The China Pearl Inn---Part Six.

Ummm hot and sweaty G G what an alluring possibility, but I would not want you exhausted.

Aaaa now where have I heard supposed to breath, cool the body and allow movement while working in an area devastated NBC area? Oh yes every time they come out with and new and improved suit. I am not sure they can make one you can endure and still give you the protection you need G G.
I am sure when the manufacturers tested the suits in their nice air conditioned laboratories, the suits seemed to fit the description: "breath, cool the body and allow movement while working in an area devastated by a nuclear attack." Perhaps, if they were to test the suits in the desert or far north their descriptions would read differently. :)
Is it even possible to truly test them without a nuclear explosion? And I wouldn't want that even to test the suits
Glad they live in the world of simulation and test for Alfa and Gamma ray penetration. As well for chemical and biological penetration.
Not sure I'd sign up to test them.
Its like testing to see if air bags work, no thanks, I'll pass.
They use dosimeters and sensors instead of people Glad in their exposers tests.
There's a jeff foxworthy bit about testing the bunjy chord at the first drop point. something like "alright bob, let him drop." Splatting noise, "Alright bob, shortin it up a bit, and hey give his girlfriend a free t-shirt."
In physics back in high school we had to put riverbanks together and drop Barbie off the top of the stadium and if we did the calculations right get her the closest to the grownd without hitting.
A yawn as I make my way down from my loft, I pause to inhale the intoxicating aroma of fresh brewed coffee. A smile bows my lips as I have several naughty and erotic posts to answer. A mug of coffee and pen and paper in hand I settle in my old leather chair by the hearth.

Morning to any who may be about and to those that hide in the shadows.

A longing glance to the rafters and the redheaded nymph that once haunted them.
The Inn is empty and the day has faded into night. With a sigh I dim the lights.
Hey Rick. :)

Last I heard your wife was running around the desert in a haz mat suit. She has probably melted into a puddle by now.

Had internet problems yesterday, couldn't get online no matter what I tried. Finally gave up, figured I would deal with it today. Woke up and the internet was fine. So who knows.

Can't seem to get energized today, think maybe I was bitten by a tse-tse fly.

Hope everyone else is feeling more alert.
A living Body! I sweep S F into my arms and swing her around before setting her back on her feet.

Internet gremlins S F Grrrrrrrrrrrr what a pain.

Rick I fear G G and the girls are MIA.:eek:
Whoa, well that woke me up!! :rose:

The last time anyone swung me around, I was probably under the age of six. I had a very tall uncle that liked to pick kids up, turn them upside down so they could walk on the ceiling. I assume my fear of heights comes from him. :D:rolleyes:
Well I am pleased I could bring a little excitement to you S F. :)

So how is your roommate the lizard doing? When I was stationed in the Florida Keys We had "Key Latch" Lizard, geckos, that lived in the air conditioning ducks. Oh don't pick them up by the tail as the have break away tails S F. ;)
The 4th of August is the Coast Guard Birthday, founded 1790, and the oldest continuous armed U S maritime force and has one more battle ribbon than the U S Navy., the undeclared war with France.:nana:
Thanks for the info. It's nearly 0800 here and despite the rain we've got defense practice. No news on my wife or HSG. Got to go but I'll share any news I get. Mr T says hi.
I have vivid memories of Manson season in the Delta Rick :rolleyes:

I am sure you well have an uncomfortable evening.;)
Hi back to Mr. T.

Happy Birthday to the Coast Guard. Founded in 1790? Finally something older than I am. :)

Had sightings of the lizard a couple of days ago, but not in the last two days. He obviously isn't interested in going outside, as he runs very quickly away from me. I always thought the tail coming off thing was kinda gross. It is ingenious for the lizard, but holding a wiggling tail in my hand wasn't one of my favorite memories of childhood. We had alligator lizards in California, but these are a little wider and shorter than those. I think these are sagebrush lizards around here.

Now horned toads are cute, as long as they aren't spitting blood at you. :rolleyes: