a time to Shelby's mouth. He knew that it would be hard for her to eat in her current position but that was the fun of it, right?

He leaned forward and licked the sauces off her bit by bit. "Sweet one, have you been thinking of me?"
Shelby took the proferred bites carefully. She whimpered as he licked the sauces off of her soft skin.

"I have been thinking about you. Today, I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be your fingers in my hair and on my skin. " Shelby's voice quavered as she spoke
Markus looked at her and said, "Very soon, sweet one. Very soon."

He cleaned the last of the food off of Shelby and tossed everything into the bag. "Come here sweet one," he said softly. "I believe that you were going to show me your affection for me when I stopped you."

He sat in his chair his legs spread wide. As she rolled off the coffee table and made her way to him, his cock began to react.
Shelby opened his belt and his trousers. With deft fingers, she freed his cock. She sighed contentedly as she pressed her lips to the tip of him. She opened her mouth and just took the head in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around him and adored him. She kissed his cock with tiny adoring kisses, feather light, teasing his skin.

His hand brushed her face and smoothed her hair, and she didn't really know why but she found herself tearing up. It felt so good to have him touch her, to feel his tender dominance. She took him in her mouth and a few tears slid down her cheeks.
Markus looked down at Shelby and saw her tears as she suckled his cock. Impossibly, he got even harder. It might have been the most touching thing he ever saw as her tears started slowly welling up in her eyes before streaking down her face.

He caressed her face, "Go ahead, sweet one, cry. Let it all out, and soak it all in as well. Let out the day, soak in the perfect state of submission you wish to give me."

He leaned forward slightly and cupped her tit, squeezing it firmly, "Give to me, sweet one, give me all of the day, and more importantly, all of you."
The warmth of his voice, the caress of his hand. It was like she melted away. All of the stress and worry, all of the shame she had felt was gone. She was just his, and she was right where he needed to be.

She listened to his voice and allowed herself to sink into him. She adored him with her mouth even as her tears came. And when his thumb brushed the tears off of her cheek, it only made her want to please him more. Shelby brushed her breasts against his thighs, and her hands lightly caressed everywhere she could reach.
While her previous blow jobs had always been tender there was a substantial difference in this one. As her tears flowed from her eyes and down her cheek, Shelby became almost loving, worshipful, in her ministrations to his turgid member.

He swiped a tear from her face and licked it from his thumb savoring the saltiness. He watched her closely his eyes never leaving hers. Each time she glanced up at him he nodded encouragingly and smiled. As Shelby brought her tits up and rubbed them on his thighs he moaned low and hungrily.

Shelby began licking and sucking down the underside of his cock and he thrust his hips up, coaxing her mouth to his balls.
Shelby kissed and nuzzled his balls lightly, softly teasing and barely touching. Her lips just brushing past his soft skin. Her fingertips feather light on his warm skin.

Shelby's hair fell around her face like a veil and her satiny hair brushed his skin.

"I have missed you so much, Sir. I have been thinking about your touch all day." Her voice was sweet and soft, sincere.

His hand was on her cheek, and she turned her face and kissed each of his fingertips and then the palm of his hand.

She pressed her cheek into the palm of his hand.

His eyes kept on hers, and his nod gently encouraged her to continue.

The more he gently encouraged, the more she wanted to please, the more she wanted to give him exactly what he wanted.
"Good girl," he cooed as Shelby suckled his balls, his fingertips and hand. There was a depth here he hadn't experienced before, a purity in her that seemingly every other woman lacked. It spoke to him, physically, and emotionally.

As she stayed on her knees and worshiped his body, Markus continued to watch her until he was close to coming. He stopped her and whispered, "Stand up sweet one, and turn around."

After she complied he rubbed his hands up and down her ass cheeks. He slapped her ass once and said, "Bend over and grab the table."

When she complied, Markus ran his tongue from her pussy all the way up to her anus and he probed it gently. Sitting upright he looked at the sight before him and said, "You are very beautiful sweet one, and I don't mean merely physically."

Standing up he swatted her ass again and ordered, "Crawl into the bedroom and lay face down on my bed. I am going to be right behind you."
"Good girl." The words slid down her spine like warm honey. Making her feel even sweeter and more devoted. And then he called her sweet one. She heard a little whimper escape her lips.

And then his hot hand and soft mouth on her skin, made her melt.

She crawled into his bedroom and imagined she could feel his eyes on her skin as she moved. She nestled into his bed and laid face down, waiting, anticipating his touch. She ached for him as she waited. She could feel every inch of her skin craving his touch.
Markus followed Shelby closely and watched as she crawled into his bed and laid face down. He steeped to the foot of the bed and grabbed her ankles and pulled her closer to the edge. He stopped as her pussy reached the edge of the bed and pulled her hips up into the air.

A couple moments of moving her into position had Shelby with her legs spread wide knees on the edge and her face down on the mattress. He ordered, " Don't move sweet one. "

Going back to the living room he retrieved his phone and came back taking several photos of Shelby from all four sides, muttering praise of her beauty and form as he took them.

After the photos he put the phone up and stood between her ankles his hands running up and down her thighs, caressing her from cunt to toes until she began to whimper in need.
Shelby was pliable as Markus posed her. She stayed still and pretty as he took her pictures. She arched her back and made sure she looked her best for him. He called her beautiful and sweet, his voice so warm and adoring. Shelby felt so cherished.

And then his fingers brushed over her skin, ever so lightly. He was in total control and Shelby knew it. Markus would make her wait, until he was ready. She knew that she could let go and just be with him.

His fingers danced on the inside of her thighs and then grazed her sex.

She cried out softly, her face against the bed.

"please...." She whimpered.
Markus stood behind Shelby and smiled at her wanton whimper. He traced a finger along her labia and within the folds, coating his digit with her juices.

He wanted very much to bury his face in her backside but resisted the urge. It was bad enough he thought sticking his finger and cock where his father had been that day. There was no way in hell his mouth was going there.

He pressed his middle finger against his forefinger and slowly filled her pussy with them. "Please what sweet one? "