Alphas ~ Feral fire~ {closed}

Cameron looked down as he mentioned Nina's apparent dislike of his talks with Eden as he was hoping it wasn't as obvious to everyone else as to her possible jealousy.

"If you were one of the millions of people in the world without abilities, or with abilities you couldn't even realize you were using like mine, would you think what he said was true or would you think it was some media stunt? The government did what they could to cover up for what he said, and the national media, hell the rest of the world, pretty much complied. When the gossip magazines are the only ones willing to publish anything about Alphas and half the time they say everything is aliens or some other crap it can be easy to ignore. People don't want to think about people with abilities. They don't want to know anything outside of their ordinary boring lives. Unless it affects them, they won't care, and they won't care of the effects until its made a large enough impact to be noticed large scale."

Cameron rolled up the paper that had contained his sandwich, looked around then tapped Eden on the knee, nodding to the garbage can about 30 feet across on the other side of the paved area in front of office. He tossed the paper ball up, to the left of the can, hitting tree branch, and as it bounced off the trunk and down it wasn't noticed by anyone until it hit the back of the newspaper someone was reading near the can. The paper ball fell in while the person who was reading the newspaper looked around to try and see what happened, where the thing that hit his newspaper went and where it might have been thrown from. After a few seconds he went back to reading his news. Cameron looked back to Eden.

"I could have hit him in the face and he would have only looked around a little bit longer and then given up when he couldn't figure out where it came from, blaming it on some dumb kids. Few care to know, fewer care to learn."

Cameron smiled sadly before taking the last sip of his drink as Eden finished her lunch.
She watched head tilted at the accuracy even with paper.

Yeah just... hate to think about some kid ending up tossed out like me. Can't save them all though. Some even if we could their powers are so wild or lethal or the side effects are so deadly we have to have places like Binghamton. Just... better more...

She fell silent she had heard the horror stories and seen the scars from Binghamton. Finishing up her food and drink she tossed away the box and can and looked to Cameron and tried to smile and rid her mind of the memories.

Guess we should head back.

Standing she started walking her thoughts and mindset going back to her desire to rip Parrish limb from limb as a nearby dog snarled picking up on her combative sense while the dog with him seemed to go straight into a submissive position of revealing his belly. A soft barely human audible growl and the aggressive dog laid down too as she walked past.
Cameron walked with Eden, smirking at the dogs as the aggressive one rolled over.

"I agree, there is a need for a place like Binghamton, but something more civil." Cameron sighed thinking of Gary and his time at Binghamton which Gary was still getting over in some ways. "You should talk to Gary. After Rosen revealed Alphas and the team was broken up Gary was put in Binghamton. They put a chip in his head to stop him from using his abilities."

He sensed that would send a ripple up Edens spine, but figured it was better she knew what happened now than to hear it later and have her feel even less trusting of everyone.

"Binghamton has its own problems these days after the breakout, and no love from any of us after what they did to Gary and countless others. Its needs to be there, but it needs someone to run it properly."
She clearly growled at his words about Gary and began moving faster to the building. Closing in on the door it was like security knew her and quickly threw the dor open and were summoning the elevator for her. Once the elevator door opened on their floor she saw Bill and quickly had him pinned to a wall with a snarled.

You let them send him to Binghamton?

Rage blazed in her eyes as she stared at him till Nina's voice registered.

See she is already ready to kill one of us again.

Just as suddenly she had released Bill and had Nina by the throat.

And what happened to you when they put Gary in Binghamton... hmmm self centered arrogant bitch.

Rachel had tried to put a hand on her shoulder as Gary piped up.

Bill and Cameron got me out its okay took long enough but they did it.
Cameron missed the first elevator going up as Eden had dashed ahead of him, but he caught the next one going up almost immediately. He got to the floor just as Gary piped up in defense of Bill and himself, but saw Eden had Nina pinned to the wall. He also saw Nina glaring at Cameron, with Bill glancing his way as well.

"We saved Gary when Red Flag tried to take him and Bill during the Binghamton mess. We would have gotten him out sooner but we didn't know he was even in there until that day. Eden, let Nina down, please."

Cameron looks straight at her, seeing the fire in her eyes, but also seeing the worry behind them. Her protectiveness over Gary is obvious, as is her spite towards Bill and Nina.

Dr. Rosen makes an entrance into the hall after hearing the commotion, looking at the scene before him.

"What's this all about? Eden?"
Her head turned sharp to Rosen.


She set Nina down and stared through Rosen.

Your speech... how many defenseless alphas like Gary need up there because of your speech?

Gary stepped in between Rosen and Eden.

Eden its okay Bill rescued me so did Cameron...and Cameron took out a rooftop satellite dish that was bothering me.

Rosen stood calm and spoke.

Its okay Gary she is right. I was so sure my plan would go better I did not think of who it would hurt. I was so sure of myself and mankind that I failed alphas and I will have to live with that for the rest of my life. I am sorry. Now... I have a location of one of the feral you say he created we need to go. Your motorcycle is in the parking garage Eden.

With that he tossed her the keys and walked with Cameron on the way out.

Please be careful how much you tell her for now without consulting me please
Cameron looked at Rosen as he walked toward the elevator.

"Don't expect me to lie to her if she asks me something." Cameron looked Rosen in the eyes, a knowing look passing between them. Cameron nodded, then turned to the elevators as the rest of the team gathered together to head for the fabricated feral.

Bill, Cameron and Nina rode in one SUV, with Rosen, Rachel and Gary in another while Eden followed on her motorcycle. The plan was for Bill, Cameron, Nina and Eden to go in ahead, scouting out any possible problems. Generally Rachel would be up there with them, but Eden obviously had more experience as to what to expect and what to sense for in regards to another feral. As they rode, Cameron could feel Ninas eyes boring holes into the back of his head as he sat in the front passenger seat.

"Was it really all that necessary to tell her about Gary being in Binghamton? She could have killed Bill or me."

"I wasn't about to lie to her, and considering her protectiveness towards Gary she would've figured it out sooner or later. The longer it waited the worse it could have been."

"You didn't need to tell her. You are way to comfortable around her."

Cameron looked back at Nina.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Bill stuck his hand between them. "Whoa, whoa. Not now, you guys want to fight out your personal issues do it later, not while we're on the job and certainly not while I'm driving."

Nina just glared at Cameron, while Cameron shook his head slightly before turning around, back to watching the road ahead of them.
Suddenly she raced the motorcycle past both cars holding out a hand down low for them to stop as she pulled the bike to the side of the road near a nearly overgrown dirt path. Stepping from the bike shop moved close to the path and seemed to sniff at the air. Rachel began trying to smell the air too. A slightly scared look touched her features as she whispered


Eden nodded and motioned to Bill to follow her. Crouching low she moved onto the dirt path quiet as the grave. Gary suddenly chipped up.

There is a laptop... over there.

Pointing at the trees.

Back there somewhere. They...

Gary got real quiet and highly agitated as Rosen moved to him.

What is it Gary?

Gary whispered... they hunt what they call animal alphas...

Nina hearing that looked to Eden... no matter their differences and no matter how much she didn't like that her powers could not affect Eden she was for now a part of the team.

Careful Eden.
Cameron winced at the sound of 'animal Alphas'. Shaking his head he nodded with Nina when she told Eden to be careful.

"Keep your comms up, but clear. The quieter we are the better we can take care of these 'hunters' and help the feral Alphas out here. Split up so we can cover more ground. Doc, Rachel, Gary... stay with the cars and lock yourselves in, in case things get hairy you can call backup." Bill barked out, having the tactical training. "If any of you get any action let us know, stay within sight distance of the person on your left."

As they headed into the woods, Bill heading towards where Gary pointed out the laptop was, they walked carefully and slowly, keeping there wits about them. Cameron kept his eyes open for traps, as well as anything that looked out of the ordinary that he might be able to backtrack.
Eden took off first up into one tree scouting then finding branches and moving through the treeline as long as she could before leaping down into a crouch watching the area carefully catching more blood on the air she turned sharp and growled and began running.

Bill cursed but kept heading I the direction Gary said hoping Cameron or Nine might keep track of her.

Nina hearing the growl sighed and stared at Eden and tried to follow her but her Heeler boots were not the best thing for tracking in the woods.
Cameron turned in time to see Nina stumbling slightly. She looked at him, shrugging and shaking her head. Cameron motioned for her to back up Bill and in turn went on to follow Eden. While his skills were mostly in using cause and effect to his advantage, a little guess work and some concentration could help him do some tracking. Quietly he followed Eden, keeping his head down while trying not to be noticed.

Finding a foot print he squatted down, looking at it and trying to figure where Eden had gone to. He was about to stand up when he heard the gun click behind his head.

"We-he-hell, what do we have here? Someones come a-snoopin' in our neck of the woods. This is private property asshat, and you picked the wrong day to come roaming through here."

Cameron concentrated as the idiot ran his mouth, looking at his surroundings carefully to find a way out of this predicament. He carefully picked up a small stone that was on the ground while his mind calculated the trajectory best suited to give him the drop on the inbred gunman holding a pistol to his head.
A roar tore through the air nearby as suddenly something landed on the gunman driving his pistol arm to the ground. Standing there was a girl possibly no older than Gary. A very almost feline look to her with the remains of an arrow in her shoulder. She sniffed a little watching Cameron then turned and began to run. The gunman was out cold.

What do you see out there team?

Rosen's voice sparks the comms alive. Nina spoke up first.

Eden took off Bill and I found the cabin... its a... hunting lodge some little backwoods hick little...

Nina fell silent... Bill finally spoke...

Rosen... they... they don't care... what age they hunt.
Cameron breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the young girl and heard Bills words.

"I can confirm that, a feral girl just jumped a gunman behind me knocking him out cold, she couldn't have been but 18 or 19 maybe. I'm tracking Eden, but shes caught something on the wind that shes running after. The girl who helped me had an arrow in her shoulder, but she ran off after she sized me up."

Cameron turned, using some zip ties to secure the gunman who was out cold.

"Gary, if you can get a ping on my location I have a suspect secured, but out cold. Make it quick, I need to make sure there isn't trouble ahead of me here, I need to find Eden."

"Yea.. yea, okay Cameron. I got you. Edens comm places her north of you, even if she isn't using it the signal is tracking."

Cameron stood up, taking a moment to survey his surroundings and gleaning the way north, making his way towards Eden.
Rifle fire rang out west of the cabin placing it roughly in the direction Gary pinged Eden. Bill barked out.

Nina get the prisoner Cameron... roughly north north east will meet you over that way hurry.

With that Bill amped and took off running. Tree line being replaced with jagged rocky ground some naturally deep trenches and a spring fed stream. Bill managed to slow himself to a stop right on the edge of a trench. Staring down into it he saw Eden standing there bloody standing over some poor egomaniac hunter cussing the "crazy bitch" who was more than likely responsible for the other two bodies laying not too far away clearly not moving. Eden stood there over him her eyes locked her muscles tense as if wait in for him to try to move towards the rifle on the ground. Bill whispered into the comm.

I have eyes on Eden. Doc... we lookin at a bloodbath. Suggestions...

With that Bill's comm went dead as one of the other f erals knocked him into the trench.

Found... this one talk to air... not look like hunters... not smell like hunters...

Eden s niffed the air and did not even glance over.

Help him up he is alpha like us Bill meet the created ones and the unfortunate king of the vermin. He likes to hunt our kind...
Cameron came upon the scene just as Eden introduced the 'king of the vermin', looking at the bloody bodies nearby. He looked at Bill, being helped up by the the other ferals, including the girl who saved him.

"Doc, we got two bodies, bloodied and possibly dead. Bill is here with me and Eden, as well as a handful of feral Alphas and a hunter that Eden has pinned whom she calls the king of the vermin. That makes the count at four hunters."

"Eden, if you can hear me there is no reason for more death." Rosen spoke steadily "We have the one in custody now, Nina already brought him here. Let us take the other one in custody so he can answer for his crimes."

Cameron surveyed the scene, noting that the other ferals were not attacking him either. He could also tell that there was no way to stop Eden if she decided to execute the captive she had. He thought he saw the other bodies move as if breathing, unconscious, but he couldn't be certain from his position.

Eden's voice was cold and dark as she spoke her eyes never leaving her prey.

How will he pay... humans don't want to believe we exist so who would prosecute him hmmm? He kills our kind... my kind and all your people would do is medicate him and put him in some mental hospital is that justice for killing g our kind? Lets put it to an Alphas only vote. What say you Bill? Rachel? Gary? Nina? Cameron?

Bill could see her side of this with the kids and even elderly alphas and he could not amp up again to try to stop her. So he would try to talk her down

Eden believe me... I would love to join you in ripping these murderers to pieces but think for a minute. Don't you think they have seen enough violence and bloodshed? Maybe we should show these alphas that alphas are above violence and killing from rage hate and fear. What do you say?

Nina and Rachel both whispered a please listen to Bill Eden.

Eden raised a hand wanting to strike but then turned to Bill.

Show me to the cabin while they help Cameron tale this vermin into custody.

With that she turned and walked away.
Cameron walked up to the 'king', letting Bill walk into the cabin with Eden. As the door closed he looked down at the hunter, who was still cursing under his breath.

"You should feel lucky." Cameron stated matter-of-factly before punching the man hard, knocking him unconscious. Afterwards he flipped him over and zip-tied the mans wrists and ankles together, searching him for any weapons and removing a dagger from the mans boot as well as a set of keys. Then Cameron went and checked on the bloodied bodies, finding mostly superficial cuts on the men. It may have been a bloodbath, but these men might live just yet.

"Dr. Rosen, the surrounding seems clear, you may want to have Nina run here with whatever we have for first aid. The men who were laying here are alive, barely." Cameron looked around, seeing the ferals that answered to Eden still standing there, and then what looked to be a jeep with a modified cage attached to it. "We have transport we can take out of here, no need for you to bring the cars up here."

Cameron searched the bodies of the two men, removing any weapons they had before securing them. It took a bit of finesse to do so without causing further harm, but Cameron started with the ankles on both and by the time he was ready to tie their wrists Nina had shown up and wrapped gauze over any cuts on their wrists.

Within the cabin Bill found that everything seemed to be in a proper order, looking like a normal hunting cabin with some deer heads on the wall and equipment put away carefully. His hand on his gun as he proceeded carefully through the cabin with Eden he noted that there were only four beds.

"The cabin is secure, there are only four beds here so I think we got everyone that was staying here. This place looks clean, dressed up like a regular hunting retreat with nothing out of the ordinary for someone non-initiated to catch onto should they have stumbled on the site."

Bill was walking through the living room as he talked when he felt something under his feet. Looking down at the rug he stepped again, noticing a change in the height of the floor.

"One minute."

Removing the rug Bill found a trap door, opening it and looking down into the darkness.

"Not sure what I just found, but there seems to be a basement to the cabin. Stay wary in case we run into trouble."

Bill looked to Eden, keeping his gun pointed towards the trapdoor.

"You sense anything, or anyone for that matter, that we haven't seen yet?"
The cabin smelled strange to her but when he opened the door the odor hit her hard and growled. Skipping the ladder she leaped down and slowly stood up looking around. Processing and experiments and taxidermy in the massive dug out room. A roar ripped from her as she climbed back out no sooner than Bill cleared the ladder. Bill looked around and contained his lunch and rage long enough to get out and call out on the comm...

Don't stop her.

What is it Bill?

Rosen sounded concerned at Bill's words and the tone in his voice. Bill held his arm down in there and recorded everything and sent it to the team. Eden found the jeep and the leader of the hunters in the cage and leaped onto the cage grabbing his jacket and pulling him hard enough to slam his face into the bars her face a breath away from his as she growled.

I should send them on their way and take you into that basement cave teach you the meaning of pain.

Nina looked to her.


Then Nina saw the video of the basement cave and moved over to Eden and the prisoner stepping up to look him dead in the eyes...

~I would advise you beg her for your life and apologize to everyone for what you have done~

The man began begging intently tears and all intermingled with profuse apologies. Rosen and Rachel saw the video and Gary got a text that some computers were coming his way for analysis. Rachel had to delete the video about to become ill and Rosen surprised everyone when he agreed with Bill.

Don't stop her.

Eden quickly got sick of the man talking and letting him fall back some before slamming him into the cage bars again this time knocking him out as she turned and walked over to the other Feral who acted truly more like animals than human. The young girl pointed to Cameron and Bill as Eden looked over and spoke some more and the ferals ran off deep into the woods and were gone.

Lets go...

Eden began walking back to the cars and the rest of the team.
Cameron watched the clip that Bill filmed of the basement, stopping it before getting to the end. By this point he wouldn't have kept Eden from killing the guy, and he figured neither would anyone else. Surprisingly she let him live, and then he noticed the other feral motioning towards him and Bill, who had exited the cabin. As Eden took off back for the cars Bill climbed into the cab of the jeep, Cameron having tossed him the keys. Nina rode in the passenger seat while Cameron rode in a seat in the back, near the cage with the computers from the cabin.

"Let me out, I can make it worth your while."

Cameron stared at the man, reaching in and grabbing the mans jacket just like Eden did, pulling him tight to the cage.

"Eden let you live, be thankful we didn't let her do to you what you did to the others. Shut up."

"But I can..."

Cameron slammed him against the cage, making sure he twisted just right so that the mans nose broke against the bars of the cage, the blood gushing down his face.

"One more word and I have them stop the jeep. I'll tie you to the back and drag you behind."

Cameron was silent the rest of the trip, and so was the hunter. As they pulled up beside the other cars he stepped down from the jeep. Bill stayed in the jeep while Nina stepped out, walking to Cameron.

"Bill says he will drive the jeep back, he and Rosen have been talking and Rosen got in contact with the DoD." She looked at the cage. "These guys are going to be buried so deep they won't be heard from again."

Cameron nodded, taking the keys to the other SUV. With Rosen driving Rachel and Gary in one SUV, Bill and Nina driving the jeep and Eden on her motorcycle Cameron had the other SUV to himself. After loading the computers into Rosens SUV Cameron started the other SUV. As they drove out of the woods Cameron got on the comm.

"Doc... I'm going to need to take the long way to the office, if you don't mind."

"That is okay Cameron, its understandable."

"Thanks Doc."

Cameron drove, taking the time to swing by his exes place, stopping a few houses down and looking at the house where his son lived. He shut the SUV off, leaning back in his seat, sighing. Thinking about those poor ferals that had lost their lives he slammed his hand on the steering wheel.
Once they were back at the office Eden went immediately to the roof leaving the team to deal with the prisoners. She did not want to kill them... she did not want to be here... she wanted her woods and her freedom. Dr Rosen walked out onto the roof letting Bill and the feds deal with the hunters and all that.

Eden... I wanted to let you know that I am proud of you for not killing them.

I hear a "but" in there Rosen what do you want?

Eden looked over brow raised slightly.

I was curious why especially after you saw the lab?

Eden sat down on the roof ledge and Rosen sat down by her.

The ferals... they... they have no idea what they are or something what they can do. I guess I saw no reason to make them think that our kind were little more than killers. That we could show more restraint and peace than the hunters could.

Bill was talking with their sometimes FBI partner and handed the four of them over to him. Gary glared at the hunters from his office as he tore apart their computer signals and see me to become very irritated.

Rachel looked to the agents.

You can't exactly charge them with the truth so how are you going to charge them?

Nina and Bill were both curious about that too as they listened.

Well poaching and the lab footage could conveniently be mistaken for illegal chemical production and testing. They were found on protected land so with all that for starters I think we can lock them away for a very long time in a place where no one will listen to them.

Rachel nodded and walked away content with that answer so did Nina. Bill looked skeptical.

Now what is really going to happen?

Gary walked out highly agitated and stressed.

You have to find out were they were sending the iformation. They report to people not sure how many they are telling them about us. About differences in us and them.... they were looking for natural born alphas to compare the created alphas and they were just beginning there are others who are going after other kinds of alphas and families to find connections. We have to stop them Bill. We are the only ones who can they can't track them like me and they are the ones to send me to Binghamton.

Bill looked to Gary.

Get me all the information you can Gary we will deal with this and then bring them to the Feds.
Cameron drove back to the office after a bit, stopping to pick up a drink at a drive thru place. Heading up in the elevator he missed the hunters being taken by the FBI, and Gary talking to Bill. He went to his office, grabbing a rubber ball off of his book shelf before heading up to the roof. He didn't see anyone right off and began to throw the ball around to work off some aggression and energy. Throwing a ball around, whether in his office, on the roof or at home.

In the offices below Gary was still digging into the computers, compiling folders of information and emailing them to Bill. Bill, in the meantime, was going through the paperwork associated with getting the hunters to the feds and ignoring each time his computer pinged with a new email figuring he would go through them later. Rachel was on the phone with her parents, while Nina was in her office working through the stress of Eden being around as well as cooling down from the mission.

Cameron continued to bounce the ball off the wall, his mind clearing at the consistent sound of the rubber hitting the brick and tar.
Eden quickly looked around tense at the sound of someone else being up there with them. Rosen listened for a moment recognizing the sound and calling out.


Eden relaxed a little hearing who Rosen thought it was.

Maybe I should go see if Bill wants to spar.

Rosen placed a hand on her shoulder to keep her there knowing Bill would be busy.
Cameron was well in his own little world when Rosen called out his name. It took him a few seconds before he realized what he had heard. Looking around he didn't quite see Rosen or Eden for that matter.


Cameron tucked the rubber ball in his pocket before walking around the roof slightly, Rosen and Eden coming into view.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to intrude on anything, but you know how much Rachel loves it when I toss the ball around. I'll leave you be."

With that Cameron turned to head to the stairwell back into the building.
Rosen called out.

No need to leave in fact I need you to help with something. I have to get back inside to work with Bill and Gary and I was hoping you would try to help Eden with some relaxation or help her let go mentally of this last mission.
Cameron raised his brow, thinking a moment.

"I can try, I guess?"

Walking back towards Eden he passed by Rosen who headed down the stairwell.

"Umm... I'm not sure what works, or worked, best for you in regards to relaxing. As you can see we don't have a lot to work with up here, but..." Cameron fished the ball out of his pocket, "..for me it helps to toss the ball around. It helps me zone out a bit and my abilities get set into autopilot. Otherwise maybe.. running laps, stretching. I don't really do yoga, though I think Rachel does on occasion."

Cameron was honestly at a loss. He knew talking about everything may help, but that doesn't always work for 'letting go' as Rosen put it. It hadn't taken the doc much to figure out something he could do to relax, as he tended to revert to tossing a ball around anyways.