Alphas ~ Feral fire~ {closed}

Eden stood there her eyes the cold steel of a wolf. Muscles tensing and relaxing like a lioness prepared to attack. The world behind her being given first aid by a waitress was claimed that the situation to begin with was protection then it just became... fun. Grimes stood behind him and spoke low.

Protective went overboard?

Eden grinned spotting Grimes.

Grimes... lets dance... we both know a fight between you and me has been a long time coming.
Cameron ignored Grimes, keeping his eyes on Eden, focusing on her.

"No, no more fighting needs to happen right here right now. Lets get out of here and you can fill us in on the details over some grilled venison."

Cameron had a sense Grimes was ready to take her up on the offer of the fight, but that didn't mean he was stupid enough to see that as a good thing right now.

"Besides, we need to get back to make sure Bill doesn't ruin what we brought back today."
Eden smirked for a moment before walking over to the bartender and dragging him over the bar and face to face with her.

They ever think because of you that mistreating anyone that poorly again... it will be your pathetic carcass soaking up the blood.

Turning she nodded to Cameron then slamming her should into Grimes shoulder and paused.

You better realize an alpha saved your hide.

Looking to the others gathered with them...

Let's go.
Cameron saw Grimes' face, and while his cool exterior didn't break, it broke enough for him to see that he was not happy. Cameron said nothing then turned away, heading to the car while looking at Eden before looking around.

"Did your bike survive this encounter? I don't see it anywhere, unless you tucked it out of the way."

Cameron made sure the passenger side door was unlocked if she needed to ride with him.
She walked to the freeloaders and got her motorcycle and took off headed to the office. Once she was there it was a straight path to the roof as she nodded to each of them and grabbing a beer from Nina she walked over to keep an eye on the grill and Bill.

Bar fight... really?

Bill looked over and laughed.

Maybe we need to keep Cameron watching you to keep you remotely in line.
Cameron got to the roof just after Eden and got a beer for himself as well.

"She doesn't need me to keep an eye on her, but a couple more fights like that and we may consider raising a petty cash/bail fund. Keep an eye on that meat, you ruin it and you'll be next to get tossed around Bill."

Taking a sip of his beer, Cameron looked across the roof and saw Rosen on his phone. odds are Grimes called him to complain about keeping Eden in check he thought. Cameron wasn't far off as Grimes was actually coolly threatening to stick Eden in a hole so dark she'd never see sunlight if she continued to fly off the handle, no matter how useful she may be to Rosen. Rosen was exasperated, but he also knew that this wasn't the place or time to talk to Eden nor was the possibility of incidents unexpected when she returned to the team. Meanwhile Gary was watching the bar fight incident through the lenses of several security cameras both in and outside of the bar.
Never forget... you all need me... not the other way around.

Eden looked to each of them

Rosen tell Grimes that fight is still on the table if little FED boy wanna dance.

Gary looked over.

Eden was protecting someone... but... the fight... they wanted her to fight... they wanted to see her fight... caused her to fight...

What are you saying Gary?

Nina's head while around to look at him? Rachel ran to her office to get a laptop.

Show us Gary... is there sound on the cameras?

Gary just nodded and began work I with the laptop to get the cameras feed for them to see and he forced it to Grimes computer and locked it from him closing it out yet.

They wanted us to bring her back but why?
As Rachel brought the laptop up to the team Grimes was already seeing the playback while on the phone with Rosen.

"Gary is right. They were watching, evaluating her tactics. Then they went out the back door before we got called in."

The team began to watch the playback, Cameron noticing that while Eden was fighting there were two men in the back who sat back just watching her, almost like watching an experiment.

"Gary, can you go back about 5 minutes before the fight started." Cameron pointed to the screen where the two men were standing. "Watch those two."

One of the men talked to somebody who had looked fairly sober one minute, then started acting drunk. The drunk man then started causing issues in the bar, and was about to punch a young woman at the bar when Eden stepped in. The two men watched a good portion of the fight before slipping out the back down a dark alley and out of the cameras sight.

"Shiiit." Bill stated, having had a good sight of the laptop from the grill as he removed the cooked food from the grill. "This just gets more twisted. What do they want with Eden."

"We don't know yet Bill." Rosen said, after hanging up the phone. "We will need to figure that out, but it seems at least one of them has some Alpha ability to influence a persons mood or behavior considering the actions of the man who got belligerent."
Rachel kept staring and rewinding the footage to a particular point. Like she could see something but not see it.

Rachel... what is it?

Eden asked watching her closely.

Something or someone... invisible at trying to be... following you.

Rachel blinked and looked to Bill and Rosen.


No sooner had she said the name then the security alarms went off in the building.

Rachel had said the name at the perfect time as the alarms went off. Cameron cursed himself for not seeing someone following him, but if it was an Alpha who could disguise themselves then what could he have done. The team rushed down into the office, spreading out to cover all paths in and out. Rosen and Bill made their way to the containment area to see Parrish was no longer there.

"Bill, get Grimes on the phone and inform him of the situation."

Gary was standing near Cameron, flipping through the security footage which was still up, but seemed to have been interrupted somehow.

"They stopped the cameras recording about 20 minutes ago. Theres nothing current."

Cameron looked back at him.

"See if you can get anything from the cameras outside on the street, or even the buildings across the street that might have a view of the floor Gary."

Gary looked at him like he was stupid.

"They stopped all the cameras within a block. I said they stopped the cameras."

Cameron frowned.
Eden stood there in the hall leading to the elevator sniffing the air. A low growl dripped from her as muscles tensed.

They are still here... they can mask him too.

Rosen looked to her.

Eden... close your eyes dismiss our scents... first mine... then Bill... then Nina...Gary...Rachel and now Cameron.

Eden took a deep breath then growled. is your back swing still too low?

The cohesiveness of the old days fell into place as winked to Eden then to Nina.

Yeah... still swing a little... Low

Bill's arm swung back and connected with something and Parrish appeared as he sprawled backwards on the floor. Bill's hand however gripped something clearly by the shirt. Within seconds Eden had Parrish pinned to the floor with a roar.
As the roar sounded Cameron tensed. He ran, gun at the ready, towards the sound of the roar. Rounding the corner he saw Eden had Parrish pinned, while Bill had someone else by the collar. The person by the collar seemed to fade in and out of view, seemingly using his Alpha ability to no avail. Cameron moved to point his gun at Parrish's head, standing near him.

"Guess you are a wanted man, that is just too bad."

Rosens phone went off while they stood there.

"Agent Grimes, yes we have the situation in hand. Yes, Parrish is here, as is our mystery guest. No, I think we need a moment, stay down there for now."

Rosen hung up the phone, looking at the person Bill had a hold of.

"You can stop trying now, Bill isn't about to let you go."
Nina stared at the rippling image Bill held on to and tilting her head.

If you don't know how to shut it off I can help you. ~You WILL become visible... NOW~

Her tone was flat with only a sharp edge on the command words. Slowly a young man became visible. Terrified eyes bouncing primarily between Bill and the woman pinning his boss to the floor like a wild animal. Nina reeled stepping back she shook her head.

He has no clue about any control over his ability... chaos... fear and chaos.

Eden however still focused on Parrish growled low and lethal.

You may be nearly immortal and able to heal alot... lets see how well you can heal if I rip your throat out.

Her hand drew back as a stun gun shot found its mark. A roar ripped through her as she stood and turned. Feral mind taking over more as she endured the electrical current and stared at the panicked but attempting to look tough and ready FED stood there watching her with Grimes about to cuss. Eden ripped the probes from her shoulder and grinned at the agents before tossing the wires aside.

Rosen looked to Nina and Bill.

Lock our guests up again... Gary distract Eden Rachel and Cameron help him if he needs it and Grimes get your men out of my department... now. Before I decide to combat test Eden in enclosed space like this.
As Bill carried the 'disappearing' Alpha, Nina took hold of Parrish and moved him back to his encased cell. Gary, meanwhile, moved between Eden and the inexperienced Federal agent.

"He didn't mean it Eden, he didn't know what he was doing."

Rachel moved to Gary's side while Cameron moved behind them, looking at Grimes and the Agent who looked ready to piss his pants.

"I suggest you take the kid here and get moving before Eden decides its time to act."

Grimes put his hand on the Agents shoulder, nodded while looking at Cameron.

"It may not be now, it may not be tomorrow, but you'll regret having her before long."
Rosen knew Eden would not risk continuing her attack with Gary in the way. Grimes did too deep down as he shoved the other agent back into the elevator who kept rambling.

Sir you said they were dealing with a hostile. When the door opened I only saw one hostile so I acted.

Yeah yeah next time ask.

Grimes glared at him as the door closed.

Any time they wanna dance.

Eden snarled and moved to go back to the roof.

Gary looked confused...

They didn't ask to dance?

Figured of speech Gary... lets go eat.

Rachel sighed and directed Gary to the roof as well.
Cameron shook his head as he moved towards the roof as well. So far since picking up Eden the world has been crazy, not that he blamed her. It wasn't her fault for what Parrish had planned. Getting to the roof Cameron grabbed a plate of food, sitting off to the side while he thought about how things had been going. Something had to give somewhere, and it didn't need to be the team.

Rosen stared at Parrish in his cell. Bill and Nina had already made their way to the roof.

"Is this really all worth it? You've been captured, and recaptured. Your plans continue to be thwarted one by one. We need to have Alphas working together, working for peace, not war."
Funny coming from a normal human... but then again while you are not an alpha you are not exactly normal are you Dr. Rosen.

Parrish sat back staring through the glass at him.

Just think of it... we open them all up to what powers could exist. Then you won't have to hide them. Picture it soldiers like Bill.. Cameron... Eden. Spies and interrogators like Nina and Rachel.... scientists and computer specialists like Gary. No more homeless everyone would have a viable set of skills and with you guiding them as I open them up. You and I could bring about world peace and an end to petty wars. Who would want to risk standing against people like Eden.

You tried to just tell them and what did it get you Rosen?

Eden paced growling as Bill held out a plate of rare cooked deer for her and watched her carefully for a moment.

You know we are not going to send you away and we sure as hell ain't gonna let those idiots with Grimes do it either.
Cameron watched Eden pacing as he thought, and listened.

"Bills right, you aren't going anywhere you don't want to Eden. We asked you to help us, and you have, but we won't force you to." Cameron stated.


Rosen looked at Parrish.

"You would force-ably remove free will from those impoverished enough not to know what you are doing. You would bend them to your will and then expect me to clean up the world you've wrought as what, it's babysitter? By creating an influx of Alphas on this planet you would risk the delicate balance this world hangs on and start an all out war, or genocide. No, this plan of yours will not end well, and not how you want it to."
Eden paused and looked to Bill then Cameron.

I will remain for now... and we will get answers.

Walking over to the ledge and crouching there watching the city scanning wondering where their next challenge will come from. Rachel just watched her for a bit before going to get another drink.

Rosen... I never thought you so naive. We would rid the whole world of homelessness. Giving them all marketable skills and then elevating the rest of the world to our alpha race.
Rosen looked at Parrish.

"You can't force the world to accept that. History has shown that sudden change will only bring anger and fighting. You know how things go. To those who know about Alphas, they are generally considered to be walking weapons, to be feared, hated and either suffocated or destroyed. You would wipe out your opposition by forcing them to have powers, sure, but they would either not know how to handle the powers they have and cause chaos, go power mad, or hurt themselves or others in order to reject this future you try to force on them."

Rosen rubbed his temples in frustration. He knew Parrish thought he was doing what was right for Alphas, but he wanted this future at any cost, and that was something Rosen would never support.

"You will not create a wonderful Utopia. Even if you forced your way into a seat of power and pulled off your plan there would always be unrest, there would always be a fight to deal with. Humanity hasn't found a way to live in peace among themselves, what makes you think making them Alphas would change that? It would only give them the power to let their emotions, insecurities and hatred out in larger force."
So it is better for humans to hunt alphas like your precious Eden? Maybe that is why you turned your back on Binghamton... a 180 from helping create something like Binghamton to broadcasting the existence of Alphas on national news. Yet here we are human turn in alphas against alphas... for the own good or could it be to toe the line with other humans
Rosen removed his glasses, cleaning them in his hands as he thought a moment in reply.

"Yes, I turned my back on Binghamton. However I acknowledge the need for some place to house Alphas who are a danger to themselves or others. Just as humans have prisons and mental hospitals Alphas need something similar equipped to help and take care of them. If we can't learn to work together we will only wind up destroying ourselves and the world we live in."

Rosen looked at Parrish as this debate between them further entrenched, in his mind, his argument for a need for peace. Putting his glasses back on he turned from the cell, closing the doors on Parrish and heading to the roof.
Parrish sat back laughing. He may be locked up but he had enough people continuing to follow his orders and advance his plans. Eden was a curiosity even among Ferals but not even Rosen or the others seemed to realize that. Her blood would prove helpful in advancing the feral project. Which target would his people pick next in his far reaching plans... a renewed attempt at hyper accurate s or perhaps data processors.

Gary did not like that he could not read people like he could data and started to walk towards Eden but Nina stopped him quietly telling him.

Lets give a moment or two I think she is piecing together what all has happened since she came back.
Cameron was sitting back, finishing off his plate of venison while thinking as well. The moment they had picked up Eden they had been running non-stop. Hell, incidents involving Parrish's Red Flag followers seemed to have picked up. Something didn't make sense. Their leader was gone yet they seemed to be more coordinated than ever. There was something he couldn't put his finger on. Cameron sat quietly in thought.

Rosen was wondering about the same thing. There had to be a way to figure out how Parrish was managing to control things while locked up. Did he have plans set in place before being caught? Was being captured part of the plan? He hoped something on the computers they had managed to get yesterday would wind up revealing more insight into the situation. For now a break was needed by the team, which made this gathering on the roof a nice change.
Gary perked up and began flipping quickly through the wavelengths and signals.

They know... "his people" tire to free him. We are not hunting Parrish associates. At least not the hunters. It is weird... two different groups?

No matter what we are dealing with Gary I don't think Eden should be here alone. Eden please stay with one of the team or are for some on to stay here.

Rosen piped up looking around for backing from the others be for looking to Eden seeing a slight snarl forming.