Is Trump fit for a second term?

Qualifications for the Presidency are light in the Constitution. On character, there are none at all. Trump met them the first time he ran. It appears uncertain whether he exhibits the traits that mark a good presidency the second time, although his MAGA crowd cheers for him. Is he really 'that' well qualified to run again? Your thoughts?
Seriously, I agree with all that you’re saying from the narcissistic behavior to the many scandals but I really believe all of this will better merge into clarity once any of the 5 criminal cases begins. I’m betting on even more displays of childish tantrums from trump calling into question his temperament. He can’t ever debate anyone so these trials will be the closest thing to him having to face questioning.
Truman was apparently a popular haberdasher. And he bombed the shit out of Japan. After that he opted for 'We all like Ike.'
Let's get back on track, folks. This thread is about Truman's fitness to run for a second term.
I wasn't going to comment when it only happened once, but now you are consistently saying "Truman" when you mean "Trump". Is that a joke? Truman was one of our best presidents, he really does not deserve to be compared to Twitler!
I wasn't going to comment when it only happened once, but now you are consistently saying "Truman" when you mean "Trump". Is that a joke? Truman was one of our best presidents, he really does not deserve to be compared to Twitler!
I never meant to say 'Truman.' It seems to be an autocorrect thing going on as I mistyped 'Trump.' I was unaware of that happening. Even in proofing, my mind jumped over the incorrect name.

I'll be more diligent. Thanks for catching this.

Don Mallord
Truman was apparently a popular haberdasher. And he bombed the shit out of Japan. After that he opted for 'We all like Ike.'
I was puzzled by this - later found out the autocorrect feature changed Trump to Truman and you responded to that error.

Yes, President Truman was certainly no Donald Trump kind of businessman.
I was puzzled by this - later found out the autocorrect feature changed Trump to Truman and you responded to that error.

Yes, President Truman was certainly no Donald Trump kind of businessman.
Haha. Here I was thinking you were referencing how scandals towards the end of the Truman presidency that made staff and allies advise him not to seek office. I’m old. Now, dammit, I gotta apologize to a trump supporter.
Sometimes, you have to blink twice when reading something you encounter about Donald Trump. For instance. this news from Miles Taylor, a former Trump staffer, concerns the border wall and cattle.

"As Newsweek reports, Taylor writes that Trump in 2019 was upset at reports that Texas ranchers were bringing their cattle through openings in the wall so that they could graze at the Rio Grande because he thought this would let "thousands" of undocumented immigrants pour into the country.

"Even though then-Department of Homeland Security chief Kirstjen Nielsen insisted to the president that this wasn't the case, he demanded that his staff come up with alternative ways for ranchers to be able to access the Rio Grande."

Trump was livid, according to Taylor, at having gates in the fence for the herds to pass through. He wanted a wall without openings to prevent illegals from crossing. In meetings discussing the issue, Trump proposed giving the ranchers ladders or using local fire trucks with boom ladders to aid in getting the cattle over the fences. [Now that is amazing - imagining cows climbing ladders to get over a 30' fence or having firetrucks to handle the lifting of animals over the fences.]

"What's more, writes Taylor, the harebrained cow ladder scheme wasn't even the worst idea Trump had, as he even complained that military servicemembers sent to the border were not allowed to simply mow down immigrants on sight.

""When it comes to Trump, the truth is always vastly more idiotic than the fiction," Taylor claims. "He spent more time coming up with imbecilic ideas at the border than he did focusing on his job. Sometimes the ideas were stupid. Sometimes they were illegal. Often they were both.""
Using a river as a national border is easy, but it's not such a smart idea in a desert. Moving the border may be too big for any president without a war.
Qualifications for the Presidency are light in the Constitution. On character, there are none at all. Trump met them the first time he ran. It appears uncertain whether he exhibits the traits that mark a good presidency the second time, although his MAGA crowd cheers for him. Is he really 'that' well qualified to run again? Your thoughts?
As compared to Biden and his lack of concern for putting america first, Trump over Biden is a given.
This Trump/Truman thread is the most amusing thing here this year.

It'll be a shame if it stops. :ROFLMAO:
My first thoughts on Trump's abilities are garnered from his niece's book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man.

"Donald's pathologies are so complex and his behaviors so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neuropsychological tests that he'll never sit for."
CBS asked two other experts about Trump. Both concurred with the author's assessment. This is what one who agrees with Dr. Mary Trump's diagnosis said:"

Miller: "[On narcissism] I agree entirely. 'Prototypical' doesn't describe the degree to which [Trump] meets the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Many of us who study it say that if we [described a character like his in a paper] other peer reviewers would say, 'You've made up too cartoonish of a case.' They wouldn't believe it would be possible. That's how incredibly well he fits those symptoms. I've viewed Donald Trump as an example of narcissism going back 15 years. Long before he was running for president, long before he was associated with the Republican Party. Literally, going back into the mid-2000s … at academic talks he was one of the pictures I would put up. This is hardly new.… Narcissism is associated with aggression, in general, and specifically under an ego-threat. When someone has criticized you, we're going to see lashing out.… An inability to accept blame — it's always someone else's fault.… To not admit one's mistakes ...that inability to admit that one has ever been wrong is a really huge problem…. I agree that we should not be distracted by his narcissism from his psychopathy…. Search for the criteria for psychopathy. Look at traits and behaviours in the psychopathy checklist written by Hare. Grapple with how many would he not fit there. And psychopathy is associated much more strongly than narcissism with behaviours that are particularly scary.… It's the callousness, irresponsibility, impulse-control problems, lack of remorse or shame."
Proof that the mental disturbances of an author is contagious.
Initially I thought we can't get much worse than Biden, but Yes We Can: any of the rabid Dems who vehemently insist Biden is still fully competent and doing a great job. If they have functioning brains and still believe that, then they're less qualified than a senile president. Trump is more fit than Biden, but that's not much of a bragging point.
Initially I thought we can't get much worse than Biden, but Yes We Can: any of the rabid Dems who vehemently insist Biden is still fully competent and doing a great job. If they have functioning brains and still believe that, then they're less qualified than a senile president. Trump is more fit than Biden, but that's not much of a bragging point.
Trump openly admitted he is not more fit than Biden.
Donald Trump's shadow today looms large over the democratic processes regarding the border. His vehement declaration that the bipartisan bill is not good is ludicrous. The Republicans are falling all over themselves to kill it, even without reading the thing. It seems they have slipped under the shadow of the old Know-Nothing Party days.

It's astounding that a party that advocated for border wall fixes or no funding for war-ravaged countries is now doing a total 180-degree turn about denying those funds in an effort for Trump to have at least one talking point for the upcoming Presidential Election. What then with the funding? Cry that the border is like a sieve flooded with murderers, thieves, drug addicts, and mentally ill persons, and then cry, 'Wait a minute. We can do without a solution for a year until Donald says he can fix it in a day again.'

The country is in sad shape - due mostly to a lack of Republican leadership skills and Republican legislators without the courage to stand up and take action that Americans demand.

The solution is to ensure the Democratic Party pushes hard to point out the lack of Republican leadership full force and encourage everyone to vote as Democrats for all offices: President, Senate, Congress, and State and Local elections.

Time for a house cleaning wave.
Proof that they care nothing about issues, nothing about good government or sound policies- nothing but reaping wealth and power, and controlling the lives of ordinary Americans with an iron fist. If you buy into the hype, the Republicans should be falling all over themselves to support the border bill. The fact that they are NOT supporting it, shows that all their hysteria about illegal immigration was just that- false hysteria, and a smoke screen to prey on people's fears and predjudices.

No concern about good government or sound policies, nothing but reaping wealth and power and using authoritarian control and repression to rule over the citizens. In other words, the goals of the Deep State. Trump was the Deep State's biggest patron- and their biggest fan.

Which is why he was never fit for a first term, let alone a second one.
According to Constitution he is eligible but he was never fit for his first term.
That's the point; no, according to the Constitution he is NOT eligible. Not according to the 14th amendment, section 3:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

This was written with the express purpose to prevent someone like Trump from ever holding public elected office in the United States government, after being responsible for what he did.

It's pretty clear as written. There really isn't much room for debate. According to the Constitution, Trump committed an act of insurrection and rebellion. Ergo, he is not eligable to hold office.
If Trump did not commit an insurrection, than neither did Danial Shays, and neither did Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy. And neither the Unabomber, Dzoker Tsarnaev, nor Tim McVeigh did anything wrong (And maybe the one surviving member of those three should become president, maybe?)

Dude... come on. Get a grip. Why are we even debating this??