Alphas ~ Feral fire~ {closed}

Cameron was shoved into the booth by Eden as she cleared the room. Turning to shut the door behind her he noticed something was wrong, like a mood change. Once inside the booth she seemed to pause a moment. Then he saw Rachel's eyes widen.
Eden growled low. Far more animalistic than normal as she looked around the room warily. Her shirt singed from the nearly tangible blast from the device. Gary nearly oblivious to her presence finally spoke.

The machine says test success... who did it get? No one is in the room Eden... Eden didn't get through the door in time did she?

Rachel stepped forward as she softly answered Gary.

Yeah Gary it got her. She is right here though and there is no threat here. Dr. Rosen how long will this last?
Rosen looked at Rachel, then Eden.

"I don't know, I've never seen it used in practice. Rachel, Gary... why don't you take our experimenters outside, slowly. I'll be right behind you with Nina. Bill, Cameron, we need to keep her in this room until this thing wears off. Please be careful, nobody needs to be hurt."

Rosen placed a hand on Garys shoulder to try and urge him out the door with Rachel. Cameron meanwhile looked at Bill. He motioned slightly to the door that Everyone was using as an exit, Bill nodding in agreement. It was more dangerous for her to get outside than it was for her to need to navigate through the facility to get out. Cameron knew however he needed to try to keep her from backing out the door behind her, though he didn't know if it was safe for him to go outside the door either. Cautiously he inched towards the door, keeping his eyes on Eden.
Nina slowly moved to stand in front of her. Staring deep into Eden's eyes she shook her head no and moved to grab one of the prisoners grabbing the one with the bullet in him and locking her eyes on his.

How long will this last before I throw you to her...youwill tell me.

The guys eyes glazed over as he answered.

They figured she would start killing anything that tried to get near her and the doc here would have to kill her or put her back in Binghamton.

Nina looked to Rosen then Bill who was focused just in case he had to amp up. Rachel looked to Gary and nodded Rosen may have had a hand on Gary but not her as she moved right in front of Eden.

Eden... focus on me... you can beat this... these monsters here wanted to take you... our friend away from us and they are going to pay for it but I need you to fight whatever theyes did to you. You are one of the strongest of us. Your spirit... your drive... your passion to help. You are stronger than whatever they did to you... please fight this... please.

Gary move a foot to trip the other prisoner and he fell near Rachel only to find d himself pinned to the floor by Eden.

See she is still our Eden... she will still protect us.

Gary sounded like he had proven some great mystery. He watched Eden hoping his trust was right.

See she is not killing him just scaring him and stopping him from hurting us. Eden is still in there that proves it.

Rosen was relieved but unhappy with how Gary went about proving it.

Eden... Rosen spoke calmly.

Can Bill arrest him now?

Eden looked to Rosen then Bill proving even more that She was in there somewhere. A growl rumbled low as she slowly backed away but still kept one hand on the man but nodded to Bill.

Bill still not trusting this nodded to Cameron before smiling to Eden and moving slowly to get the guy who clearly was not expecting to be her target.

Thank you Eden I will will take it from here.
Cameron stayed in position. Whether things went wild or not he intended to stay near Eden, not just for the others safety but hers as well. The room began to clear slowly, cautiously. Everyone was on edge at the possibility of more violence, even though it seemed things were under control. As the room cleared Cameron watched Eden, who still seemed on edge to him.

"Do you need a moment... some time to let this... I don't know, run it's course?" Cameron knew he was tripping over his words, but he wasn't sure what to say. "I will stick here as long as you wish."

He wished he could do more, but he didn't have the knowledge to even imagine a cure or time limit to the effects of the device.
Rosen walks back in feeling responsible for her and stood there hearing Cameron talk about it wearing off.

Hours or days

His voice heavy and pained as he watched Eden stare at them snarling slightly lime she knew what was coming. A dart... sailing over R osen's shoulder and sinking deep in her shoulder.

I am sorry Eden...

Was all Rosen said as the tranquilizer took over her system.

Lets get her back to the office Cameron.
Cameron moved to catch Eden as she dropped from the tranquilizer shot, he glared at Rosen as he held her up. His lips pulled tight he moved to carry Eden, walking her to the cars cradled in his arms. He thought for a moment he saw her stir, but if she did then it was seemingly nothing worth noting. He whispered to her ear as they got closer to the car. "I'm sorry he did that. I will be there when you wake."

Cameron stayed in the backseat, holding onto Eden as Rosen drove back to the offices. Upon arriving Cameron carried her back inside, grumbling when Rosen insisted she be placed in a holding cell until the effects of the ray were certainly out of her system. Cautiously he lowered her onto a cot in the cell, stepping out of the cell as Rosen wished. He then went and got some bottles of water, placing two in the cell while sitting with a couple outside of the cell. He sat on the floor, leaned against the wall. Rosen had tried to get him to leave the area but Cameron insisted. He wasn't in the cell, but he wasn't about to leave the room entirely. Quietly he waited, watching Eden sleeping.

Bill on the other hand was waiting. When Rosen returned from the cells Bill was waiting, following him into his office.

"When do you think we should have been told about this device you knew about Doc? We could have been killed in there, or worse. You endangered the lives of the team and put Eden at risk because we didn't know this was even possible in order to be aware of the situation. We need to be informed of things like this."

Bill stared at Rosen, wanting to rant and rave more, but knew it wasn't going to make his point any clearer.
Bill just like your time in the FBI there are certain things you can't bring yourself to talk about or you are not allowed to right? That damned device was... was supposed to be destroyed so either those men built another one or My orders when I left Binghamton to create the team were ignored. You may still view her as a threat especially now but remember how much she sacrificed to be called friend before. Remember the sparring partner who could help you learn to fight with thought while amped up.

Rosen shook his head and sat down looking far older and ragged than normal this attack on one of his was taking a far higher toll on hia mind and soul than anyone could have guessed.

Gary went to watch through the window at Eden as he put the information about the device into the system in his own special way.

Everyone always tries to hurt the ferals... are they really that scary? Eden is not evil or mean she is my friend... I think you like her... you held onto her like the people in those movies Nina likes.
Bill looked at Rosen, seeing how he slumped in his seat. He sighed, sitting down across from the desk, looking at his boss... his mentor in some ways.

"I know some things are hard to bring up, it just... to me it seemed like you knew what might be going on before we went in, and if that was the case then that was the time to at least give us a warning. It may not have changed much in the end, but it would have been worth a quick word of warning, even if you didn't dip into the details. At least now that machine is destroyed and we have an idea of how to handle things if we find ourselves in the same situation."


Cameron looked up at Gary after his comments, taking a moment to think.

"Ferals are just as scary as any Alpha can be to people without abilities. Their nature makes them seem wilder maybe, but they are only as wild as any other person might be depending on their treatment. Eden isn't evil, or mean. She's a caring person, but she hasn't been given a lot of reasons to be a trusting person."

Cameron chose not to comment on his feelings for Eden. Though Gary pointing out what he did left Cameron to think about his feelings.
Rosen shook his head...

I had to see it to know Bill. What if the effects never wear off Bill? For now she is essentially a weapon buried deep in her feral side.

He just stared at Bill but really he stared past him I to nothing.

Gary pressed the button on the comm in the room.

Eden... Eden...
Bill looked at Rosen, then leaned back in his chair.

"So what do we do? I imagine for now we can keep her in the cell until she seems alright, but if she is a weapon waiting to go off then how do we let her out among the world? Among us? I won't take her to Binghamton either. She deserves better than that."


Cameron looked at Gary.

"She probably needs her rest Gary, she may not answer you right now. Who knows how long it will take the tranquilizer dart to wear off."

Cameron watched Eden however to see if she began moving. If she was up and moving there was a better chance they could work with her to figure out if or when the effects of the device would wear off.
I am glad to hear you say that Bill.

Rosen nodded then looking to the monitor

Gary is trying to wake her...

Gary spoke again...

Eden... wake up... Bill just wanted to get you out of the bad place before the feds showed up. And I think Cameron likes you.

Gary always so naive and no real filter to know what not to say continued...

Cameron carried you out of there and held onto you like those people in those movies Nina likes.
Cameron stood up, putting a hand on Garys shoulder.

"She might not be ready to wake up Gary. Why don't you take a moment to go relax and I promise I will let you know the moment she wakes up." While he said that he was looking at Eden, still asleep on the cot in the cell. He was just hoping she would be fine when she woke up.
Picking a dart for Bill to use Rachael had been very overly careful as it was not till the next morning that she woke up. To avoid a meltdown Rosen had informed Gary's mom that they were going to have a team bonding in office camp out and movie night after Gary's very formal and very agitated rant about not leaving his friend. Rachel and Nina stayed at the office too agreeing that the team being there when she woke up might help.
Cameron was awake with a cup of coffee in hand when Eden stirred. He had stayed the night on the bench just outside of the cell and had hardly slept.

"Good morning."

Sitting up on the bench he pointed to the small table in the room with her. On the table was a thermos and a couple of doughnuts.

"I wasn't sure what you would like, but Gary suggested those. Don't worry about the room, it's only a precaution. Nobody knew how long the effects of the ray may last. Believe me, I'm hoping you are fine now. We'll get you out of there as soon as possible."

Cameron was surprised it was as quiet as it was. He figured that at the very least Gary would be watching the video feed. It was still a little early though, he might be in the middle of his morning rituals. Thankfully Gary's mom had come by last night with a bag of his toiletries and whatnot so he would be comfortable staying at the office overnight.
She looked to the food and back to the window a low growl but she moved toward the food and ate a little. She was still very feral at the moment as Rosen walked over to Cameron.

How is she?

Rachel was not far behind looking as if she was not finished arguing her point.
Cameron ran a hand through his hair.

"She hasn't said anything yet, but she obviously doesn't seem happy."

The low growl wasn't unnoticed, Cameron figuring that she was still affected by the beam in some way at least. Either that or she was just ticked about having been shot. He kept his eyes on her, listening to Rosen, just not looking directly to him.
She watched them all warily as she ate. Slowly moving to the glass she growled again before trying to speak.


Rachel stopped griping mid sentence.

I will go get him.

With that she turned and hurried to go get him.

Eden watched them though seemed to study Cameron closely for a bit before looking to Rosen.

Can't... contain...

He just nodded.

It is alright Eden.. we are all here for you. It will take time but one thing I am sure of the effects are not permanent.