His Beck and Call Girl (closed for a_libertine)


Baby did a bad, bad thing
Jan 5, 2007
Shelby Harper was curled on the couch, tucked under the cozy softness of a cashmere throw. She was reading. Erick didn't like the tv on when he came over. He wanted her apartment to be peaceful, a respite from his bustling family life at home. Her long dark hair was down, just the way he liked it. She wasn't wearing much makeup. Erick liked her better without it and she knew she couldn't leave a smudge of lipstick on his clothes. Discretion was important to him, and she respected that. She didn't want to cause him problems at home. From Erick's description his wife was high strung and very sensitive.

Shelby had the lights low. She had candles lit. She had the mood set.

Shelby had adjusted to the format of their relationship a long time ago. And she did her best to never complain. Complaining was what he got at home. Complicated was what he had at home. So, Shelby did her best to be easy. She wanted Erick to always feel comfortable and successful at her place. She knew most people didn't understand why she would be with Erick. He was married. And she knew it. He had no intention of leaving his wife. He could only be with her part time. Sometimes, he came over so stressed that all he wanted was a hard fuck and quiet. But... there was something about him.

But it was more than the amazing sex. Erick cared about her. He gave her great advice. He took care of her. One night the upscale place where she waited tables and tended bar was robbed. She was scared and shaken up. He had figured out a way to get to her, and he kissed and cuddled her all night. He encouraged her writing. He used his connections to get her work in front of some editors and now she was freelancing as well as tending bar.

He had met her when she was all alone and broken hearted and he made her feel beautiful and smart and they had excellent chemistry. He was married, and Shelby had convinced herself that that didn't matter. She had the best of him. She was only 24. She wasn't ready to settle down and have babies. And when she was ready, Erick would let her go and wish her well. He knew that it wasn't forever, but it was pretty great for now.

She had his favorite cd on, his brand of scotch. She was ready for when she heard his key in the lock.
Erick McDowell, was a self made man. Just read the papers and magazines that covered corporate America and they would convince you. That said, he knew with a certainty that damned few people were actually self made. Nearly everyone had help of some sort. He hadn't been much different that many other successful businessmen. He got funded a significant amount by a family friend, and he had capitalized on it.

To the tune of more money than he could ever hope to spend. Even his wife could no longer make a dent on his total net worth. Not even the apartment that he was heading toward now, high over the city looking over the park, mattered much to his bottom line.

As he unlocked the door and let himself into the spacious apartment. The lights were low, and Steely Dan was playing on the stereo, and he smiled in satisfaction that Shelby continually strove to please him.

That pleasure tonight would come in the 'spare' bedroom. It wasn't a bedroom so much as his play ground with Shelby.

But first. The drink. He settled onto the couch next to Shelby and took the glass of Blue Labeled scotch. He sipped the scotch and felt it warm his throat and stomach as it went.

He leaned over and ran his free hand behind her neck and pulled her over for a kiss. It was a deep passionate kiss, with a hint of the fire that he felt for her, and for the night ahead.

Placing a hand on her leg, he squeezed it gently, "I have missed you the last couple of days."
Shelby practically purred as Erick kissed her. She missed his touch when he was gone. After Erick broke the kiss, Shelby made her way into Erick's lap. She nuzzled against his throat, and took a sip of his scotch. It was just a little sip, she let the liquor burn down her throat.

Shelby was built like a vargas girl. Sleek legs, smooth tummy, soft breasts, long dark hair that framed her face. She was dressed in just a black satin sleepshirt. She loosened Erick's tie and unbuttoned a few of his buttons.

"I am glad you could get away. I know you are so very busy." She whispered against his throat. She tasted his warm skin and kissed her way down his chest as she unbuttoned his shirt. "Do you want to relax a while? Are you hungry? Or do you want me to go get my collar from its box?" Shelby blushed thinking of the collar that Erick kept for her in the spare bedroom.

The rules changed when she wore the collar. She was to call him Sir and she kept her eyes lowered, and she didn't speak until she was spoken too. It was all very new to her, and Erick had initiated her gently for the most part. Each session was a little more intense than the last, but he kept telling her that she could stop it at anytime. She loved pleasing Erick. She loved it when he kissed her forehead afterwards and told her what a good girl she had been for him.
He thought about it for less than a nanosecond. "Collar." he said. "Go ahead, I will be in there momentarily."

He took another sip of his scotch as his eyes followed Shelby's tight ass as she walked away. He loved the sight of her ass, especially as he was fucking her from behind. Maybe tonight would be the night he could take her anal virginity. She would let him, he was sure.

Standing he put the now empty glass on the coffee table and walked to the back of the apartment to where his room was located. The room itself was perfectly lit. Two red bulbs lit the room which was centered by a large piece of furniture that doubled as a chair and a cot of sorts. It allowed him to tie her to it, and take her while restrained.

The walls held several cabinets with a variety of different tools, and sundries related to the things he liked to do with Shelby. He stopped at the door and watched as Shelby pulled her collar from the velvet lined box that held it.

"Crawl over here with it," he ordered.
Shelby slipped out of the satin nightie so that she would be bare skinned in the playroom. She retrieved her collar and smiled up at Erick when she saw him in the doorway.

Already his voice had changed. She shivered when he ordered her to crawl the collar to him. She delicately held the collar between her teeth and crawled to him. She made sure to lower her eyes, knowing that as she crawled her tits and ass would jiggle in the way that Erick... no not Erick, but Sir would like.

She placed the collar at his feet and pressed her face to his shoe. She closed her eyes and waited for his directions.

Her nipples were hard, and she could feel herself growing wet and he hadn't even started yet. She could feel every inch of her skin warming under his gaze.
He looked down at her. Shelby was at his feet, her ass up and her face against his shoe. He squatted down and picked up the collar. The collar itself was sterling silver with a ring at the front and a place for a lock at the back, which he had not so far elected to use. Though the thought had crossed his mind once or twice.

He snapped the collar in place and whispered, "Now crawl to the chair, and wait."
Shelby loved the feel of him putting the collar on her. She held her breath so she could hear it click closed. She didn't know why, but even the sound was erotic to her.

She crawled to the chair and knelt up. She waited in the quiet. The sound of her breath and heartbeat seemed deafening to her.

She didn't know what mood Erick would be in tonight. He might want to indulge in sensation play, blindfolding her and teasing her body. Or he might want to pin her down and fuck her hard. He might even want to tie her up. She didn't know and that was part of the excitement.

No one else in her life knew that she wanted things like this. She hadn't known it about herself until Erick introduced her to it.
Erick worked his way around the room, picking up a horse hair flogger, a riding crop, a blindfold a butt plug and a vibrator.

He set each of the items on a tray next to the chair then turned to a cabinet and retrieved enough rope to tie Autumn up and to the chair. He said nothing as he bound her to the chair, his eyes giving indication to the intensity of the fires burning in his loins.

Once secured, Erick stepped to the table. He picked up the blindfold and stepped up to her. He placed the blindfold over her eyes then belted it in place. His voice quivered as he said, "Now we begin."
Shelby lowered her eyes as he tied her to the chair. She wanted to ask him what was next, what he wanted tonight. But she knew that wasn't the way the game was played. She watched him through her eyelashes and she started to relax as he bound her to the chair. She was tied down. She was out of control. She was surrendered. She didn't have to decide or anticipate what would happen. All she had to do was be responsive.

She shivered as his fingers tightened the and adjusted the ropes. She watched him collect his tools and toys. Shelby bit her lip when she saw the flogger. Impact play was new to her, and although it excited her, it scared her as well.

Erick buckled the blindfold in place and Shelby felt herself sink into submission just a little bit more. She could feel herself going right back to the emotional place she had been in the last time they had spent their evening in the spare room.
Erick took the horsehair flogger and ran it along her inner leg from ankle to her knee. He moved the flogger to the other leg and ran it from her knee up to her crotch. Once there her rolled his wrist forcing the flogger to swish through the air, and land flush against her pussy.

He heard her gasp and goosebumps erupted around her pussy and faded quickly.

Moving the flogger across her skin again, he dragged it along her stomach and between her round firm tits. Erick flicked the flogger twice, once at each tit, hitting them squarely.

He knew that this particular flogger would not cause any pain to Shelby. It would agitate her skin, almost making her skin crawl with the sensations from the thousands of hairs that composed the flogging end. It was more to heighten her anticipation and her feelings.

Up and down her body he drug the flogger, and in uneven times and spaces smacked her with the flogger. After thirty minutes he took the butt plug and used her vaginal seepage to lubricate it before inserting it slowly into her ass.
If Shelby hadn't been restrained she would have been writhing all over the chair. The flog had every inch of her skin coming alive. The only sounds in the room were Erick's footsteps and Shelby's gasps and moans.

She felt a toy rubbing against the wetness of her pussy. She whimpered in surprise when he pressed the toy into her tight ass. They had talked about anal play. She knew it was something that he wanted to do to her, but she had never done it before.

The penetration of her ass made her feel warm all over. She could feel a heat building inside of her. She knew her cheeks were flushed. She couldn't keep her hips still. The plug in her ass seemed to make all of the other sensations more intense.

The flogger struck squarely on her hard nipples.

"Sir," She almost purred in response. Her body was responding in ways she couldn't have imagined or predicted. Erick knew how to draw out the wanton submissive inside of her.
Erick watched as Shelby ' s hips rolled as she squirmed in wanton lust. The scent of her quim was rapidly filling the room. He picked up a small vibe then slid it into her pussy before turning it on. "Do not cum with out my expressed permission," he warned low and heatedly.

He put horse hair flogger down and picked up a riding crop. He walked around her slowly watching Shelby undulate with pleasure, her face screwed up in concentration. Raising the crop, he swatted her firmly on the underside of her right tit, the smack reverberating in the room.
Shelby was biting her lip, concentrating on not allowing herself to climax. When the crop struck her breast, she swore loudly.

"Shit," She hollered in surprise. She could feel the heat growing on the little pink mark on her breast.

"I am sorry, Sir." She whimpered. Her back arching off of the chair. Shelby's body was taut from her thrown back head to her pointed toes. Her body trembled as she tried to catch her breath.
Erick snorted and moved to a cabinet and pulled a ball gag from it. He walked back to her, "If you cannot control your mouth, I shall."

He stepped back to her and ordered, "Open your mouth."

When she complied he pushed the large red ball into her mouth and wrapped the strap around her neck, fastening it tight.

He tapped a line from her sternum to her pelvis with the riding crop. Neither quite hard not soft. Firm pops up and down leaving pink marks with each shot. He overlapped them carefully so that the line was unbroken. At the pelvis he changed the direction and continued to her right hip, then back across to her left hip.

He stood there a moment watching her, listening to the low hum of the vibe in her pussy. He watched her quim pooling beneath her and almost smiled. Instead, he slapped the riding crop across her clit in one sharp flick of his wrist.

He body arched, hips high in the air as she was held in place bu the ropes around her arms and legs. "Don't cum damn it," he warned.
Shelby felt her body straining for release. Her breasts bounced with each reaction to the crop. She could feel her clit throbbing and Sir had barely paid it any attention. She had to bite into the ball gag to keep from cumming. It was taking every but if discipline she had to hang on.

Soft begging sounds bubbled up in the back of her throat. She wished she could see, so she could look at him with her big, brown eyes and plead for release.

Her hips bucked wildly and she could feel her wetness pooling beneath her.

Shelby did everything she could. But as she writhed the vibe found just the right spot. Her orgasm washed over her with such strength that Shelby thought she might pass out.

As her body relaxed, Shelby began to tremble. She had disobeyed Sir.
Erick stood in astonishment as Shelby came. It was a powerful orgasm, the likes of which he had never seen before; part of him was surprised that she hadn't passed out from it.

He quickly set aside that astonishment and growled, "What the fuck?"

He put the crop aside and freed her from the bindings that held her to the chair. He flipped her over onto her stomach. He grabbed a bottle of lubricant then pulled the anal plug that was in her out.

He sprayed the lube all around her ass and slid his cock into the gaping hole before it could close. He began fucking her ass slowly at first, and as he added more lube, faster and faster. His balls slapped against her pussy, her quim spraying with each stroke.

He grabbed her hair and cranked her head back, hissing, "You are going to regret that, whore. You will pay."

He came quick and hard, he pelvis pressed against the firmness of her ass as he pumped his cum deep into her bowels. No sooner had the last of his seed was pumped from his balls, Erick put his cock back into his pants and zipped up. "Clean up," he ordered as he left the room.
Shelby had been gasping against the ball gag as the orgasm washed over her. She was surprised when Erick untied her. But his strong hands grabbed her and flipped her over before she could figure out what was going on. He pushed her down and she cried out when he pulled out the butt plug. She cried out against the gag as he plunged into her, his fingers biting into her hips. Then he was tugging her hair and she felt as if she might break in half.

It was intense and Shelby loved the feel of his fingers on her skin and in her head. She found herself breathless and tears coming out behind her blindfold.

And then he was done. He coldly told her to clean up. She removed the gag and the blindfold. Quietly she cleaned and put away the implements and wiped down the chair. She coiled up the rope and put it back into its place.

Shelby took off her collar and put it back it the box. She made sure the room looked just as it should. Then she went to her bedroom to wash up. Erick wasn't talking. It wasn't a good sign. He usually kissed and cuddled her and told her what a good girl she was to take what he had to dish out.

She washed up and brushed out her hair. She slid on a black satin robe and waited in the hallway.

"Would you like to have a bite?" Shelby asked softly.
Erick looked up at Shelby, and said, "Strip." As the robe fluttered to the floor he ordered, "Now crawl back in there and get the collar. Once you have it crawl back before me."

He poured himself another scotch and turned the music down. His face was still cast in a stern look as she came crawling back out with the collar in her hand. He looked at her and barked, "No. Go back, and bring the collar properly, in your mouth."
Shelby returned to the play room and put her collar in her mouth. Now she could feel her cheeks blushing with shame. Her eyes stung with the possibility of tears but she blinked them back.

She put the collar in her mouth and crawled to Erick. She stopped at his feet and pressed her face to his shoe.

Shelby found herself trembling. She was holding her breath as she waited to see what he would do next.

"I am sorry, Sir." She whispered. "Please, I will be good."
He ignored her, and left Shelby on her hands and knees collar in her mouth. He was incensed that she disobeyed him so overtly and with so little effort at restraint. She completely gave in to the first urging while he was playing.

She had taken his night from him.

He sipped from his glass and noticed it was nearly empty. Pouring another finger into the cut crystal Erick leaned back into the couch and pulled out his phone. He paged through the WSJ app silently as he finished his scotch.

He stood and placed the glass on her ass. "Do not move until you hear the door. Perhaps next time you will behave."

He walked from the living room and headed out the door.
Shelby didn't dare move. She did her best to be still. Then she heard the door click. She reached back and got the glass and let her collar fall to the floor. Her eyes stung with tears but she did her best to not let them fall. She had been looking forward to a night with Erick all week. She put the glass in the sink and then put the collar back in its box.

Just to make herself feel better she slammed the cabinet door, and then the door to the playroom. She went to her room and started the shower. She turned the water on hot enough to make her skin turn pink. She stepped into the hot water in the hopes of washing away the evening. After her shower, shelby put her hair up in a ponytail and slipped into a pair of soft pajamas. If she was going to be alone, she might as well be warm and comfortable.

She snuggled back into the couch, her backside was a little sore. She got out her phone to see if Erick had called or texted, but there was nothing from him. She sighed deeply and listened to the only message she had. She knew it was work. They needed her to work a double shift tomorrow, waitressing at lunch and tending bar for the dinner shift. She rolled her eyes. If Erick was pissed at her, there was no reason to turn them down. It would be days before she heard from him again. She hoped there would at least be some interesting people at the restaurant tomorrow. Even if she was Erick's, it didn't mean she couldn't flirt.
Markus woke earlier than usual. It was the last week of school for the semester and he was happy for it. The senior year went about as planned for him. Tall dark haired and light eyed he spent an undue amount of time in the gym at the city university. Yes he cold have gone anywhere but he chose to stay close to home.

Not for family but the university was really well rated in his chosen major and to be honest, the song was right California girls were the best in the world. And California bored trophy wives were the cats meow when it came to inhibited and uncomplicated friendly sex. All they wanted was the same he had to offer a great fuck with no emotional commitment.

So much the better for him. He could experiment to his hearts content and lose nothing. What he learned in the process was invaluable. He took what he learned and applied it to the women at school; the result was he had a pretty steady diet of sex with a variety of women.

And no baggage.

Today was Kathy's day. She of the kumquat nipples. Not the areola but the nipples were the largest he had ever seen and Markus loved to chew on them while she rode his cock like a cowgirl whore. She apparently loved it as much cumming almost instantly whenever he bit into them instead of chewing.

He was meeting her for lunch at some swank place she recently discovered. He was half tempted to take her in the restaurants bathroom. He wondered how that would go over...
Shelby had slept fitfully. She dressed for work. She slithered into her uniform. The restaurant was upscale but the owner liked to have his girls on display. He told them to wear their skirts short enough to show everyone they were women and long enough to show they were still ladies.

Her uniform was a crisp button down open at the neck to show a little cleavage, a short black skirt, black stockings and high heels. Because she was waitressing Shelby tied her hair up in a ponytail. She dusted on her makeup. Just a little. But a great red lipstick.

She hurried to work, the double shift was long but it would mean good tips. She hoped Erick would stop by for a drink, but she wasn't sure when she would hear from him again if he was still mad at her.

She let herself in to the back door of Isobel's. She helped set the tables and memorized the specials. When the front door was opened Shelby opened one more button of her shirt and licked her lips. It was time to turn it on.

Shelby's first table was four businessmen having steaks and bourbon. She made sure that was attentive to them and gave them several shots of cleavage with their bourbon. The manager loved when Shelby was on shift because customers would linger and pad their checks with drinks.
Marcus arrived at the restaurant a couple minutes late, and immediately saw the redheaded Kathy waiting in the bar for him. He smiled warmly and walked over to her. "Hi."

"You are late," she tersely replied. "If I want that I can call my husband."

Markus gave her a glanced that showed he didn't believe her for a second. "But your husband won't or can't fuck you like I do, which is the only reason you come around."

Leaning over he placed a hand way higher on her thigh than her husband would have thought appropriate even for him. "Now if you want to argue please call him. If you want to have a nice lunch and think about what I am going to do to your nipples sometime during it, let's go. "

He backed up and in less than a second she was by his side. He wrapped an arm around her waist and lowered it to her hip as they walked. "Stop, what if Dave sees?"

Markus rolled his eyes, "At some point you made the decision that divorce was an acceptable risk when you started arranging these trysts."

They arrived at the receiving station and were headed to a section when Markus got a glimpse of a besutiful brunette serving a different section. Grabbing the hostess' attention, "Over there,I want to sit in her section."

Kathy rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. "I can get this too," she whispered.

Markus laughed as his free hand audaciously brushed her tit. "Yes but when you go home, whatever shall I do? "
Shelby brought another round of bourbons to the suits in her section. The hostess brought a couple to her section. The woman was a busty redhead, probably fifteen years older than the good looking guy she was with.

"Can I get you something to drink? We have an excellent wine list." Shelby offered. She hoped the guy was paying, she knew the redhead was not going to be a good tipper. She looked at Shelby with an almost palpable disgust. Shelby knew this woman was used to ordering about the help.

Shelby took their drink orders and headed over to her other table. The suits were happy to see her back. One of them pulled her into his lap. Shelby didn't fight him off. As long as he didn't get too handsy it would be fine. The fellow was harmless.

She looked back over her shoulder to see if the cute guy with the redhead was watching her.