Submitting to a woman. What does it mean to you?


Oct 9, 2018
This question has been flying around my mind for a while now. I have asked it from a few women but just wanted to leave it here and hear your answers as well.
Some of you ladies must be lesbians. and some of you Bi. I'm simply asking about that weakness that shapes inside you when you meet 'that woman'.
By 'submission' I don't necessary mean bdsm, bondage and that kind of stuff.
What I mean is that feeling of surrender, that voice in your mind which tells you: "It's ok if I let her to have me if she desires me... It's ok to let her enjoy me however she wants... I wanna be hers"
What elements in a woman's character and body makes you feel so? And what this means to you? feeling submissive in any way to woman. giving her the right to touch and having you and submitting to this fact.
And for you Bi ladies, is it kinda more intense when it's a woman instead of a man? why?

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