His Beck and Call Girl (closed for a_libertine)

Erick said, "Go lay face down on your bed; I will be there in a moment. "

He watched her walk towards her bedroom and he tool his jacket off, followed by shirt, shoes, pants and then socks. He folded each piece neatly and stacked them on the couch. He followed her into the bedroom and picked up the bag he brought with him.

He pulled a tube of a medicated salve out of the bag and set the bag on the dresser as he passed it. Straddling her hips, his flaccid cock rested in the crevasse of her tight ass.

Starting at her shoulders he rubbed the salve in gently until he got to her waist. Scooting down he rubbed it into her ass cheeks his thumbs brushing her anus and labia frequently.
Shelby laid on her tummy waiting for Erick. And then he was there, tending her back and her backside, his gentle hands teasing her and waking up her skin. She loved this side of him. She found herself warming up to his touch. She even heard herself murmur and moan against the pillow.

She had her eyes closed. And she could feel herself becoming aroused at his touch. She let her legs spread just a little more.

The salve helped the little cuts on her back, the bruises from the stems were still sore but bearable.

"Thank you, Sir." She whispered, her voice thick with emotion. This was the Erick that she had fallen for, the Erick she missed.
As her wet warm scent filled hus nostrils felt himself becoming aroused and his cock filled with blood. It thickened then hardened significantly as as Shelby spread her legs a little he took it for what it was, an invitation to fill her.

He leaned forward and placed the head of his cock against her opening and pressed forward. He continued slowly feeling each millimeter of his cock swallowed by her tight pussy. As his balls landed on her thighs he sighed contentedly.

"I love this pussy," he moaned into her ear, "And the submissive woman that carries it for me."
Shelby sighed contentedly as he filled her.

"I didn't mean to make you angry..." She whispered. "And I am sorry I disobeyed the other night... " She pushed back against him, feeling him all the way inside of her.

"More?... Please?" She asked softly. She looked back at him over her shoulder. His fingers curled around her hips possessively. Shelby clutched the sheets in her hands. She wasn't going to fail the same way twice.

"May I cum, Sir?"
Erick changed the angle of enary so his cock drove almost straight down into Shelby's, no his, pussy. Each thrust forced the red engorged head of his cock to push and then drag across her inner most sensitive spot. Her body reacted to each thrust beautifully and he could not tear his eyes away from the scene of watching him disappear and reappear.

She asked permission to cum and he smiled toward her, "Wait for me," he said breathlessly.

He pulled her legs together and clamped down with his legs holding her in place. The change in sensation hastened his need to orgasm and Erick began to thrust faster, harder, more urgently. As he succumbed to his need to cum, he growled, "Now, cum for me NOW!"
It had taken all of the control Shelby had to hold on until he was ready. And when he gave her permission, an earth shattering orgasm washed over her. She cried out and shook with complete abandon and surrender.

She felt melted and fuzzy around the edges. She couldn't have stood if she tried.

"Thank you, Sir." She whispered. "Thank you." Shelby trembled and curled up on the bed. She reached for Erick.

"Can you stay for a little while?" She craved his embrace.
Erick settled into the bed next to Shelby and pulled her over so her shoulder rested on his chest. "I am staying the night," he replied as he kissed the top of her head.

He knew there would likely be hell to pay when he did return to the mansion but ultimately he knew his wife wouldn't divorce him. It would be too public an admission that their lives weren't perfect. That alone would keep her with him short of him breaking some sexual conduct law with a minor.

He was lost in his own head as he heard her sigh. He kissed her again, "Tomorrow we will go out for breakfast. "
Shelby was surprised that he was willing to stay. He kissed her tenderly on the forehead. She snuggled against his chest.

"I forget sometimes, what these times are like, when it is just you and me. And you can linger."

Shelby allowed herself to relax against his warm skin. She traced her fingers up and down his chest lightly.
Erick reveled in the feel of Shelby's finger as she doodled on his skin. It was such a delicate touch that it was almost as if he were dreaming of her loving caresses. "I love the times we have when you can show me your affection, " he sighed as her finger scraped gently across his nipple.

"Oh to be 20 again," he sighed contentedly.

His hand trailed along her back idly fingering each of the welts and cuts in turn. He wondered what possessed him to do that to her, but part of him reveled in the fact that she not only allowed it but welcomed him back the very same day.

In pretty short order he dozed off sleeping easily through the night.
Erick reveled in the feel of Shelby's finger as she doodled on his skin. It was such a delicate touch that it was almost as if he were dreaming of her loving caresses. "I love the times we have when you can show me your affection, " he sighed as her finger scraped gently across his nipple.

"Oh to be 20 again," he sighed contentedly.

His hand trailed along her back idly fingering each of the welts and cuts in turn. He wondered what possessed him to do that to her, but part of him reveled in the fact that she not only allowed it but welcomed him back the very same day.

In pretty short order he dozed off sleeping easily through the night.
Shelby slept soundly cuddled to Erick. She awakened early in the morning and stayed nestled against him for a while. She was really conflicted. If Erick could be like this, maybe she could be his girl for a while longer.

She slipped out of bed to fix his favorite blend of coffee, strong and very hot. She wanted to ask him about getting a new job. Something real. Where she could get the money to go back to school.

When she returned her was awake, but still in bed.

"Erick, I was thinking...I am going to look for a new job. Something where I can get the money for school faster. I really want to go back to school."

She gave him the coffee, hoping he would respond well.
Erick woke when Shelby crawled out if bed and took care of the morning business while she was gone. He mused how much more he liked sleeping next to Shelby than his wife and allowed himself the luxury of wondering what being with Shelby full time would be like.

As she returned and handed him his coffee he listened to her request and thought it over. His company could always use help and in fact if he remembered correctly there was something available that she might already be qualified for.

He looked up and nodded. "Maybe I can help. I think we are looking for a new press release and social media writer. I will let the HRD know you are coming in."
Shelby was a little surprised that he was so supportive. But she knew if she took the job, she would be even more entangled. If she stayed with Erick and worked for him, she was bound to run into Markus and Erick's wife.

"If there is really an opening, that would be great. But I am willing to find a job on my own. I just know that you helped me get the job at Isobel's and I didn't want to leave it without talking to you."

She sat on the bed beside him, tucking her feet underneath her.

"Wouldn't I be too close to your real life?" She asked softly, biting her lip.
Erick shook his head, "No. It will be fine, besides it will give me more opportunity to see you."

He watched as Shelby worried her bottom lip and found it sexy, as he always did. He also wanted to slide his cock into her mouth at that very moment. He reached out and took her hand in his, "Besides, this would give you some good experience at a real job."

He caressed the back of her hand and spoke softly, "And I can think of all kinds of things we can do at work, it will be fun."
Shelby settled in beside him. She kissed his cheek in gratitude. She winced a little as she snuggled in. The stripes from the rose stems were darkening on her skin into real bruises.

"I need to go shopping. I need a suit for an interview." She said with a big smile. She squeezed up against him playfully. Her face was alight with happiness.
Erick smiled back down to Shelby nodding. "Yes you do." He rolled out of the bed and pulled his wallet out. Retrieving a credit card her handed to her and said, "Buy enough outfits to wear for a month or so."

He sat down next to her and continued, " Find that line between office sexy and high priced call girl and walk it carefully. "
Shelby smiled but part of her began to worry. Did he really think she was qualified? Or did he just want more access to his mistress?

Shelby looked at him sweetly.

"Do you want to go with me? You could pick out some of my wardrobe?" She stopped herself. "Or just breakfast is fine. I don't mean to push, I know you have things to do."

She kissed his shoulder lightly.

"Do you still want to go out for breakfast or should I make my famous bacon and eggs?"
Erick thought about his schedule and didn't see a gap in it that would allow him to go with Shelby until very late that night. Slowly he shook his head, "As much as I would like to, I cannot today. For that matter most of the week is shot. "

He crawled from the bed and began dressing. "Breakfast out though would still work. I can grab my laptop from the car as we go."

He paused and cupped her face kissing her gently on the lips. "Though maybe next week you can cook me breakfast. "
"Breakfast sounds perfect." Shelby replied against his kiss.

She dressed in a pair of jeans, sandals and one of crisp white dress shirts. It felt good to be enveloped in the shirt that held just a hint of his fragrance.

She put her hair up in a ponytail.

"I hear hashed browns calling my name." She said as she lead him out of her apartment.

She was planning on taking him to the diner just around the corner. He wouldn't know anyone there and no one there would care enough to ask her who she was with.
Erick finished dressing and followed Shelby from the apartment. They headed downstairs and he stopped by his car to get a laptop from it.

They arrived at a diner and found a table. He glanced at the menu and grimaced at the selection. It wasn't that he had a particularly refined pallet but pancakes and eggs didn't usually make his menu.

He settled on coffee and fired up the laptop. "How's your back? "
Shelby could tell that Erick wasn't thrilled with her choice in dining but she smiled anyway. He looked at her and asked about her back.

"I am a little sore, but I will be okay. We just need to iron out the rules, so I dont..." She weighed her words carefully. "I don't want to break any rules."

She sipped in a slow breath waiting for his response.
He looked at Shelby and said, "Simply you are mine; with all that entails."

He leaned back a moment and sipped his coffee before continuing, "I don't want you staying the night with anyone, nor should they stay with you. I also don't want you seeing the same person more than two times without talking to me about it."

Putting his coffee down Erick said, "And if you sleep with a woman, share her."
Shelby sipped her tea and then picked at her hashed browns. They were one of her favorites but she was having trouble enjoying them as Erick clicked away at his laptop. She thought about Markus.

She barely knew him but she felt herself flush just thinking of him. He had been so protective when he found her and tended her back. She loved his playful and protective nature. And he was around her age and could be something real, except that Erick was his father.

For now, she needed to focus on the job. She needed to get clothes, for work, get the job, get money for school and then focus on her studies.

She could still see Markus, she would just need to be more careful.

She ate her breakfast and smiled at Erick, he was already hard at work. She knew it would be best to just let him get to work. So, she rushed through her breakfast and headed out shopping.

She went to Neiman's. There was a personal shopper there that knew of her authorization to use Erick's credit card. Marilyn would help her pick out the right clothes for the job. And Marilyn wouldn't ask any questions.

Soon, Shelby was in the dressing room, trying on an exquisite white sleeveless dress. Marilyn came and knocked on the dressing room door.

"Shelby, stay in the dressing room for a minute. Mrs. McDowell is here picking out a gown for a fundraiser. She is here with some friends."

Shelby agreed and slipped out of the dress. She had slept with the woman's husband and son, the last thing she wanted to do was run into her.

But she couldn't stop herself from listening.
"Erick didn't come home last night. I know he has some girl in the city, but things are better when he goes to see her. I don't know who she is, but he can sleep there more often as far as I am concerned."

Shelby wanted to peek out of the dressing room. She had seen photos of Jillian but she hadn't ever seen her blonde perfection in person.

"Get the green one, it really sets off your hair." The friend offered.
Shelby was relieved when they finally left. Marilyn brought her another pile of things to try.

A few hours later, Shelby was headed out to her apartment with a work wardrobe that would help her blend in at Erick's company.
Erick did not register it when Shelby left. In fact he was so engrossed in his work his coffee and food got cold. When the waitress finally came around to see if he needed anything further, he snorted in amused surprise and replied no. He paid the check and left the dinner heading to the office.


Markus had stayed the night with his mother, and woke early. After a couple minutes it was easy to tell that his father had stayed the night with Shelby, and his mother was surprisingly nonchalant about it.

He did find a text from his mother with a girls name and phone number and the encouragement to call her. He didn't delete the information, and neither did her call Melanie. He didn't know what to think of his mother's attempt to set him up. He had always considered the chance she would try to arrange a marriage for him and he had always shrugged it off. Now that he had met Shelby he wasn't so sure he would go a long with the plan anymore.

But she was his father's fuck toy.

That posed a substantial impediment to any dating he might want to do with Shelby. He drove back into the city and grabbed his gear to go to the gym.
Shelby hung up her new clothes and called HR at Erick's firm and made an appointment for an interview. They told her to come in the next day, that Mr. McDowell had set everything up.

She called Isobel's and gave her notice. The manager told her that Erick had taken care of it and she didn't need to come back in, they would send her her last check.

Shelby was a little surprised that Erick had followed through.

She went into the living room and looked at the playroom door. She was thinking of Markus instead of Erick. She was thinking of the way he had taken care of her. The way he had touched her, she could almost feel his fingertips brushing against her skin.

She got out her phone and sent him a text.

Markus-- I have a job interview at McDowell. Hope all is well with you.

She wondered if he would reply.