Alphas ~ Feral fire~ {closed}

Cameron chuckled, as he headed for his car. "I'll see you there." Hopping in he fired up the engine and headed out of the parking lot. As they got out of the city, Eden just ahead of him, he smirked, gunned the engine and sped past her. The race was on.

Gary, Rosen and Rachel piled in one SUV, while Bill and Nina took the other. Grimes and his agent had their own vehicle as well. As they got in Gary messed with the signals and set all of their GPS units.

"There, I made sure we all know where to go."

"Thank you, Gary." Rosen said as he pulled out of the parking lot. They had a bit of a drive ahead of them, but it wouldn't be too bad.
She laughed and gunned the bike and did what she could that he probably couldn't... dirt paths and off roading. She pondered letting him win the race with the vehicles and then run him ragged hunting.

Rachel looked to Rosen.

I tried to get Nina and Eden on the same page. Eden seemed cool with everything but Nina... she still...

Rosen spoke up.

Still upset she could not use her ability to help her calm and had to let Bill step in with a more combative method that almost didn't work either.

Rachel sighed and nodded as Gary got a little defensive.

Eden would not hurt any of us... She is our friend they were mean to her and Grimes helped them.
Cameron watched as Eden gunned the bike into the dirt, shaking his head slightly. He couldn't hop into the off road with the trees, let alone the suspension likely not taking it well, but that didn't mean he'd give up. It was a mostly empty two lane road, but any time someone was on the road he dodged them easily enough. As the turn to go towards the cabin came up time seemed to slow for him, his brain hitting autopilot and figuring out the math to pull off the perfect drift. He saw Eden wasn't too far off, so as he hit the brakes, turned the wheel and drifted onto the dirt road he gunned it. Dirt flew behind him as the tires gripped the path and he sped down the road towards the cabin.

Bill looked over at Nina. "So, how was your all girl pow-wow."

Nina sighed, rolling her eyes. "Fine."

"You handling everything alright."

Nina crossed her arms and looked out the window, not answering.
Bill looked over briefly.

I hated having to fight her. To try to bring her out of whatever that bastard did to lock her like that. I had hoped your ability would work but I hated that we had to turn on her like that. I... should never have had to do that... and Binghamton... I can't imagine how us saying that sounded to her.

Eden watched him and laughed till she caught the scent. Spotting the buck...big eight point standing almost half way to the cliffs. She smiled and pointed it out to Cameron.

Time for the hunt... you ready?
Cameron looked where Eden pointed, wishing he'd thought ahead when he knew they were going to be hunting. The only hunting gear he had was a compound bow that had been confiscated the day before. In Camerons defense it was brand new, and had still had the price tag on it when he pulled it out of the car, meaning it hadn't yet been used for the nefarious deeds of the hunters. He nodded, following Edens lead since the forest was more her territory than his. Cameron hadn't gone hunting, or fishing for that matter, since he was in his teens and he had gone on a trip with some friends. He was ready to go though, just waiting on Edens signal.


Nina was listening to Bill, even if she didn't act like she was. As they pulled up near the address they had been sent to she looked out the window to see what they might be in for. For the most part it seemed quiet, so it didn't look as though they were expected.
Eden smirked and moved closer slowly stalking. Muscles were set to run but the air about her seemed calmer than ever as a smile graced her lips in an almost growl. Once the deer realized something was coming it began to run. Eden smiled bigger for a moment and took off running after the buck. Leaping downed trees and weaving among the trees and through the streams. Run in it down till it was too tired to run from them. It slowed and finally stopped at the next stream.
As soon as Cameron saw Eden run he whispered to himself. "Fuck." Then he booked it. He kept up, for the most part, only being a second or two behind, he stopped just as Eden did, seeing the deer at the stream. He took a breath, drew back the bow, and expected Eden to leap to the deer. It took him a second to line up the shot. Just as the deer raised its head he let go, the arrow perfectly aimed for a kill shot. In the back of Camerons mind he only wondered if Eden would try to jump ahead of it and take the deer down before the arrow struck.
Not seeing the bow she leaped grabbing the deer by the torso and preparing for the fall from impact. Ready for what little fight there would be she growled. The cool water of the stream splashing in her face did little to distract her. The flight of the arrow however did surprise her. Her head whipped around to see its origin with a warning snarl.
Cameron winced as the arrow, which would have hit its mark, flew over the tumbling deer as Eden hit it. Thankfully he didn't hit her, however he didn't move as Eden looked in his direction with a snarl. He was a bit flummoxed as to what to do, so he put his hand over his face.

"Okay, you are faster than me on the draw, I got it." He chuckled lightly "At least I can keep up with you."

Seeing a log nearby he sat down, not wanting to go too far in case he was needed. Not to mention he wasn't exactly sure which direction the cars were at the moment.
She finished off the deer and moving to grab some limbs from the ground she laid it across them and began to drag the limbs to haul the deer till there was a noise nearby. Eden watched warily till one of the f erals they saved stepped from the treeline.

We... trade... you take deer we fixed... no carry whole deer.. friends... need help.

Eden perked up at that last part.

Help... who needs help? Ferals or others?

Others... dark place traps...

Eden nodded trading already cut up deer for the one shoulder just took down and looked to Cameron tossing him one of the hide wrapped packages.

Lets go... now!
Cameron took the hide wrapped package, and ran behind Eden. Thankfully he was able to keep up as they ran through the woods with the young feral they had rescued earlier. In his mind he wondered if this was related to the cabin, or perhaps to what Gary found on the computers earlier. He only wished he would have had the time to take the deer meat to the car so he could have a hand free. He didn't know what the feral meant by 'dark place traps', but it didn't sound good.
They got to the car and her bike and she tossed the deer meat in the car and took off on the bike to where the others had gone. Another lab that the laptops were in communication with.
Jumping in his car he thanked his lucky stars, it just happened to be on the way it seemed. He followed Eden as closely as he could, meanwhile he sent a message to Gary, who had the best shot at seeing it the fastest, that they may need to come help here if they aren't busy and that he would let them know if it was too rough. He only hoped the cell would catch a signal somewhere along the line as he did his best to follow behind Eden. He managed to take a few turns around obstacles but still keep fairly close, with Eden in his sights if not just ahead of him.
Eden headed to where Rosen and the others had gone. Leaping from the him she could smell fire and see people run in out of the shack looking building. Clearly another disguise for another lab no doubt. Those that were running however were not Rosen or the others. A growl ripped from her as she began to run full bore at them only to have them take off running from her.

She pointed to those running away as she changed her direction and headed for the shack. She hoped Cameron would take them out while she tried to find the rest of the team.
Cameron was out the car and following Eden towards the burning shack when she pointed at the people running from her. Pulling his gun he took chase, popping off a quick shot at the one farthest ahead and hitting the back of his knee, bringing him down in agonizing pain. The other two never looked back, and Cameron didn't stop, figuring at the very least if this one moved Rachel or Eden would follow the scent. Getting close to the other three his ability kicked in and he shot at a branch above and ahead of them, which swung down and caught one of them in the head, knocking him out cold. Seeing a clearing ahead he stopped at the tree line, lining up a shot on the one running along the tree line when he saw the young feral woman who had saved him before take that runner down. Thinking quickly he aimed, took a breath and shot, catching the last runner in the lower left of his back, bringing him down in pain. Cameron cursed himself, hoping he didn't kill this guy.

Running up to the guy he shot he pulled out zipties, tying his ankles and wrists together behind him, the same with the one the feral took down. Cameron looked at the young feral, and nodded. "Thank you, could you and your friends bring these two to the cars, and the other two once I tie them up, I need to get to Eden and help as quickly as I can."

The feral nodded to him, two other ferals coming out of the woods and picking up the bound runners. The young female looked at the bindings, then looked at Cameron. "Give... help Eden... I tie." Cameron nodded, handing her a fistful of zipties and then running back through the woods towards the shack, hoping he would get there in time before something terribly wrong might happen.
Eden found them trapped in one of the labs fire surrounding the outside of the lab. The lab was a freestanding room in a larger room. Rosen was trying to talk to Eden as she tried to get closer to the lab through the fire.

Eden... calm... think your path... find the beams that have not fully caught yet. Its okay we are okay... be careful.

One of the ferals they had helped before bounds down into the room nodding to Eden he moved to the beams and began beating on them and trying to break or throw them to help Eden. The flames were starting to get to Eden... a long buried trauma as Nina finally spoke up.

Eden... Eden look at me... focus... the flames can't hurt us in here just help him clear a path... its okay... its okay...

Eden looks to her then to Rachel Gary and Rosen.


Eden scanner the situation in front of her.

On the count of three. Steady count..

With that she shifted her stance and leaped landing on a beam and leaping again to land on it again. Feeling it snap she nodded to Bill and leaped back as the safety glass shattered as Bill charged then charged again and again till it finally blew open and he and Rosen and Eden were hurrying everyone out into the fresh air.
As Cameron came back to the shack he saw the team, as well as one of the male ferals, coming out of the cabin. He rushed over trying to see if he could help. It wasn't long before the other ferals came, with the four tied up captives in tow. Rachel moved in to tend to the two that he had shot, doing what she could to keep them alive.

Rosen looked to Eden, nodding slightly. "Thank you Eden, I know that wasn't easy."

Cameron helped Rachel tend to the wounded captives, seeing as he had gotten to the shack too late to help much. Slowly they loaded the four captives into the back of the SUV.

"A couple of you will need to come in my car back to the office now that we have these four with us, and we need to get going before the two bleed any more from where I had to shoot them. Plus we should look at getting you guys some medical attention just in case."

Cameron looked over at the shack, before looking back to Rosen. "Never a dull day it seems."
Nina seemed to stand almost guard over her while Rachel was checking on her. Bill was wrapping up a cut in his hand from bashing his way through the safety glass wall of the lab. His brow raised looking to Nina then Rosen who simply nodded and waited till everyone was assembled and the prisoners were contained be for making g his way to Eden.

Flames and a tight area... you did good. Take your time going back to the office if you need to. One of us can ride with you on the motorcycle if you like?
As Rachel finished what she could to tend to the wounded Cameron helped load them into the SUV, where Bill had asked Nina to go with him so they could keep an eye on the captives. Meanwhile Rosen had made his way to Camerons car, as well as Rachel who had taken a moment to have Cameron pull some wet wipes out of her purse so she could clean off her hands. Cameron pulled out his keys to start the car when Gary stopped him.

"I can drive."

"No Gary, you are not driving my car."

"Cameron, I can drive."

"Gary, seriously, just sit in the back with the doc, I'll drive."
Eden looked to Gary.

Gary... your focus on the case may well interfere with your ability to drive Cameron should drive his car.

Rosen nodded to her as he guided Gary to the car and see in the deer hide packages.

Grill out dinner on the roof. We can pick up extras on the way to the office. Again Eden take your time.

With that Eden nodded and took off.
Cameron smiled, giving a thankful nod to Eden as he got behind the wheel. As he began to drive he heard Rosen on the phone, first talking to Grimes who had been checking out another address, and then Bill to let him know that the captives would be handed off to the feds not far up the road so they can be treated medically and taken into custody. After working the phones he directed Cameron to a grocery with a list of items to buy for the get together on the roof of the office, veggies and whatnot. Gary and Rachel also added a few things to the list.

As they arrived at the office they unloaded the car and made their way up into the offices. Cameron then began prepping the food for the grill, and prepped the grill, getting ready for the cookout. It was a wild couple of days already, and it didn't seem like it was going to get any less wild. It was nice to have something a little normal like grilling food with friends.
Grimes walked in looking his usual pissed off self about about the same time Gary rounded the corner and almost in unison.

Police report of a bar find that sounds like Eden.

Grimes glared at Gary but continued.

You want us to go pick her up?

Rosen glared at him as Bill starts to speak.

Let us handle it man. I will go with you if you gotta go but I work with her not ya trigger and Binghamton happy boys there got it?
Cameron had just been coming downstairs from getting the grill heated up in time to hear the conversation.

"Why don't I go, Bill. No offense, but she's still on pins and needles with you as well. I'll go with Grimes and she'll be safe." Cameron looked at Grimes who just rolled his eyes slightly, then waved him along to go.

"Grill's prepped, food was about there, if you could handle that Bill." Cameron said as he grabbed his jacket and headed to the elevator. He jumped in his car, following Grimes out to the bar. Cameron didn't know what to expect, but he planned to do his best to calm the situation.
I'm sure you can help her Cameron bring her back here.

Rosen's tone was level but cold the cold finality of it directed and not lost on Grimes who looked to Rosen as he spoke to his team.

Hicks has final say over the feral... this time.

A dive bar a few doors down was lit up like a Christmas tree with all the cruisers flooding the parking lot and street. The occasional body still alive but clearly beat within an inch of their lives flew out a door or shattered window.
As they pulled up Cameron surveyed the scene, sighing slightly as he got out of his car. Grimes looked over at him.

"This is the woman Rosen and your team is having you protect. This is what you brought back into the public." Grimes stated coldly, his eyes piercingly staring at Cameron.

"How would you react if everyone on your team of feds from the top down sent you to prison for something you couldn't control." Cameron looked back at him before heading towards the bar, opening the front door as another person was flung out the window to his left.

"Eden. Its Cameron. Its obvious you are restraining yourself, since there hasn't been a casualty yet, but this needs to stop."

Cameron looked around the bar to try and see where she was amid the destruction that was the inside of the dive bar.