The China Pearl Inn part 7

Said a sad farewell to my husband as I dropped him off at ***** ***** railway station where he met up with Tom. HSG and I won’t see our men until late March.

So it’s back to base, report for duty at 1200 hours and get prepared for deployment on Monday.

Sal, you did the right thing! You can always find a man, Army careers are far harder to work on. So ... until you find Mr Right enjoy yourself, play the field and have fun. THAT’S AN ORDER!
The Inn will be a very lonely place G G with you gals deployed.:(

Sal I guess it will be up to you and Robyn to keep the Inn going;)
I am an old sheep dog. Not too long ago I had a few flashbacks in my sleep (something that almost never happens). On the last one when my wife woke me up i was on all fours with our child under me. My wife said she wasn't worried about the baby at all. She was sure that I wouldnt hurt her or the baby. She just wanted what ever pains were running through my head to stop.
There are some stories in and out of the military that I just don't tell people. There are a select few people in my life that I would be able to bring myself to talk to (CG is on that list). I tried once or twice in the past. Most of the time I was met with scepticism even when dealing with trained professionals. So i just figured a person would have to have similar histories to understand and except mine.
I didn't know how to tell my wife that that flashback was one of my better memories(we all came home that time). So in the season of friends and family I say, hold the ones that hold on to you. Give a little more of yourself than you need to, because the person next to you on the train, in the theater, the bus they might be a step away from the edge. One little random act of kindness may be all they need to pull them back.

Count your blessings, and be one for someone else.
To those of you who have to be away from your loved ones, I know that feeling all to well.stay in touch with them when you can, and when you can't surround yourself with friends and teammates. They may be going down the same road you are. Neither of you have to walk it alone.
O Raven Timothy

We all know what you mean because we’ve been there. Like you, like CG we’ve seen things and had to do things none of us dare mention on here. Some of it wouldn’t be believed, some of it we struggle to forget but we’ve had to do it. And we’ll probably have to do it again. But you know what it’s like, we are a team, we are with people who you know would take a bullet for you and you’d take one for them.

But like you, like CG we are professionals and it’s part of our job. Right now we are NRR, if we ever move up to SRR it’s even tougher.

Thank you for your support, thank you CG, FHD, Glad, SF, Luv2bfkd, LS, LF and others. You are our cyber support group, you keep us sane. Thank you.
Iwasagoodgirl where is the fun in staying sane?

BritSal; for that blind idiot who didn't have his act together, I say good riddens to bad rubbish. Let the ass hole rot. There are still a few men out there who are better than me. My wife and I had been in the same unit, same platoon for almost three years before thing fell in to place and click just like that we were an item. The same winter I asked her mother's permission (probably just too old fashioned). We were together for 6 more months before we got hitched (mostly out of fear on both of our parts) not once did we need a break or have any real second thoughts. The same weekend we got married in found a little sing that say "once appone a time I was living a normal life and along came a fairytale. Some times it happens, some time without you knowing it.
Don't get me wrong it aint easy like the story books, she is short for my normal taste, we are both thick headed and stubborn as the day is long, I smoke and she hates it, and and we both snore. We Fight(verbally) like cats and other cats. We say the wrong things when we are trying to be helpful. But i wake up every morning and know that every pain in my life was worth it to get to her.
That kind of thing is still out there. So don't worry about someone who can't see beauty in many forms.
Said a sad farewell to my husband as I dropped him off at ***** ***** railway station where he met up with Tom. HSG and I won’t see our men until late March.

So it’s back to base, report for duty at 1200 hours and get prepared for deployment on Monday.

Sal, you did the right thing! You can always find a man, Army careers are far harder to work on. So ... until you find Mr Right enjoy yourself, play the field and have fun. THAT’S AN ORDER!

*big hugs* You're in my thoughts!
Good morning everyone:rose:,

hiya Light Shiva, I don't think we've met. I'm Uggg :).

I like your little fox water colour image. nice.

Hey CG, I don't know if you're round atm but I'ma gonna grab myself a good morning G&T. you can stick it on me tab. ;)

Oh and Raven Timothy too, another unfamiliar face. Hello.:)

Oh and Raven Timothy too, another unfamiliar face. Hello.:)


Not true Uggg my face is famous... or was that infamous, ya that's it.
Cough cough
Well met Uggg I am one of the few that has traveled through a few of CG's inn's in their reincarnation. I drop off the face of the lit planet for a few years.
So now I mostly stalk the Ol Inn from time to time. Once in a while I might right a few lines about tidying up a bit and habit I picked up for one of the lovely patrons.
Not true Uggg my face is famous... or was that infamous, ya that's it.
Cough cough
Well met Uggg I am one of the few that has traveled through a few of CG's inn's in their reincarnation. I drop off the face of the little planet for a few years.
So now I mostly stalk the Ol Inn from time to time. Once in a while I might right a few lines about tidying up a bit and habit I picked up for one of the lovely patrons.

Ahem... Well met indeed!

*extends hand in friend ship*

From now if I see you around I will know your face. I am just Uggg. Don't believe what they tell you, all they know about me is what I told them.;)


Good morning everyone:rose:,

hiya Light Shiva, I don't think we've met. I'm Uggg :).

I like your little fox water colour image. nice.

Hey CG, I don't know if you're round atm but I'ma gonna grab myself a good morning G&T. you can stick it on me tab. ;)


Not to worry Uggg its on the house. ;)

Shiva how goes your day?
Thank you again for all your support, Robyn said I'd find friends here and she was right. I think my mistake was dating someone who is not in the military. I met him when I was at Uni and tried to make a go of it. He did not understand my loyalty is to my Queen and Country. So I'm going to have some fun and enjoy myself until I meet Mr Right.

Next week we are learning about the use of drones in a war zone. My speciality is electronics and cyber activity which is why Robyn and I hit it off. Tomorrow we are having a parting drink with the Lionesses before they go on deployment.
Sal enjoy your weekend. One of my last assignments dealt with computers but before that I was Highly involved in special projects dealing with electronic surveillance and other skullduggery, I loved it though I did find myself in Harm’s way and out on a limb from time to time.:devil:ish :D

Military life can be a bit trying on personal relationships. Both parties must know what they are getting in to. So until you find that special someone enjoy Sal. ;)
Sal enjoy your weekend. One of my last assignments dealt with computers but before that I was Highly involved in special projects dealing with electronic surveillance and other skullduggery, I loved it though I did find myself in Harm’s way and out on a limb from time to time.:devil:ish :D

Military life can be a bit trying on personal relationships. Both parties must know what they are getting in to. So until you find that special someone enjoy Sal. ;)

Thank you CG. I shall. Gone midnight here so I'm off to bed armed with a load of text books. Robyn is making some coffee and waving a kiss at you. I join her.

Goodnight Chief :kiss:
Good night Sal and know I return yours and Robyn's kisses with darkly sensual ones .

Night ladies and may all your dreams be naughty ones. :devil:ish :D
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Its good Uggg if one stays in that shell we slowly rot away a victim of our past.
Its always a a battle between my desire to engage meaningfully and my desire to be anonymous. I crave friendships but find it really hard to share anything truly personal.
The truly personal is shared in private with those that have earned your trust Uggg.;)
I believe we are products of our past either because of or despite it. We can learn from those memories and latter revisit them and learn something totaly different and unexpected.

Sometimes the hardest this to do is to take sound advice that we know we would be giving someone else. Thank you for the reminder CG
I believe we are products of our past either because of or despite it. We can learn from those memories and latter revisit them and learn something totaly different and unexpected.

Sometimes the hardest this to do is to take sound advice that we know we would be giving someone else. Thank you for the reminder CG

Not a problem Raven. An you are correct we are all products of where we have been. ;)
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