Annual Dunder Muflin Life Insurance Sales Conference (reserved)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
Lance flicked on his blinkers to shift lanes as he moved from the on-ramp onto the interstate heading to the airport.

They were almost an hour behind, but he had lied about the time of the flight, expecting they’d run late.

His wife was in shotgun giving him all the instructions as usual. Well not quite like usual.

This time he was being given all the instructions on how to help his coworker behave. She was new-ish to the company. Well this was the first conference for her, and she’d been with the company for more than 6 months. And she was popular, because she was gorgeous.

The car thrummed along, he glanced back in his mirror glancing over the red head. She had moved into town and got a job at his firm and she had been pistol since day one . Then nights his wife had gone out with her had made Lance nervous. And the stories she had told after! Oh boy.

He glanced at her in the mirror admiring her, wondering what she was so wild for. Surely she knew that going all out wasn’t the way to get a husband. But his wife had help her understand her …condition
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Kyla bit her bottom lip as her finger traced her labia. She hated to do this here in the car, but the little nymphomaniac's urges get worse when she was nervous, and between the pressure she felt to be on her best behaviour for the convention and her fear of flying made it impossible not to play with herself in the backseat of the car.

Luckily she was accompanied by two great friends, Gwen and her husband, who had been very nice to her after the incident at the office party a couple of months ago. When she had explained to HR that her condition (and reason why she had to leave her hometown) had been caused due to a workplace incident a couple of years back, they had suggested Gwen acted like a buddy to her.

While she did wonder if that was because she was the only woman in the company not hating her for sleeping with her husband, as Lance not only was oblivious to her flirting, but he had not taken his turn on the merry-go-round during the party, or the woman was genuinely a Saint she didn't know. But ever since having out with her, her impulses had been easier to control

Putting her leg on the console between the couple as her fingers plunged in her perpetually soaked pussy, Gwen put a hand on her calf and gently stroked it, pushing Kyla over the edge. Coming down from the orgasm she heard her say.

"See honey, it's not that complicated to help her when she needs it . So I am counting on you."
He was nodding, trying to decide how they had ended up like this.

His wife had taken to her quickly, and now they were in this very interesting dynamic.

The sound of her cumming was hard to ignore as his wife’s hand sent her over the edge with a little extra stimulation

“I’ll try to remember that dear. I’ll remember what we talked abt and Kyla you’ll help by reminding what can work in different situations” he said as he shifted lanes to the exit ramp. Soon they were pulled up at the quick drop departure kiosk. In moments he was hugging and kissing his wife as the baggage checkers came to the car to help. The two gentleman aiding Kyla almost immediately

“I’ll calll when we get there to let you know how the flight goes as well as our ‘setup’. His wife had asked for them to have adjoining rooms so he could hear if she was behaving , as well as be there to help with her ‘needs’

He closed the trunk and turned to his wife

“I love you honey, but are you sure about this?” He asked under his breath so Gwen would be the only one that heard him. He glanced towards jyla so it was clear what he meant.

He was worried about having to be responsible for her, but he had recalled all the things his wife had said. It was just so hard to think of this as a ‘condition’

It didn’t help that the baggage handlers were already falling under her gaze, he just thanked god she had been blue to get off before the flight. There at the end the car had begun to smell of her…need and that would be harder to hide on a 4 hour flight

He listened patiently as his wife consoled his own nerves before hugging her, kissing her gently, and then stepping towards the curb so Kyla could say goodbye to Gwen
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Gwen nodded to her husband.

" yes and don't worry. Holding hands, stroking her hair, and basicly anything that does not require you to penetrate her is fine. Just do not let her spiral out of control."

As she waved them good by, she hoped the pair would have a good weekend. While it was a bit weird to send her Conservative husband on a trip with a nymphomaniac, she banked on the fact that he already had been given plenty of opportunity to sleep with her, but had always chosen to stay away. Somehow knowing that had really boosted her confidence.

"There we go work husband."

She said grabbing the man by the arm and plastering herself against him. Lance had been a godsend in the company, the only man to not react to her flirting and the only one not taking advantage of her condition to satisfy his most sick and twisted needs, he fueled a duality in her, part of her wanted to cherish the safety he provided, the other side wanted to see just how perverted his secret desires were.

Shaking her head, she figured this was not the right time to go down that train of thought
She had grabbed his arm, pulled him close, and they had headed into the airport. He felt a little unnerved as she held his arm so tight. Her breast was soft and warm where it pressed against him, something his wife’s much smaller tits just didn’t do. The thought was just an observation though, nothing erotic as he led her along.

Walking through the airport he noticed how many eyes she drew as they made their way towards the gate, there baggage having been checked at the drop off and they were soon in line at the security check

“How are you doing?,” he asked as the made their way to the scanners.

“Don’t be nervous and soon we will be on the other side and you can relax” he told her, recalling his Gwen’s instruction to make her think of the times and places she can get off discreetly if needed, instead of getting caught up in the moment. God forbid she get pulled aside for a frisking, h thought to himself as he went first into the scanner
Kyla followed Lance to the security line, happy that he was a good sport about her being clingy.

"Yeah I just really do not like flying."

She said as she slipped out of her shoe's and put everything in the tray, she had dressed to have an easy pass through the security, but as she saw a overweight guard in the line, she started to worry as they tended to take liberties.

"Just a second miss, we need to frisk you."

The man said as he took his radio and called for a female guard. just a few second later a robotic female voice replied it would be about ten minutes before she could be there. The man looked at her and asked if she was okay waiting.

"No, but if necessary you can do it."

She said, doing her best not to roll her eyes as she saw his smile creep along his fat lips. He waved towards a little divider wall and she just nodded and following him behind it, as it gave them a fake sense of privacy. As she got there she spread her legs a little and held a T pose as most guards wanted to start.
Jim smiled

“We’ll miss, if you don’t want to wait, I will have to frisk you” he said, unable to control the smile coming across his lips, if only briefly.

He knew that the cameras couldn’t see, but they had audio recording nailed, so he made sure they heard her consent.

He smiled as he followed her behind the screens. He adjusted his belt, shifting his grip and moving his stomach as best he could. Sometimes girls like this might lean back into you, and he wanted to be able to feel her if she did.

She lifted her arms, and spread her legs, her short skirt inviting.

“Thank you for your patience Miss” he said, again saying all the lines he had to, meeting all their rules

“I’ll need to feel along your ribs for a wire” he said, and as he did so his hands came to rest longer hips as he stood close behind her. His eyes gazing down over her shoulder at the view the tank top gave him.

“If you take a deep breath and push your chest up it will make this easier” he told her. It also made the view fantastic when they did this. Some of them even stuck their ass out, for balance, all part of his plan
Kyla hated the position she was in, the disgusting TSA agent was already his hands lingering on her hips as his beer belly pushes up against her back. What she hated the most was that as she complied and too a deep breath, she knew she was giving him a good view as his hands snuck up her sides and pushed hard up against her underboobs, triggering her nipples to already turn rock hard in the process.

"Hmm that seems to be a hard wire, do you mind unhooking your bra for safety?"

He said and Kyla wanted to snap at the man, saying off course she has a strong wire considering the size of her breasts, but without saying anything she bended a little forward, pushing her ass back a little so she could reach behind her and unhooking her bra, giving the man more wiggle room.
He felt her shift, her ass cheeks grazing his thigh was delicious. As she reached behind her back and I clasped her bra, he almost groaned. He could see the way her breasts shifted as the clip became undone.

“Perfect ma’am” he said as she returned her arms to out stretched. Jim reached up, fingers tracing over the wire and the underside of her breast.

He could clearly see her stiff nipples through the thin top. His fingers caught the wire clad bra.

“Let me
Just move this down to ensure it’s part of the garb” he said and he pulled the bra down. Of course he still had her top caught up too. So the result was the plunging Neckline pulled lower, her bra sliding with it.

He paused, just as her nipples barely came into view. Then his hands released the underwire, and glided back up finger slipping along her under boob, confirming the wire was gone, and forcing a huge line of cleavage as her breasts were forced together.

Then he let go, watching her tita jiggle as he released them.

“Thank you ma am you can fix your bra” he said stepping back, as his hands slid over her hips and thighs.

“I am done here ma’am” you are free to go when you have fixed your top “ he said, as he stood there watching.
Kyla had to scream at herself to not move as she felt the man touching her up as she felt her hornyness trying to break out. Even though the man made no secret he was fondeling her with no concern for safety, and regardless of how creepy and disgusting he was, she felt her restraint fade.

Luckily for her, he did not continue the frisk, as had he fondled her ass, or even worse checked between her legs, he would have found her dripping wet, and she would have been caught in yet another animalistic rut shewoupd have regretted later on.

Fastening her bra again she moved back into everyone's view and beelined for Lance, grabbing his arm, not as much for support, but to keep her hands from touching herself in public
Lance thanked the lord as Kyla came to him, grabbed his arm, and towed him off towards there gate. He had noticed her too a little disheveled and he could plainly see her nipples were stiff in her tight top

He didn’t bother to ask questions, he made his own assumptions, but quickly turned to walk with her, heading towards there gate.

“you did great Kyla. Let’s get to our gate and you can take some time in the ladies room to get you ready for the flight” he said using goals and places she can relieve her self to help her make it through this, just like his wife had said.
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Kyla was happy to hear that Lance understood her predicament, after all far to many people romanticised her affliction, or demonized it depending on the situation. That had been the reason why she had have to leave her small town, only months after the accident.

Unfortunately the man did not understand yet, that things were not always as easy. Seeing the gate terminal she knew she would not get close to satisfying herself in the bathroom.

"That is not going to work Lance."

She said anxiously before adding.

" I think I can make it through the flight"
As the two hurried through the airport, finally making it to their gate, he could see that the line of people boarding was dwindling.

She saw the same thing.

“Alright Kyla, I guess we don’t have time. Besides, once we are in the air, you can use the lavatory up there too. “ he said as he glanced down at her. He could see her….itching. Her nipples still stood out clearly in her top as they approached.

Just as they reached the gate, they were let aboard. Their rows having already been seated. But at least they were flying business class and would have some room he thought as he held his phone out for his pass to be scanned.
Kyla nodded docilely knowing she probably would not be using the lavatory if the need arised. The downside of her compulsion, was that it took more than just mechanical stimulation for her to actually get off, but that was something she was sure Lance was bound to find out.

As they took their seats, she was happy to see she had a windowseat as that made it a lot easier for her, so as soon as they lifted up, she asked for a blanket and drapped it over herself and lance, leaning her head on his shoulder, acting as she was going to sleep as her fingers deftly went to work between her legs.
He smiled at the stewardess as she handed them their blanket. Kyla quickly spread it out over them, and moments later he could tell she was trying to safe herself

He glanced over, making sure the blanket was covering her, and that her hands weren’t making any ‘obvious’ motions. As he glanced over, he couldn’t help but notice the evident buds of her hard nipples pressing a hoist the fabric of her top.

He felt his cock twitch at the site.

He shook his head as he tried to focus, looking around he made sure no one was minding them. He scoot over in his seat slightly, trying to give her more room.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear “good job. That’s really good. Can you quietly give yourself an orgasm before we take off? That will help you relax a lot” he said, keeping his eyes from glancing down and noting her breasts again. They were larger than his wife’s, and he had at one time been a breast man.