Lord Pmann Wants to Discuss Weird Sex Stuff

Okay, so I went to Reddit to see how odd their sex stories are... And they're kind of hilarious and delightful 🤩

Weirdest Thing Your Partner Has Asked For During Sex
I like the one that wanted their partners naked body covered in caramel.

Who has that much caramel lying around?!
I think I could get pretty close
I think I could get close on the caramel as well. But I’m not into that during sex. It’s sticky in a not fun way for me.

My favorite in that Reddit was the girl who wanted to figure out if she was bi by licking a guy’s butthole. It makes zero sense and I laughed out loud 😂
Full face shields and insemination gloves

I feel like a face shield would kinda defeat the purpose for the recipient(s), but maybe for everybody else? 🤔

I think I could get close on the caramel as well. But I’m not into that during sex. It’s sticky in a not fun way for me.

Ya, caramel is a no go for me there. Whipped cream, I'm all for. Maybe even a little chocolate syrup. But caramel is just going to be a sticky mess. My wife is a no for any if it, which is unfortunate. But probably good for my blood sugar I suppose.

If they were running in a sea of caramel I’m jumping in.
I don’t care! 😛
I've had the partner with a non-con fetish. That reddit post is almost word-for-word her desire.

I wasn't comfortable with it at all, not because I wasn't down for whatever, but because I didn't trust her enough to think of it as anything but a trap.
I've had the partner with a non-con fetish. That reddit post is almost word-for-word her desire.

I wasn't comfortable with it at all, not because I wasn't down for whatever, but because I didn't trust her enough to think of it as anything but a trap.

Does she have an email or a Skype?

You know, so I can verify this story…
I’d be willing to help her find out her true self.
You’re such a giver.

Ya, caramel is a no go for me there. Whipped cream, I'm all for. Maybe even a little chocolate syrup. But caramel is just going to be a sticky mess. My wife is a no for any if it, which is unfortunate. But probably good for my blood sugar I suppose.
I’d prefer not to bring food into sex as I’ve tried it and don’t find it exciting enough to deal with the sticky aspects, but if a partner really wanted to try it? Sure, I’ll do the whip cream bikini or hot fudge syrup 🤷‍♀️

As long as we get to move it to the shower right after 😂